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高考英语考纲词汇词形联系复习1( 1) 行动,做事,表演,演出,演员,积极的,主动的1. Here immediate_ is necessary.2. Dont _ surprised, you knew all along.3. What an _ child!4. He is an unemployed _.5. Her life is full of _, so its impossible to get a minute alone with her.( 2) 非洲,非洲人,非洲的1. An _ is a person from _.( 3) 道歉,歉意1. I have come to _ to you.2. I suppose he has come for an_.3. I must offer her an _ for not going to her party.( 4) 生气,愤怒1. He was _ with her for having broken her promise.2. The public disappointment and _ might be difficult to control. ( 6) 同意1. We made an _ to meet every year on March 15th.2. She didnt _ with everything he said, and she told him so.( 7) 焦急,急于,不安,忧虑1. The whole class waited _ for the results of the examination.2. After hearing the bad news, M. Dunont was _ to get home.3. It was a difficult decision and she felt some _ making it.( 8) 注意,专心,关心,照料,出席1. If you _ to your studies, youll get good grades.2. After you do this exercise, turn your _ to exercise 1.3. At any given moment, only two-thirds of the students are being _. One-third are not listening _.( 9) 实现,取得,达到;成功,胜利,目标1. Nothing would stop me from _ my ambition.2. Ill give students a feeling of success and _.( 10 ) 缺席,不在1. I shall take your place in your _.2. Why were you _ from school yesterday?( 11) 到达,来到1. They gave him a warm welcome on his _.2. We _ in London in the morning.3. _ there, he made up his mind to go in.( 12 ) 基础,根本,基地,以.为基础1. We recognize that reading is the _ tool of learning in higher education.2. It serves the economic _.3. The troops marched back to the _.4. This book is _ on a true story.( 13 ) 洗澡,洗浴,游泳1. He takes a cold _ every morning.2. The football team are having _.3. I like to _ in the sea.4. The river is dangerous to _ in.( 14) 美丽,漂亮1. How _ Mary dances!2. We enjoyed the _ of nature.3. Still, the scenery is very _.15) 呼吸1. The mile run left Bill out of _.2. He became ill after _ coal dust for many years.3. Its healthy to _ deeply.( 16) 相信,信仰,可信的1. The story is hardly _.2. Christians _ in Jesus.3. He died for his _.高考英语考纲词汇词形联系复习2 ( 1) 化学1. You can buy medicines in a _ shop.2. A _ change takes place in paper when it burns.3. He won the 1965 Nobel Prize for _.(2) 正确,改正1. He was always able to make _ decision.2. He spent much time _ my grammar.3. On the other hand, too much _ of a students mistakes may discourage him.4. He answered quite _.( 3) 结论, 总结,推断,决定性的1. Did you see the _ of the movie?2. What do you _ form her strange behavior?3. The results of the tests were not _.(4) 联系,连接1. What is the _ between the two ideas?2. Where does the gas-stove _ with the gas-pipe?3.He is _ with the Smiths by marriage.( 5) 舒适,舒服,安慰1. The father _ his little girl when she woke up crying during the night.2. My room is certainly no luxurious( 奢华,豪华) ,but it is very _.3. I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more _.(6) 选择1. It is your turn to _.2. Would you do it again if you had the _.( 7) 山,多山的1. A _ country is one in which there are many _.(8) 庆祝1. I _ my birthday on March 28.2. Our family had a big _ when my brother got married.( 9 ) 中心,中央1. You must first determine the _ idea of the paper.2. This is the _ city of the whole area.3. He placed the roses in the _ of the table.4. She likes to be the _ of attention all the time.(10) 完全,完整,完成1. It was a _ surprise to me.2. The railway was _ ahead of time.3. Traffic was _ stopped.( 11) 横过, 跨越1. Be careful when you get to the railway _.2. He _ the road and saluted and spoke to her.3. There is no bridge _ the river.