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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?教学案例一、学生情况说明小学六年级的学生通过三年的英语学习,在听、说、读、写等方面都有了很大提高,并且能在教师的指导下很好地完成活动,达到既定的目标。但是他们还不能很好地控制情绪,集中注意力, 这就需要教师在活动过程中作为教学活动的组织者、 学习知识的指导者、 学生学习的合作者、学习过程的评价者、问题情境的创设者,运用呈现、操练、交际等活动,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。二、设计理念采用活动途径, 倡导参与教学, 根据小学生的心理生理特点及学习特征,利用任务型教学让小学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作探究等活动方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功

2、。在本节课中,我通过创设各种情境,设计贴近生活的各种活动,鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表达。如让学生当一回“问路者”和“指路者”,让学生用所学的语言与朋友自如地交流等,创建了一个以活动课为主的任务型教学模式。在一系列的活动中, 学生能用极大的热情投入到英语学习过程中,并能在40 分钟的课堂里,真正有所收获。三、教学目标:1. 知识目标1)能够听、说、读、写单词 hospital 、 cinema 、 post office 、 bookstore ,能够听、说、认读 science museum 。2)能够听、说、认读句型Where is the library? Its near the post

3、 office.并能进行关键词的替换。2. 能力目标1)能够在实际情境中正确使用询问路线的语言并能简单回答,如:Where isthe library?It s near the post office.3. 情感态度目标:1)培养学生团结友爱、乐于助人的优良品质。2)培养学生在生活中自觉遵守交通规则的意识。四、教学重、难点:结合教学目标的要求,把本课的重难点设置为:1. 教学重点:1掌握 Let s learn部分的四会单词和短语。2. 教学难点:正确书写四会单词和掌握三会单词museum的发音。五、课前准备:依据教学目标和教学重难点的设置, 教学准备了教学卡片,等。六、教学过程: 热身 /

4、复习( Warm-up / Revision)1.Sing a song: How do you go to school?2.Daily Oral PracticeT: Just now we sing the song, and the singer asks if you can go to school by ship or train. Can you? S: No, we can t.T: Then, how do you go to school? S1: I go to school on foot.T: Can you spell foot?S1: Yes, f-o-o-t,

5、 foot.T: How do you go to Canada? S2: I go by plane.T: Can you spell plane? S2: Yes, p-l-a-n-e, plane.自制课件, 学生自制单词卡片等设 计 意 图【设计意图】 利用 free talk的形式为学生提供语言交际的机会,通过让学生说说以何种交通方式到某个地方, 巩固复习学过的单词和句子, 并为学习新课奠定基础。.【设计意图】 通过创设排队这3.Make a queue一情景, 让学生通过参与、 体T: I d like to go to the park today. Who wants to验等

6、活动, 总结归纳以前所学come with me?方位词的用法,并练习 whereS: Me, me ( T finds five students to come to theis.? 这一句型,为下面展开board and asks them who they are)新课做好铺垫。T: (asks the five students to make a queue) Thenwhere is Yu Jinna?S: She is in frontof Sun Yanzhen. (writes in frontof on the board)T: Where is Sun Yanzhen?

7、S: He is behind Yu Jinna? (writes behind on theboard)T: Where is Liu Lei?S: She is near Yu Jinna. (writesnear on the board)T: Now, I will asksome other students to come withme and they should make the queue according to my2order. Liu Shasha please. Hou Longxiao stands infront of Liu Shasha please. L

8、i Tianyu stands behind Hong Longxiao please. Lou Wei is near Li Tianyuplease. (the students make a new queue) Are they right?S: Yes, they are.4.Find the park.T: I want to go to the park, but I don t know where the park is. Who can help me? I am at school now.I will start from here.S: I can.T: Excuse

9、 me, how can I get to the park?S: You can go by the No.15 bus.T: Can I go there on foot?S: Yes, if you like. Its not far.T: Thank you.(T points at the board)T: I can go by the No.15 bus. What will the bus do, if the traffic light is red?S: Stop at the red light.T: If the light is yellow?S: Wait at t

10、he yellow light.T: If the light is green?S: Go at the green light.【设计意图】 利用学生上单元所学习的对话, 为学生创设一个问路的任务情景, 为引出本课的总体情景打下基础, 同时培养学生助人为乐的精神和遵守交通规则的行为习惯 。 呈现 / 操练 ( Presentation / Practice)1. Learn the new words(1) T: The park is very beautiful,butI have to send【设计意图】 通过帮助老师送a letter to my friend now. Wher

11、e should I go? I am信这一情景, 在板书和图片的a stranger here. (T points to the board), can I go帮助下,引导学生帮助老师找to a cinema?到 post office,同时利用方S: No.位介词确定 post office的T: A hospital?方位,自己总结出本课所学核S: No.心句型。T: A post office?S: Yes.(2) T: I have sent the letter. I want to buy a newbook now, where should I go?S: Booksto

12、re.T: Yes, but where is the bookstore?S: It s behind the post office.3(3) T: I feel bad now. ( 教师做不舒服状 ) I ve got a cold. I have to go to the hospital. Where is thehospital, can you help me?S: It s in front of the post office.(4) T: I m OKnow. I want to see Harry Porter, where should I go?S: Cinema.

