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大学英语写作常用句型 第一章 文章开头句型. 对立法 文章开头首先引出人们对要讨论的问题的不同看法,然后提出作者自己的不同看法,或偏向的那个看法。对立法的句型多用于有争议性的主题The vast/overwhelming majority of most/many/quite a few1 when asked about , saythinkbelieveanswer other people regard/view/see/think of.as.I think/view quite/a bit differently.peoplethat. . But 例: when asked about the biggest problem today, many people say that it is the serious energy crisis. They are afraid that the world will soon run out oil and short of food. But other people hold optimistic views: they regard it as a natural result of the economic development and believe it will be only solved with further advances in economy and technology.当问起世界上现在最大的问题是什么,许多人说是严重的能源危机。他们担心人类不久就会用完石油、发生食品短缺!但有些人则持乐观的看法。他们把能源危机看成是经济发展的自然结果,而且只有随着经济和技术的进一步发展才能得以解决。argueclaimthinkbelieve2 when it comes to. , some people that. . Others oppositereverseargumentsstatementsthat the is true. There is probably some truth in both ,but. . , 例: when it comes to what the world go around, some persons say that it is love. Others of a less romantic and more practical turn of mind say that is isnt it is money. But the truth is that it is energy that makes the world go round. 当说及什么是推动世界的力量时,有的人认为是爱。而另一些人不够浪漫、更为实际的人则说是能量才推动世界向前。claimbelievearguebelievedthoughtheldacceptedfeltrecognizedacknowledgedcommonlygenerallywidelythat . . But Ithat. . Theythat. . They3 Now, it is wonderdoubt whether. .例: It is widely felt that there it is a fear plainly uppermost in the minds of most people today. They are afraid of the future, and if you ask them why, they conveniently blame the atomic bomb. But I suspect that the nuclear weapon is only the scapegoat for our fears. We are not afraid of the future because of a bomb. We are afraid of bombs because we have no faith in the future. I believe people no loner have faith in our ability to control own future. 人们普遍感到现在大多数人明显地有一种恐惧感。他们怕将来。如果问他们为什么怕,他们会很随意地怪原子弹。但我怀疑,核武器不过是我们害怕的替罪羊。我们怕将来不是因为有了原子弹,说我们怕原子弹,实际上是对未来没有信心。我认为这是人们自己是否有能力控制将来已经丧失信心了。. 现象法 对某种社会现象、倾向或社会问题进行剖析的文章往往在文章一开始首先引出这种现象或问题,然后评论。本节句型就适用于这种开头drawn/aroused public/popular/grave/world-wide attentioncaused/aroused wide/general/considerable/international concernarisen/loomed up/cropped up as controversial/as noteworthy/more distinctly for settlementrise inPhenomenon ofProblem ofquestion of1 Recently the . has 例: Recently, the alarm about the problem of the use of genetic technologies on human beings have caused wide public concern, and understandably so. With nuclear energy threatening global catastrophe and with so many other technological advances visibly damaging the quality of life, who would wish to have scientists tampering with mans inner nature? Indeed, fear of such manipulation may arouse even more anxiety than fear of death. 最近,有关把遗传技术用于人类自身而产生的问题的警示已引起了公众的广泛关注。这是可以理解的。核能开发正威胁着全球的生存,其他许多技术进步也正明显地危害省会的质量。在这种情况下,谁还会希望科学家来任意改变人体内部机能呢?确实,害怕对人类的操纵所引起的担忧可能会超过对死亡的害怕。in the limelightbrought into focusbrought to public attentionposed among the general publicissueproblemquestion2 Recently the of. of. has been 例: The problem of development vs. environment has now been in the limelight. Nowhere is the clash more visible than in China, where the worlds largest population faces pollution, deforestation and acid rain on a large scale.现在发展与环境的问题已成为人们议论的中心。在中国这对矛盾表现得尤为明显。这个世界上人口最多的国家正面临着环境污染、森林减少以及大范围酸雨侵袭。talkcomplainbiggest issueshottest topicsmost popular thingsmost serious problems3 One of the many people about now is. 例: One of the best qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit ones mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like” I was wrong about that”, and it is even harder to say, “I was wrong, and you were right about that”. 大多数人所佩服的比尔的最好品质之一,是敢于承认自己的错误。有时人们发觉很难开口说这样简单的话:“在这一点上是我错了。”而说:“我错了,你是对的。”