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1、介 词,一、考点测试 ( ) 1. We arrived in Shanghai _ 7:30 _ the evening. A. in, on B. on, in C. at, inD. at, on ( ) 2. Bob, dont read _ the sun. Its bad _ your eyes. A. under, ofB. in, to C. in, forD. below, with ( ) 3. The building was full _ smoke after the big fire. A. of B. with C. inD. on ( ) 4. I was bo

2、rn _ September 2nd, 1996. A. inB. atC. onD. for ( ) 5. The teacher will be back _ an hour. A. inB. after C. onD. for ( ) 6. Please look left and right before you go _ the street. A. throughB. across C. crossD. over ( ) 7. He has been late for school three times _ the morning of last Friday. A. inB.

3、on C. sinceD. for,C,C,C,C,A,B,A,介 词,( ) 8. There are two doors _ the right wall. There is a picture _ the left wall. A. in, on B. in, in C. on, inD. on, on ( ) 9. We plan to go home _ bike. How about you? A. inB. onC. byD. to ( ) 10. Its very important _ us to learn English well. A. toB. onC. forD.

4、of ( ) 11. All of us passed the exam _ Gina, so she was very sad. A. besidesB. exceptC. but D. beside ( ) 12. We cant live _ water or air. A. with B. withoutC. inD. on ( ) 13. Xinjiang is one of the largest provinces in China. It is _ the northwest of China. A. atB. inC. toD. on ( ) 14. The man said

5、 _ a smile, “Could you please pass me the book?” A. with B. inC. forD. on ( ) 15. Ella, your voice sounds different _ the phone. Whats happening? A. in B. for C. with D. from,A,C,A,B,C,B,B,D,介 词,二、考点精讲精练 考点1:表时间的介词 (1). at, on, in的区别: at多指“点时间”,如:钟点 at nine oclock; 某时刻 at a quarter past two; 在晚饭时at

6、supper等。 on多指“具体某天或某天的早中晚以及时间前有形容词修饰等”如:在1999年5月1号那天on May 1st 1999;在星期天早上on Sunday morning; 在一个寒冷的夜晚on a cold night。 in 多指“段时间”,如:18世纪in the eighteenth century;在2003年in 2003; 在春天in spring; 在六月in June; 在早上in the morning; 在他20多岁时in his twenties. (2). before, after和in的区别: before是指“在之前”,如:在5点钟前before f

7、ive oclock; 在星期五前before Friday. after和in是指 “在之后”。 其后接“一段时间”时,in与将来时连用,after 一般与过去时连用。如: she will be back in two weeks (months, years).她两个星期(月,年)之后回来。 She came back after a week.她一个星期后回来 若后面接的是一个“时间点”时,只用after。如: She will arrive after two oclock.她在2点后到达。,介 词,(3). since和for的区别: 两者与现在完成时连用时,since后接“时间点

8、或过去时的一个句子”,for 后接“时间段”。如: I have been in China since 2000(时间点). = I have been in China for 12 years(时间段)。我在中国12年了。 He has stayed in this school since he came here.自从他来到这里后,他就呆在这个学校。 (4). 考点1专练:用at, in, on, before, after, since, for 填空 1. Jacky was born _ July 11th, 1998. I was born _ July 1st, 1998.

9、 So I was born ten days _ him. 2. We have four classes _ the daytime and two _ night. 3. Harry has stayed here _ last night. He has been here _ 12 hours. 4. I will be out _ eight oclock tomorrow. And I will come back _ a month. 5. They get up _6:30 every morning. But yesterday they got up _ a quarte

10、r past seven.,on,on,before,in,at,since,for,after,in,at,at,介 词,考点2:表地点与位置的介词 (1). at和in的区别: at后接小地方,in接大地方。如: I live in Beijing while he lives at a small village in Yunnan.我住在北京,而他住在云南的一个小村子里。 (2). in, on和to的区别: in 表示两个地方是相属关系(即一个小地方属于大地方管辖);on表示两个地方相接(即两个地方是连接在一起的); to 表示两个地方相隔(即两个地方中间是隔开的)。如: Guang

11、dong is in the south of China. 广东在中国南部。(广东属于中国的一问部分) Guangdong lies on the east of Guangxi. 广东在广西的东部。(广东广西是连接在一起的) China is to the west of Japan. 中国在日本的西部。(中国日本隔海相望) (3). across, through, over的区别: across指表面上过;through指中间穿过;over指上空过。如: The old man went across the road carefully. 老人小心地从路面上走过。 The sunli

