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小学英语课堂组织用语纪律、课前问候与组织1.Dont play with your toys in class.不要在课上玩玩具2.Dont move the chair.不要移动椅子3.No dirty words.别说脏话4.What are you doing?你在做什么5.You say what I do.说出我在做什么6.Lets get ready for class.准备上课7.Have you got everything ready for class?准备好上课了吗?8.Game time!/ Time for games! Lets play games.游戏时间/上我们做游戏9.Ill count to three .Go back to your seat.我数到3,回到你们的座位上10.Put your chairs back quietly.迅速把椅子放回去11.Back to your places.回到你的位置 12.Go back to your seat, please.请回到你的位置13.Keep silent保持安静14.Stop talking. dont talk/Stop talking now, please停止说话15.Stop discussing 停止讨论16.No more talking, please. 请安静。17.Stop talking , please不要说话18.Do not talk不要说话19.Stop playing停止玩耍20.Dont talk/ Everybody quiet, please不要说话/请安静21.Dont drawl别慢吞吞的22.Be quiet, please.请安静23.Settle down你们安静一会.24.No noise不要发出噪音25.Stand up/Sit down please.起立/坐下26.Sit up straight请坐直27.Hello, boys and girls / children.同学们好28.Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / teacher/同学们老师们,早晨好下午好29.How are you today.今天怎么样30.Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴31.What day is today? 今天星期几?32.Whats the date today? 今天几月几日?33.Whats it like outside? 外边怎么样?34.Have a nice day!多好的天气35.Whats going on?发生了什么事36.Whos on duty today.今天谁值日37.Whats the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样38.Whats it like outside?户外怎么样39.Is everyone/everybody here/present.大家都在这吗40.Is anyone/anybody away?/ Is anyone anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?41.Whos absent today?/ Whos away? 谁没来?42.Calling the roll点名43.Right! Im going to call the roll. 好!我现在点名。44.Ok! Listen while I call your names. 好!点名。45.Quiet now , please. Listen while I see if youre all here .请安静,现在点名。46.Try to be on time./Dont be late next time.试着准时/下次不要迟到了47.Lets start now./ Lets begin our class/lesson/ Class begins.现在开始/让我们开始上课48.Please get ready for class准备上课49.Lets start class. =Its time for class./ Lets start working/ 上课50.Lets begin our class / lesson 开始上课51.Lets begin with .我们以开始52.Class begins. 上课53.Please get ready for class.请准备上课54.Has everyone got a sheet? 每人都拿到材料了吗?55.Take out your books拿出你们的书56.Open your books, please. 请翻开书57.please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书到12页58.Fast/ Quickly! / Be quick, please请快点59.Hurry. Hurry up, please. = Please a little faster.请快点。60.Slow down, please请慢下来61.Slowly慢点62.Slow down慢下来63.Take your time别着急64.Please take out your notebooks/exercise books. 请拿出笔记本/练习本65.Close / Shut your books, please合上你的书66.Please answer the (my)question(s) 请回答问题67.who knows the answer谁知道答案68.Who can answer?谁能回答69.Can you say that?你能说吗70.You may ask the reason你可以问原因。71.Ask each other questions to find out 互相问问题,找出72.Ill give you a cue. /Let me give you some help.我将给你一个提示/让我给你些帮助。73.Please read this letter / word / sentence out loud/ Please read out this letter / word / sentence请大声的读出这个字母/单词/句子。74.We have some new words, lets read it.我们有些新单词,让我们读一读。75.From the very beginning. 从头开始。 76.Please read it to the end. 请读到结尾。 77.Stop here, please. 请停下来。78.Look up the word in the dictionary. 在字典里查这个词79.Look at the sentences before先看这个句子80.Listen to me carefully and watch my actions, then guess the meaning of the word注意听我说,并观察我的动作,然后猜词意81.Attention, please. 