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1、How Deep Is Your Love? 授课教师:杜文婷 南昌大学共青学院,Unit Two,The Aims of the Unit,Enable students to have an insightful understanding of love. Enable students to appreciate the passage by analyzing some rhetorical devices. Practice English writing and oral English. Familiarize students with some CET-4 vocabula

2、ry,Five Parts of the Unit,Part One: Lead-in Part Two: Text Analysis Part Three: Detailed Reading Part Four:Development Part Five: Exercises,See clips of movies about love,Part One: Lead-in,Discussion,Q1: What will you think of when you see the word “Love” ? -Romance; trust, respect,passion; misery;

3、Ring; money; wedding; sunshine; moon; lovesickness; love letter; lovebirds; vow; cute meet; Cupid (Cupids arrow),Brainstorming,Sacrifice,Blindness,Possession,Great Happiness,Devotion,love,?,Types of Love,Family Love,Friendship,Romantic Love,Types of Love,Possible kinds of love: 1) Family love: Selfl

4、ess 2) Friendship: I will be there! Comfort /company/help/share you! 3)Romantic Love (love between man and woman): Couples: less of romance/more of care 情人眼里出西施。 The earth mingle with the sky, not till then will my love die. 天地合,乃敢与君绝。 You dont love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beaut

5、iful because you love her. 不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。,It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. 迷上一个人需要一分钟,喜欢一个人需要一个小时,爱上一个人需要一天-但,忘掉一个人却需要一辈子。 I love you not because of who you are, but because o

6、f who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 If you were a teardrop in my eye, for fear of losing you, I would never cry. And if the golden sun should cease to shine its light, just one smile from you would make my whole world bright. 如果你是我眼里的一滴泪;为了不失去你;我将永不哭泣;如果金色的阳光;停止了它耀眼的光芒;

7、你的一个微笑;将照亮我的整个世界。,见与不见 See Me or Not,你见,或者不见我, 我就在那里,不悲不喜; 你念,或者不念我, 情就在那里,不来不去; 你爱,或者不爱我, 爱就在那里,不增不减; 你跟,或者不跟我, 我的手就在你手里, 不舍不弃; 来我的怀里, 或者,让我住进你的心里 默然 相爱 寂静 欢喜,It doesnt matter if you see me or not. I am standing right there with no emotion. It doesnt matter if you miss me or not. The feeling is rig

8、ht there and it isnt going anywhere. It doesnt matter if you love me or not. Love is right there and it is not to change. It doesnt matter if you are with me or not. My hand is in your hand and I am not going to let go. Let me embrace you, Or Let me live in your heart to eternity. Silence Love. Calm

9、ness. Joy,Warm Up: Listen and Respond,Listen and fill in the blanks: 1) A woman saw three old men thought that they must be _, so she invited them to come in and have something_ . 2) The old men said that they did not go into the house _. 3) The husband wished to invite _ _, but the woman did not ag

10、ree and wished to have _, while their daughter suggested “_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ”.,hungry,to eat,together,Wealth,Success,wouldnt it be better to invite Love,Listen and Respond (continued),4) The woman came out and said, “Which one of you is_? Please come in and be our_”. 5) The other two old men also

11、got up and followed, which _the woman. 6) Old man told the woman, “If you had invited _or_, the other two of us would _”,Love,guest,surprised,Wealth,Success,have stayed out,Script:,An Invitation A woman saw three old men sitting in her front yard. She said, I dont think I know you, but you must be v

12、ery hungry. Please come in and have something to eat. We dont go into a house together, they replied. Why is that? she asked. One of the old men answered. His name is Wealth, this is Success, and I am Love. Then he said, Now go in and discuss with your family which one of us you want in your house.

