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人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献-英语论文人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献参考文献1 黄海阳. 工业品企业的品牌营销策略a. 营销传播网2 中国机械工业质量协会编. 机械工业质量管理教程m. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2001.5 3 菲利普.科特勒. 市场营销管理m. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,1997.14 张德鹏. 市场营销学m. 广东:广东高等教育出版社,2005.125 陈荣秋 . 生产管理m. 北京:高等教育出版社,2005.66 论文网j 2006.3.23 7 张富山. 顾客满意m. 北京:中国计划出版社,2001.48 保罗斯图伯特. 品牌的力量m. 北京:中信出版社2001年版 9 克劳斯比. 零缺点的质量管理m. 北京:中信出版社,200010 纪宝成. 市场营销学教程m. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,198911 马林、尤建新. 高等院校iso9001质量管理体系建立与实施指南s. 北京:中国标准出版社,2006.312 murgatroyd,s.1992.a new framework for managing public schoolsj: total quality management. school organization,vol.12,no2,199213 bradley a winn, kim s cameron. organizational quality: an examination of the malcolm baldrige national quality frameworkj. research in higher education ,vol.39,no.5.1998,p498-51314 breygogle,f.w., implementing six sigma, john wiley &sons, incn., new york, new york,199915 brown. daniel j; koenig. harold.f. applying total quality management to business educationm. journal of education for business,1993(16)目录1 绪论12 问题分析22.1第一阶段:生存期22.2第二阶段:发展期22.3第三阶段:成熟期22.4第四阶段:变革期23 问题解决33.1组织管理体系33.2薪酬激励体系33.3绩效管理体系33.4职业发展体系44 建议55 外文文献原文8 实施人力资源变革,促进管理升级bruce g charlton1 绪论1985年哈佛商学院终身教授麦克.波特提出“价值链”理论,表明企业的价值创造是通过一系列活动构成的,这些活动可分为基本活动和辅助活动两类,基本活动包括内部后勤、生产作业、外部后勤、市场和销售、服务等;而辅助活动则包括采购、技术开发、人力资源管理和企业基础设施等。这些互不相同但又相互关联的生产经营活动,构成了一个创造价值的动态过程,即价值链。价值链理论经管理专家发展后,把企业的运营活动定义为三个层次:决策活动、控管活动、经营活动。其中决策活动分为战略制定、计划、企业文化建设、品牌策略等;控管活动包括企业信息化管理、财务管理、人力资源管理、行政后勤管理等;经营活动包含销售、采购、生产、质管、物流、服务等活动。在21世纪信息化、无边界的浪潮中,企业与企业之间的竞争,是在于组成企业整个价值链的竞争,而不是靠某一个环节的优势就能获得生存。无论是战略制定还是执行,企业经营中每一个活动的开展,都需要“人”的参与,尤其在知识化、信息化逐渐发展的现代社会中,人才的“质”决定了企业的未来。难怪连世界首富、微软的老板比尔.盖茨都说:“拿走微软公司前二十位的人才,微软将不复存在!”比尔.盖茨的话是否真实不得而知,但是我亲耳听过的一位60多岁的董事长讲:“公司开会时我宁愿增加成本分批走,也从来不让我的干部坐一辆大巴或飞机,我都六十多了,培养这些人花了我10多年的时间,我可没精力再花十年时间培养人了!”可见企业老总对人才的重视之情。 2 问题分析传统的管人方法,往往都采用师傅带徒弟的办法传承企业智慧,那么在企业发展到一定规模后,如何实施战略性人力资源的管理,建立企业的正确选、育、用、留人机制,促进管理升级,增进企业整体价值链的竞争力呢?我认为可以先对人力资源管理的“选、育、用、留”四大流程中的核心流程进行建设改造,从而达到管理提升的效果。那么首先我们来诊断一下目前处于不同经营周期的企业以及所遇到的人力资源的问题: 2.1第一阶段:生存期 这个阶段的企业成立的1-2年时间左右,这个阶段往往企业的创业者亲临一线做市场、跑销售,也即处于高层人才低位使用阶段,企业危机来源于客户的开发、现金流、市场定位、产品的品质。没有大的人力资源危机。 2.2第二阶段:发展期 当度过了生存期后,随着企业的业务蓬勃发展,分公司、办事处越开越多,于是老总火线提拔,将跟随自己创业的元老纷纷挂上办事处经理、副总等等的头衔,众经理们虽然没有经过系统的管理培训和认知,管理意识淡薄,主要采用经验管理,但是都有行业多年的时间,同时企业的业务也蒸蒸日上,效益不错,因此也掩盖了很多的管理问题。但是,企业的管理危机已经在孕育之中了。 2.3第三阶段:成熟期 企业在经过5年左右的发展,已逐渐有了稳定的销售额和客户群,同时也建立了一定的行业知名度,进入了相对稳定经营的阶段。但是因为管理基础的薄弱,老总越来越对下面的封疆大吏感到不满,但又不知道该怎么办?信息流、物流、人流、现金流也逐渐不顺畅起来,管理者的素质、公司的管理体系逐渐不适应企业发展的需要。管理危机已逐步暴露出来。 2.4第四阶段:变革期 企业暴露出来的众多的管理问题,使企业的高层急需要进行管理变革,一方面通过引进外部人才另一方面加强内部管理体系建设、信息化建设等工作,籍以改进管理效率 、增强对企业的管控能力。企业变革成功与否的关键在于高层的坚持,中层的理解,企业文化是否为员工理解,以及企业的经营的道德是否为社会大众所接受。 企业只有通过变革才能突破发展瓶颈再次走上腾飞的道路。 1243人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献3 问题解决企业既然和人一样也存在“生老病死”的过程,那么作为各个发展阶段的企业,如何通过战略性的人力资源的变革,建设完善的人力资源体系,达到提升企业管理水平,提高企业核心竞争力,实现基业常青的目的?我认为关键要建设好以下四大人力资源体系:组织管理体系、薪酬激励体系、绩效管理体系、职业发展体系。