.关于海报招贴的平面设计我们都知道,做设计的基本是创意,创意的基本是特色,特色的基本是独到,要想到独特的创意并不是人人做的好,要做到每人都接受,我想那样是不太可能的 。我认为,设计并没有成功,同样没有失败,,因为设计是活的,很多东西是矛盾的,并不可以凭个人做出准确的评价。 一个设计,关键部位的细节就要把误差降到最低,否则差之百,失之千里。比如苹果、西红柿、桔子等在体量差不多,但实际上却有很大不同,,这就要在处理中抓住它们各自不同特征准确的描写。 其实设计可以是很复杂也可以是很简单,在某种意义上来说,设计是一种奇妙的搭配,如同调酒,我们经常无法预测设计的最终效果,正因为这样,我们也会时常做出一些出乎意料的作品,设计是感性认识,如果只是画,我们可以简单的分析出优劣,但是一个设计,可以发挥的想象太多,很难知道是作者刻意塑造或是你发现了一个奇妙的巧合。那到底设计是什么时候就出现的呢?让我们一起来探索下吧! 中国是最早有货币的国家之一,自“夏”代就开始,各样的天然货币与人造货币相继出现,商、周各类货币的设计足以向我们展现出那几千年中高超而丰富、的设计水平。许多定型化的货币设计样式一直影响到后来中华纹饰的发展与文化的形成。然而,这些丰富而复杂的设计没有一件可与后来的铜钱设计相比。秦代的铜钱,选择了最为简洁的里方外圆之图形,完成了最完善的使用功能与最广博的教化功能。可以好不犹豫的说,对于圆形与方形的掌握,是人类最初对抽象图形认识的最重要的升华阶段之一,是由点、画这种基本笔画上升到由壁画构成的基本徒刑(由线性发展的平面)认识的标志。在中国原始社会的彩陶纹样中,基本的纹样除了点、画曲线之外,陷于规整的便有三角形、方形与圆形纹样。这些纹样通过巧妙的组合,形成了丰富的纹饰。然而,要将方和圆作为设计元素与设计思想来运用和表达,还有赖与更进一步的对抽象设计元素的领悟与把握。当人们明白了“不以规矩不能成方圆”的道理,明白了“圆使动、方使静”的规律,甚至能以“天圆地方”、“方正圆滑”等文化观念与感受模式来量度“方”和“圆”时,这样的设计才显出了无比的高妙来。钱是要使用与流通的,全世界后来所有的硬币几乎都归结到圆形的设计上,而只有中华民族选择了有方孔的圆形作为硬币的终极样式。以绳索贯穿着的钱币,自然便于计数与携带,而作为钻孔术来讲,铸造方孔要比钻圆孔容易得多。中国钱的这一设计,自然有着无比丰富的文化要求,而使得它要舍易求难了。 正是由于这种舍易求难的工艺设计,铜钱的设计也自然在使用功能与文化亲和能力上才具有了更多发展的可能,穿孔的钱更利于携带与计数。而方形的孔与圆形的钱又可同时更多容纳与图形有关的其它社会文化观念,例如流通与稳定这种钱的基本功能、圆滑与方正这类人的社会品格、周边与中心这类位置观念正是如此,才会出现了孔方兄这样的钱之称谓,使得钱也随孔夫子般地姓起孔来,适应了儒家倡导的文化精神。随之,中国的财神爷才有可能得了个公明元帅的名字。而钱方正,财神公明这类的联语才可以从更广的文化观念上寄托着人们的希望,造就着人们的品格。 如果我们再进一步考察中国老百姓对许多日常用具的设计,我们也会发现不少舍易求难而以应方圆(规矩)之处。中国人须臾不离的筷子,老百姓生产生活最常用的箩筐簸箕之类用具,大抵作成一头圆一头方的形状,都是最常见的例子,也都是在设计制造上舍易求难的典型,否则,那些被改造了的现代方便筐、卫生筷之类就不会不继续这种耳目能详的造型。我们再看看当代无数的商标等标识的基本造型,大体上还遵循着以方圆等基本图形的相互对比、穿插或包含的基本路数。而这些,正是中国铜钱的基本设计思想。 可以毫不夸张的说,中国铜钱的设计成功正是中国设计师们觉悟了平面设计的基本原理与法则的结果。这一设计原理是永恒的。 而现在,随着我国市场经济的不断发展和经济全球化进程的提高,市场机制进入精神生产领域,生产文化产品的企业大量涌现,文化产业迅猛崛起,在社会生活和国民经济中的地位正在迅猛上升。在许多国家,文化产业已成为重要的支柱产业和新的经济增长点;在激烈的市场竞争中,各种商品的文化含量以及由此带来的文化附加值越来越成为经济的强大竞争力;文化观念的变化带来了新产品开发、产品结构调整以及经济结构的变化。作为文化产业范畴的平面设计艺术正面临着文化与经济相互交融的社会现实,不能不思考这个行业的生存环境和如何抓住机遇在经济大潮中增强自身的发展实力,使平面设计艺术健康、有序、全面的发展。在激烈市场竞争中,无论是国际还是国内的企业,都把提高设计水平作为提升竞争力的一种手段,从报纸到杂志、从电视到网络、从品牌到包装、从广告到形象设计,平面设计的功能和作用不断放大,其影响力涉及到社会生活的各个方面和各个行业。据不完全统计,目前从事平面设计的从业人员约30多万人,从事平面设计艺术类人才培训的高等院校和教学机构近千家,而且还在不断的增加之中。对这样一支正在蓬勃兴起的文化产业大军,是发展市场经济不可缺失的重要力量。但是,长期以来,从业人员分散在不同的行业和领域,处在被边缘化的境地,没有明确的行业定位,没有自己的行业组织和学术机构。至于行业分工、行业标准,行业中介组织更无从谈起。面对经济和高科技飞速发展和平面设计相对滞后的局面,许多平面设计艺术的研究人员和从业人员心急如焚,纷纷要求改变现状,以求自身的发展空间。 我经常会有一种想法,觉得世界最高的设计大奖应当授与中国古代那位替秦国设计铜钱样式的设计师。也许我的想法并不无道理。就单件设计所使用的长久、所造就的产品数量之众多,再从使用这些产品的数目与人次,以及这一设计迁延时间的长久,这一设计思想的发掘与设计观念的拓展,这一设计导致的丰富文化内涵之发现与应用等等用以衡量设计成就的诸方面来看,可以说绝无出其右者。那么,如果要在世界范围内评选某一设计大奖的话,自然是非此莫属了。 所以我想,我们该少一点“专业”的眼光,不客气的说在设计这个概念里在座的各位(包括我)也许还正在学习怎么入门,记得某人说过一句“人类总是用自己的小尺子去衡量整个世界,然后就以为世界是这样或是那样的”。虽然我们同样会大声的发表自己的看法和意见。但在这样的时候我更愿意做一个沉默的学生,我并不是说让大家都闭上嘴,只是希望尽量避免绝对化的论调,指导式的发言,以及用带有明显的偏激的言语去评论一个设计,以探讨的态度去对待每一个作品,哪怕您认为它的确毫无价值。当然这只是个人的修养问题,但我觉得还有必要复述。没错,在我们之中不少都是设计精英,但是摆正自己的位置才能进步,至少是保持,设计是思想的体现,人要有好的思想才有好的设计。我相信即使是新人也有值得我们学习的地方,设计人应该是一个团队,团结如一才能互补而进。 we all know, makes the design is basic is the creativity, the creativity is basic is the characteristic, the characteristic is basic is original, must think the unique creativity certainly is not good which everybody does, must achieve each person all accepts, i think such is not too possible. i think, the design certainly does not have the success, similarly does not have the defeat, because design is live, the very many things are contradictory, certainly may not depend on personally makes the accurate appraisal. one design, essential spot detail must fall error to is lowest, otherwise hundred difference, loses the great distance. for instance the apple, the tomato, the orange and so on is similar in the amount of space occupied, but in fact actually has is very greatly different, this must hold their each one different characteristic accurate description in processing. actually designs may be very complex also may be very simple, said in some kind of significance, the design is one kind of marvelous match, if the coherence liquor, we frequently are unable to forecast the design the final effect, because of like this, we also can often make some unexpectedly work, the design is the perception knows, if only is the picture, we may the simple minute separate out the fit and unfit quality, but one design, may display the imagination are too many, is very difficult to know was the author sedulously portrays perhaps you discovers one marvelous