13、Then the woman went in and told her family what was said. She said Lets invite Wealth. Let him come in and bring us nice things. We have been so poor. His husband disagreed, My dear why dont we invite Success? Dont you want me to be a successful man? Then the daughter asked, Would it be better toinv

14、ite Love? Our life will then be filled with 1ove! Lets take our daughters advice, said the father and mother,Script:,An Invitation So the woman went out and asked, “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest ”Love got up and started walking toward the houseThe other two also got up an

15、d followed him Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success, I only invited Love. Why are you corning along? The two o1d men answered, If you had invited Wealth or Success, two of us would have stayed out, but since you have invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with him. Where there is Love. there

16、is Wealth and Success.,Part Two: Text Analysis,How Deep Is Your Love?,Part Division,The Structure of the Text,Love is hard to define.,Different depths of love.,Differences between the two generations.,Suggestions to the young.,Global Reading_2,It was difficult for the writer to have crushes on the o

17、pposite gender when she was young. Now shes grown up, and she feels regretful for her puppy loves. According to the writer, a mature relationship demands as much take as give. The writer believe that love happens when it is time for it to happen, and so is her love. Before the writer fell in love wi

18、th her boyfriend, they didnt know each other.,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,She had countless crushes while in school.,She now laughs about all those silly and adventurous thoughts and acts.,F,( ),F,( ),F,T,( ),A mature relationship demands a lot of give and not so much of take.,F,( ),She built love on the foundat

19、ion of friendship, so they had been friends before establishing their relationship.,( ),True or False,Part Three: Detailed Reading,How Deep Is Your Love? -Mansi Bhatia Love to some is like a cloud To some as strong as steel For some a way of living For some a way to feel And some say love is holding

20、 on And some say let it go And some say love is everything Some say they dont know,你的爱有多深 -曼茜.巴蒂亚 有人认为爱如浮云 有人认为爱坚强如铁 有人认为爱是一种生活方式 有人认为爱是一种感觉 有人说爱要执着 有人说爱不要约束 有人说爱是生命的全部 有人说不知道爱为何物,3.Given the busy nature of our lives, its to be appreciated that we even find the time to indulge in matters of the hear

21、t. But at the same time I wonder if we even understand its true depth. I remember having countless crushes while in school.,Love to some is like a cloud To some as strong as steel For some a way of living For some a way to feel And some say love is holding on And some say let it go And some say love

22、 is everything Some say they dont know,How Deep Is Your Love? Mansi Bhatia,Detailed Reading_t1,Detailed Reading,2. At some stage or the other in our lives we experience an emotion which defies definition. Its a feeling that can only be felt and not described. An overwhelming joy that comes together

23、with its share of sadness. Love.,My math teacher, our neighbours son, my best friends brother and lots of others whom I fancied for the colour of their eyes, the shape of their moustaches or just the way they walked. Harmless puppy loves that are as brief as soap bubbles. I can laugh about all those

24、 silly and adventurous thoughts and acts now but at that time nothing could be more serious an affair for me. Then came the stage of real relationships.,Detailed Reading_t2,Detailed Reading,4.Being in an all girls school I hardly had the opportunity to interact with members of the opposite gender. S

25、ocials between our school and the boys college, therefore, would be awaited,anxiously. Those three hours of unhesitant attention by a group of well-groomed young gentlemen provided us with enough content to talk and feel excited about for the next four weeks.,Detailed Reading_t3,Detailed Reading,5.A

26、nd even then there was no real need of having a boyfriend. 6. I somehow grew up believing that love would happen when it had to. And sure enough it did. It came at an age when I had a career, a long-term plan and a more or less settled life (and now I am not yet 25). I was mature enough to enter a r

27、elationship which demands a lot of give and not so much of take. 7.Love was a magnificent building I had built on the foundation of friendship. It took time to blossom. It took a lot of understanding, loads of sharing and caring, and plenty of affection to become what it is today. And it meant a mee

28、ting of minds. You might say that I belong to the traditional school of romance. But in my opinion, love needs to be nurtured. And it has to be distinguished from the intense but short-lived love or the pleasures of the flesh.,9.The younger generation, with its openness and fading lines of proximity

29、 has jumped on the bandwagon of love with so much haste that it is difficult for them to distinguish between physical attraction and mental compatibilities. What we have been exposed to via the media have fast paced our sensibilities so much that taking things slow requires effort on our parts.,8.Ou

30、r parents generation was fed lavishly with ideals. It was an era of constraints, restraints, respect, admiration, and,Detailed Reading_t4,Detailed Reading,plenty of romance. The long skirts, the quiet and unpretentious looks, the curled long hair, the calmness, the shy glance these are all so freque