(12 ) 肯定, 当然,有把握1. We are _ that he will get over his illness.2. I was _ not a very pleasant companion at this time.3. Something was _ wrong with him.( 13 ) 中心,中央1. You must first determine the _ idea of the paper.2. This is the _ city of the whole area.3. He placed the roses in the _ of the table.4. She likes to be the _ of attention all the time.高考英语考纲词汇词形联系复习3( 1 ) 死,死亡,死的,死一样的1. I was sorry to learn of your uncles _.2. I had never seen a _ man before.3. I want to do a lot of things before I _.4. _ people tell no secrets.5. What happened? You are _ pale.( 2 ) 距离,遥远1. This is no longer _ dream.2. A ship could be seen in the _.( 3 ) 脏1. Repairing cars is _ job.2. His coat was covered with _.( 4 ) 发展,进展1. Do you find it hard to keep with medical _?2. He _ an interest in science.3. The seeds _ into plants.4. Plants _ from seeds.( 5 ) 保卫,保护,捍卫1. The shooting was in pure self-_.2. We shall _ our island, whatever the cost may be.( 6 ) 黑,黑暗1. I could not see her face in the _.2. After sunset, the sky _ rapidly.3. She had beautiful big _ eyes.( 7 ) 方向,指向,指示,直接,一直1. She hurried away in the opposite _.2. She answered me very _ and openly.3. He got a _ flight to Tianjin.4. Police, in white jackets, were _ the flow of traffic.( 8) 危险1. Hes been _ ill.2. He was in _ of losing his life.3. A little knowledge is a _ thing.( 9) 讨论,谈论1. We had a long _ about the question.2. Well _ it at the meeting next Friday.(10) 发现1. It was never _ how he died.2. Columbus _ of America took place by accident.3. A collector of rare insects will show us some of his latest _.( 11) 激动,兴奋1. The news _ everybody.2. She was _ at hearing the account.3. They made plans _ all day.4. The _ was soon over.5. It is the most _ news.6. Skiing is more _ than skating.7. The _ children were opening their presents.( 12) 确切,精确, 准确;正是,就是1. I said . well, Ive forgotten the _ words.2. Your description is not very _.3. He knew _ how things would go.4. Thats _ what I feel.( 13) 进入, 走入,入口,入学1. When I was preparing for the _ examination last autumn, I got to know a good many of the students.2. The idea never _ my head once.(1 4) 表示,表达1. The scenery was beautiful beyond _.2. She always has such a happy _ on her face.3. I dont know if I _ myself clearly.( 15) 容易1. Its _ to get yourself a bad name.2. They could be _ seen at a distance of ten miles.( 16 ) 电,电的,( 由电带动的) 1. We havent got _ light.2. The machine was driven by _.( 17 ) 解释,说明1. He made up a wonderful story to _ his absence.2. Is there any _ for his strange behavior?( 18 ) 期待,预计1. The result was beyond my _.2. Do you _ me to stay after that?高考英语考纲词汇词形联系复习4( 1) 好心,偏爱,最喜欢的1. Discussions and debates are my _ way of learning.2. They were in _ of free trade.( 2 ) 失败1. So I suppose the peace move has _.2. This work met with the same _ ( 3 ) 冻,冻冰,结冰1. Salt water _ at a lower temperature than fresh water.2. The cold weather _ the lake.3. Its _ in this room; cant we have a fire?4. _ foods have taken the place of tinned foods in many homes.( 4 ) 惊吓,害怕,吓唬1. She was filled with _ at the sight.2. Dont _ him. he is telling the truth.3. She was _ to look down from the top of the tall building.4. The _ horse ran away from the fire.( 5 ) 自由,随意,任性,免费,解放1. Oil the wheel, then it will turn _.2. The little country will gain its _ next year.3. She was too _ in her behavior.4. She _ the bird from its cage.( 6 ) 愚蠢,傻子,愚弄,欺骗1. Well, youve acted _ and youll pay for it.2. Dont be so _.3. You look _ in that dress.4. A wise man changes his mind, a _ never will.5. He cant _ her; she sees through him every time.