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阅读PART 1. 搭配题考查内容:广告,招聘,招生,书评,人力资源和财经新闻解题步骤:1.阅读题目即7个单句,用1,2个词概括每句话的意思,重点找关键词核心词:时间,数字,人物一般名词2.快速浏览短文(根据小标题,迅速抓住各篇文章的主题)在浏览的过程中如果发现答题的具体信息,可在其下划线,并标上题号解题技巧:1.关键词的寻找方式:原意重现同意相似:一个或几个词轻微替换同意差异:用一个同意词做替换题目是原文某些话的归纳和总结2.1-3原则:在所给的4篇短文中找出区分于其他3个短文的选项(这一点要在做真题的过程中自己体验,自己学到的东西才是自己的)3.对于招聘广告,直接划去跟产品相关的问题PART2 选句子填空题考查内容:逻辑关系即结构和段意解题步骤:1.先读标题,初步了解主题2.将例子所对应的选项划去3.利用语法知识确定句子的缺失成分(重点:阅读空格前后的句子)4.看清句子和段落间的逻辑关系(常见:总分,分总,转折)5.认真阅读选项,找出关键词与空格处进行搭配解题技巧:1.句际关系的具体内容:并列关系:also总分关系(举例关系)重点转折关系:but, yet, however, unlike, rather. than, no.but, in fact因果关系:because, thus, as, since, in that, as a result, result in /from2.词际关系的具体内容:指代词:that, it同意词数字的指示词:挣钱的词:income ,salary, revenue花钱的词:cost, expense, financial, value for money注:PART2重要的不是文章的内容,而是词际和句际的关系,重点看关键词后的信息PART3 阅读理解考查内容:推理能力解题步骤:1.看标题大意2.看题干找关键词3.返回原文做标记解题技巧:1.出题的位置除了首末段外,还有其余各段的首末句,中心句2.如果出现了大的例子,论点就在例子的后面3.如果最后一道题为推理题,那么正确答案必是文章的末尾BEC中的阅读是需要掌握一定的略读技巧的,下面传授给大家:转折重点读后句,并列不用都读完,插入成分可不读,定状成分可删节阅读PART4 完形填空(这是阅读中最简单的一道题)考查的主要是同意词,和对单词的理解阅读PART5 找出多余的词只需划掉多余的成分,一般有2个对的句子听力部分:part1(拿分的部分)本部分主要是电话英语,分为接通电话,留言和安排.因此首先必须掌握一定的常用句型,再次因为是商务英语,所以还要掌握一定的商务知识和商务专业词汇.电话英语:1.接通Dialing tone(盲音),engaged/busy tone(占线),switchboard(总机),operator(接线员)A:I phoned moment ago but I was cut off.Can you put me through to extention 4011?B:One moment,please.Sorry to keep you waiting.Im afraid the line is busy.Do you want to hold or call back later?电子语音信箱You are through to the voicemail of Charles Liu.Im not at my desk right now,but if you leave a message,Ill get right back to you. To leave a message,press 1.To speak to the operator,please hold.To listen to your message,press 2.To change your message,press 3.To erase your message,press 4.Otherwise,please hang up.2留口信A:It/This is Feng here.Could I speak to Charles,please?B:(Charles)Speaking.A:Is this a good/convenient time to call?B:Im rather tied up at the moment.Could you call back later?Im afraid Charles is not available. in a meeting.on leave.not at his desk.not in the sick today.on another line.with sb. right now.on holiday.A:Could I leave a message?Im calling about/to.?B:Whos calling,please?A:Feng from the Jia University.B:Is it F-E-N-G?A:Yes,it is F-E-N-G,F for Foxtrot.B:Could you spell it,please?注:26个字母在人名中都有它所代表的意思,归纳如下A:Alpha B:Bravo C:Charlie D:Delta E:Echo F:Foxtrot G:Golf H:Hotel I:India J:Juliet K:Kilo L:Lima M:Mike N:November O:Oscar P:Papa Q:Quebec R:Romeo S:Sierra T:Tango U:Uniform V:Victor W:Whisky X:X-ray Y:Yankee Z:Zulu3.安排A:Shall we fix an appointment?B:Ill check my diary.How/What about Monday?Would Monday be suitable/suit you?Shall we say Monday?A:I cant make Monday.Im afraid Monday wont be possible.Can we leave it open now?Ill get back in touch with you ASAP(as soon as possible).B:Nice talking to you.Thanks for calling.注:国外的电话号码构成Access code Country code Area code Number Extension国际 国家 区域 号码 分机听力Part2(较难)解题步骤:1.先把八个选项进行概括,划出关键词2.通过看选项,可以知道每个选项所表达的情感(生硬,委婉,平常),然后用符号进行分类,这样在听听力的时候可以缩小选择范围.一般领导人会用比较生硬的口吻,而委婉的当然是员工了,记住生硬并不是声大,呵呵.还有也可能2人都是官,这时要看官的大小.PART3(最难)这一部分,需要你先看好每一个选项,分清人物,看好是几个人在说话,谁是官,谁是职员,谁的官比较大,这样你在听的时候就会分清主次.记住要听说话者的语气.BEC听力技巧总结:1.问啥啥错:信息提供者重要,信息接受者干扰!如下:A是信息接受者,B是信息提供者A:Sales director?B:Plant managers.2.注意说话者的语气3.注意同意互换(同义词,同源词,同义词组):如:maintain=update,information=detail,have plan for=intend to,priority=main concernself-employed=be in charge of my own business4.注意商务知识的积累,和词汇的积累写作部分分大作文和小作文,小作文一般为电子邮件,备忘录,通知,大作文则是根据已经给出的图文信息来进行写作,其中商务报告最常见。1.商务报告格式:Report on:To:From:Date:D/M/YSubject:introdutionfindings(发现的问题)conclusionrecommendation(不许提出findings中没有的问题的建议)INTRODUTING中的常用句型The purpose of this report isThe objective of this report isThe aim of this report isMr. has asked me to report to you thatThis report sets out to(目的在于)空白处常见的词汇investigate,evaluate,study,recommend,analyse,give feedback,estimate.CONCLUSION中的常用句型It was decided thatNo conclusion were reached regardingIn conclusion,On balance,FINDINGSIt is found thatIt is discovered thatThere are several problemsIt is felt thatIt is generrally the case thatRECONMENDATIONIt is recommended/proposed/suggested thatIt is essential toIt would be advisable to拿高分的注意事项要注意写句子的手法一定要客观,如:A report came to the. .