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PEP英语新五年级下册第四单元检测题年级_班级 _姓名 _等级_Listening Part(听力部分)(共40分)I. Listen and choose.听音,选择你所听到的单词。(10分)( ) 1. A.first B. second C. third ( ) 2. A. January B. February C. spring( ) 3. A.April Fools Day B. Childrens Day C. Christmas Day( ) 4. A. twelfth B.fifth C. fourth ( ) 5. A.Chinese test B. English test C.sports meet II. Listen and number.听录音,根据听到的内容给图片标序号。(10分)III. Listen and tick.听音,判断你听到的句子与看到的句子是否一致。(10分)( ) 1. There are some special days in April.( ) 2. I like April Fools Day.( ) 3. Miss Chens birthday is on Sept. 2nd.( ) 4. The sports meet is in July.( ) 5. The English test is on Nov. 5th.IV.Listen and choose.根据你听到的句子,选择合适的答语。(10分)( )1. A.Yes, I do . B.No,I am not. ( )2. A. Yes, she is . B.Her birthday is on June 3rd. ( )3. A. My birthday is on Dec.30th. B.Its June 1st ( )4. A. Im making a birthday card. B.I will make a card. ( )5. A.Yes, it is B.No, I am not.Writing Part(笔试部分)(共60分)V. Read and tick .(判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同填T,不同填F。)(5分)( ) 1. A.third B. thin ( ) 2. A.that B. maths ( ) 3. A.three B. Mother( ) 4. A.birthday B. brother ( ) 5. A.fifth B. ThereVI. Read and choose.(找出不同类的单词。) (5分)( ) 1.A.cook B. make C. delicious ( ) 2.A.when B. what C. with ( ) 3.A.third B. tenth C. three ( ) 4.A. MondayB. NovemberC.December ( ) 5.A. and B. on C. inVII. Read and write.(请写出下列词的完整形式。)(10分) 3rd_5th _8th _30th _ 21st_VIII. Read and choose.(选择最佳答案填空。)(10分)( ) 1. _ is the sports meet ?Its in June. A. What B. When C. Where ( ) 2. My birthday is _ December 30th. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 3. August is the _ month of a year. A. seventh B. ninth C. eighth ( ) 4. Mothers Day is on the _Sunday in May. A. first B. second C. third ( ) 5. _ is on January 1st. A. Childrens day B. National Day C. New Years Day ( ) 6. Chen Jie will _noodles _ her mum. A. cooks ,to B. cook, forC. cooking, for ( ) 7. There are some special days _ April. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 8. There are _ cows on the farm. A. twelfth B.twelve C.second ( ) 9. When is the _ contest? A. sing B. sings C. singing ( ) 10. Today is _ birthday. A. my mther B. my mothers C. my mothersIX. Read and write.(连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点。)(10分)1 Chinas,Day,is,When,National(?)_ 2. birthday,is,his,September, on, eleventh(.) _3.for, your,What, do, will, you, father(?)_4. Day, Childrens,on, June, is, 1st(.),When,singing,the, contest(?)_ X. Read and judge.(读短文,然后判断对“T”错“F”)(10分) Hi,I am Mike. There are five people in my family.My grandma,my father,my mother,me and my little puppy.There are three birthdays in February and two birthdays in September.My grandmas birthday is in February.My birthday is on September 10th.It is also Teachers Day.My mother is a teacher.On September 10th,my mum usually buys me a big birthday cake.I often help her cook dinner.She usually cooks noodles for me.I feel happy.I love my mother very much. ( )1.There are four people in Mikes family. ( )2.There are three birthdays in September. ( )3.Mikes birthday is on September 10th. ( )4.Mikes mum is a cook. ( )5.Mikes grandmas birthday is in February.XI. Read and write.(根据所给提示,写一篇关于你家人生日的短文。)(10分)There are_people in my family,_, _.My fathers birthday is on _.My mothers birthday is on _.My birthday is _. _.I love my family very much.PEP英语新五年级下册第四单元检测题答案Listening Part(听力部分)(共40分)I. Listen and choose.