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Module 5The Great Sports Personality阅读理解组块专练练速度(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!)(限时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2018太原市高三模拟一)For:Boys & Girls aged 710Dates:3 SundaysSunday, April 3, 2016Sunday, April 24, 2016Sunday, May 15, 2016Time:10:00 am3:15 pm.Cost:$80 per day, $ 225 for all 3 days.Instructors:Jonathan Gonzalez, Stephanie Geisel, Paul Tobin, teen instructors and other visiting elders.Location:Stony Kill Road in Accord, NYAdditional Questions and Information:Please contact Simon Abramson with questions about the content of this program. Simon is reachable at (845) 2569830 or simon .Spring DiscoveryThis spring, well gather in the forest to play games, tell stories around the fire and explore nature!Join us for any of the Kestrel Sundays!Together, well safely explore nature and build lasting friendships with each other and stay in the village where the children have enriched their life each spring camp.Children walk away from Kestrel feeling at home in nature and at home in themselves.Each day begins with a morning circle where thanksgiving, songs and games bring us further into our bodies. The days are filled with naturebased games that expand our awareness, storytelling from skilled instructors and visiting elders, songs inspired by natures beauty, exploring the forest and looking for mysteries, sculpting clay, and wandering the caves. At the end of the day, with leaf and flower crowns on our heads, our faces painted and smiles on our faces, well return!Kestrel is where your child will:Play and explore the beautiful outdoors.Experience and practice a variety of wilderness skills and native technology.Practice awareness, quiet mind, animal farms, curiosity, exploration, telling the story of the day and gratitude.Face personal and group challenges tailored to build awareness, selfconfidence and group unity.Our Kestrel instructors are expert in guiding children to safety and helping them freely move in the direction of their own curiosity.【语篇解读】本文是一篇广告类应用文,主要介绍了“发现春天”这一活动的对象、时间、费用、活动地址、指导老师、活动内容、活动意义等。1When can children join in Spring Discovery?ADuring the night.BOnly on the three Sundays.CIn the season of spring.DFrom 10:00 am to 3:15 pm every day.答案与解析:B细节理解题。该题提问的是“发现春天”这一活动的时间。根据左栏“Dates”部分第一行“Dates:3 Sundays”可知,该活动安排在三个星期天。故B项正确。2What can we know from the passage?ASpring Discovery will be held every other year.BThe instructors are all experienced adult experts.CKestrel might be experienced in holding the camp.DThe entire family is welcome to the Kestrel Sundays.答案与解析:C推理判断题。根据右栏最后六段可推知,Kestrel在举办春令营方面可能很有经验。故C项正确。3What will the children do in the camp according to the passage?AVisit the group leaders.BLearn how to cooperate.CPlant trees in the forest.DHelp elders to tell stories.答案与解析:B推理判断题。根据右栏倒数第二段可知,该活动旨在帮孩子们树立兴趣、自信和团队意识。据此可推知,孩子们在这个春令营中将会学习如何合作。故B项正确。B(2018河北石家庄高三复习教学质量检测(二)Its cold and dark outside, and your bed is so warm and comfortable. Going for a run seems like such a bad idea.But before you hide your running shoes, it might be worth giving that crazy idea a go.According to the Huffington Post, an outdoor run in winter, as opposed to one on a treadmill (跑步机), burns more calories because the body is working hard to regulate (调节) its core temperature. Furthermore, research shows that race times are faster in cold weather than in warmer temperaturesand quicker runs burn more calories. Similarly, cold weather also makes the heart work harder to distribute blood through the body, making that vital muscle even stronger. Outdoor exercise also turns up your energy and rids you of the stress and depression that build up every day. The heat and humidity in summer can drag you down and tire you faster, but cold weather is refreshing. It adjusts you to your surroundings, making you feel alive. Of course, the threat of smog in some builtup areas is a further hurdle to winter exercise. Heart attacks, stroke, lung cancer and asthma are all dangers of running in smog. The combination of air pollution and exercise increases the potential problems. If you do choose to run outside on smoggy days, take a path in a park or residential area to avoid car exhaust (尾气), and go early in the morning, before rush hour. But staying inside on smoggy days and waiting for the next clear day to run is best.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了在冬天进行户外运动的几点好处。