接到报告说要积累一些经典的词组,如:I find life an exciting business AND MOST EXCITING WHEN it is lived for others(尤其是)图表描述常用句型The number of . has increased/decreased sharply/graduatly by百分比/年/年)During the same period of time,Whats worse,As a result,the present workforce can not meet the requirement of this new order.(然后摆出数据,具体化)图表描述常见的类型:TABLE,LINE CHART,BAR CHART,PIE CHART2.小作文(商务书信)Dear .,顶格或空4个字符写正文正文3部分写作目的具体事宜(根据固定材料编写)表示感谢,要求,期待写作目的的常用句型Im writing this letter in order to/in purpose ofI write this letter to inform/notify you that空格处填动词或动名词常见的:投诉:place a complaint plain my dissatisfication with.咨询:inquire about邀请:extend an invitation建议:make a suggestion to you to.感谢:express my sincrere gratitude to you 道歉:express my heatfelt apology to you第三部分的期待I look forward to hearing from you soon.I look forward to you reply soon.Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.写作中遇到的商务知识!1.内部招聘的好处A.know the employee alreadyB.people know the orgnization costsE.motivates employee2.外部招聘的好处A.more choicesB.benefit from there past experience3.人力资源部的职能A.increasing productivityB.improving qualityC.improving customer service4.5个招聘因素A.How much time is available before the vacancy is filled?B.How much money should be spent?C.What is the most effective means to attract new applicants?D.What is an appropriate reward package?E.What is the state of labour market?5.Relocation迁移因素 accessibilityWhere are the customers? transportation costsB.government grantC.imagelocation can be incorporated in a firms availability costE.communication with your suppliers and customersF.service like power and waterG.suppliesH.labourI.other firms resouce6.常用习语get government grantcheap labour is availablebetter transport network facilitates company development好的 交通网络有利于公司发展save costshave access to more skilled workersadopt follow-the-talent policy采取人才战略low rates of corporate tax低的公司税率attracted by pro-business enviroment有前景的商务环境7.常用词汇目录:catalogue,leaflet,brochure,literature,circular寄送:send,deliver,dispatch,supply,submit,forward sth. to sb.,provide,furnish,present,render价格:competitive price,the best price,attractive price,breath-taking price,new/latest/updated/current price竞争:competitor马上立刻:immediately,right away,at once,without hesitation大订单:big/large/considerable/substantial/potential ordersheavy demand公司简介:company profile,instruction manual发货:ship the goods,upon shipment,deliver the goodsbefore shipment,prior to shipmentafterm shipment,partial shipment,trans shipment按照:as per/in accordance with/refering to报价:offer the price,quote the price, give the quotation样品费:sample charge展览 exhibition ,display展览摊位booth/stand停产:out of production ,phase out 淘汰原材料:raw material手工制作:workmanship试销订单:trail order/initial order样品确认后:after shipment confirmed,afer sample approval售后服务:after-sale service报价单:quotation询价:inquiry确定订单:firm order重复订单:repeat order财力证明:bank reference财务状况:financial standing信誉状况:credit status组织良好的,经验丰富的,表现良好的,设备良好的 :well-organized,well-experienced,well-performed,well-equiped如所指示:as instructed如所规定:as specified如所要求:as requested8.回信的 3种方法In reply to your letter dated.With reference to your letter dated.Thanks for your letter.口语part1questions and answers(适合学生和已工作的人士)1.Whats your name?/How dou you spell your family name?2.Where are you from?Whats your nationality?3.Could I have your mark-sheet,please?4.Can you tell me a little about your work or studies,and what you find most interesting about them?5.Can you tell us why you decided to learn English?(Could you tell us which foreign languages you think will be most important in the future in China?)6.What do you like most or least about your work?(What do you like most about your work?What did you like best about your experience at the firm?7.Can you tell me why you choose your particular career?(What sparked your interest in your major?How did you first get involved in your career?)分析:4.可以用到的短语和句型major in,interesting,useful t


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