听音,选择你所听到的单词。(10分)( B ) 1. A.first B. second C. third ( A ) 2. A. January B. February C. spring(A ) 3. A.April Fools Day B. Childrens Day C. Christmas Day( B ) 4. A. twelfth B.fifth C. fourth ( C ) 5. A.Chinese test B. English test C.sports meet II. Listen and number.听录音,根据听到的内容给图片标序号。(10分) ( 2 ) ( 5 ) ( 1 ) ( 4 ) ( 3 )III. Listen and tick.听音,判断你听到的句子与看到的句子是(T)否(F)一致。(10分)(T ) 1. There are some special days in April.(T ) 2. I like April Fools Day.(T ) 3. Miss Chens birthday is on Sept. 2nd.(F ) 4. The sports meet is in July.(F ) 5. The English test is on Nov. 5th.IV.Listen and choose.根据你听到的句子,选择合适的答语。(10分) (A )1. A.Yes, I do . B.No,I am not. (B )2. A. Yes, she is . B.Her birthday is on June 3rd. (B )3. A. My birthday is on Dec.30th. B.Its June 1st (B )4. A. Im making a birthday card. B.I will make a card. (A )5. A.Yes, it is B.No, I am not.Writing Part(笔试部分)(共60分)V. Read and tick .(判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同填T,不同填F。)(5分)( T ) 1. A.third B. thin 解析:A. B. ( F ) 2. A.that B. maths 解析:A. B. ( F ) 3. A.three B. Mother解析:A. B. ( F ) 4. A.birthday B. brother 解析:A. B. ( F ) 5. A.fifth B. There解析:A. B. VI. Read and choose.(找出不同类的单词。) (5分)(C ) 1.A.cook B. make C. delicious 解析:A、B为动词,C为形容词。(C ) 2.A.when B. what C. with 解析:A、B为疑问词,C为介词。(C ) 3.A.third B. tenth C. three 解析:A、B为序数词,C为基数词。(A ) 4.A. MondayB. NovemberC.December 解析:A为星期,B、C为月份。(A ) 5.A. and B. on C. in解析:A为连词,B、C为介词。VII. Read and write.(请写出下列词的完整形式。)(10分) 3rd_third_,5th_fifth_,8th_eighth_,30th _thirtieth_,21st_twenty-first_VIII. Read and choose.(选择最佳答案填空。)(10分)( B ) 1. _ is the sports meet ?Its in June. A. What B. When C. Where 解析:根据答语June六月,所以选择时间副词when。( A ) 2. My birthday is _ December 30th. A. on B. in C. at 解析:具体到某一天应该用介词on。( C ) 3. August is the _ month of a year. A. seventh B. ninth C. eighth 解析:August为八月,是一年中的第8个月,所以用序数词eighth。( B ) 4. Mothers Day is on the _Sunday in May. A. first B. second C. third 解析:母亲节是五月的第二个周日。( C ) 5. _ is on January 1st. A. Childrens day B. National Day C. New Years Day 解析:1月1日为新年。( B ) 6. Chen Jie will _noodles _ her mum. A. cooks ,to B. cook, forC. cooking, for 解析:will后加动词原形,为了谁应该用介词for。( A ) 7. There are some special days _ April. A. in B. on C. at 解析:in+月份。( B ) 8. There are _ cows on the farm. A. twelfth B.twelve C.second 解析:表数量用基数词。( C ) 9. When is the _ contest? A. sing B. sings C. singing 解析:singsing为现在分词,可做定语。( B ) 10. Today is _ birthday. A. my mother B. my mothers C. my mothers解析:妈妈的生日所以应该用所有格形式。IX. Read and write.(连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点。)(10分)1. Chinas,Day,is,When,National(?)When is Chinas National Day?2. birthday,is,his,September, on, eleventh(.) His birthday is on September eleventh.3.for, your,What, do, will, you, father(?)What will you do for your father?4. Day, Childrens,on, June, is, 1st(.) Childrens Day is on June,When,singing,the, contest(?)When isthe singsing contest?X. Read and judge.(读短文,然后判断对“T”错“F”)(10分) Hi,I am Mike. There are five people in my family.My grandma,my father,my mother,me and my little puppy.There are three birthdays in February and two birthdays in September.My grandmas birthday is in February.My birthday is on September 10th.It is also Teachers Day.My mother is a teacher.On September 10th,my mum usually buys me a big birthday cake.I often help her cook dinner.She usually cooks noodles for me.I feel happy


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