请注意82.Eyes ,eyes ,attention眼睛,眼睛,注意看83.Pay attention注意84.Everyone please concentrates大家注意85.Before the new lesson Lets revise / go over the new words and phrases in Lesson学习新课前,我们复习一下第七课的生词和短语86.review our lessons. 让我们开始复习87.What did we learn last lesson? 上一课我们学了什么?88.What did we talk about last time? 上一次我们讨论了什么问题?89.Who can tell me what we learnt today? 谁能告诉我,今天我们都学了些什么?90.What did you learn today? 今天你们学了些什么?91.First lets have a revision. 首先我们复习一下92.First, lets review / do some revision首先,让我们来复习93.Lets review our lessons.让我们来复习课文94.Who can tellremember what we did In the last lesson yesterday?谁能说/记起昨天/上节课我们做什么了95.Who can tell / remember what we did in the last lesson / yesterday?谁能说一下上一课/昨天我们学习了什么?96.What did we learn in the last lesson.上节课我们学什么了97.Were going to have a new lesson today. 今天我们要上新课98.Lets begain a new lesson让我们开始新课99.Well start / begin a new lesson today.今天我们讲学习新课.100.Now were going to do something new / different / Now lets learn 101.something new现在我们学习新知识。102.Well learn something new .我们讲学新知识103.Lets learn some new words/ sentences. 咱们学些新单词句子104.We have some new words / sentences 我们有一些新单词105.Could you translate this in English?你能用英语翻译一下吗106.Lets review what we learned yesterday.咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容.107.Let us practice some dialogues first首先让我们练习一些对话108.I would suggest you practice more after class我建议你下课后多做些练习109.Now were going to practise it some more现在我们将再做些练习110.Please come to the front/ Come up and write on the blackboard / chalkboard请到前面来111.I wish I could help you more in writing我希望在写作方面我能更多的帮助你112.Come to the blackboard请到黑板这来113.Im sorry Im late. /Excuse me for coming late.对不起,我迟到了114.Please come earlier next time.下次请早点115.Why are you late?你为什么迟到了?询问1.Anyone without a partner?有人没有搭档吗?2.Are you all listening?/Listen to me, please/ Listen carefully, please.你们在听吗/认真听3.You dont distracted 你们不要分心4.Note that/ this problem solving method 请看这个/那个问题解决的方法5.Can you solve this problem? 能做出这道题吗?6.Are you done?做完了吗7.Can you find the right page?你们能找到确切的页码吗?8.Can you see it?你能看见吗9.Can you show me?你能给我看看吗10.ome up to the front, please.请到前面来11.Can you tell me the answer?/ Who can answer my question?你能告诉我答案吗/谁能回答我问题12.Who knows the answer?谁知道答案13.Look! Who knows what this is in English?看,谁知道这个用英语怎么说14.Give us an example ,please 请给我们举个例子15.No Chinese,OK不要用汉语好吗?16.Who can do/ say it in a different other way? 谁能用另一种方式来做?17.Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗?18.Everyone please think about this question 大家想想这个问题19.You need to say a bit more about that多说点20.Who can say more about it?谁能再说说21.Put up your hands if you have any questions. 如果有问题请举手。22.Raise your hands, please. 请举手。23.Just hands. No voices. 不要说,请举手。24.Can you tell us more about that?你可以告诉我们更多25.Could you tell us more about the program?26.Please explain it to me请给我解释下27.Do you all know how to read this?你们都知道怎么读吗28.Please read these words in order请按顺序读这些单词29.Lets go through the text请浏览这篇文章30.Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗31.Do you want to continue?你/你们想继续吗32.How about trying it once more.再试一遍怎么样33.A good try做得好34.Who wants to have a try? Any volunteers?谁想试试,有人吗35.Try to think it out for yourself.试着自己想出来36.Think over and try it again想一想,再试一次37.Just have a try. It doesnt matter if you make any mistake.在试一次,做错没有关系38.Once again/ Once more ,please再来一遍39.How do you say this word in English.