



纳米比亚光伏项目 季节性施工和节假日期间安全管理程序 第 0 页 共 3 页 中国电建集团贵州工程公司 季节性施工和节假日期间安全管理程序 Safety management procedures during the seasonal construction and holidays 1.目的 Purpose 为加强季节性施工和节假日期间安全管理工作,保障施工安全,制定本程序。To strengthen Safety management procedures during the seasonal construction and holidays, to protect the construction safety, we develop this procedure. 2.职责 Responsibility 2.1 工程管理部负责组织季节性施工措施的编制,负责防风、防汛工作的布置和落实。 The project management department is responsible for organizing the preparation of seasonal construction measures, responsible for the arrangements and implementation of windbreak and flood-proof work. 2.2 物资管理部门负责组织制定季节性施工和节假日期间机械安全管理措施并进行落实。 The material management department is responsible for organizing the formulation and implementation of the mechanical safety management measures during the seasonal construction and holidays. 2.3 办公室负责制定季节性施工和节假日期间生活营地(包括:分包商生活营地)管理 措施并进行落实。The office is responsible for the development and implementation of management measures of living camps (including subcontractors live camps) during the seasonal construction and holidays. 3.程序 Precedures 3.1 夏季施工安全管理 Summer construction safety management 3.1.1 防风、防汛 Windbreak and flood-proof 各单位及时获取当地气象台(站)的天气预报,关注新闻媒体发布的恶劣天气 预报,通过适当的方式传达到每个单位(包括分包商)和人员。Each unit timely obtains the weather forecast of the local meteorological station (station), concerning about the bad weather forecast issued by the news media, and communicates to each unit (including subcontractor) and personnel through appropriate means. 纳米比亚光伏项目 季节性施工和节假日期间安全管理程序 第 1 页 共 3 页 中国电建集团贵州工程公司 工程管理部制定防汛应急预案,在雨季到来前,组织防洪防汛应急预案的 演练。Project Management Department develops “flood emergency plan“, before the arrival of the rainy season, and organizs flood control plan exercises. 工程管理部、办公室和物资管理部在雨季来临前,组织清理现场、办公区、生 活区和仓库区的排洪沟道、下水道,保证排洪畅通;对工具房、仓库、宿舍、办公室屋 顶、门窗以及地面的防雨、防漏进行检查,发现漏雨、渗水要及时处理;对落水口进 行清理,保证落水畅通。Before the arrival of the rainy season, project management department, office and material management department organize to clean up the drainage channel, sewer of the scene, office area, living area and storage area, to ensure flood discharge; do inspection on preventing tool room, warehouse, dormitory, office roof, Doors and windows and the ground from rain, leaking, if leakage, seepage was found that should be promptly dealt with; clean the water outlet to ensure that the water flow. 现场所有露天的电器设备都必须有牢固的防雨箱或罩,全部电气设备都必须接 地保护,手持电动器具全部经过漏电保护装置。All the open electrical equipment must have a strong rain tank or cover on site, all electrical equipment must be ground protection, all handheld electrical appliances must apply the leakage protection device. 3.1.2 防暑降温 prenvent sunstroke and cool 项目部根据施工特点和气温情况适当调整作息时间,尽量避开中午天气炎热时 段施工;酷暑期为现场作业人员供应充足、合格的饮用水和必备的防暑药品;在工人 集中的露天作业区搭设休息棚。According to the construction characteristics and temperature conditions,the project department adjusts the schedule appropriately and tries to avoid construction in the midday hot weather;and provides the site operators with adequate, qualified drinking water and the necessary heatstroke drugs during heatwaves; and erects a rest shelter in the open operating field with a lot of working staff. 办公室对垃圾箱和公共厕所定期进行灭蚊蝇,防止蚊蝇滋生带来的传染疾病。 Office will eliminate mosquitoes of the trash and public toilets on a regular basis, which will prevent the breeding of infectious diseases. 员工食堂要严格执行卫生标准,生熟食品要分开存放,剩菜剩饭应处理得当, 防止发生因食物变质而出现食物中毒现象。Staff canteen should strictly enforce the health 纳米比亚光伏项目 季节性施工和节假日期间安全管理程序 第 2 页 共 3 页 中国电建集团贵州工程公司 standards, raw and cooked food should be stored separately, leftovers should be handled properly to prevent food poisoning phenomenon resulting from food spoilage. 3.1.3 防火 Fire prevention 安全环保部定期进行消防检查,发现隐患及时消除。Safety and environmental protection departments regularly carry out fire inspection,if found the hidden dangers, it is timely eliminatd. 物资管理部对易燃仓库、油漆库房的隔热和通风进行检查。The material management department checks the insulation and ventilation of flammable warehouses and paint warehouses. 3.2 节假日期间安全管理 Safety management during holidays 3.2.1 法定节假日期间原则上要求各单位安排休假,不安排加班施工。During the statutory holidays, the units are required to arrange for leave in principle and do not arrange overtime construction. 3.2.2 各单位要加强节日生产值班工作,严格落实领导带班制度。值班人员要坚守岗位, 尽职尽责,加强现场监督检查。All units should strengthen the holiday production on duty, and strictly implement the leadership system. Duty officers should insist on their posts, due diligence, and strengthen on-site supervision and inspe


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