coincidence. that design when appears? lets under our together exploration! china is most early has one currency country, the generation starts from the summer , all kinds natural currency and the man-made currency one after another appears, business, week. each kind of currency design sufficiently unfolds in that several thousand years is excellent and is rich, the design level to us. many stereotypia currencies design style always affected afterwards the chinese decorative design in a utensil development and the cultural formation. however, these rich and complex design one had not been possible to compare with afterwards the copper cash design. qin dai copper cash, chose graph the most succinct inside side outer annulus, completed the most perfect use function and the vastest enlightened function. may good no say, regarding the circular and square shape grasp, be the humanity at first to one abstract graph understanding most important sublimation stage, is from the spot, picture this kind of basic stroke rises to by the mural constitution basic imprisonment the symbol which (by linear development plane) knows. in in the chinese primitive society painted pottery grain type, the basic grain type except besides the spot, the plot curve, sinks into neat then has the triangle, the square shape and the circular grain type. these grain types through the ingenious combination, formed the rich decorative design in a utensil. however, must and 圆作 for designs side element and design thought utilizes and expression, but also depends on with further to the abstract design element comprehension and the assurance. when the people understood could not become the surrounding area by the custom the truth, understood the circle caused to move, the side caused static the rule, even could by the day round place , upright be smooth when and so on the cultural idea and the feeling pattern measured the side and the circle , such design only then appears incomparably cleverly comes. the money is must use and circulate, world afterwards all coins nearly all summed up to in the circular design, but only had the chinese nation chooses has the square edged orifice the circular takes the coin the ultimate style. passes through the money by the rope, naturally is advantageous for counts with carries, but says as the drill hole technique, casting square edged orifice must drill is much easier than. the chinese money this design, naturally has the incomparably rich cultural request, but caused it to want the shed to be easy to ask difficult . is precisely because this kind of shed is easy to ask difficult technological design, the copper cash design also nature kissed in the use function and the culture with the ability in the ability has the more development possibility, the perforation money favor carries with counts. but square shape hole and the circular money may simultaneously hold again with the graph related other society culture ideas, for example the circulation with stabilized this kind of money basic function, is smooth and the upright this kind of persons social moral character, peripheral and the central this kind of position idea is precisely so, only then can appear name the money such money, caused the money also to get up along with the hole master surname hole comes, to adapt the cultural spirit which the confucianist initiated. along with it, chinas god of wealth only then has the possibility hushes the male ming marshal name. but the money is upright, god of wealth male bright this kind of joint language only then may entrust peoples hope from the broader cultural idea, accomplishes peoples moral character. if we further inspect the chinese common people again to many daily apparatuses designs, we also can discover the many shed is easy to ask difficult but to meet surrounding area (custom) place. the chinese moment does not leave the chopsticks, the common people produce live the most commonly used wicker basket and so on apparatus, generally speaking does one circle one side the shape, all is the most common example, also all is in the design manufacture the shed yi qiu nan model, otherwise, these were transformed by the modern convenience