31、ntly remindful of a bygone era. An age when the distance between the sexes somehow managed to help preserve the holiness of love and relationships.,less of intimacy. There is more of passion and less of emotion. There is more of acquiring and less of sharing. There is more of opportunism and less of

32、 selflessness. In short, there is more of ME and less of US.,11. The mindset of this generation is all too evident in the way it handles its personal life. There are more relationships being distorted under the pressures of lust than ever before. There is more focus on physical beauty than on inner

33、charm. There is more of closeness and,Detailed Reading_t5,Detailed Reading,10.I am sorry to learn about the kind of emotional baggage school kids are carrying in what are purely unemotional relationships. Some might blame the current state of affairs on peer pressure. But has anyone ever stopped to

34、figure out where this peer pressure originates? Do any of us try and understand who is responsible for this shift? Does anyone bother to study the state of mind of the teenagers?,Detailed Reading_t6,Detailed Reading,12.We have hardened ourselves so much in this competitive age that we have forgotten

35、 the essence of relationships. Theres much more to being someones lover than gifting them red roses and fifty-cent cards. What about gifting our object of affection, our time, our company, our support, our friendship? What,about setting priorities in our lives and focusing on each with sincerity? Wh

36、at about trying to be self-sufficient emotionally before letting ourselves loose? What about giving ourselves, and others, time and space to forge relationships? What about working towards meaningful and lasting friendships? What about honouring our commitments? What about channeling our energies an

37、d emotions towards building lifelong bonds rather than wasting them on seasonal relationships?,Detailed Reading_t7,Detailed Reading,13.We have but one life and we must experience everything that can make us stronger. True love happens once in a lifetime. And we should not have become so tired by our

38、 frivolous acts that when it comes we arent able to receive it with open arms.,1. What does “matters of the heart” mean?,Given the busy nature of our lives, its to be appreciated that we even find the time to indulge in matters of the heart.,Detailed Reading_t1_Given,Detailed Reading,Something spiri

39、tual and emotional like love.,2. Translate this sentence.,在紧张忙碌的生活中,我们竟能找到时间,沉湎于感情之中,这的确令人感佩。,Harmless puppy loves that are as brief as soap bubbles.,Detailed Reading_t2_Harmless,1. What are puppy loves?,Puppy loves happen to people too young to understand true love.,Detailed Reading,2. What are the

40、 same characteristics that puppy loves and soap bubbles share according to the sentence?,They are both short in existence and wont produce too much influence on people nor will they do harm to people. Simile: Short/fragile/vulnerable/temporary,nothing could be more serious an affair for me.,Detailed

41、 Reading_t2_nothing,1. What does this sentence imply?,To me, a love affair was the most serious thing.,Detailed Reading,2. Analyze this sentence grammatically.,The structure “nothing can be more (+adj.) than sth.” means sth. is the most (+adj.). When the comparative degree is used in a negative sent

42、ence, most often it means the superlative degree.,Nobody can do the job better than he can. It cant be worse.,More examples:,Those three hours of unhesitant attention by a group of well-groomed young gentlemen provided with enough content to talk and feel excited about for the next four weeks.,Detai

43、led Reading_t2_Those three,1. What usually would happen at the social?,Those neatly dressed boys would never hesitate to pay attention to the girls or to attract the girls attention.,Detailed Reading,2. What usually would happen to the girls after the social?,They always felt excited and would keep

44、on talking about the social experience for weeks.,And it has to be distinguished from the intense but short-lived love or the pleasures of the flesh.,Detailed Reading_t3_And it ,1. Whats the difference between true love and the intense but short-lived love or the pleasures of the flesh?,True love de

45、velops slowly but lasts long, and it needs more sharing, caring and mutual understanding than the intense but short-lived love or the pleasures of the flesh.,Detailed Reading,2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.,我们必须把爱情同强烈而短暂的激情或身体的愉悦区别开来。,An age when the distance between the sexes somehow manag

46、ed to help preserve the holiness of love and relationships.,Detailed Reading_t4_An age ,What can we infer from this sentence?,Distance between sexes in some way contributes to the holiness of love and relationships between men and women.,Detailed Reading,What we have been exposed to via the media ha

