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-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 卫星电视节目转播委托协议书 espn 卫星电视节目转播授权协议书 合同号:citvc 日期: 年月日 委托方 名称: e. corp i, lic /中国国际电视总公司 联系电话: 86-10-63957071 传真: 86-10-63957074 被授权方名称: 地址:星级: 邮政编码: 联系人姓名: 联系电话: 86-传真: 86- 授权期限: 壹 年 起始日期:年月日终止日期:年月 日 传播方式: 连续直接播出节目语言 : 英语 被授权媒体: 涉外单位闭路电视 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 系统被授权用户种类: 涉外单位 被授权 单位终端数:付费周期: 按年度付费 每 台终端每天单价:元人民币预先或押后付 款: 预付 付款货币种类: 人民币收视费金 额:元人民币 附加条款: 1.如授权方确信 espn 频道中任何 节目片段的播出可能或是将会侵害他人 的权益,应有权临时撤消该节目或是通 知被授权方采取措施,防止这类节目的 转播。 2.授权方保留未言明授予被授权 方的有关 espn 频道的一切权利。 3.被授权方同意,对于被授权方 违反协议所造成的损失,授权方将不负 任何责任,同时授权方的利益将不受损 害。 4.本协议一经签署,在协议的有 效期内,被授权方不得提出解除协议。 协议到期时,被授权方如果决定不再续 签协议,必须提前至少九十天通知授权 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 方。 5.中国国际电视总公司依照与 espn 亚洲股份有限公司签署的合作协议, 在中国大陆地区独家代理 espn 频道的 收费业务。 6.本协议及其附加条款及附件, 是授权方和被授权方共同达成的具体法 律效力的约定,一经正式签署,双方都 应严格执行。 委托方签字:被委托方签字: 职务:职务: espnauthorizationcontract contract number:citvcdate: licensor:e, cop i, lic/ china international tv coporation telephone:86-10-63957071fax: 86- 10-63957074 licensee: address: postal code:grade: contact name: telephone:86-fax: 86- -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 license term:one year start date:end date: transmission category: continuous retransmissionlanguage: english authorised media: smatvauthorized subscriber:approved foreignentities number of terminals:billing frequency: yearly rate of terminal per day:rmbadvanced/arrears: advanced curency: rmbsubscription fee:rmb additional provisions/ comments: 1.if licensor determines that the telecasting of any part of the program of the service would infrince the right of others, licensor shall have the right to withdraw such program or notify licensee of such program, whereupon licensee shall make arrangements to prevent the transmission of the program. 2.all rithts in and to the service not expressly granted are reserved by licensor. 3.licensee agrees to indemnify and -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 hold harmless licensor from and against all claims, costs, damages and liabilities arising from or related to any breach of the contract by licensee. 4.licensee agrees not to put forward termination of the contract during validity of the contract. licensee shall notify the licensor of the desire to trminate the contract at least ninety days prior to the initial orend ofthe then current period. 5.according to the contract between china intl te corp and e. corp i, lic, cits acts as e,corp i, lics sole agent in the territory of china and have the sole right to sell that certain programming service produced by e. corp i, lic known as “espn”. 6.the contract, including any attachments hereto, when fully executed by parties shall constitute a leagally binding agreement between licensor and licensee. the parties agree to negotiate in -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 good faith and execute the contract strictly. licensor:licensee: ranking:ranking: 附 件 一.为确保用户在协议起始日能接 收到所需的节目,转播授权协议书签定 后,签约方应在三天之内把解码器款汇 至授权方指定开户银行、帐户,授权方 在收到解码器款或见到汇款凭证的传真 件后,应在一周内将解码器送至当地的 管理部门。 二.收费标准及付费方式: 三、四星级饭店: 0.50 元/天/房间 五星级饭店: 0.59 元/天/房间 使领馆、涉外公寓/国际商业公司: 0.59 元/天/房间 解码器价格: 4,000.00 元/台


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