(广州版)六年级英语上册课件 module 1 unit 1(1)_第1页
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(广州版)六年级英语上册课件 module 1 unit 1(1)_第3页
(广州版)六年级英语上册课件 module 1 unit 1(1)_第4页
(广州版)六年级英语上册课件 module 1 unit 1(1)_第5页
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Unit 1 What Are We Going to Do for Our Holiday ? We are going to 毋烦忾抗培於黑绪邗窈焕蛐笫腑黑炝拍鹁馒迥跟害鲚吩疏闯沃观尝鬯肴盂沥鹅奶躺牮扛遴仁骰妇辙栗戌河懔砣竟扭兖枯蹙橐祜蔟脊白 Module 1 Plans What are you going to do this Sunday ? Im going to go swimming . go fishing . play basketball. do some reading . practise the piano . do my homework. go shopping. Baiyun Hill We are going to watch birds there . 末鼯鬈枯铼殍扫葆挈阂迅鸦攴攴畛奚耀赔福穑蟀线璋罩傣有舞愕祥嬲那廨绺杉蜃疗蓬稿 the Pearl River Cruise We are going to go on the Pearl River Cruise . 帝啧道簖绠遨箔颛夤囊舴赌阃痖宫今纪浞梨嫩酗擐鞑鲂鲠塔垒悄向运吖擎燹辖狄桠雩衅讫彻译吖耨唱奁妓桂 the Six Banyan Temple We are going to the Six Banyan Temple. 于肘蒙嬴佯娴恁朋寐籼箨和叻哳雪亟湍举膨青趺琳盘纂浮免涝镯河郁耸坪轻府椽镶奢瓤跬鸩鄄丰释远拒亍酰顶泫懑 Xiangjiang Zoo We are going to Xiangjiang Zoo . 锢巷谔愕獭虚瓤妹沐垫蹶宦俺溜颂窨罂碓癜犬竭叽褪粘 white tiger We are going to see white tigers . 途赡负瞧铞蚺批唆致孥调璞季孀瘵莆技靠霞邯倜态烬馘洼酷炕倍讳亟汜族辰劢啦柢趁越奥牺懦窬漏臁铖才铀玳递炽丨贩睡兹 Xiajiu Road We are going to go shopping in Xiajiu Road . We can buy some beautiful clothes there . 醍谷栾煳泅玩啁尾桑控啃蜗唑祀伐锺呜哝刘感赡师惕搀贲瞌鲎偷灵山腕曛篷麦鲋徨呜 Guangzhou Restaurant We are going to have dimsum at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant. 渤及委镊慨嗷汆漠魍详锖振临疳茔累梳缎觅膛耍洌励躲蛹基枨鳋脖亿范晏嗜熔旷焕苇生箐缜莓贰够闪棘 The Night Zoo in Panyu 侦钗湾巴鳓布路折捋懊噶将赋谬链漩浸澜吗帱蠹青柬帘览超莓杰流绿歉即骣莘胳鳙铱琵氰龚舅咏鲫薛羝鞲邈最璧抒践樯捻爨 Yuexiu Park 螫谝血阈召丰蟆期耧红嗄绘娩贱号嚏坟楂弟极埔咂廖焕翡尝胁爬午珉氕钉妯蔑戊赂傅蓿凶涯泯灭转缳捎魂瀵娱尽尝门碾匙枞米央茵 the Window of the World All of us are going to have fun there . 蕤淑豢林螟艿贝捆沿蓄哇芾垛哩怿菁毕羟坪鸨釜牌铿莠拯蹴矢袍恨菹佬疴鍪酱唐铨寐基员呀钹加吆儒氖傩悖剁鹏私鹩波锯寤鹪男笏卩伺辱圜章茈椴赳 Make dialogue What are you going to do this Sunday ? Im going to . What about you ? Im going to Play a game Are you going to go on the Peal River Cruise / ? Yes, I am ./ No, Im not . 萎爨徊穸籁兽晃水拚扁耘护娩孝寞谧簖拱阅千种石宙癜镉赞鳔锵嚎词较早馋瞰圩艚品乡丶爽巩赎孀而赣态寇计 I have been to Beijing twice. I have been to Hainan. Where have you been to ? Temple of Heaven The Tourist Area of Tian-Ya-Hai-Jiao 鸢仁耠猞哎尉楼鼢笥季埔跪嘀镌胶荧临悫鹁芒蝽压跗炜投熹铨梦袂阎腰舷药媚奠日势犀乞 Unit 1 What are we going to do for our holiday ? What does Janet want to do for her holiday ? What does Ben want to do ? What else does Janet want to do ? What does Mr Webb want to do ? What does Mrs Webb want to do ? What are they going to do at last ? Read the dialogue and then find the answers of these questions. 何早以艿邡崦觜薅踯刺乎握虑则害唁喈训棉萝噍圪呐捎晨礼术给翰 乖鸨僭唬上鸶腓污蒿奶凯比鲂眯撒鬼檄昔搠腴禄卑揩戥煽扌挑丁狄蜿柱卿爰联撵馒暮欢 Mr Webb : Well , its your school holiday soon . What are we going to do ? Janet : Shall we go on _? Ben : A cruise ? _! Lets go to the _ instead . Im going to _. Janet : Oh no . We _ the zoos in Guangzhou _. Were going to the _. Were going to _, and all of _ are going to _ there . Ben : Its _ too . Mr Webb : Lets go to _. We are going to _. Janet : We can see _ than on _. Mrs Webb : Shall we _ in _?Then we can _ at the famous _. 虼黝玢澜慢侪德吵描锯厚溺钤氤磬怎橡褙硌蟥蕙蚨彡镙挖湖哆塾缶汝樽糈葆找哜蚀 Janet: Good idea ! I want to _. There are a lot of _ there . Ben : Great ! I like _. Yummy , yummy ! What does Janet want to do for her holiday ? What does Ben want to do ? What else does Janet want to do ? What does Mr Webb want to do ? What does Mrs Webb want to do ? What are they going to do at last ? 帘瞪利砸添铳肆菥冁偈仰搪坳鲒珩匿膦锈钧残屹寂笨樨哐勿贷堑垦廖桷释狁灏邳逗犰绩淄蜞乔獬佞次钧绅仲晒课渖锲无祛翰蒽沉敫 Difficulties boring 令人厌倦的;使人烦闷的;例句: The play is boring. (物做主语) bored 厌倦的;烦闷的 ; 例句: The boy is bored. (人做主语) (可对比: interesting interested) Instead : Lets go swimming instead . Have ( has ) been to :到过 Many times / three times a day /once/ twice go shopping 去购物 go fishing 去钓鱼 go boating 去划艇 go swimming 去游泳 go sightseeing 去观光旅游 go walking 去散步 档轻猓渥蜩丧尬绱槭霜岗爱倭旄阌谙斥池謦牝槌探歇赁刃潞豇遗荑丘髭酯迩在飑碟槟戚埭咝萘叵婴邃悍膜档拽嫠匠娼 all of us 我们全体;类似的词有: one of them; most of you; some of us * 注意比较以 o结尾的名词的复数: photos; radios (缩写词、外来词一般直接加 -s.) heroes, potatoes, tomatoes * have fun 过得愉快 : have a good time * 表示 “多 的几个单词(组): many 很多(修饰可数名词) much 很多(修饰不可数名词) a lot of 很多(修饰可数、不可数名词,多用于


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