12、ght went into the room through the window. 阳光透过窗户进入房间。 Look, a bird is flying over the tall building. 看,一只小鸟正飞过高楼。,介 词,(4). in front of 与in the front of 的区别: in front of 指物体外的前面;in the front of 指物体内的前部。如: There is a tall tree in front of my house.在我屋前有一颗大树。(树在屋外) Can you see the desk in the front of

13、 the classroom? 你能看见在教室前面的桌子吗?(桌子在教室里面) (5). in the wall与on the wall; in the tree与on the tree的区别: in the wall指在墙里面;on the wall指在墙表面;in the tree指在树上的外来物;on the tree指树上本身长出的果实等。如:There is a window in the wall.墙上有个窗户(窗户在墙里面)。 A beautiful picture is hung on the wall.一幅漂亮的画被挂在墙上(画在墙的表面)。 Tom put a bag in

14、 the apple tree and then he picked the apples on the tree.汤姆把书包挂在苹果树上,然后摘树上的苹果。(书包是外来物,而苹果是树本身长出来的) (6). 考点2专练:用at, in, on, to, across, through, over, in front of, in the front of 填空 1. I will arrive _ the airport_ London next Wednesday. 2. Hunan is _ the south of China. But its _ the south of Hubei

15、 and _ the north of Hainan.,at,in,to,in,on,介 词,3. There is a bridge _ the river. And he often walks _ the bridge to play with his friends. 4. At last he walked _ the forest and saw a village. 5. Your mother is looking for you _ the classroom. You cant stand _ the classroom to meet her. You have to g

16、o out to meet her. 6. There is a hole _ the front wall and there is an air conditioner _ the back wall. 7. Can you see the oranges _ the tree? Just pick them and put them _ the bag _ the tree. 考点3. 其他常用的介词: (1). besides, except, but的区别: besides是指“除外,还有”,表示加的概念;except指“整体中除去一部分”,表示减的概念;but 常用于否定搭配not

17、hing but,或nobody but 表示“只有,仅有”的意思。如: I have to learn math, Chinese, politics besides English. 我除了英语外还必须学数学,语文,政治。 We go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday.除了星期六和星期天,我们天天要上学。 Theres nobody but Tom in the classroom.教室里只有汤姆在。,over,across,through,in front of,in the front of,in,on,on,in,in,介

18、词,(2). in与with的区别: 两者都表示“用”, in后接语言,颜色,笔墨等,且in和后面的名词之间一般没有其他词;with接具体手段与工具。且with与后面的名词之间一般有其他词。如: He told us the story in English.他用英语给我们讲故事。(in 后直+English, 中间没其他词) Please color this cloth in red.请把这块布染成红色。 Kate wrote a letter in ink. 凯特用墨水写了这封信。 He hit my window with a stone.他用石头砸我的窗。(with 和stone中间

19、有词a) (3). 表交通方式的介词: 一般情况下用by+交通工具的单数名词。要是介词与交通工具的名词间有限定词,则介词不能用by, 要用相应的in 或者on。具体如下:by bus = onbus; by bike = on bike; by plane = onplane; by train = on train; by ship = on ship; by boat = in boat; by car = incar; by subway = in subway。如: I often go to school by bus. 我常常坐公交车上学。(by和bus间没限定词). He wen

20、t to cinema by bike. = He went to cinema on a bike. 他昨晚坐单车去电影院。(前句by和bike间没限定词,而后句on和bike 间有限定词a).,介 词,(4). with和 without: with表示 “和一起,具有”等意思,without则表示 “没有” 等意思,与with 相反。如: China is a country with a long history.中国是一个历史悠久的国家 I want to go to the park with you.我想和你去公园。 Fish will die without water. 没有

21、水鱼就会死。 (5). 考点3专练:用besides, except, but, in, with, by, on, without 填空 1. We need 20 more people to help us _ Class 1and Class 2. 2. I do well in all the subjects _ English. 3. There is nothing new in the room _ a TV. 4. Whats this _ English? Its an apple. Now you can cut it into half _ a knife. 5. N

