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1、英语论文写作技巧,写作基本原则,5C原则 Correct(正确) Clear(清晰) Concise(简洁) Completion(完整) Consistency(一致性),Title(标题) Abstract(摘要) Keywords(关键词) Introduction(引言) Method(方法) Results(结果) Discussion(讨论) Conclusion(结论) Acknowledgement(致谢) Reference(参考文献) Appendix(附录),Title,Abstract和Introduction部分往往是被评阅者读得最多的,评阅者会根据这些内容产生对文章

2、的第一印象。 一篇论文赢得评阅者的多 少好印象,在很大程度上取决于Title,Abstract和Introduction 写得好坏。,标题 Title,基本要求:精准(Accuracy),简洁(Brevity),清晰(Clarity) 英语科技论文中,标题不宜过长,大多为812个单词左右。 Title往往由名词性短语构成,如果出现动词,多为动名词或分词形式。 内容层次很多的情况下,可采用主副标题相结合的形式;应将核心内容的主题词放在提名前面的位置。 Eg: An effective statistical approach on,An analysis of the city surfaces

3、 heavy metal pollution The Analysis of Heavy Metal Pollution on the Surface of the City Soil Pollution Evaluation of the Heavy Metal Elements on the Urban Soil,摘要 Abstract,简洁而充分地表述文章的核心思想。针对什么问题,采用什么方法,得到什么结果。 使用简短而简单的句子,逻辑严密,使用指示性词语,如We suggest that,We found that. 尽量要避免出现数学公式、引用文献和一些特殊符号等。 注意从句的使用,

4、和被动语态的使用。,摘要的基本结构,This article aims to./This article focues on the .(目的) By using.(方法) are finally established.(结果与简短讨论) The results effectively solve the/The solutions are important to.(结论),This investigation was performed to see 表示研究目的 It was hypothesized that 表示假设 This experiment was performed by

5、 testing 表示实验过程和方法 The results showed that 表示实验结果 It was concluded that 表示结论 This study investigates表示研究内容或目的 Researchers designed a questionnaire表示研究方法 This questionnaire was administered to表示研究对象 The data suggests that表示调查数据与结果 A possible association has been suggested表示调查结果,摘要撰写的主要问题,撰写的篇幅过长,伴随很多

6、冗余的描述性语句 时态混乱 习惯了中文写作的主谓宾结构,使用的句子结构单一,多为简单陈述句 Eg:We find the pollutant sources, get the environmental qualitys evolution pattern and know some ways to reduce pollutant sources. And finally we hope that it could be used to keep the pollution trend within limits. Revised Version: With the pollutant so

7、urces being found, the evolution pattern of the environmental quality and the ways of the reduction of pollution are finally obtained, which might limit the pollution trend.,引言Introduction Outline the strengths and limitations of the study; Discuss the relevance to current literature; Outline your i

8、mplications with a clear So what? and Where now?,Introduction是外刊文章最难写的部分之一,另外就是Discussion。很多文章的缺陷就在于Introduction没有内涵,过于简单,没有真正体现论文的研究起初和创新要素。一个好的Introduction相当于文章成功了一半。所以大家应该在Introduction的撰写上下功夫。要写好Introduction,最重要的是要保持鲜明的层次感和极强的逻辑性,这两点是紧密结的,即在符合逻辑性的基础上建立层层递进的关系。 Discussion是文章深度的体现,能不能很多的所做的内容进行深入的、

9、一致的探讨,给予中肯的评价,提供今后可行的研究方案,是成功的关键。,语言技巧,(1)注意句子上下连贯,不能让句子独立。常见的连接词有,However, also, in addition, consequently, afterwards, moreover, Furthermore, further, although, unlike, in contrast, Similarly, Unfortunately, alternatively, parallel results, In order to, despite, For example, Compared with, other r

10、esults, thus, therefore用好连接词能使文章层次清楚,意思明确。 (2) 注意段落布局的整体逻辑:经常我们要叙述一个问题的几个方面。这种情况下,一定要注意逻辑结构。第一段要明确告诉读者你要讨论几个部份Therefore, there are three aspects of this problem have to be addressed. The first question involvesThe second problem relates toThe third aspect deals with清晰地把观点逐层叙述。也可以直接用First, Second, Th

11、ird, Finally当然,Furthermore, in addition等可以用来补充说明。,(3)引言部分最后的圆场:在前言的最后,还可以总结性地提出“这一研究对其它研究有什么帮助”;或者说further studies onwill be summarized in our next study (or elsewhere)。总之,其目的就是让读者把思路集中到你要讨论的问题上来。尽量减少不必要的争论(arguments)。,(4)讨论文章的不足之处,既不要刻意隐藏文章的漏洞,也不要过分谦虚觉。研究的问题有点片面,讨论时可以说,It should be noted that this

12、study has examined only We concentrate (focus) on onlyWe have to point out that we do notSome limitations of this study are 结论有些不足,The results do not implyThe results can not be used to determine(or be taken as evidence of)Unfortunately, we can not determine this from this dataOur results are lack of但指出这些不足之后,一定要马上再次加强本文的重要性以及可能采取的手段来解决这些不足,为别人或者自己的下一步研究打下伏笔。Not withstanding its limitation, this study does suggest However, these problems could be solved if we considerDespite its preliminary character, this study can clearly indicate用中文来说这是左右逢源,把


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