在这四大体系完善的前提下,配合人力资源的规划、招聘渠道开发、培训工作的开展,就能形成企业人力资源的良性发展机制,帮助企业实现成功变革。下面分别就如何建设这人力资源四大体系进行初步的探讨: 3.1组织管理体系 成功对企业的组织体系进行管理是人力资源管理工作的首要任务,简言之就是配合公司的业务流程和分工情况设定合适的组织结构和岗位设置,以及将合适的人放在合适的岗位等工作。要使组织管理能够顺畅,企业必须做到如下几点:一是公司要有完善的、能力较强的从事人力资源管理的管理团队;二是要配合企业业务流程的改变设计合适的组织结构,明确公司的组织结构图和岗位设置图;三是公司要不断完善职务描述体系的建设,明确各部门职责、工作配合流程,制作各岗位的职务说明书(岗位要求、工作规范、任职要求等),岗位说明书作为新进员工的重要培训资料和在职员工的工作和考核标准。 3.2薪酬激励体系 针对公司的高中基层的岗位职责情况设定长、中、短期的激励措施,不同的岗位其薪酬组成比率和激励措施应有所差别。高层讲究长期激励,基层可以采取较为短期的工资+奖金的激励模式。这里特别说明对企业的高层干部可以采用长短结合的激励方式:即期股权计划。期股权计划能较好的将高层管理者的利益和公司的长远利益相结合起来,实现利益共享责任共担的长期激励和约束。但不论采取何种激励方式,根本原则只有一个:公平原则,也即外部公平和内部公平。让员工感觉其付出和得到能够平衡,从而起到激励的作用。当然除了薪酬等物质激励以外,我也建议公司的各层管理者要充分发挥领导力,精神奖励同样在企业管理中发挥的不可思议作用。 3.3绩效管理体系 绩效管理体系和薪酬激励体系一起构成了循环控制过程。绩效管理的目的不是考核的本身而在于形成一个改善绩效的考核循环。那么,如何才能形成有效改善的考核循环呢?首先第一步的关键在于考核指标(项目)的设定,公司应根据不同的发展战略制定不同的考核指标,采用合适的考核方法,万万不能追求大而全,采用迷人(迷茫)的先进考核方法,使考核变成空中楼阁,即使强制执行下去,也会把人考焦!第二步各层管理者需负责过程的监督和控制,修正考核的偏差,及时进行弥补,管理还讲究pdca,何况如此重要的的绩效考核呢。考核第三步在于考核是一种过程管理,可以帮助管理者分清员工的类型,从而采用合适的人力资源手段,是提升、培训还是淘汰都要以绩效说话,没有绩效的管理者是要淘汰的,同样没有绩效的员工管理者没有及时处理也是管理者的一种失职;第四步在于考核结果的使用,考核的结果一定要和公司的薪酬福利制度相结合,薪酬福利制度可以配合考核的制度的推行进行适当的修改。对表现出色的部门和个人要公开进行奖励和表扬,对绩效有欠缺的进行指导、批评和鼓励。 3.4职业发展体系 为了使员工能够看到个人在公司中的发展方向和提供发展的平台,提高员工的工作满意度,为员工提供有广度和深度的职业发展道路,是职业发展体系设计的根本目的。企业可以根据岗位的发展和分布状态制定符合企业实际的职位序列和职务阶梯,同时人力资源部要根据每个员工的实际情况配合员工本人制定个人的职业规划,并进行监督,以使员工能获得较好的满意度和及时发现公司的人才。 4 建议人力资源管理工作是一个动态的管理过程,通过以上四大体系建设,在日常管理中不断完善企业人力资源管理体系,使公司的人力资源运作达到:“引的进”“育的好”“用的对”“留的住”,把企业管理三要素的人、财、物中的人的问题解决之后,管理提升自然指日可待,余事则举重若轻矣。“人事管理”之所以演变成“人力资源管理”,其根本原因,是因为人力资源管理事实上存在着两种职能,分别是行政职能和战略职能。从行政职能的角度上看,日常的人力资源管理工作多属于战术性和行政性的工作,例如组织招聘员工、新员工培训、基本技能的培训、工资的计算与发放、考勤管理、组织文体活动、人事档案管理等等。这些大量的日常工作通常被称之为“人事工作”。由于这部分工作几乎无法从本质上对企业的核心价值产生影响,在一些发达国家,有些公司已经将这部分职能转交给社会上的专业服务公司或顾问人员。从战略职能的角度上看,人力资源管理的理念之一,是将企业中的员工视为非常重要的资源,是企业价值的重要体现,人力资源管理工作就是将这些资源加以有效地开发和利用,使之成为提高企业核心竞争能力的重要推动力。其常规工作包括制订人力资源发展规划、协助企业进行改组和业务流程的设计、提供公司合并和收购方面的建议、参与提供业务信息与企业竞争、制订人才保留计划、帮助业务人员提升解决难题的能力等等。令人遗憾的是,不少人力资源管理者仅限于履行其行政职能,而忽略了战略职能。人力资源管理部门的价值,是通过提升员工的效率和组织的效率来实现的。人力资源管理工作,只有与企业的战略目标相结合,并将日常工作融合到业务中去,才能创造自身工作的价值。人力资源管理人员,必须为企业的增值服务,为直接创造价值的部门努力创造达成目标的条件,才能赢得相应的尊敬。下面我把自己在这方面的一点儿体会与大家分享。我所服务的公司是一家以系统集成和软件开发为主体业务的高科技企业,在保险领域享有较高的知名度。在业务方面,它的策略是“以软件为主、提供全面解决方案、强化优质服务”。但是,在快速成长过程中,像许多高科技企业一样,尚洋公司曾经被人才流失、顶尖人才难以成林、新任主管重业务轻管理等问题所人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献困扰,也曾出现过员工不满、客户抱怨的情况。分析过去几年的经验和失败教训,公司管理层在去年的总结会上达成共识:“客户的需求决定着公司人才的需求,组织与队伍的稳定是满足客户需求、实现客户增值的基本保障,良好的人才机制是企业发展的根本动力,人力资本的增值必须高于财务资本的增值”。于是我们确立了尚洋在人力资源管理方面的战略职能让客户、股东、员工三方共赢,即“3w原则”(win-win-win)。日常人力资源管理则主要围绕着“三个增值,三个满意”这一核心思想进行变革,即人力资源部的工作要能使客户增值,使公司增值,使员工增值,目的是要让客户满意,让股东满意,让员工满意。为实现上述职能和目标,公司加大了对人力资源开发的投入,并在人力资源部的人员配备、培训经费、咨询费用、员工薪资福利调整方面予以保证。人力资源部的职责,开始从发工资、收集简历、选择培训课程等传统的人事管理,重点转移到人力资源开发、提升公司业务价值和核心竞争力的内容上。人力资源部的员工也从日常办公室工作中,体验到了工作中所蕴藏着的高弹性、高含量的业务增值潜力。其主要思想是,通过员工个人的优化工作和组织团队的优化工作,来改善人员和组织的效率,从而提高企业的劳动效率(劳动生产率)。所谓员工个人的优化,是指通过吸引、保留、激励、发展员工,提升其工作热情和工作效率,使其个人始终处于最佳状态,使业绩不断提高。这被视为人力资源部的日常行政职能。主要包括以下六个方面:选择(staffing,人员招聘和调配)、使用(performance management , position evaluation & competency analysis,绩效管理、职位分析与评估、个人能力分析)、培育(training and development,培训培养与职业发展)、保留(compensation and benefit,报酬和奖励)、行为管理(policy and hris ,员工行为规范与员工信息系统)、企业文化建设(employee relation and motivation,员工关系和员工激励)。