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1、,2013年高考语法 复习系列二 冠词,知识归纳梳理: 一. 冠词的种类 二.冠词的用法 三.零冠词的情况,一 冠词的种类 1 定冠词 the ,用在名词前表示特指,“这, 那” 2 不定冠词(a &an) eg: _ hero _ hour _ united family _ umbrella _ one-week trip,a,an,a,an,a,二 不定冠词的用法 考考你: The Wilsons live in _ A-shaped house near the coast. It is _ 17th century cottage. Mrs. Taylor has _ 8-year-

2、old daughter who has _ gift for paintingshe has won two national prizes.,an,a,an,a,小结不定冠词的用法: 1. 类指用法 eg: His father is _editor , _good editor. _ eagle does not hatch _ dove. *a. 在单数可数名词前,表示泛指某一类人或物。,an,a,An,a,eg: _ thief was caught by _ policewoman . Freddy became _ successful singer at last . *b.指

3、初次提到的某人或某物,泛指某人的职业,阶级宗教等。,A,a,a,eg: _ Mr. Wu called you. - Wow, he looks like _ Smith! - He is _ Smith! *c.用在姓名前或Mr. Mrs. Ms. + 姓氏,表示“某一个,某位” , 有不肯定的意味,也可以表示某家庭成员的一位。,A,a,a,2 指量的用法 eg: An apple a day keeps the doctor away . a.表示: 一个 one eg: Its _great pleasure to meet you here. We are of _age. Our b

4、oss has _wide knowledge of history. b.用在不可数名词前,表示某种具体的情况或概念。(=any/every),a,an,a,*用在固定词组或习惯用语中: all of a sudden take an interest in in a word a hurry way minute moment have a cold headache have a good time takehave a rest have a try an hand in a say in 试一试;参与;对有发言权,pay a visit to go for a walk make a

5、 living play a role ( in ) with a smile lend a hand make a name for oneself (出名) at a loss (不知所措) at a disadvantage (处于不利地位) at a discount (打折扣) in a sense of an age a size,a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a great many / many a as a rule as a matter of fact in a short while / after a

6、while keep an eye on,三. 定冠词的用法 考考你: 1. As a rule, domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid _(按小时). 2. On May 5, 2005, at _World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Linghui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in mens doubles with _score of 4: 1.,by the hour,the,a,小结定冠词的用法: eg: Summers in _south of France ar

7、e for _most part dry. There once lived _ king, and _ king loved clothes. Here are _ main points of _ news.,the,the,a,the,the,用法1. 特指的人,物(双方都明白的 人或物)或上文提到过的人或物。,the,eg: the Earth moonsun sky stars world Milky Way the Universe horizonequator the United Nations the Peoples Republic of China 用法 2. 世上独一无

8、二的事物名词前或由普通名词组成的专有名词(国家,组织,机构等)之前。,1). The Beijing is the capital of China. 2). There was the full moon last night. 注:某些词前若因阴/晴/雨/雪等而表现出不同的状况,前有形容词修饰时,也可用不定冠词.,或the city of,类似:a red sun a starry sky a rough sea,a,the first record, the last , the most important talk in the 1990s 1990s The more , the

9、better. 用法3: 序数词及最高级之前或表示“年代”的数词和比较级的特殊句型中。,play the piano violin guitar flute drum The Peoples Daily The White House The Opera House The Red Cross Society 用法4: 乐器,报刊以及某些公共团体或建筑物(旅馆,剧院,车站,学校,宫殿,博物馆)等名称前。,R or W ? 1). He makes his living by teaching the piano. 2). I dont know how to play the erhu. 注:

10、 a.表示课程时不用定冠词 b.以汉语拼音表示的乐器名称前不用冠词.,eg: the Danube River the Pacific (Ocean)太平洋 the Taiwan Straits 台湾海峡 in the south , to the left * 5. 江河,海洋海湾,海峡,港口,湖泊,群岛,山脉,方位的名词之前,Note: 海南岛、富士山、好望角、密歇根湖、峨眉山泰山 Hainan Island Mt. Fuji Cape of Good Hope Lake Michigan Mount Emei Tai 注:含有Mount/ Lake/ Cape等表示孤岛/独山/湖泊的名词

11、前一般不加冠词.,eg: the Stone Age the Tang Dynasty the Air Force Army Navy The Central Academy of Fine Arts 中央美术学院 6. 用在历史时期或朝代、学校、船只、三军等名词前 What is the English for 北京大学? Beijing University,eg: the blind rich poor unfortunate the wounded learned aged employed the living the Greens the Lis 7. 用在某些形容词前,表示一类人

12、; 用在姓氏的复数形式前,表示一家人。,eg: The waiters are paid by the hour day . 8. 在 “by the +计量单位(单数)中 Eggs are sold by the dozen kilo. Meat is sold by the weight.,注意!by size /time/ length 可不能乱用the.,eg: Thomas Edison invented _ electric bulb. _horse is a useful animal. = Horses are useful animals . = _ horse is a u