4How does cold weather benefit runners, compared with warm weather?AThey can run more slowly.BThey can take in more calories.CTheir hearts can function harder.DTheir body temperature can get lower.答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,与暖和的天气相比,寒冷的天气会使跑步者的心脏更有力地跳动。故答案选C。5How does summer affect runners?AIt builds up their energy quickly.BIt makes runners tired easily.CIt lessens runners stress.DIt causes heart attack.答案与解析:B细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,夏天的环境会使跑步者容易疲劳。故答案选B。6What are the runners supposed to do on smoggy days?AStop driving cars.BDo more exercise.CAvoid outdoor exercise.DRun late in the morning.答案与解析:C推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句可推知,在雾天,跑步者应该避免户外运动。故答案选C。7What can be the best title of the text? ARefresh with a Winter Run BTake Outdoor Exercise in Summer CGo to Run in a Park DFollow the Tips to Reduce Stress答案与解析:A标题概括题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了冬天跑步的各种好处。A项“冬季跑步使人神清气爽”概括了文章主旨,适合做标题。故答案选A。C(2018东北三省联合模拟)For generations, students were taught to stretch before playing games. Then the practice fell out of favor. Studies seemed to show that such stretching temporarily reduces muscular power, weakens athletic performance and increases the risk of injury. So most fitness experts currently advise against stretches before exercise. But now a new research indicates that they might not be such a bad idea after all.This month, the journal, Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism (APNM), published a study by four distinguished exercise scientists who analyzed more than 200 studies of how stretching affects the following exercise. In broad terms, they found that stretching can briefly prevent the ability to generate power. So if you reach for your toes and hold that position, tightening your hamstrings (腿筋), you might not then be able to leap as high or start a dash as forcefully as you dont stretch.Those undesirable effects were generally found, however, only if each stretch was held for more than 60 seconds and the subject then immediately became fully active, with no further warmup. “Outside the lab, most people are unlikely to hold a warmup stretch for longer than about 30 seconds,” Dr. McHugh, the coauthor of the study says. The review found few lasting negative impacts from these short stretches, especially if the volunteers followed that stretching with several minutes of jogging or other basic warmup movements. In fact, these short stretches turned out to have a positive effect.Do these findings mean that all the athletes should stretch in advance before a match? “Not necessarily,” Dr. McHugh says. “Runners and cyclists dont have much risk for acute muscle injuries.” Stretching before these activities is unlikely to protect against injury. Runners and cyclists can adequately warm up by jogging or pedaling lightly. But he suggests that people who play basketball and other ball sports should stretch in advance. Those who havent stretched since childhood gym class might want to consider consulting an athletic trainer about the best upper and lower body stretches, particularly for the shoulders and hamstrings.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。运动前是否要进行拉伸?拉伸时间的长短需要注意吗?所有的运动都需要提前拉伸吗?阅读本文你将找到这些问题的答案。8Which of the following statements agrees with most fitness experts?ABefore playing a game you should stretch your legs and arms.BAfter attending a match you should stretch your legs and arms.CIts harmful to stretch your legs and arms before playing games.DIt doesnt matter whether you stretch or not before playing games.答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据第一段倒数第二句可知,大多数专家建议运动前不要进行拉伸运动,C项与专家建议相符。故选C项。9According to the new research, people may suffer negative impacts when _.Athey do stretches after attending a gameBthey reach for toes and hold that positionCfollowing a stretch with several minutes joggingDdashing immediately after one 60second plus stretch答案与解析:D推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“Those undesirable effects were generally found, however, only if each stretch was held for more than 60 seconds and the subject then immediately became fully active, with no further warmup.”可知,身体拉伸超过1分钟,没有进一步的热身运动而立即运动的话,那些不良影响就会出现。由此可推断D项“拉伸超过1分钟后立刻猛跑”是不好的。故选D项。10We can learn from the passage that _.Aall athletes should not stretch in advanceBthe four scientists published the journal APNMCits unnecessary for a tennis player to do warmup stretchesDplayers ought to have done warmup stretches since childhood答案与解析:A细节理解题。