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高中必修1第2单元第1课时Lesson Plan of Unit 2 English around the worldWarming up and Reading The road to modern English(第1课时)一、教材内容分析中国学生从小学开始接触英语到现在英语学习时间不短,但是对于英语本身的了解又有多少呢? 本单元通过对“世界英语”这一话题的探讨,以加强学生对英语语言的了解,对当代语言特别是英语发展趋势的了解。世界在变化、时代在发展、社会在前进,作为人类交流的工具,语言必然随着时代的发展而变化,英语也随着社会的发展和不同人群的交流而不断变化。作为本单元的第一课时,我将warming up 和reading两部分有效整合。首先从对同一事物的不同表达来展现英英和美英的差异,让学生们有一个粗浅的印象。在接下来的阅读中让学生带着好奇去了解这条通向现代英语的道路。二、教学目标Knowledge Objectives:1. To learn about differences between American & British English;2.Ss will be able to know the development of English and feel the role that culture plays in the change of language.3.Ss will be able to know how to get the key sentence of a paragraph.Ability Objective:To develop the Ss speaking, reading, listening .Emotion Objectives:To have the correct emotion and purpose of learning English.三、教学过程Step1 Lead-in (Start with a free chat with Ss about learning English.)Several questions :1How many years have you learnt English?2 But do you know there is more than one kind of English?. T: Well, as we know, we call them American English and British English. There is more than one kind of English .They are different from one another in some ways. So we have world Englishes. I need you to give me another example, such as fall autumn From these we can see there are differences between British and American English.But why do people learn English or speak English?( to use for business to use in schoolto travel abroad to read English booksto write to pen friends to listen to English music to pass entrance exams to college) So its important to have a good knowledge of English.Well, before we learn it better, we should know the history of English, the passage “The Road to Modern English” will tell us. Now please open your books and turn to page 9.【设计说明:每一环节的设计要做到以生为本,环环相扣,突出任务型特点。比如在导入这一环节,如何做到导入自然,高一年级的学生学习英语最少也有六七年时间,在这个过程中对于英语本身的认识非常粗浅,对于英英美英的了解也只是大概。从询问大家学习时间开始到询问为什么学习英语或者在什么情况下说英语呢,这个问题答案有很多种,同时也让学生们思索自己多年学习英语到底是为了什么,不仅仅是为了应对考试,英语作为交流工具它的价值是很大的很实用的,我们应当好好学习而运用之。但是英语虽然出自英国,但是目前英语在不同国家有不同的读法和词汇拼法,我们不妨做个试验,通过贝克汉姆和斯瓦辛格对话来考察一下大家对于英国人和美国人同一实物不同表达的了解程度。】Step2 Reading1. Scanning and the structureLet the students underline the key sentence of each paragraph or tell me the main idea for each paragraph in their own words.P1: Today, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before.P2:Native speaker can understand each other even if they use different English.P3: Why has English changed over time ?P4: Finally by the 19th century the language was settled.P5: English now is spoken as a foreign or second language in south Asia.How many parts can the passage be divided into?Part1: Paragraph 1Part2: Paragraph 2Part3: Paragraph 3-4 Part4: Paragraph 5【设计说明:本篇文章一个五段,内容较少很容易理解,而且每段都有一个核心内容,要求学生在快速阅读的基础上划出关键句,知道文章大概的构思布局,紧接着分段,在前一个任务的铺垫上能顺利完成。此部分重点理清文章的基本意识意思和结构】2. Intensive reading T: Lets enjoy the whole passage paragraph by paragraph again. Pay special attention to the following Qs: (1)How did old English develop into modern English?(2)Why does English change all the way?(3)Besides the countries where English is used as a native language, where else is English used as a foreign language?Activity 1. Fill in the chartAD450-1150English was based on _ AD800and1150By the 1600s 1620From the 18th century 1765-1947By 19th centuryWhich sequence did the author use to write this passage?chronological order【设计说明: 全文理解部分,这一个环节占有很重要的地位。当拿到一篇文章,我们通常是按照:整体-部分-整体的方式来消化文章吸收精华,在第一个步骤的快读中,知晓段落大意文章结构,下面我们要对各小段进行学习和信息的获取,我首先给出三个问题,学生通过对问题的分析去文章找出出处,例如Why does English change all the way?,这个问题很容易就回溯到第三段为什么英语随着时间发生了变化。第二的任务是找出时间以及相应时间段发生的事件,这个要求学生以小组为单位,在全文中找到时间标志,再找出发生的事件,最后小组间检查查漏补缺,最后一个问题总结,全文以什么顺序写的? 毫无疑问,时间顺序,给出英文说法。】3 Listening and reading freely Finish the post reading excersice: Page10 Ex1.【设计说明:最后一边听课文,学生自由朗读并完成课后第一题,判断对错,在前面有序的学习下这个题目是比较容易完成的】Step3 Post-Reading Discussion T: From the passage we can see English is widely accepted as a native, second or third language. No wonder the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly. Will Chinese English become one of the world Englishes? - “Only time will tell”. How do you understand this sentence? 【设计说明:课文最后用一个问句结尾,在南亚,英语成为大部分国家的第一或者第二语言,并形成其他的英语如印度英语,新加坡英语,那么在中国,学英语的人越来越多,
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