这个用英语怎么说40.How do you spell the word “cup”?cup怎么拼写41.spell it拼写它42.You misspell/mispronounce the word. 这个词你拼/读错了43.Can you follow me?/Do you understand.你能跟上吗/你能理解吗44.Read after me跟我读45.Put down your pens. 放下笔46.Lets read the story让我们读这个故事47.Will you try to tell the story in English?你能用英语给我们说说这个故事吗?48.Imagine the end of the story.猜想一下故事的结局49.Find the key words of the passage and summarize the main point.找出文章中的关键词,总结文章大意50.Please look at the blackboard/picture/map.请看黑板/图片/地图51.Look at the blackboard/screen, please.请看黑板/屏幕52.Have a look at the picture.看这张图片53.Ill point to a picture and you should tell me what it is?我指图片,你告诉是什么54.Who wants to do it on the blackboard? 谁愿意到黑板上来做?55.Now look at the picture. What does that tell you?现在看图片,图书中告诉你们什么信息56.What did you see?你看到了什么57.Could you try it again?你能再试一次吗58.Who wants to try?谁想试试59.Could you please try the next one? 请试着下一个吗?60.Think it over and try again. 想一想,然后再试一次61.Just have a try. It doesnt matter if you make any mistake. 试一试,错了没关系62.Can you try, please? 你试一下吧?63.Whod like to try?谁想试一下64.Try, please请试试65.Use your head动动脑66.Please try your best./ Do your best请尽你所能67.Will you please help me?你能帮助我吗68.Are you ready?/ready?你准备好了吗/准备好了吗69.Start/go开始70.Are you clear ?明白了吗?71.Is that clear? 听清楚了吗?72.Did you get there? / Do you understand? 你听懂了吗?73.Is that clear? 清楚吗?74.Can you follow me? 你能听懂我的话吗?75.Do you know what to do? 你知道做什么吗?76.Be quiet , please./Quiet, please请安静。77.Listen while I call your name当我叫你名字的时候注意听指令1.Arrange those chairs in a circle here.在这把那些椅子摆成圈2.Could you get into groups of six now?你们现在能分成六组吗3.get into groups of three分三组4.Practice in groups小组练习5.I am going to divide you in half.我将把你们分成两组6.Groups1, groups2, groups31组,2组,3组7.Get into groups of three / four. 分为三组/四组.8.Everybody find a partner / friend 每个人找一个同伴9.In pairs, please请两人对练10.Practice in pairs成对练习11.Practice in groups小组练习12.Im going to call the row. 13.Check your answers.检查你的答案14.Could you keep it down, please?你能小点声吗15.Could you take out a piece of paper?你能拿出一张纸吗16.Dont let your friend see it .不要让你的朋友看17.Dont write anything yet.现在不要写任何东西18.Draw the picture below that word.在单词下面画图画19 What can you see in the picture? 在图上你能看到什么20.Everyone, listen and repeat. 大家,听并重复21.Listen to the tape recorder/ Listen to me ,please.请录音机/听我说22.Plug in the tape-recorder, please。插入录音机23.Put the tape-recorder away把录音机打开24.Put the tape in its box / cassette把磁带放进盒子里.25.I want all of you to answer this question我想要你们大家来回答这个问题26.What can you learn from the test?从课文中我们能学到什么27.Do it by yourself. /Do it on your own.自己做28.Now we are going to do something new现在我们将进行新内容29.I point to the pictures and you say the words.我指图,你说词30.Practice in a group./Practice in groups./In groups,please./ 小组联系31.Now were going to practise it some more现在你们多做些练习32.now everybody stand in line现在大家战成直线33.Line up here在这站成直线34.Get together in groups and discuss the idea.分小组讨论这个观点35.Begin to divide into groups to discuss it(have a discussion in groups)。开始分组讨论36.Lets change the topic.让我们换个话题37.I give you a question for discussion我给你们个问题讨论38.Make a circle绕成一圈39.Turn around / right / left向右转/左转40.Team,team,go,go,go小队,小队,加油,加油,加油41.Be quiet! Whose turn is it now?安静,轮到谁了?42.Now you, please / Your turn (students name)轮到你了。43.Next, pleaseNow you do the same, please 接下来,照着这样做.44.Lets act / Lets act out / do the dialogue让我们表演对话。