根据最后一段第一、二句并结合下文Dr. McHugh所举的例子可知,并不是所有的运动员都应该提前做拉伸运动。故选A项。11Whats Dr. McHughs attitude toward stretches?AConcerned. BDoubtful.CDisapproving. DObjective答案与解析:D推理判断题。根据最后一段Dr. McHugh说的话及所举的例子可知,他认为拉伸运动应视情况而定,因此可推断出Dr. McHugh的观点是客观的。故选D项。D(2018武汉毕业生调研测试)Crying is the sign of the rawest of human emotions. We cry when we cant hold inside what we feel any more. We cry when were at our best, and when were at our worst. By we, I mean all of us. Men included. But we never see other men cry. In no western culture has it ever been acceptable for men to shed (流泪) more than a single tear, and even then its reserved for grand victories, defeats and deaths. A Dutch research suggests that women cry between three and five times more than men. Generally men and women cry over the same thingsdeaths, breakups and homesickness, primarily, but researchers believe that men cry more often than women when it comes to positive events. I want to admit, Im a bit of a cryer. However, having never really experienced deaths in my life, a few weeks ago I experienced what it means to really, truly, pour my heart out in tears. See, my dogand 24/7 companionwas killed by a car right outside my house. Being a witness to this painful event left me in shock for a good hour, but then the floodgates opened. Over the next 48 hours, I might have cried 20 times. Once or twice I crouched (蹲) on the floor with my head in my hands and tears were the only outlet. It is suggested in the book Adult Crying: A Biopsychosocial Approach that theres a certain pleasure in crying. It helps ease stress when there is no other way to express ourselves.In those days after my dogs death, I remember thinking, “Ive got to stop this crying”. It felt unmanly. It felt like a sign of weakness. Ive since realised that tears are for everybody; theyre not genderspecific.They show we have sympathy, allow us to get rid of stress and just feel.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者首先指出哭泣是人类最真实的情感流露,之后作者又通过自己的亲身经历阐述了哭泣无性别差异,是富有同情心的表现,可以帮助我们缓解压力,用心去感受。12What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?ACrying is a raw human emotion.BCrying is an emotion beyond control.CCrying is an emotion showing sadness.DCrying is an emotion showing happiness.答案与解析:A段落大意题。本题问的是第一段的主旨大意。通读第一段可知,第一句为该段的主题句,第二、三句都是对其具体的说明。故选A。13Whats the difference between men and women in crying according to the Dutch research? AThey cry over different matters. BThey cry at different times of life. CWomen cry more often over deaths. DMen are more likely to have tears of joy.答案与解析:D细节理解题。本题问的是根据荷兰的研究,男人和女人在哭泣方面的不同点是什么。由第二段最后一句可知,男性更可能流下喜悦的泪水。故选D。14What did the author think of his crying over his dogs death? AA sign of strength. BA sign of weakness. CBehavior of being womanish. DA way of reducing emotional stress.答案与解析:D推理判断题。本题问的是作者怎样看待自己为爱犬之死哭泣。由最后一段最后一句可推知,这是一种减轻情绪压力的方法。故选D。15Whats the best title for the text?AMen, Never Cry like WomenBMen, Its OK to Cry SometimesCCrying Solves Psychological ProblemsDCrying Explains Differences Between Men and Women答案与解析:B标题概括题。通读全文可知,作者首先指出哭泣是人类最真实的情感流露,接着作者又以亲身经历点明主题哭泣无性别之分,可以缓解压力。由此可知,B项“男人哭泣也无妨”概括了文章主旨,适合做标题。故选B。.七选五(2018贵州省普通高等学校招生适应性考试)Many arguments teenagers have with their parents are about one thing: independence. As you get older, youll want to do more stuff on your own, without your mom and dad tagging along with you. The arguments generally start when your parents think you arent ready for extra responsibility while you think you are. Arguing with your parents isnt the best solution at all, but the best solution is gaining trust from your parents. _1_Understand that its not your parents who do not want you to have independence. They want the best for you and think youre not ready or youll hurt yourself if you have the freedom to do whatever you want. Show your parents you can be sensible. _2_ If you cant get home by 9:30, theyll never let you out after 10:00.Agree with them some “friends time” and some “family time” so that they know you wont be spending your whole weekend out with your friends. _3_ They wont imagine you getting into trouble if they know how they are._4_ They wont feel much worried letting you go off on your own if they know what youre up to. Call in and tell your parents that youre OK from time to time. The less they worry about you, t


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