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高中英语听力练习34 (附mp3,答案和听力稿)本听力材料mp3下载地址:/dustiniblog第一节(共5小题)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.when does this conversation take place?a2:00 pm.b12:00 noon c11:00 am2. where does the conversation probably take place?a.in a library.b.in a bookstore.c.in the classroom.3.what does the man take the picture for?a.for a newspaper.b.for a magazine.c.for a book.4.where is the man going on saturday evening?ato a live playbto a film showcto an art exhibition5.what do we learn from this conversation?a.the plane will leave at 9:14.b.the woman has just missed her flight.c.the planes departure time remains unknown.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6.what is the possible relationship between the woman and the man?a.boss and secretary.b.doctor and patient.c.wife and husband.7.what does the woman think about the man?a.he is working hard.b.he is not telling the truth.c.he sleeps too much.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.what might the relationship between the woman and her parents be?a.good.b.bad.c.hard to tell.9.how old might the woman be?a.15.b.17.c.18.10.which of the following is right?a.the woman has no pocket money.b.the woman has much freedom.c.the woman wants to go on holidays with her parents.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. which places does the woman want to visit?a.art galleries,buckingham palace,hyde park.b.museums,hyde park,buckingham palace.c.theaters,museums,art galleries.12.will the woman go shopping?a.yes,as shes interested in it.b.no,as time is limited.c.it depends.13.what does the man probably do?a.a guide.b.a traveler.c.a policeman.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14.what are the speakers mainly talking about?a.their jobs.b.their apartments.c.their driving experiences.15.how does the man feel about his present situation?a.dissatisfied.b.shocked.c.satisfied.16.what will the man do then?a.drive the car to work.b.visit the womans apartment building.c.talk with his landlady.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. how many years is it since the couple got married?a.seven years.b.eight years.c.a few years.18. what did the man tell his friend?a.the secret of his doing research work.b.the secret of his happy married life.c.the secret about how he keeps healthy.19. how about the mans wife according to the mans words?a.she is lazy.b.she is able.c.she is clever.20. what can we infer from this passage?a.the man decides nothing at home.b.the man is an important official.c.the man does more housework.【听力材料及答案】(text 1)w:the teacher called to say that the class would start at 1:00 pmm:thats great! i still havent eaten lunch yetw:you have an hour to do so.(text 2)w:excuse me,i want some dictionaries.where can i find them?m:the regularpriced ones are here,and on that table we have some more on special.(text 3)m:excuse me.im a photographer.may i take a picture of you and your little boy?w:whats it for?m:its for a book of pictures.i call it family album.u.s.a.w:oh,thats a nice idea.well,its fine if you take our picture.m:thank you.i really appreciate your help.(text 4)w:do you have special plans for the weekend?m:yes,im going to a live play on saturday eveningw:and what about sunday?m:well,on sunday im going to the art exhibition with davidtherere some new paintings about mexico(text 5)w:is this the checkin counter for flight 914 to los angeles?m:yes,but im sorry the flight is delayed because of a small mechanical problem.please wait for further notice.(text 6)w: morning,peter.late again!m:oh,im so sorry.i cant tell you how sorry i am.w:mm,whats the excuse this time?m:i must have turned the alarm clock off and gone back to sleep again.w:yeah,and last week,the car was broken.m:yes,i know.w:mm.m:im really sorry.i promise it wont happen again.(text 7)m:how much freedom do your parents give you?w:quite a lot.i mean im allowed out most evenings.weekdays,i have to be back by 9:30.but on weekends i can stay out till 11:00.m:what about money? do you have any pocket money?w:yes,my parents give me two pounds a week.m:is there anything youd like to do which your parents wont let you?w:yes,i want to go on holidays this coming summer with my boyfriend,but they say i have to wait till i am 17.m:do you think thats unfair?w:i dont know.he is very responsible,my boyfriend,even my parents think so and i dont see how a year or two is going to make much difference.(text 8)m:good morning,madam.can i help you?w:yes,er.i want to see the west end.m:how much time do you have?w:just one day.m:well,what do you particularly want to do?w:i want to visit museums,art galleries,buckingham palace,do some shopping,and go to the theaters.m:but you only have one day.w:thats right.m:well.why not do some shopping first?w:where can i do that?m:in oxford street.w:how can i get there?m:you can walk through hyde park.its quite near.w:wonderful.thanks for your help.m:youre welcome.have a good time!(text 9)m:i am so tired of my journey to work.driving all those hours is just killing me.w:yeah,i know what you mean.i used to drive two hours to work every day.but now i live within walking distance of my work.its great.m:youre kidding! i didnt know that.did you move?w:no,i got a new job near my apartment.m:well,i dont think i can change my job,but i am thinking about changing my apartment.the one i have just isnt working out.w:whats wrong with it?m:well,besides being too far from work,im having some problems with my landlady.she keeps raising the rent,but she never does any repairs.everything is breaking down.w:thats terrible.listen,i think there is a room available to rent in my apartment building.and my landlady is excellent.and im sure it would be closer to your work than you are now.m:really?but is it expensive? my budget isnt that big.w:no,its not that expensive.and its provided with furniture.m:that sounds great.id love to see it.when can we go?w:how about now?m:sure.ill drive.(text 10)a man was telling one of his friends the secret of his happy married life.“my wife makes all the small decisions,”he explained,“and i make all the big ones,so we never quarrel about each others business and never get unhappy with each other.our duties have been divided clearly.we have


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