则更难。development/improvement/expansion ofincrease/growth /decline inrapidmarkedamazing. . /4 with the recognition/realization/acknowledgement ofcommitment/devotion/dedication tointerest in/concern over/enthusiasm forgeneralgrowingcommonwith the . . . /playing an increasingly big role inattaching much importance towith . ., more and more例:With a domestic market of 12 billion increasingly prosperous consumers and economy that grows by an importance 12-14 percent year, China is now becoming a huge magnet for more and more foreign business corporations. 随着一个有着12亿逐渐富裕起来的消费者的国内市场的形成和每年以12%到14%的速度增长的经济的出现,中国正变成一个巨大的磁场,吸引着越来越多的外国公司。growing/unhealthy tendency to/in/thatgeneral/deep-seated belief in/thatgeneral/uneasy feeling of/against/thatgrowing/nation-wide recognition of/ of/thatgrowing/general awareness of/thatdeep/serious concern over/for/thatdeep/keen interest ingrowing/great demand forgrowing/great enthusiasm for/among sb.NowadaysCurrentlyRecently5 there is a 例: Nowadays there is an immense and justified pride in what our colleges and universities have done. At the same time, however, there is a growing uneasiness about their products. These young men and women who carry away our degrees are attractive, energetic and eloquent. But what about their intellectual equipment? 现在人们对我们大学所做的一切非常自豪,这不是没有道理的。但是同时对他们的产品大学毕业生又愈来愈感到不安。那些得到学位的青年人各个神气十足,精神饱满,能说会道。然而他们是否有真才实学呢? 观点法foolishdangerousuntrueundesirablebasicimportantessential文章开门见山,直截了当提出作者对文章要讨论的问题的观点,也即文章的中新社讯。以下就是常用的句型。Nothing/Few thingsNo idea/opinion/belief/view/attitudeisare1. more/as widelycommonlygenerallythan as . (which is held by.) .例:Perhaps no issue in this world is as basic to individual and national survival as food. But China in recent years has experienced a serious waste of food in one way or another. Especially in many big cities, this waste has become habitual and traditional, to the extent that people are seldom aware of it in their daily life. 可能在这个世界上没有什么问题比粮食对一个人乃至整个国家的生存更为重要的了。但在中国,近年来各种各样严重浪费粮食的现象比比皆是。尤其在许多大城市离,这种浪费已成为习惯性和传统性了,以致人们在日常生活钟已习以为常了。realizerecognizeunderstandacceptbe awarebeginningcominggrowingincreasingsignificant 2. Now people in numbers are to that. .例:Now people in growing numbers are coming to recognize that the business spirit, which carries in its torrential course so many of the talents and energies of men into money-making, has shaped our culture and influenced our ideals and aspirations as a people.of the 现在越来越多的人开始认识到这股下海从商的浪潮正把许多人卷进去,使他们把自己的才干和精力都耗在赚钱之上。这个重商的风气已改变了我们的文化,影响了作为一个民族的我们的理想和抱负。neednecessityimportancethere is a growing awareness/recognition on the part of peoplepeople become increasingly aware/conscioustoof3.Now of the . .例: In recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the necessity to importance our criminal justice. A young thief who spends time in jail often receives there a thorough education in crime from his fellow prisoners, or perhaps tough criminals who drag his into more serious offenses and more prison terms a vicious cycle that will do greater harm to the society. 近几年来人们越来越意识到改进我们刑法制度的必要性。一个初犯的小偷被关在监狱里,往往会从其他囚犯,甚至犯罪老手那里学到一整套作案的手法,结果她把他拉入更深的犯罪深渊,以至更长的徒刑,如此恶性循环将对社会造成更大的危害。 比较法seenviewedregardedthat is changing nowpeople are taking a fresh look at it 比较法句型主要用于通过对过去与现在两种不同倾向、态度和观点的比较,引出文章要讨论的主题。hasbeenFor yearsUntil recently 1. . as. . Butdemand forinterest inconcern overgrowingmounting . With the . , people. . 例: For years, offsprings, especially sons had been expected to remain at home permanently, bringing their spouses home to the big, extended family when they got married. But thats changing now. With growing demand for independence and the improved living standard, more and more young people seek to leave the parental family to establish their own households.do people. ?has such change taken place? 