45.Once ,twice ,together!1.2预备齐46.Lets play a game.让我们玩个游戏47.Who wants to be a (cat/apple)?谁想当猫/苹果48.Who wants to be A? 谁想当A?49.Practise the dialogue, please练习对话50.Now Tom will be A, and the other half will be B现在Tom是A,其余的一半是B.51.Lets act out the dialogue让我们角色扮演对话52.Please take (play)the part of .请参与其中(请行动起来)53.Are you tired? Lets take a break.累了吗?休息一下54.Lets sing a song to relax our minds让我们唱一首歌,放松下大脑55.Theres something different. /Whats different?这里有些不同/哪些不同呢56.Show me your happy with a big smile,ok?用大笑告诉我你很高兴,好吗?57.Whose turn is it? 轮到谁了?58.Its your turn轮到你了59.Wait your turn, please 等会轮到你了60.Turn round转过身来61.One at a time / Lets do it one by one.一次一人/一个接一个的做One by one一个接着一个读62.In twos./ In pairs两个人练习63.Put the words in the blanks把单词填到空格里64.Come and write it on the blackboard来,把它写在黑板上65.Say it / Write it in Chinese / English说/写出它的汉/英语66.In English, please请用英语67.Youd better say it in English你最好用英语说68.Whats the English for “苹果”?“苹果”用英语怎么说?69.Say in Chinese说汉语70.You may say it in Chinese if you have difficulty in speaking English如果说英语有困难,你可以说汉语71.Who can help him with the question?谁能帮助他解决这个问题72.Well,Can anybody help him?不很正确,有人能帮助他她吗?73.Are you through? 做完了吗?74.Have you finished? 做完了吗?75.Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation. 注意你的拼写/发音76.Look at my mouth, please.请看我的口型77.Please use your nice voice用你最好的声音78.Listen carefully to the pronunciation of this word注意这个词的发音79.Please look at my mouth ,like this 请看我的嘴,像80.Remember the spelling 注意拼写81.Dont be shy/afraid. 不要害羞/害怕82.Come on, dont be scared加油不要害怕83.dont be neverous不要紧张84.Be brave / active, please.请勇敢/主动些。85.More energetic(active),please.再积极一点。86.Take it easy.请放心/别紧张87.Dont be nervous. No hurry别紧张,不要着急88.Read after me,please. 跟我读89.Repeat, please/ Repeat after me跟我重复90.Once more, please/ One more time, please请再说一遍91.Lets do it once more我们在做一遍92.Do what I do.照着我做93.Let us take turns to read我们轮流读94.From the very beginning.从头开始95.Please read it to the end.请读完96.Lower the volume a bit, please/ Lower, please请稍微小点声97.Read louder/ Louder大点声98.Let me hear you.让我听到你的声音99.One more time.再来一遍100.Read it in detail for the second time第二遍读细节101.Come here来这里102.Dont speak out ./ Be quiet, please不要出声,请安静103.Listen, please/Listen to me, please.请听我说104.Listen carefully, please请认真听105.Youd better listen again.你最好再听一遍106.Listen to the tape recorder / the recording听录音107.Look carefully, please请真看。108.Look over here往这看109.Watch carefully 认真看110.Are you watching? 你在看吗?111.Each person will read one sentence每个人读一句112.Put your books away把书拿走113.Please put it away请收起来114.All eyes on me, please.眼睛都看我115.Please stop now/ Stop now, please/ Stop here, please请停下来116.Each person has only one minute to ask.一分钟的询问时间117.Hands up before you answer.问问题前请举手118.Please hands up请举手119Hands up if you can如果你会,请举手120.Hands down.手放下121.Do it on your own.自己做122.What do you mean by that那是什么意思123.Watch me and Ill show you. 看着我,我来演示124.Ill give you an example.我将给你们举个例子125.Wait! Listen to me and Ill explain.等,听我说,我将解释126.Repeat/read after me/Follow me./ Say it with me跟我读127.Let us sing, all together128.Read all together now.大家一起读.129.Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me? (班长,能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗?)130.Bring me some chalk, please给我拿些粉笔131.Are you sure?你确定吗?下课及作业布置1.Lets go over it again, shall we?2.Lets dictation now(开始听写)/Lets have a dictation.