47、ve fast paced our sensibilities so much that taking things slow requires effort on our parts.,Detailed Reading_t4_What we ,1. What is the influence of media on us according to the author?,It makes us mentally and emotionally respond to love more quickly.,Detailed Reading,2. Translate this sentence i

48、nto Chinese.,我们从媒体中接触到的人和事,使我们的感情历程大大加速,要想慢慢体会自己的感受,确实需要付出努力。,There is more of closeness and less of intimacy.,Detailed Reading_t5_There is,1. What is the difference between closeness and intimacy?,Closeness is meant in a physical sense, while intimacy is in the spiritual sense.,Detailed Reading,2.

49、What does this sentence imply?,People in love can contact each other more easily, but they arent as spiritually close to each other as before.,In short, there is more of ME and less of US.,Detailed Reading_t5_In short,What does this sentence mean?,Today young people handle love in a more self-center

50、ed way, only concerned with their own feelings and even interests in an affair, forgetting that love also needs sharing and giving.,Detailed Reading,What about trying to be self-sufficient emotionally before letting ourselves loose?,Detailed Reading_t6_What,1. What can we infer from this sentence?,O

51、nly when we become emotionally mature can we start a relationship and indulge in love.,Detailed Reading,2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.,等我们在感情上成熟起来后再尽情地追求爱情,怎么样?,What about channeling our energies and emotions toward building life-long bonds rather than wasting them on seasonal relationship

52、s?,Detailed Reading_t6_What about,1. What do “them” refer to in this sentence?,Our energies and emotions.,Detailed Reading,2. What do “seasonal relationships” mean?,Literally the expression means relationships that vary from season to season. Here it means short-lived relationships we are involved i

53、n with different people.,And we should not have become so tired by our frivolous acts that when it comes we arent able to receive it with open arms.,Detailed Reading_t7_And we,1. What does “it” refer to in this sentence?,True love.,Detailed Reading,2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.,我们本不应任由轻佻的

54、行为令自己身心疲惫,以致当真爱到来时,却没有能力张开双臂迎接它。,hold on: to continue in spite of difficulties,Detailed Reading_t1_hold on,Despite all the hardships, he held on to his pursuit of further study abroad.,Detailed Reading,We should hold on to our business during the recession.,在经济衰退时期我们要把业务坚持下去。,defy: vt. 1) to make im

55、possible or unsuccessful,Detailed Reading_t1_defy1,This problem defied solution.,Detailed Reading,That horrible scene defied any description.,那个恐怖的场景难以描述。,此问题无法解决。,2) to refuse to obey,They defied their parents and got married.,These criminals who had defied the law were eventually punished.,这些无视法律的

56、罪犯终于得到了惩罚。,defy the authority 反抗权威 defy the government 蔑视政府 defy severe cold 不畏严寒 defy enumeration 不胜枚举 defy laws human and divine 无法无天,Collocations:,1. Our troopers are the enemies attacks. 2. This new plan has been stubbornly since it was put forward. 3. The little boy couldnt the temptation and a

57、te up all the cake. 4. He the court order by leaving the country.,Detailed Reading_t1_defy2,Detailed Reading,这些动词均含有“反抗”,“抵抗”之意。 普通用词,可表不同程度的抵抗。 指公开地、勇敢地反对或抵抗,有时含公然挑衅之意。 指积极地反抗一种攻击、暴力或诱惑。,Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.,opposed,_,resisting,_,resi

58、st,_,defied,_,overwhelming: adj. overpowering in effect or strength,Detailed Reading_t1_overwhelming,Detailed Reading,The girl screamed with overwhelming joy at the sight of her birthday present, a pink dress.,巨大的压力终于让他精神崩溃了。,He eventually got a nervous breakdown under the overwhelming pressure.,giv

59、en: prep. considering/ in view of,Detailed Reading_t1_given,taking sth. into account,Detailed Reading,考虑到公司上半年业绩不佳,我们决定暂缓这次投资。,Given the companys poor achievement in the first half of the year, we decided that the investment be left aside.,Given that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.,indulge: vi


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