多少年来,子女,尤其是儿子以致被希翼永远待在家里。当他们结婚侯,应把配偶带回家来,组成大家庭。但现在这已起了拜年话。由于生活水平的提纲和对独立生活的要求,越来越多的青年追求搬出父母家,建立自己的家庭。 NowTodayyearsdecades2. Several ago, people. ., . . Why例: Several years ago, people were often a little surprised when they heard that a college student was doing a part-time job. “Why? Maybe he is short of money,” thy thought. Nowadays, it is not an uncommon occurrence that college students are working as tutors, salesmen and tour guides. Many students put up advertisements on bulletin boards or lamp posts to search for odd jobs. Why do many students show great interest in a part-time or a summer job? 几年前,人们听到某某大学生在打工,常会觉得有点惊奇。他们想:“怎么啦?他可能缺钱用吧?” 但如今大学生兼做家庭教师或推销员、导游是常有的事了。许多学生在招贴栏或路灯杆上贴广告,想寻找一份短工。为什么许多学生对课余打工或暑假打工这么感兴趣呢?arrive atcome toreach draw第二章 文章结尾句型 . 结论性From what has been discussed aboveTaking into account all these factorsJudging from all evidence offered safelyreasonably 1 , we m ay, we may conclusionmoral the that. . 例: Taking into account all relevant factors which affect and contribute to the attitude, we may safety conclude that we wont make a dent in the attainment of womens social status and their equal opportunities in every field if mens attitude remains unchallenged. 考虑到所有影响和造成这种态度的相关因素,我们可以有把握地得出结论,如果男人的态度不加以批评的话,那么在提高妇女的社会地位以及取得各个方面的平等机会上不会有明显的进步。it is more importance/valuablewe should/mustsummaryconclusiona word 2. In , . 例: In conclusion, health is more important than wealth. Those who are rich but lose their heath are no more happy and fortunate than those who are poor. If you want your wish to come true, health is the important ingredient of your success. 总之,讲课比财富更中游。那些有了钱却失去健康的人,如同穷人一样会感到不幸福及不幸运。如果一个人要实习自己的理想,健康乃是成功中最重要的部分。that deservesworthy ofquestionissueproblemI would like to sayit seems obviousconclusion,summary2. In that. is a special attention from the publicserious considerationimmediate notice.例:In conclusion I would like to say that change is a problem confronting most of us today. The changes which have already taken place in every field of our life irreversible. Continuation of the growth which has already begun is inevitable. During this evolution there are great rewards to be won by those who are willing to take the opportunities being offered.从这些事中所得出的教益是:科学家并非事不诚实的,而是因为他们和我们一样也是人,也应该和我们一样收到怀疑。古尔德致辞:“这个问题上的真正罪魁祸首是我们天真的想法,即扎根于具有共同信仰的文化传统的人是能做到绝对客观的,因此就未能自我检查。” 后果性ObviouslyClearlyNo doubtif we cant change/control/improve the situation,if we ignore/are blind to/fail in the problem,unless there is a(n) immediate action/common realization of/general commitment to/radical change in, 本句型用于解释如果所讨论的问题不能解决,或不采取某种型的的话,将会产生什么样的后果。 1. that. will be put in 例: Obviously, all the education will not put a real dent in the teenage smoking if we cant persuade our young people that they can and must control their future and if we cant persuade our parents that they set a good example. problemmattersituation 显然,如果不能说服青年人,他们能够也必须掌握自己的为例;如果不能说服我们的家长,他们应当树立号的榜样,那么所以对青少年进行的反对抽烟的教育,是不会有真正效果的。take a fresh/clear/second/clear-eyed look at examine/grasp/sense/size up 2. We need to the otherwise, we wont come anywhere nearfrom a wider standpointmore broadly/seriously,in a new perspective/an optimistic light, understandingachievingmaking a real dent . . 例: We need to make a clear-eyed look at how we are bringing up our young boys and girls in this changed culture and society; otherwise, we wont come anywhere near understanding the psychological dynamics that lead children to adopt rebellious attitude toward parents and school authorities. 我们必须仔细考虑以下,我们是怎样在一个已变化了的文化和社会中培养孩子的。否则我们就不会理解使得孩子们对家长、对学校老师及领导采取反抗态度的心理动机。. 号召性 号召性的句型主要用于呼吁读者行动起来,或敦促采取行动,或对某一问题提请注意。putplacewarning advice heedtake 1. It might be time to the of . and to greatspecialconsiderableemphasispremiumson theimprovementdevelopmentpromotionincreaseof . .