13、T: Yes, a cinema, but I m a stranger. How can I find the cinema? What should I say?S1: Where is the cinema, please?S2: It s behind the park.S3: It s near the bookstore.T: (Tpointstothe board) Behindthe park,nearthebook store, it s theS: Cinema.T: Good job.T: Iknowyoualllikerobots.They reveryinterest

14、ing.Ifyou wantto visit robots,whereshould you go?S: Science museum.T: Museum is a difficult word. Lets read it onceagain.Ss: Museum.T: Remember you are a stranger here. What will you say?S1: Where is the science museum, please?S2: It s near the hospital.S3: It s in front of the park.T: (T points to

15、the board) Near the hospital, in front of the park?S: It s the science museum.2 Listen to the tape.Listen to the tape and read after it.拓展 / 巩固( Extension/Consolidation)1.Say the words according to the picture.Point to the pictures on the board, say the words and spell them.【设计意图】 通过以上三个新词的学习, 学生已经基

16、本掌握问路与指路的表达法, 所以在学 习 cinema 和 science museum 这两个新词时,学生就可以成为课堂的主人, 自己将这两个新词运用到实际情境中去。【设计意图】 通过听录音并跟读这一环节, 再次训练单词和句子的发音并且纠正学生的错误发音,同时也锻炼了听力。【设计意图】 再次强化词汇教学,进一步指导学生不够熟练的词汇。2 Make a dialogue.【设计意图】 通过看图自创对T: Use the map and make a dialoguewith 话这一任务, 灵活运用本节课4yourpartner.所学内容, 锻炼学生的口语表S1: Excuse me, wher

17、e is the post office?达能力和创新思维能力。S2: It s near the science museum.S1: How can I get there?S2: You can go by bike, it s near.S1: Thank you.3 Play a game.【设计意图】 本环节首先考查One studentdescribesthe location,the other 了学生如何正确描述某个方student guess what place it is.位,同时考查了学生对本节课S1: It s in front of the post office

18、.板书的注意程度。 除此之外还S2: Is it the cinema?运用了句型 Is it , 为下节S1: No.的对话学习做好铺垫。S2: Is it the hospital?S1: Yes.作业布置(homework)1. Make a dialogue based on the map, which is designed by the students.板书设计:Unit 3 My weekend plan B read and writeMid-autumn FestivalWillWhat are you going to do for Mid-autumn Festiva

19、l?I m going to.七、教学反思这堂课我觉得有两点比较满意的地方:一是在呈现活动中引导激趣。我通过运用各种手段和方法, 展现本节课的词汇和句型。从利用歌曲引入本节课所授内容,到引导同学帮助老师找到某个地方,再到学生自己去问路、指路,都围绕着本节课的重点教学内容展开,让学生在形式丰富的活动中练习本节课的单词和句型,并在活动中加深了学生间的友谊。二是我注重在交际活动中提高学生综合运用语言的能力。我充分利用了合作学习这一模式,改变了传统英语课堂中“教师讲、学生听;教师问、学生答”这种单一、单向的教学方式,使学生有了更多主动学习的机会。在设计课堂活动时,从让学生完成基本对话练习,到让学生创编对话,体现了从“抓”到“放”的过程,同时使这些任务活动具有了实际操作的意义,使课堂气氛轻松、愉快。通过完成各种活动任务,使学生综合运用语言的能力有了较大提高。这堂课使我深刻感受到小学英语教学要求创建的以活动课为主的任务型教学模式,不是简单的5动动玩玩, 教学活动一定要有实效, 要为主题服务, 要为真正发展学生的综合语言运用能力服务。在授课过程中, 我也发现自身有很多不足,比如在操练过程中对于学生发音问题重视不够,词汇教学中对写的要求落实不到位,在评价语上缺乏技巧和方法,不能针对学生特点进行个别评价, 整堂课各环节时间分配不是很合理等一些细节上的问题,我会针对这些问题进行再思考,争取下次


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