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六年级英语单词练习年级: 姓名: 部分(90%) 一、 A: 词汇归纳:把下列的单词进行归类。(10%) between go writer in tiger France doctor behind dog buy waiter on China America teacher students Countries _ Animals _ Directions(方向)_ Jobs _ B:句型转换(10%)1.Her favorite subject is music .(划线提问) _ _her favorite ?2.He like biology because its interesting .((划线提问) he like biology ?3 He likes art because its fun.(划线提问)_ _ he like art?4 Mr. Li is my favorit teacher .(对划线提问) You favorite teacher ?5 He has P.E. at three . (划线提问). _ _ _ he _ P.E.二、 选择填空。(15%) ( )1. Thank you for _me the good news Atell B. to tell C telling Dtold ( )2. _is the new TV ? 1000. A. How many B. How much C. What D. How ( )3. _do you want to be an actor? Its very interesting. A What BWhen C How DWhy ( )4.Listen !Who _ in the classroom ? A. is singing B. sing C. sings D. singing ( )5. Can you _ it in English ? A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell ( )6. Would you like some drink? _. A. Here you are B. Yes, just a little C. Please give me some D. Yes, I like ( )7. _late for school again. A. Not BNot be CDont be D Arent ( )8. _noodles would you like? Id like beef noodles, please. A. What kind of BWhat size C. How many DHow much ( )9. There _ orange juice in the bottle. A. arent many B. arent much C. isnt much D. isnt many ( )10. Go straight and _left. The hospital is next to the post office. A turn Btake Cgo D. come ( )11. I dont go to school _Sunday morning. A. at B. on C. in D. for ( )12. The tall boy is good at_ football. A play Bplays Cplayed Dplaying ( )13.He-a Chinese book and she-an English book! Ahas, has Bis , is Chas, is Dis , has ( )14. What _.the time ? A. Is Bis Care Dwas ( )15. Henry, where _ your pen pal come from? He is an Englishman,but he Beijing now. A. does, lives B. do, live in C. does, lives in D. is, live 三、 选词并用适当的形式填空,不得重复使用。(10%) China, visit, 参观 quiet, as, do homework, usually, reading, waiters, rainy, happy 1. He is _ late for class. 2. I am in _. I am from China. 3. Scott _ 4. Please be _, your father is sleeping. 5. _ a student, Paul studies hard. 6. Does your grandmother enjoy _ newspaper? 7. The students _ the Great Wall last Friday. 8. They are _. They work in a hotel. 9. The interesting joke made the boy feel _. 10. It was _ yesterday, but now its sunny四、 完型填空。(10%) Mr Brown 1- a small shop in the middle of our city, and he 2 - pictures in it. Theyre not expensive, but some of 3 are very nice. One day, a woman came -4 the shop and looked at a lot of pictures. Then she -5 Mr. Brown to one of them and asked:“ 6 is this picture?” It was a picture -7 horses in the field. “Twenty dollars.” Mr. Brown answered. “Its -8 expensive I can 9 you two dollars for it,” said the woman. “Two dollars ? But you -10 buy the canvas(油布)with two dollars.” “Oh, but it isnt clean now,” the woman said. ( )1 . A has B have C there is D there are ( )2 . A draws B buys C sells D sees ( )3. A they B them C their D it ( )4 . A on B in C onto D into ( )5. A takes B took C taked D to take ( )6. A How much B How many C How often D How long ( )7. A on B with C from D of ( )8. A no B not C too D very ( )9. A give B let C take D want ( )10. A can B cant C are D arent 五、 阅读理解。(10%) (A) 根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出正确答案 Sue and Linda usually go to school by car. They drive past a cinema, a supermarket and a food shop. The food shop is next to the supermarket. Jack and Michael usually go to school by bus. They go past a bank and a post office. The bank is next to the post office. Mary usually goes to work by bike. She rides a bike past a police office, a library and a swimming pool. ( )1.How many people are there in this passage? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five ( )2.Where is the bank? A. Its next to a swimming pool. B. Its on the right C. Its next to a post office. D. Its between a food shop and a cinema. ( )3.How does Linda go to school? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By car. D. We dont know. ( )4.Where does Sue drive past? A. A cinema. B. A post office. C. A park. D. A video arcade. ( )5.How does Michael go to school? A. On foot B. By bus C. By bike D. By ship. (B) Its Sunday morningThere are many people in the park,some boys are playing basketballThere are some girls under a big treeTheyre singing and dancingWhat are those women doing? They are drinking teaLook at the woman in a blue coatWhos she? Shes my motherShe is talking to Lin FengLin Feng is her studentHe is a good studentHe studies hardHes good at all the subjects And hes friendly to all his teachers and his friends ( )1The boys are _. Asinging Bplaying basketball Cdancing Ddrinking ( )2My mother is _. Aa teacher Ban office Ca doctor Da woman ( )3Lin Feng is in_. Amy home Bthe classroom Cthe zoo Dthe park ( )4Whos under a big tree? _ ASome people BSome women CSome girls DSome boys ( )5what color is my mothers coat? Its _. Ablue Bwhite Cred Dyellow 六、 完成句子。(10%) 1. 你喜欢你的英语老师吗? Do you _ you r English tencher ? 2.你能唱歌吗? _ you _? 3. 让我们先去看熊猫吧。 _ see the pandas _. 4. 我非常喜欢中国食物。 I like _ _ very much. 5. 晚上我不能看电视。 _ 八、读写综合。(15%) (A) 信息归纳(5%) My friend Mary is a nice girl. She is from America. She is in No. 1 Middle School. She is 14. She has long curly hair. She is medium height. She wears glasses. Her favorite food is dumplings. Her favorite fruit is watermelons. Her favorite sport is basketball. She likes drawing and singing. She usually goes to sc


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