( 7 ) 飞, 飞行1. They made a successful _ across the ocean.2. The new airplane _ at twice the speed of sound.( 8 ) 伟大,非常,十分,巨大1. This clearly showed Lenins_ as a party leader.2. I would _ appreciate your help.3. It was a _ loss to us all.( 9 ) 毕业,毕业生,大学毕业的,研究生的1. I _ from high school.2. 48% of Negro high school _ are unemployed.3. The teacher is taking a _ course in maths.4. After my _ I went to the front to serve in the army.( 10) 和蔼,温和,高雅,温柔1. My new teacher is both _ and encouraging towards me.2. Handle that vase _ for it will easily break.3. The nurse handled the baby with such _ that it didnt wake. ( 11 ) 幸福,高兴,快乐1. She nodded _ to show her appreciation.2. Tears of _ flowed down her cheeks.3. He was _ to be coming home.4. The story has a _ ending. ( 12) 高,高度1. What is the _ of the mountain?2. _ is an advantage in playing basketball.3. The shelf is too _ for me to reach.4. He climbed _ up the mountain.5. Here he was, a _ trained journalist in Paris.6. They spoke very _ of him.( 13 ) 健康1. She is quite well in _.2. _ is better than wealth.3. The children looked wonderfully _ with their bright eyes and glowing.4. This is _ plant.( 14 ) 危害,损害,有(无)害1. The drought did a lot of _ to the crops.2. Doctors say smoking _ our health.3. Follow the directions carefully, or this medicine may be _.4. The grass-snake is a _ creature.高考英语考纲词汇词形联系复习5( 1 ) 重要,重要的1. Anybody can see the _ of good health.2. It is _ to see that the brakes on your bicycle work properly.3. More _, the teacher should make the total meaning of the dialogue clear to the students before having them repeat it.( 2 ) 发明,创造1. Necessity is the mother of _.2. He _ a story to explain why he was late.3. It was absolutely new method _ by himself.( 3 ) 兴趣,使发生兴趣,有趣的,引起兴趣的1. Geology _ him.2. Hes a most _ man.3. He did not seem at all _ in the subject.4. I will be most _ to hear your personal views on the station there.5. Local colour added _ to the novel.( 4 ) 想象, 设想,想象力1. Try to _ being on the moon.2. You didnt really see a ghost -it was only _.( 5 ) 疾病,病的1. He looked worried and _.2. As a child he had several _.(6 ) 善良,好心,仁慈,和蔼1. I want to thank you for your _ to me.2. The policeman treated the lost child _.3. Taking a blind man across the street is a _ act.4. Will you be so _ as to answer a few questions?(7 ) 迟,晚;后来,最近,最新1. I was _ getting up this morning.2. Tom came to school _ and missed the first lesson.3. Nine months _, they were divorced.4. They have equipped the office with the _ business machines.5. What have you been doing _.( 8 ) 生命,生活,谋生;活的,活着的;生动的,活泼的1. Eat to _, but do not _ to eat.2. Because of all the arguments the meeting was a _ one.3. Language is a _ and continually changing thing.4. He earns his _ by growing rice.5. Many people lost their _ in the accident.( 9 ) 爱,喜爱;可爱,好看,美好1. How _ your roses are looking.2. It was a _ garden, with soft green grass.3. Though his income was small, he _ to buy books.( 10 ) 领导, 领先,首先,领袖,领导人1. Our football team has a _ of two goals.2. The blind man had a dog to _ him.3. What _ you to think that?4. Our _ led us through the forest.5. What the country needs most is wise _.( 11) 长,长的,长度1. What is the _ of the movie?2. How _ is the speech?( 12 ) 运气, 好运,幸运的,侥幸的1. Diligence is the mother of good _.2. You are _ than most women.高考英语考纲词汇词形联系复习6(1 ) 主要,多数,大部分,主修课程,多数人1. He planned to take chemistry as his _.2. I disagree with the _ on both points.3. The _ part of the job is done.( 2 ) 主要,主要部分;主要的;主要地,大部分1. He is the _ character in the story.2. Our _ meal is in the evening.3. His money comes _ from business interests.