让我们来听写3.So much for the dictation. Please hand them in. 就听写到这,把你们写的交上来4.Immediately opened textbooks 迅速打开练习本5.Copy / Print / Write each word twice把单词写两遍6.After class, please read and recite the passage.课后请大家背诵这篇课文7.Remember / Memorize these words / sentences 记住这些单词/句子8.Do your homework/ Do the next lesson/ Do the new work做作业9.Remember to do your homework!记得做你的作业10.Dont forget it.不要忘了11.For todays homework今天的家庭作业是12.Practise after class/ Practise at home课后练习.13.Say it out loud, before you write it down说出声来,再把它写下来14.Write down the word twice.把这个单词抄写两遍15.Dont forget to write that down.别忘记写下来16.Well do Exercises 1 and 2我们将做练习一和练习二17.Next, finish exercise 2 later. 接下来,稍后完成练习218.Heres your homework for today. 这是今天的家庭作业19.remember to do your homework.记住做家庭作业20.Hand in your workbooks, please请交作业21.Li Hong, have you collected all the exercise-books李红,作业本都收齐了吗?22.Did you bring your homework?你带作业了吗23.Hand in your homework tomorrow. 家庭作业明天交。24.Here are your exercise-books. Please hand them out. 这是练习本,请发下去。25.Take notes, please.请作笔记。26.The bell is ringing ,thats all for today铃声响了,今天就到这里27.Lets get ready for class.准备放学28.Class is over. /Time is up放学29.Goodbye. / Bye, See you next time再见/下次见30.Come and write on the blackboard来写在黑板上.31.Who can tell me what we learnt today?谁能告诉我今天我们学了什么32.The first lesson has been finished, Have you grasped all the key points?第一课结束了,大家掌握了所有的要点了吗?33.I hope this kind of thing will never happen again.我希望这种事情再也不要发生。34.Come to my office after class. 下课后到办公室找我。 35.Come and see me after class. 课后找我。 36.Next,pleaseNow you do the same,please下一位,现在请你做一样的事情/动作37.Clean up your desk / the classroom, please清理你的书桌/教室38.Its clean-up time/ Tidy up your desk / the classroom清理你的书桌/教室。39.Put your things away/ Clean off your desk/ Pick up the scraps把你的东西放好40.Clean the blackboard 擦黑板评价与鼓励1.You are around the point, but go straight ahead. There is a short cut.马上就答对了,继续,这里有个捷径2.A little bit closer , but think of the 有点接近了,但是想想3.Its much closer to the right answer你已经非常接近正确答案了4.You will soon find the the totally right answer.你将很快找到完全正确的答案5.Thats almost right几乎对了6.Come on, youre almost there.来吧!你快(做/答)对了。7.Thats close/ Thats almost right接近了/几乎对了8.Right/ Thats right/Youre right.对,你对了。9.Youve done well.你做得很好10.Come on. You can do it.来吧!你能做到的。11.I knew you could do it我知道你能做到的12.Im proud of you.我为你而骄傲13.Is that right /correct? 那个正确吗?14.I dont think you are right我不认为你是对的15.Thats wrong错误16.He made a mistake in grammar. 他有一个语法错误17.Will you please correct his/her/my mistake? 请你纠正他/她/我的错误好吗?18.I am sure you are nervous so that you make a mistake.我知道你很紧张,所以才会做错19.Its a pity that your answer is not correct很遗憾,你的回答是不正确的20.I am sorry you are wrong很遗憾,答错了21.Can you find the mistakes? 你能找出错误吗? 22.Do you know how to correct the mistakes? 你知道怎么改错吗? 23.You are great你真棒24.Good ,Thank you很好,谢谢 25.Wonderful精彩,非常好26.Get to the point.抓住了要点27.Youve hit the point.抓住了要点28.I dont believe it.我不敢相信29.Well done!干得不错30.Nice going!做到好31.Congratulations祝贺你32.Good! / Very good! / Good job/ Good work/ Good example.好/非常好/做的不错/做的好/好的开头。33.Creative job具有创造性34.A good answer/ Nice work回答得好35.Amazing answer. It is beyond my expectation令人惊讶的回答,超出了我的想想36.You never make people disappointed你永远不会令人失望37.Looking Good看起来不错3
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