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1、Unit 5 (B),Grammar Characteristics 1.Simple sentence 1.Every time a good time. (麦当劳) 分分秒秒聚欢笑。 2. 不打不相识。 (打字机公司广告) Typing is knowing.,2.Imperative sentence and interrogative sentence Eg. 1) Just do it. (耐克广告) 想做就做。 2) 要想身体好,常饮健力宝。 Drink Jianlibao as habit to keep you healthy.,3) How to get on a diet

2、without telling your stomach? 如何既节食又保胃?,Syntax characters Often use active voice eg. What we do, we do well. 我有我品质。,Eg. The seats have been specially tailored to offer remarkable support. 每张座椅都经过特别设计制作,只为乘客乘坐舒适。 2. Often use present tense Eg. We are not in the computer business. We are in the result

3、s business.-IBM 唯我电脑,成效更高。,Translation Principles (一) Simple and Creative: Eg. 出手不凡钻石表。 -Our Diamond brand means excellent wrist watch out of your hand. Ask for a Diamond brand, if every second counts for you. A Diamond brand out-stands your hand.,衣食住行,有龙则灵。(建设银行龙卡) -Your everyday life is very busy,

4、 our Long-card can make it easy. -Long-card makes your busy life easy.,2. Aesthetic feeling through common language Eg. Your Future is Our Future. (汇丰银行) 与您并肩,迈向明天。,Pepsi-Cola hits the spot Twelve full ounces, thats a lot Twice as much for a nickel, too Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you,她工作您休息。 (凯歌全自动

5、洗衣机) Eg. She works,you relax. 3.受众(目的语读者)文化认同 All is well that ends well.,喝孔府家酒,做天下文章。 Drink Kongfu alcohol and write No.1 article. Confucian Spirits provokes your mind.,Sample Study,Commercial Ads,Wild Turkey Lore: Wild Turkeys are masters of camouflage and evasion. A large flock of birds will lie

6、quietly within yards of a man passing through the forest, and never be seen. The Wild Turkey is truly a native bird, unique to America. And it is unique symbol of the finest native whiskey in America, Wild Turkey.,NONSTOP TO NEW YORK ITS OUR WAY OR THE LONG WAY If you are like most people, the long

7、way is the wrong way. So fly nonstop to our New York area hub, Newark Liberty International Airport, and take hours off your travel time. Enjoy the comfort of our Boeing 777 aircraft which features personal entertainment systems. special in-flight service. For additional information, visit us at con

8、tinental. com Continental Airlines,诚聘教师 欲寻有经验的英语教师到夜校授课。申请表请寄至海景社区大学外语系,2995Prospect St. , Bay View CA 94888,Classified Ads,Classified Ads,1.Position Wanted,Position open for experienced teacher of ESL to teach evening classes. Send your application form to: Language Dept. Bay View Community College

9、, 2995 prospect St., Bay View CA 94888,FEMALE student to do errands. Must drive, live near UCLA, good at problem solving. Hours flexible, $ 4 / hr. Dr. Price 88250764,Sample,诚聘兼职人员 生意兴隆的奥克兰饭店欢迎您来做夜班兼职。工作氛围友好,是学生打工一族的理想选择。有意者请在晚上6点后,拨打电话45256780,与理查德联系。,PART-TIME evening work available in busy restau

10、rant in Oakland. Friendly atmosphere. Ideal job for students. Call Richard after 6 p.m. at 45256780,Sample,TUTORING,NATIVE CHINESE-SPEAKING student to tutor 2-3 times / week. Salary negotiable. Hours flexible. Please call Clay, 310-937-0441,欲出租一套两居室的公寓。位于考雷大街。交通便利,步行5分钟即到车站。租金:每星期40美元,包括电费及煤气费。有意者请拨

11、打电话2.To Let / For Sale,Two-room flat to let. Cowley Rd, five-minute walk to nearest bus stop. $ 40 /w, electricity and gas included. Tel.一女大学生欲和其它女生合租一套3居室的公寓。位于繁华地段,月租金600美元。 有意者请打电话College girl wants to share a three-room flat with girl students only. Downtow

12、n area. $600 / month. Call:自行车出售 现有一辆自行车出售。车况:半新;颜色:深绿。以400美元购得,愿以半价出售。有意者请打电Bike for Sale One bike for sale. Half new,dark green, got it at $400, accept $200. Call:急需自愿鲜血者。恳请帮助。来信寄至Box 1294,3.In Need Ads,3.In Need Ads,Blood donation NEEDED urgently. Please hel

13、p. Box 1294,外出旅游夫妇急需临时保姆。万分感谢,来信请寄至Box 1517。,On Trip Couple needs babysitter. Thank you! Box 1517.,4.In Need Ads,5.for Friendship or Marriage,PENFRIENDS- USA. Make lasting friends by correspondence. Send: age, interests. Free reply. Box 62296PE, phoenix, Arizona 85071,诚征笔友来自美国。予以通信方式结交永远的朋友。请随信告知你的年

14、龄、爱好。收到信,免费回复。来信请寄至Box 62296PE, phoenix, Arizona 85071,Personal Ads,Omit unnecessary expressions. Abbreviate words and phrases. Shorten verb phrases. Simplify or leaving out punctuation,Writing several small personal ads from the list 1.You are in need of a part-time secretary (situation / hours / p

15、ay/ phone number). 2.You have a two-bedroom flat / apartment and you are looking for someone to share it (condition / rent / gender / time / phone number). 3.You are a college student. You want to find a part-time job as a typist (your background / phone number ),Key,Help Wanted,PART-TIME secretary

16、for psychologist. Needs typing and relevant skills. Flexible schedule. Approximate 5-7 hrs / week. $ 5.00 / hr. 6651826,FLAT TO SHARE,2 BEDROOM 1 bath, male. $ 200 / Mon+utilities Aug 15-Sept 15. Call Eve: 88244726,APT TO SHARE,NON-SMOKING female roommate needed to share two bedroom apartment. $ 254 per person. Spring quarter. 535 Gayley Apt. 103 44737495,SERVICES OFFERED / TYPING,TYPIST Let Casey do it. Long experience. Own IBM electric. Reasonable rates, fast and a


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