人力资源管理要为企业增值服务而组织团队的优化,是指通过参与企业的业务决策、组织决策,企业文化设计和变革,使企业总体组织高度优化,从组织效率方面促进公司节约成本、增加产出。这是人力效率的组织体现,也是人力资源管理的深层职能。相应的工作内容为:人力资源方针制订(hr direction setting )、高绩效组织建设(high-performing organization)、工作流程改进(work process change)、企业文化建设与变革(culture building and change)。人力资源部在寻找业务伙伴、提供市场信息、建立行业规则、提供建议和外脑咨询方面,扮演穿针引线、相互呼应的角色。例如,人力资源部作为牵头人,组织了两次电子商务行业人事经理联谊会,许多著名的电子商务公司负责人踊跃参加,不仅为规避行业风险、促进有序竞争做出了自己的贡献,同时也有效地防止了软件开发人员盲目跳槽。新的人力资源管理战略实施一段时间以后,客户、股东、员工都感到尚洋电子发生了很大变化。尚洋电子的一位销售人员,在给西北的一位保险公司总经理谈起尚洋的发展变化时,这位很有事业心的老总非常感兴趣,希望能得到尚洋在管理方面的一些具体做法和培训内容。人力资源部立即将相关材料整理给这位老总,并就他所提的问题给予帮助。事后,我们的销售经理很有感慨:“想不到良好的管理不仅作用于内部,还可以赢得客户。”而在公司内部,经理层也逐渐了解到人力资源管理的内涵:人力资源管理决不单单是人力资源部的事,而是每一个管理者的事,一线经理(line manager)也是人力资源管理的执行者,并开始主动承担更多的人员管理责任。从今年所做的员工满意度调查来看,“回顾过去的一年,您认为公司取得了哪些变化?”大多数员工把“公司整体的管理水平有了很大提高”与“人力资源部的工作和职能大大改善了”并列为前两项成就。从专业顾问公司对客户的调查、公司董事会对企业的评价来看,满意度均有明显提高,公司效益也呈现良好的发展势头。如同对待销售、生产、财务部门一样,对人力资源部门的评价也必须以它对企业增加值的贡献为出发点。虽然对人力资源部门效益的定义和衡量不如其他部门那么容易和直接,但仍然是可以做到的。除员工满意度调查、客户调查等方法之外,较为简易的一个办法就是采取其相对顾客的做法。即:将企业内的其他部门、经理人员、员工都视为人力资源部门所服务的“客户”。如果人力资源部门的各种服务有欠缺、太贵或质量太差,那么企业就不得不考虑从外部购买人力资源的服务性劳务。同样的服务,如果外部相对本企业内部更低廉的话,宁可采用服务外包的方式。另一个做法是用企业参照法,即拿本企业工作情况与那些“表现最好”的企业的各项标准进行比较,当然,这需要较丰富的外部资源。人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献changes in the implementation of human resources for upgrading management bruce g charlton1 introduction1985 harvard business school professor mike life. porters value chain theory. show the value of the business is to create through a series of activities, which are these activities can be divided into the basic activities and supporting two categories, basic activities, including internal logistics, production and external logistics, marketing and sales, and service; and ancillary activities including procurement, technology development, human resources management and business infrastructure. these separate but interrelated with production and business activities, constitutes a value-creating dynamic process, in which the value chain. value chain management theory by development experts, the operation of a business activity is defined as three levels : decision-making, possessing, business activities. which the decision-making activities into strategy formulation, planning, the building of enterprise culture and brand strategy; control activities include enterprise information management, financial management, human resources management, administration, logistics management; business activities include sales, purchasing, production, quality control, logistics, services and other activities. in the 21st century, information technology, borderless wave, enterprises, and competition among enterprises, enterprise is the composition of the entire value chain competition, and not on the one hand be able to enjoy the advantages of survival. both strategy formulation and execution business activities of each one, the launch of need, participation, especially