高中英语 Unit1 Living well vocabulary导学案 新人教版选修7_第1页
高中英语 Unit1 Living well vocabulary导学案 新人教版选修7_第2页
高中英语 Unit1 Living well vocabulary导学案 新人教版选修7_第3页




1、陕西省榆林育才中学高中英语 Unit1 Living well vocabulary导学案 新人教版选修7学习目标: 本单元有关词汇,其中课标词汇50个。 自主记忆,寻求构词规律和语音特点,掌握课标词汇。第一部分:预习案1. 高声朗读下列单词的音标:1.disbiliti 2.hiri 3.mbin 4.benifil5. klmzi 6.dpt 7.maikrskup 8.bsns9.felu10. nid 11.f:m 12.saikldi 13.inkridmnt14.plitiks 15.bli 16.rizain 18.kses 2.请同学们朗读下列词汇,每词两遍,并尽可能在脑海中再

2、现意境。1. disability 2.hearing 3.eyesight 4.infantile paralysis 5.lap 6.ambition 7.dictation 8.noisy 9.suitable 10.entry 11.beneficial 12.clumsy 13.bump 14.adapt 15.adapt to 16.bench . 17.microscope 18.out of breath 19.absence 20.fellow 21.annoyance 22.all in all 23.firm 24.tank 25.tortoise . 26.in man

3、y ways 27.psychology 28.mainstream 29.fulfilling 30.politics 31.abolish 32.resign 33.slavery 34.companion 35.congratulate . 36.bowling 37.certificate 38.architect 39.adequate 40.access 41.handy 42.impair 43. exit 44.approval 45.dignity 46.profit 47.community . 3.请同学们将课本翻到97-98页,写出下列高频词汇的词性及词义。1. amb

4、ition_ _2.beneficial_ _3.suitable_ _4.adapt_ _5.cut out_ _6.out of breath_7.annoy_ _8.all in all_ _9.sit around_ _10.in many ways_ _11.make fun of_ _12.conduct_ _13.resign_ _14.literature_ _15.companion_-16.congratulate_17.adequate_18.access_19.handy_20.exit_ _21.approval_ _22.profit_ _23.dignity_ _

5、24.clumsy_ _ 第二部分:训练案1.语音知识:学法指导:根据词汇表和语音知识在A,B,C,D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1. disability A.disabled B.ambitious C.lap D.suitable2. beneficial A.entry B.absence C.encouragement D.resign3. fellow A.bench B.adequate C.development D.basement4. microscope A.fellow B.software C.parrot D.psychology5

6、. clumsy A.conduct B.fulfilling C.community D.congratulate6. companion A.congratulation B.certificate C.access D.beneficial7. architect A.bench B.architecture C.check D.wheelchair8. apply A.dignity B.handy C.psychology D.occupy9. tank A.ambition B.absence C.resign D.English10.impair A.exit B.dignity

7、 C.resign D.eyesight.单词拼写:学法指导:根据下列各句句意和空白处的汉语提示,写出对应单词的正确形式,小组内探1. Do you know anyone with a mental or physical _(残疾)?2. Her _(抱负、愿望)is to become part of the national team for the next Paralympic.3. Although some may think the cinema is_(吵闹的), it is _(合适的)for Sallys condition.4. In addition, someti

8、mes I am very_(笨拙的) and drop things or _(撞到、碰撞)into furniture.5. But I am very _(外向的) and have learned to _(适应)to my disability.6. Every time I returned after an _(缺席、旷课),I felt stupid because I was behind the others.7. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me _(烦恼的、生气的)8

9、. I think I had at least a billion tests, including one in which they _ _(切去、切下)a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a _(显微镜)9. My ambition is to work for a _(公司) that develops computer_(软件)10. _ _ _(总而言之) I have a good life.11. .So dont feel sorry for the disabled or _ _ _(取笑、嘲笑)them, and dont ignore them either.12. Just accept them for who they are, and give them_(鼓励)to live as rich and full a life as you do13. Why has his fellow students_(行为、品行)changed towards Marty?14. In what ways do you think the sighted


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