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本科毕业论文开题报告论文题目A Freudian Interpretation of A Good Man is Hard to Find学生姓名陈丛珊专业班级英语093学号2009015200题目类型理论研究型 应用型1 课题研究意义及国内外研究现状A Good Man is Hard to Find has raised numerous comments by a lot of scholars. And some of them also analyze it by Freuds human psyche theory. But most of them just concentrate on analysis of the grandma. For this thesis, the present author will not only illustrate the characteristics of the grandma but also the Misfit and the probable reasons of the tragedy based on Freuds theories. This short fiction has raised a lot of comments by a considerable number of famous researchers and scholars. For example, one of the representative writers T.S. Eliot(1888-1965) said it made his hair standing on the end. He was frightened by her work. When he wrote to his friend, he evaluated that he was sure Flannery OConnor had got an amazing gift and her work was outstanding, but his nerves were not strong enough to bear such strong disturbance. However, OConners work is just famous for her writing style which is full of horror and bloodiness. American famous poet Elizabeth Bishop(1911-1979) said that OConners works would exist in the American literature forever. She also said that although OConners works may not extend to a large range, they are clear, direct and vivid, the profound and unique insights made her works more poetic than ten poems together. After OConners death, another American famous poet Thomas Merton(1915-1968) said that OConner tried all means to disclose the degenerate and dishonored feature of the human beings sincerely. Among the studies, many of them analyzed A Good Man is Hard to Find from perspectives of religion, original sin, irony and so on.Those who analyze it from the perspective of religion hold that in A Good Man is Hard to Find shows us a world in which all the people are guilty. And Sun Lili further studies the original sin that is reflected in this fiction. The original sin refers to in the ancient time the ancestors of human Adam and Eve were lured by Satan and obeyed the God. This is called the beginning of the sin. Then generation by generation, people are said to be born evil. This kind of evil includes a large range. It can be as small as jealousy, ignorance and selfishness while it can also be as big as obeying the god and blasphemy. In A Good Man is Hard to Find the grandma is an obvious character that reflects the original sin. Although on the surface she seems to be kind and good-hearted, she worries about her cat and chats with others about the old days when it is a peaceful and prosperous time that people are kind and generous, actually she is a woman with the characteristics of selfishness and superficiality. Whats more, OConner does not write more about other people in the family, but through their attitudes toward each other, we can also sense that they also hold the characteristics like ignorance. Some other scholars analyze A Good Man is Hard to Find from OConners writing skill that is irony. Irony can make a work more meaningful, only with the detailed background and deeper thinking can the readers understand the underlying meaning expressed by the author. In A Good Man is Hard to Find, when the grandma wants to find some good reasons for the Misfits sentence in order to let the Misfit give her a chance to live and says it is a wrong sentence. But the Misfit just disagrees and replays: “Nome. It was no mistake. They had the papers on me.”(Flannery OConnor, 1925-1964, p.379) He actually kills his father by himself but there is something wrong in his mind, he just thinks his father dies of plague. From this we can see that the Misfit has some psychic problems with him. For some reasons, the Misfit seems to have no consciousness about what he has done. And this is a kind of verbal irony there is also another kind of irony in this story that is the situational irony. The situational irony exists through the entire story. For instance, the grandma wants to avoid the tragedy but what measures she takes just exactly causes this tragedy. Sigmund Freud is an Austrian neurologist. He considers himself as a Jew. In his philosophical writings he advocates an atheistic world view; he is eulogized as “the atheists touchstone for the 20th century.” His main works are the Interpretation of Dreams, Three Essays on the Theory of Secuality, The Ego and the Id, Beyond Pleasure Principle, An Outline of Psycho-analysis and so on. There are many theories put forward by Freud and the present author will apply some of them to study the characters in A Good Man is Hard to Find. In this thesis, the present author will not only illustrate the characteristics of the grandma but also the Misfit, and discuss the possible reasons of the tragedy based on Freuds personality structure, the unconscious and conscious mind, the defense mechanism and Oedipus complex.2 课题研究的主要内容、预期目标和研究方案The thesis will be divided into five parts. The thesis will begin with the introduction and the structure of the thesis. In the second part, it will be the brief introduction of A Good Man is Hard to Find and the authorFlannery OConner. Then in the third part, introduction about Freud and his theories applied in the thesis will be introduced. The fourth part will be the major part of my thesis. In this part the present author will analyze A Good Man is Hard to Find based on Freuds theories mainly from the characteristics of the grandma, the Misfit and the possible reasons for the tragedy. Finally there will be a conclusion firmly based on my thesis. Outline:1 Introduction2 Brief Introduction to A Good Man is Hard to Find3 Introduction to Freud and His Theories4 Freudian Interpretation of A Good Man is Hard to Find 4.1Analysis of Grandma Based on Freudian Theory4.1.1The Unconscious and Conscious Mind and the Id, Ego and Superego of the Grandma4.1.2 The Defense Mechanismof the Grandma 4.2 Analysis of the Misfit Based on Freudian Theory4.2.1The Unconscious and Conscious Mind and the Id, Ego and Superego of the Misfit4.2.2The Defense Mechanism of the Misfit4.2.3The Oedipus Complex of the Misfit 4.3 Possible Reasons of the Tragedy5 ConclusionWorks CitedAcknowledgements 课题进度计划1准备阶段(第六学期第10-12周)1)成立本届毕业论文工作领导小组,加强对毕业论文工作的指导和监督。2)确定本届毕业论文工作进程。3)召开2013届毕业论文工作动员大会,向全体学生介绍毕业论文的要求与相关规定,并培训指导老师和学生正确使用“毕业论文网络平台”。4)学生确定并上报研究方向,各系根据老师研究方向指定指导教师,并公布指导教师名单。论文写作阶段)第六学期第13-16周:选题、任务书)第六学期第17-18周:开题报告、文献综述)第三学年暑假至第七学期第2周:初稿写作并上交 )第七学期第3-8周:一稿修改、提交二稿)第七学期第9-15周:二稿修改、提交三稿)第七学期第16-20周:三稿修改、提交初


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