in the knowledge-based, information-based progressive development of a modern society, professionals, the quality of corporate decision for the future. no wonder even the worlds richest man, microsoft boss bill. gates said : microsoft removed before 20 people, microsoft will no longer exist! bill. gates of true unknown, but i actually heard over zhejiang a 60-year-old chairman said : i met the additional cost would rather go in batches, and has never let me take a cadre of buses or aircraft. i have more than 60, cultivating these people have taken me traditional style of people, often used to organize the way instructors transmission enterprises wisdom, then in enterprise development to a certain level, how the implementation of strategic human resource management, and the establishment of the correct election enterprises, education and use attractive mechanism to promote the upgrading of management, increase their overall value chain competitive? i think we can first of the human resources management election, education and used to stay four core processes of the construction and transformation process. improve management so as to achieve the effect. well first of all what we have to diagnose the current business cycle at different enterprises and experienced human resources issues : 2.1 the first stage : survival this phase of the enterprise is established around 1-2 years time, the enterprises often stage entrepreneurs personally went to the forefront of market, running sales, or high-level talents in the use of low stage, the crisis comes from enterprise customers to the development, cash flow, market position, product quality. no major human resource crisis. 2.2 the second stage : development period when weathered survival, with the enterprises business to flourish, branch offices more and more open, so firewire promotion manager, will follow the veteran to start his own business have put up office manager, deputy chief of the title, and so on. public managers although no system of management training and awareness, awareness of weak management, mainly in management experience, however, the profession has the time and the enterprises business flourished and quite effective, so cover up a lot of management issues. however, the corporate crisis management in the gestation. 2.3 the third stage : maturity enterprises in the past five years or so has developed gradually stable sales and customer base. also establish a certain industry visibility, entered a relatively stable operating stage. but because of weak management foundation, the general manager of the increasingly right below bianjiangdaili dissatisfied, but do not know how to do? information flow, logistics and the movement of cash flow is not smooth gradually, the quality of managers, company management system gradually unsuited to the needs of enterprise development. crisis management has been gradually exposed. 