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1、zxxkw,Unit1 Can you play the guitar?,Section A(1a-2d),Warm-up,1,Presentation,2,Language points,3,Exercise,4,内容结构,Can you dance? Can you dance? Yes, I can. Yes I can. I can dance , I can dance, I can dance , I can dance.,Can you swim? Can you swim? No, I cant, No, I cant. I cant swim, I cant swim, I

2、cant swim, I cant swim.,Warm-up,Say and chant,Warm-up,sing,dance,play the guitar,music club,I can sing. I can dance. I can play the guitar. I want to join the music club.,Presentation,Learn some new words,Make sentences:,English club,art club,draw,speak English,I can speak English. I want to join th

3、e English club.,I can draw. I want to join the art club.,Make sentences:,swimming club,swim,chess club,play chess,I can play chess. I want to join the chess club.,I can swim. I want to join the swimming club.,Make sentences:,1a,What can these people do? Match the activities with the people.,sing _ s

4、wim _ dance _ draw _ play chess _ 6. speak English _ 7. play the guitar _,g,c,b,d,a,f,e,Guess what you can do.,I can dance.,I can swim.,I can play the guitar.,Guessing game,I can sing.,I can draw.,I can play chess.,Can you sing?,No, I cant.,Can you dance?,No, I cant.,Yes, I can.,I want to join the m

5、usic club.,Can you play the guitar?,Pair work,Look, ask and reply,Listen and number the conversations.,1b,A: Can you swim? B: No, I cant.,A: I want to join the art club. B: Can you draw? A: Yes, I can.,A: I want to join the music club. B: Oh, can you sing? A: Yes, I can.,2,1,3,I want to join ,Can yo

6、u ?,Yes, I can. / No, I cant.,Pair work,Make conversations with you partner,Listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear.,a. English club b. art club music club chess club swimming club,2a,1. Lisa wants to join the _ club, but she cant play _. 2. Bob wants to join the _ club. He l

7、ikes to speak _. 3. Mary likes music. She can _ and _. Bob likes music, too. They want to join the _ club.,Listen again. Complete the sentences.,chess,chess,English,English,sing,dance,music,2b,Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do and the clubs they want to join.,2c,Bob likes to He wants

8、to Bob likes , too. He wants to ,Lisa cant play chess, but she wants to join the chess club.,Mary likes She can She wants to ,Group work: 假如你是No.6 Middle School的小记者,需要采访几个同学,看看他们具备哪方面的才华以及想参加哪个俱乐部,将调查结果填入下表。,Report: Hello! Im a reporter from No.6 Middle School. Tom wants to join the English club. He

9、 can speak English. Mary can sing and dance. She wants to join the music club .,Listen to the conversation in 2d. Then answer the questions below.,Can Bob play soccer? _ 2. Who wants to join two clubs? _,Yes, he can.,Jane.,2d,Read the conversation in 2d. Fill in the chart.,play soccer,a sports club,

10、telling stories,draw,the story telling club,the art club,2d,Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.,Jane: Hi, Bob. What _ do you want to join? Bob: I want to join a _ club. Jane: Great! What sports can you _? Bob: Soccer. Jane: So you can _ the soccer club.,club,sports,play,join,2d,Bob: What a

11、bout you? You are very good at _. You can join the _ club. Jane: _ good. But I like to _, too. Bob: Then join two _, the story telling club and the _ club! Jane: OK, lets join now!,telling stories,story telling club,Sounds,draw,clubs,art,Role play the conversation with your partner.,Hi, Bob. What ,I

12、 want to ,Role play,can 意为“能够”,本课中提到的为谈论人的能力。 否定形式:cant = can not 不能够 can 是个情态动词,不能独立存在,必须与动词原形构成句子的谓语。 can 没有人称和数的变化。例如:,1. can 的用法,Language points,I can speak English well. 我能讲英语很好。 Jack can swim, but I cant. 杰克会游泳但我不会。 She cant play chess. 她不会下棋 。,例句,play 后跟体育运动时,不用冠词。 如:play soccer 踢足球 play bask

13、etball 打篮球 play 后跟乐器时,要加定冠词 the。 如:play the guitar 弹吉它 play the piano 弹钢琴,2. play 的用法,3. I want to join the art club. 我想参加美术社团。,join 表示“参加;加入”,此处指加入社团或组织,成为其中的成员。 例如:,join the army 参军 join the Young Pioneer 加入少先队 join the NBA 加入美国的全国篮球协会,club 表示“俱乐部”或“社团”。 在英、美等国,中小学校会组织各类俱乐部来提高学生的兴趣及才能,丰富他们的文化生活。相当

14、于我国中小学校中的“兴趣小组”。,3. I want to join the art club. 我想参加美术社团。,知识拓展,be good at sth./doing sth. 表示“擅长于 ; 精 通 ”, 后面可接名词或动词的ing形式。 例如: Mr. Li is good at languages. He can speak eight languages. 李先生精通多种语言, 他会说八种语言。,4. You are very good at telling stories.你很擅长讲故事。,一、说出下列词组。 下国际象棋 _ 2. 说英语 _ 3. 想要做某事 _ 4. 参加美

15、术俱乐部 _ 5. 英语俱乐部 _,play chess,speak English,want to do sth.,join the art club,English club,Exercise,6. 音乐俱乐部 _ 7. 国际象棋俱乐部 _ 8. 游泳俱乐部 _ 9. 踢足球 _ 10. 听起来不错 _,music club,chess club,swimming club,play soccer,Sounds good.,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Can you _ (dance) dance, Jane? 2. I want _ (join) the music club.

16、 3. Lets _ (join) the English club. 4. Alice cant _ (speak) Chinese well. 5. Well. You can join the _ (swim) club. 6. Jane _ (want) to join a sports club.,dance,to join,join,speak,swimming,wants,1. I can _ English well. I want to join the English club. 2. What _ can you play? Basketball. 3. What _ do you want to join? Soccer club.,club cant sounds like speak can sports draw,三、选词填空。,spe


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