basket, the health 筷 and so on cannot not continue this kind of informer can the detailed modelling. we have a look marking the again and so on contemporary innumerable trademarks basic modelling, on roughly also follows the essential way which by the surrounding area and so on the basic graph mutual contrast, the alternation or contains. but these, are precisely the chinese copper cash basic design thought. may not exaggerate say, the chinese copper cash designs successful is precisely the chinese designers comes to understand the plane design basic principle and the principle result. this principle of design is the eternal. but the now, along with the our country market economy unceasing development and the economical global advancement enhancement, the market mechanism enters the spiritual realm of production, the production culture product enterprise massively emerges, the cultural industry swiftly and violently rises suddenly, swiftly and violently is rising in the social life and the national economy status. in many countries, the cultural industry has become the important prop industry and the new economical growth spot; in the intense market competition, each kind of commodity cultural content as well as from this the cultural attachment value which brings more and more becomes the economical the formidable competitive ability; the cultural idea change brought the new product development, the product structure adjustment as well as the economic structure change. directly is near as the cultural industry category plane design art the social reality which the culture and the economy mutually blends, has no alternative but to ponder how this profession the survival environment and does hold the opportunity strengthens own development strength in the economical big tide, enable the plane design art health, to have the foreword, the comprehensive development. in intense market competition, regardless of is international or the domestic enterprise, all the enhancement design horizontal achievement promotion competitive ability one method, from the newspaper to the magazine, from the television to the network, from the brand to the packing, from the advertisement to the image design, the plane design function and the function unceasingly enlarges, its influence strength involves to social life each aspect and each profession. according to the incomplete statistics, at present is engaged in the plane design is employed the personnel approximately more than 300000 people, is engaged in institutions of higher learning and teaching organization nearly thousand which the plane design art class talented person trains, moreover also inside unceasing increase. to such one the cultural industry army which vigorously emerges, is develops the market economy may not the flaw important strength. but, since long ago, is employed the personnel disperses in the different profession and the domain, occupies by edge sine, does not have the explicit profession localization, does not have own profession organization and the academic organization. as for the profession division of labor, the profession standard, the profession intermediary organization without knowing where to begin mentions. facing is economical and the high tech rapid development and the plane design relative lag aspect, many planes designs art researcher and is employed the personnel burning with impatience, requests the change present situation in abundance, in order to own development space. i have one idea after the standing committee, thinks world highest design big prize must award china ancient times that for qin country design copper cash style designer. perhaps my idea certainly without truth. uses the product quantity on one the design which long-time, accomplishes is multitudinous, again from uses these products the number with the people, as well as this design procrastinates the time long-time, this design thought excavates with the design idea development, this design causes discovery the rich cultural connotation with using and so on uses to weigh the design achievement the various aspects looks, may say certainly 无出其右. then, if m
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