2.4 the fourth stage: phase change mature enterprises exposed in the large number of management issues, so that enterprises need a senior management changes on one hand, the introduction of external talents, strengthening internal management system, information technology, etc., intended to improve management efficiency, enhance enterprise management and control. enterprise success or failure of the transformation is the key to the insistence of senior and middle-level understanding of corporate culture whether employees understand, the business and ethical whether accepted by the public. only through reform, break through bottlenecks in development, to take off again on the road. 人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献3 problem solvingas enterprises like people there are minimize the process, as all stages of development enterprises, through strategic human resources reform, establish a sound system of human resources, enhance the management level, enhance core competitiveness and achieve the evergreen foundation? i think the key to the building of the following four human resources system : organization and management system, incentive pay systems, performance management systems, career development system. in this four perfect system, under the premise with human resources planning, recruitment channel development, training work. enterprises will be able to form a virtuous human resources development mechanism to help achieve a successful transformation. below on how to build this system of human resources for the four preliminary discussion : 3.1 organizational management system success of the enterprise management system of human resource management is the primary task. in brief, with the companys business process and the division of the appropriate organizational structure and job design, and to the right people at the right positions and so on. organization and management to enable smooth and enterprise must perform the following tasks : first, companies need a sound, greater ability to engage in the management of human resources management team; two is to tie business processes to change the design of the appropriate organizational structure, clear the company organization chart and job set up map; third, companies need to constantly improve the job description system and clearly defining the functions of the departments and work in concert with the process, making the statement of positions (job requirements and parameters service requirements), and post brochures as new employees of the important information and on-the-job training in the workforce, and assessment standards. 3.2 incentive pay system against the high school grassroots job responsibilities set of long, medium and short-term incentives, different posts its composition ratio and salary incentives should be different. senior stress long-term incentive, the grassroots can take a more short-term salary + bonus incentive model. special note here on the senior cadres enterprises can be used with the length of the incentives : the spot option scheme. phase option scheme