13、seful animal.,9. 用于发明物的单数名词前; 与单数可数名词连用表示类别。,the,The,A,试一试: 她抓住了我的胳膊. 他爸爸打了他的头. She caught me by the arm or by my arm? ? His father hit him on the head or on his head ?,10. 代替所有格代词, 指提到过的人的身体或衣着的某部分 eg: hitbeatstrike sb. in the face stomach eye pat sb. on the shoulder catch sb. by the collar hand,11

14、. 用在固定搭配或习惯用法中: 暗中 前几天 在露天 总之 恰恰相反 在播送中,in the dark the other day in the open air on the whole on the contrary on the air,当场 不断增加 除了外 引人注目 暂时 归咎于 整理床铺,on the spot on the increase with the exception of strike the eye for the time being put the blame on make the bed,取代 打破沉默 维护和平 开夜车,take the place of

15、break the ice keep the peace burn the midnight oil,四 零冠词的用法 考考你: 1. If you go by _ train, you can have quite a comfortable journey, but make sure you get _ fast one. 2. It is often said that _teachers have _very easy life.,a,a,小结零冠词(不用冠词)用法: eg: George was born in China ,and he likes Kung fu. My gra

16、ndpa doesnt like coffee, but he loves tea. Failure is the mother of success. All roads lead to Rome.,*1.在专有名词、抽象名词、物质 名词(表示种类或泛指不定的 量),复数可数名词(表示一 类人或物类别或泛指)之前,eg: from Monday to Friday National Day , new Years Day , Christmas Day Eve 2) 在季节、月份、节日、 假日、日期、星期等表示时间的名词之前,不加冠词;But:中秋节 、 春节? the Mid Autumn

17、 Festival The Spring Festival,eg: play footballcards chess Have breakfastlunch supper dinner 3) 在、球 、棋、牌类体育运动及三餐的名称前 Note : 吃大餐? Have a big dinner,eg: learn English physics bird flu high blood pressure 4) 语言名称、各门学科、 某些疾病名称前 eg: They elected Gandhi chairman of the meeting . 5) 头衔,呼唤语,表示职位的名词前,eg: Tha

18、t old lady likes those cats. His sister has read every book on the shelf . Come to see me any day this week. 6) 名词前有this , that , these, those 以及my , her , his等形容词性物主代词,不定代词some any , no , every , neither 等限定词时,eg: by bus bike taxi tube Man will conquer nature. Child as Tom is , you cant fool him. 7

19、) 与by 连用的交通工具名称前,man 指人类; “普通名词as” 的让步状语从句中。,8) 固定搭配或习惯用法中 eg: at dawn (=daybreak )sunset in dangerdebt on horseback foot day and night hand in hand be in bedchurch class hospital 卧床、祈祷、上课、住院 leave word 留言,go to class college 上课 上大学 at universitytable in jail 在大学读书就餐 坐牢 leave college take lose heart

20、 大学毕业 鼓起勇气失去信心 by heart beyond hope 默记 毫无希望 on sale out of stock 在出售中 脱销,五. 使用冠词应注意的几个问题: 一. 并列结构冠词的使用 1. 一个人具有两重身份或兼有数职时,可用一个冠词: eg: a singer and dancer 2. 两件东西配成一套使用时,只用一个冠词: a knife and fork a needle and thread a watch and chain 一套刀叉一根穿着线的针 一块配链子的表,3. 两个关系密切的单数名词并列使用,或含有对比的含义时,一般不用冠词。 手脚 日日夜夜 han

21、d and foot day and night 面对面 父子 face to face father and son 从左到右 逐字地 from right to left word for word,三 一冠之差,意思不同 in a way in the way take a chair take the chair a number of the number of,某种程度上 挡路、碍事 坐下 主持会议 许多 的数目,with child with a child be of age be of an age at sea at the sea at table at the tabl

22、e,怀孕 带着孩子 成年 同龄 在航海 在海边 在吃饭 在桌旁,in red in the red in charge of in the charge of by sea by the sea in hospital in the hospital,身穿红装 负债 负责 掌管 乘船 在海边 住院 在医院里,类似: in prison in the prison in class in the class at school at the school 在校上学 在学校里 go to school go to the school 上学去学校 go to church go to the ch

23、urch 做礼拜 去教堂,for a moment for the moment at a time at the time by day by the day take place take the place of,一会 暂时 每次 当时 白天 按天算 发生 代替,on earth on the earth in future in the future in front of in the front of at back of at the back of,究竟 在地球上 今后 将来 在.前面 在的前部 在.后面 在的后部,out of office out of the office keep house keep the house in a word in word in words,下岗 离开办公室 料理家务 守在家里 总之 在口头上 用语言,five of us the five of us word have a word have words the second time a second time,我们中的五个 我们五个 消息 说句话 吵架


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