( 3) 管理,经营,设法完成;经理,管事人1. The prime minister really _ the government.2. He _ to escape to South America.3. Mother hasnt much money and it is only by good _ that she is able to buy all we need.4. Only a good _ can run a household on fifty dollars a week.(4 ) 意思,意义,意思是1. Whats the _ of this word?2. The words are spelt differently, and _ quite different things.3. Smoke usually _ fire.4. Thoughts are expressed by _ of words.5. Taking a plane is the quickest _ of getting there.( 5 ) 医学,医疗,医药1. _ research may find a cure for cancer.2. Tuition, rooms, books, and _ care are all free.3. This is a good kind of _ for colds.4. Always keep _ where children cant get at them.( 6 ) 错误,弄错,错误的1. I _ you for your brother.2. Bob has the _ idea that tomorrow is a holiday.3. I was _ about her age.4. When I am tired I frequently make silly arithmetical _.( 7 ) 混合,搅和;混合物1. Green is a _ of blue and yellow.2. Shake the _ before taking.3. His feelings about his daughters marriage are rather _.4. _ this oil with the paint and stir well.( 8) 最,最多,大多数,主要,大部分1. Of course _ of them dont agree with his opinion.2. Of these sports, I like rowing _.3. The guests are _ friends of the bride.( 9 ) 移动,搬动,活动,运动1. Dont make a _ or Ill shoot.2. Keep still, dont _.3. The train was already _.4. He lay there without _.5. The armys _ were kept secret. (10) 山,多山的1. A _ country is one in which there are many _.( 11 ) 自然,本性,天性;自然的,天生来的,天然的1. Man is engaged in a constant struggle with _.2. Tigers are cruel by _.3. Her hair curls _.4. She had a _ gift for teaching.5. She finds great interest in _ science.( 12 ) 国家,民族,国籍1. The president spoke on radio to the _.2. A novelist must be able to use the cultural heritage of his _.3. The _ news comes after the international news.4. She lives in France but has British _.( 13) 噪音,嘈杂,喧闹1. Its very _ in the office.2. The _ of traffic kept him awake.( 14 ) 附近,近的,在附近1. The post office is quite _.2. He lives _ - two hundred meters from us.3. The injured men were sent to a _ hospital.4. There was a restaurant _ the cinema.( 15 ) 动手术,操作,开动1. He _ on the babys throat, and saved its life.2. The lift is _ by electricity.3. The _ of this machine is simple.( 16) 外,在外,向外的,出外1. This door opens _, not inward.2. We took a trip _ the country.3. He has gone all _ to win the election.4. The _ door was wide open but the inner one was locked.5. Wilson was waiting for him _.6. Dont judge a man from his _.7. The bell wont ring, its _ of order.(17) 办公室,职务,职责,军官,官员,官方的,正式的1. His uncle was an _ in the army.2. His _ is on the second floor.3. The President and the Secretary of State are government _.4. In Zaire there are four _ languages.(18) 开,开着的, 开放的, 口,缝隙, 开始1. There was an _ in the wall.2. The books _ is dull, but the last chapters are interesting.3. When do the shops _?4. The castle is _ to visitors in summer.5. Its good to have exercise in the _ air.6. They carried on their affair quite _ without shame.高考英语考纲词汇词形联系复习7( 1) 极好,完美,完全1. Im_ satisfied with your arrangement.2. There are _ silence for two minutes.3. Her examination paper was _ except for one spelling mistake.(2) 物理,物质,身体, 物理学家1. _ exercises are exercises we give the body.2. _ includes mechanics, heat, light, electricity, etc.3. Is there a _ explanation for these strange happenings?4. Professor Molcule was a _.( 3) 钢琴,钢琴家1. The _ played several pieces of music on a grand _.(4) 塑料,塑料制品,塑料的1. Clay, wax, and plaster are _ substances.2. The spoon is _.3. _ are use


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