will be able to better the interests of senior managers and the companys long-term interests combine, achieving shared interests and shared responsibility, the long-term incentive and restraint. but no matter what incentives, only one fundamental principle : the principle of fairness, that is a fair external and internal equity. let employees feel that their pay and be able to balance that will play the role of incentives. in addition to salary, of course material incentive, i would suggest that the managers of all levels should give full play to leadership, award in the same spirit of enterprise management role to play uncanny. 3.3 performance management system performance management system and the incentive pay system together constitute the cycle control process. performance management is not the purpose of the examination itself and the creation of an improved performance appraisal cycle. how, then, can we effectively improve the assessment cycle? the first step is the key indicator in assessing the (project) the creation, companies should be based on different development strategies of different evaluation indicators, using appropriate assessment methods and absolutely pursuit of a large and all-encompassing, using charming (confused) advanced assessment methods and examinations into a castle in the air. even on enforcement, people will also take is evaluation assessment is a process management, can help managers to distinguish between the types of staff, so use the appropriate means of human resources, promotion, training or out must speak to performance, not the performance of the managers is eliminated. performance not the same staff and managers is not timely processing of a dereliction of duty managers; the fourth step is to use the results of the examination, examination results and the company must pay the welfare system, pay welfare system can cope with the assessment system for the implementation of appropriate changes. the outstanding performance of departments and individuals to publicly recognize and reward the performance of a lack of guidance, criticism and encouragement. 3.4 career development system to enable employees to see individuals in a companys development direction and development platform, raise the job satisfaction of staff to provide the breadth and depth of career development path career development system is the fundamental purpose of the design. enterprises under the posts to the development and distribution of state enterprises in line with the actual development of the posts and job ladder series, meanwhile the human resources department to staff each of the actual situation with my staff develop individual career planning, and oversight so that the staff can get better satisfaction and timely found talent. 人力资源英文文献翻译及参考文献4 proposalhuman resources management is a dynamic process management, through the above four system, in the day-to-day management of enterprises continued to imp


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