消费文化语境下建筑表皮的发展趋势摘 要进入了 20世纪,全球的现代建筑在瞬息万变的社会环境影响下呈现错综复杂的局面,在以消费为主要特征的现代文化中,视觉文化由于传媒的快速发展和电子技术的巨大变革而异军突起,彻底影响甚至改变了整个社会的方方面面,大众的审美泛化,经济的运作模式,技术的突飞猛进都影响着当下的建筑设计。在建筑学发展的历史长河中,形式与功能的关系一直是个颇具争议的话题。在消费文化的驱动下又出现消融与转化的趋势,本文认为这种趋势来自于人们越来越重视对建筑表皮的设计。文章首先从建筑设计方法论、人文学观点、艺术发展与审美变迁、科学技术等多角度的论证了建筑表皮从古典主义开始,经过现代主义和后现代主义,慢慢演化至当下的表达方式。之后通过对当代消费文化的分析进而得出建筑表皮的变化是文化、经济和技术发展多重作用的结果。之后得出这样的结论:建筑表皮是在消费文化的背景下成为使建筑艺术转化为大众视觉艺术的催化剂,这种催化作用使建筑艺术的表达方式与波普绘画、抽象绘画、立体主义绘画、雕塑、时装、电影等现代艺术进行有效的融合。除了体现艺术性外,建筑表皮设计在体现当代前沿技术这一方面走在了建筑其他组成要素前面,所以综合了艺术和技术特性的建筑表皮成为了建筑与人对话的最有效媒介。因此孤立地、静态地从建筑本身的角度认识表皮设计已失去意义,而是迫切地需要从整体的、动态的角度理解和把握建筑设计中的表皮问题,从而使建筑成为体现文化、艺术、科学等综合性的美的艺术。建筑师应该用综合的设计手法,在整合建筑表皮的基础上,将人的视觉和心理情感因素渗透和融入到建筑表皮中,消除建筑的主观表现主义倾向,让建筑信息在接受过程中与人的心灵上产生沟通与共鸣,从而创造出富有情感意义并反映时代特色的建筑艺术作品。关键词:消费文化;建筑表皮;建筑艺术;大众视觉艺术;艺术;媒介ITHE TREND OF ARCHITECTURAL SURFACE UNDERCONSUMER CULTURE CONTEXTAbstractInto the 20th century, modern architecture of the world presents a complex situation underthe influence of a rapidly changing social environment. Modern culture which consumption isthe main feature, the visual culture plays an influential role due to the rapid development ofmedia and the tremendous changes of electronic technology. Visual culture even changed everyaspect of society, such as the publics aesthetic generalization and the modus operandi of theeconomy. Technological advances have immediately affected the architectural design. In thehistory of architectural developing, the relationship between form and function has always beena controversial topic. Being driven by consumer culture they appeared to melt and transform toeach other. My article believes that this trend comes from the growing emphasis on the design ofarchitectural surface. At the beginning, my article analyses the architectural design methodology,human point of literature, art and aesthetic developments and changes, science and technologypoint of view, then demonstrate architectural surface developed from the beginning of classicism,modernism and after post-modernism, gradually to the current evolution of expression. Byfollowing the analysis of contemporary consumer culture, we know that the changes ofarchitectural surface are the result of multiple, Such as cultural, economic and technologicaldevelopment. After that I get a conclusion that architectural surface built in the context ofconsumer culture is acting as a catalyst which causes architecture art transformed as visual arts.The catalyst spur the expression of architecture art combine with Pop arts, abstract paintings,Cubism paintings, Sculptures, fashion, film, and other modern art. In addition to function ofembodying the artistic, architectural surface reflects the contemporary cutting-edge technology.As a result of this, the combination of artistic and technical characteristics let architecturalsurface as the most effective medium of dialogue between human and architecture. Therefore, tounderstand architectural surface in isolation or in the static way has lost its meaning, we have tounderstand and grasp the design of architectural surface problem in a whole and the dynamicpoint of view urgently. Architecture which reflects culture, art, science may regard as art.Architects should integrate visual and psychological factors into the design of architecturalIIsurface and eliminate the tendency of subjective performance, and let the public receiveinformation from the architecture easily. This is the only way to create a great building whichreflects rich emotional significance and the characteristic of this age.Key words: Consumer culture;Architectural surface;Architectural art;Popular art;Art;MediumIII目 录摘要 IAbstract II第1章 绪 论 .11.1 研究缘起 11.2 概念界定 21.2.1 消费文化的概念 21.2.2 表皮概念的区分 31.2.3 表皮的概念. 51.3 研究背景 51.4 研究思路 71.5 研究目的 7第2章 表皮视觉艺术化发展的历史 92.1 传统建筑艺术美的他律性 . 92.2 现代主义建筑艺术美的自律性 122.3消费时代的建筑艺术美的自由性 . 14
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