例: Years ago some experts warned us that the improve standard of living may lead to a decline in the standard of living may lead to a decline in the moral standard. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart and to la new emphasis on national morality while enjoying the life we ever have. 多年前一些专家曾警告说,生活水平的提高可能会导致到的水平的下降。现在该是我们听听这些忠告的时候了,在享受历史上最富有生活使时把新的重点放在全民道德上。 situationphenomenontendencydeplorableundesirabledeep-seatedunhealthyput urged2. It is time that we an immediate end to the of . .例: College curricula should be geared to the need of the economic growth. It is time that the government and universities attached much importance to the modification of the system if our higher education and put an end to the current waste of college talent on degrees and certificates. 大学课程应调整来适应经济发展的需要。该是到了政府和大学注重改革高教制度,结束目前大学生把其才能浪费在获取学位和毕业证书上的状况的时候了。situationtendencyphenomenonendcorrectfighteffectivequickpropernecessaryessentialimportant 3. It is that should be taken to the 例: As world population is exploding at an incredible rate and will increase faster than the supplies of raw materials, it is necessary that steps should be taken to stabilize world population in the next fifty years. This is a matter of life and death a matter no country can afford to ignore. 由于世界人口正以惊人的速度增长,并且增长速度将超过原材料的供应,所以极有必要采取措施在未来的五十年里稳定世界人口。这是一个关系到生与死的问题,是任何一个国家都不能置之不理的事情。 建议性 建议性句型主要用于在结尾处对文章所讨论的问题提出建设性意见,其中包括建议和具体解决问题的方法。shouldmustought toweitshouldmustought toweitshortany case1. In , , . . ; . . 例: In short, we must work on two fronts. On the one hand, we must continue to resist the system which is the basic cause of our lagging standards; on the other hand we must work constructively to improve the standards themselves. These must be a rhythmic alternation between attacking the cause and healing the effects. 总之,我们必须在两个方面努力:一方面,我们必须继续与造成我们落后水平的制度斗争;另一方面,我们必须进行建设性的工作,以提高这些水平本身。 这两项应交替进行,既要消灭根源,又要医治创伤。we need to what we need isWe need toWhat we need is2. . ; . . 例: Conservation should, therefore, be made a part of everyones daily life. We need to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them. We need to know the relationship between the reduction in trees and soil destruction. In brief, it should be our goal to maintain the ecological stability. 因此,保护自然资源应成为我们日常生活的一部分。我们应当不仅只知砍树,而不负植树的责任;我们应当懂得数目的减少与土地流失的关系。简言之,保持生态平衡应成为我们奋斗的目标。 方向性prospectpictureoutlookencouragingthat rosy 方向性句型类似建议性句型,唯一的差别是方向性句型在结尾时对问题的解决提出一个总的、大体的努力方向或指名前景。 It remains to be seen whether . , but the id not quite ./quite bleakof even worse to come seems to be . 例: It remains to be seen whether women can rise to social status as high as men do in the near future. But the picture is not quite that rosy. Few cases of female leadership doesnt mean everything. The resistance to treating women as equals of men is so implanted in the Chinese culture that equality continues to be the goal of women. 我们还不知在不愿的将来妇女是否能上升到与男人一样高的社会地位。但前景不那么乐观。几个妇女成为领导人的例子并不能说明问题。男女平等的阻力深深扎根于中国文化,因此争取平等仍然是妇女努力奋斗的目标。 意义性 在文章结尾时用下面意义性句型从更高、更新的角度来指出所讨论的问题的重要性及深远的意义。 requirescalls foreraworldnewchangedalteredare now enteringfind ourselves now living in1. We a which 例: With Maos death and his era gone, people are soon to find themselves living in an altered world which calls for new adjustments, new ideas, new habits of thought, and a new order of values. The psychological climate is changing, the ever-shifting currents of our life are turning into new channel. 随着毛泽东的趋势和毛泽东时代的结束,人们很快发展他们生活在一个与以往不同的世界里。这里需要人作出新的调整,需要有新的思想、新的思维方式和新的价值关奶奶。人们的心态正在变化,不断变相的生活潮流正转向新的方向。dose us good or harmis good or notis positive or negativeis a blessing or a curseAnywayAnyhowIn any caseitone thing2. , whether it , is undoubtedlyunquestionablycertain that it wil


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