22、ext week I will go to Mount Emei _ plane. But my parents would like to go there _ a train. 6. You cant go _ him _ my permission.,besides,except,but,in,by,with,without,with,on,介 词,考点4:固定搭配 (1). 短语类 agree with 同意 hear of 听说pay for付钱laugh at 嘲笑 give up放弃 preferto更喜 欢take off脱下,起飞learn from向学习 send for派

23、人去请 be full of=be filled with装满depend on 取决于at once立刻,马上 on ones way to在去的路上 belong to 属于in a low voice 小声地in public在公共场所 out of breath上气不接下气 in the sun在阳光下 on show=on display展览 in trouble有麻烦 to ones surprise令惊奇的是 on duty值日in a hurry匆忙地at last 最后 by the end of到为止in order to目的是 on the left(right)在左(右

24、)边 out of work失业 with a smile带着微笑at the same time同时at the age of 在岁时on the farm在农场 be made of (from)由制成 be busy with忙于be angry with对生气 be strict with (in)对.严格 be interested in对感兴趣 catch up with赶上 be proud of 对自豪look forward to期盼in surprise惊讶地out of sight看不见take care of 照顾 thanks to多亏 hear from 收到来信h

25、elp with帮肋go in for从事hand in 上交,介 词,(2) 句子类 1). He walked into the classroom with a book in his hand.他手里拿着一本书走进了教室。 2). Its very difficult for you to learn math.对你来说学数学很难。 3). Its kind of you to help me.帮了我你真好。 4). It took me two hours to finish my homework. 我花2小时完成作业。 5).What about going out to pla

26、y together? 一起出去玩怎么样? 6). By the way, where will you go?顺便问一下,你要去哪里? 7).With the help of the teacher, I enter No. 1 Middle School.在老师帮助下,我考上了第一中学。 8). I often practice my listening on (over) the radio. 我常通过收听广播来练听力。 9). Jim studies English by asking the teacher for help.吉姆通过向老师求助的方式学英语。 10). I often

27、 go to sleep with my bedroom light on.我常常让卧室的灯亮着睡觉。 11). Its time for supper. Lets go to have it.该吃晚饭了,让我们去吃吧。 12). Thank you very much for sending me the present. 非常感谢你给我寄来礼物。 13). My father stopped me from going to the net bar.我爸阻止我去网吧。,介 词,14). John hit Jim in the face(on the nose).约翰打在吉姆的脸上(鼻子上)

28、。 15). Its a waste of time to do that again. 再做那事是浪费时间。 16). Bill is standing between Tom and Mike.比尔正站在汤姆和迈克之间。 17). He works in the factory from 8:00 am to 9:00pm.他从早上8点到晚上9点都在工厂工作。 18). We have nothing to do with the case.我们跟那个案子没关系。 三、对点专练 循环一 ( ) 1. Its hot _ summer in Beijing. A. byB. onC. atD

29、. in ( ) 2. The desks and chairs are made _ wood. But the paper is made _ wood. A. from, ofB. of, fromC. of, of D. from, from ( ) 3.The clocks are made _ the workers _ Dongcheng town. A. by, in B. from, in C. in, byD. by, into ( ) 4. China is famous _ her Great Wall. A. asB. forC. toD. of,D,B,A,B,介

30、词,( ) 5. Taiwan is _ the southeast of China. A. inB. toC. onD. at ( ) 6. Thank you very much _lending the eraser _ me. A. for, atB. to, to C. for, to D. to, for ( ) 7. Since you are _ trouble, why not ask _ help? A. in, forB. in, to C. with, forD. to, for ( ) 8. No one can stop her _ leaving for Chi

31、na. A. of B. fromC. toD. for ( ) 9. When did Mr. Green come back? _ nine oclock yesterday morning. A. At B. ForC. InD. on ( ) 10. Mr. Ted taught English in China _1999. A. for B. sinceC. inD. at ( ) 11. Children wake up very early _ the morning of Christmas Day. A. in B. on C. for D. at ( ) 12. He w

32、ent to Shanghai_ September 3, 1991 and came back_ a cold night last year. A. in; on B. on; at C. on; on D. in; in,A,A,A,C,B,B,B,C,介 词,( ) 13. Grandma prefers tea _ coffee. But grandpa prefer coffee _ milk because it tastes better in this way. A. to, withB. to, to C. with, toD. to, in ( ) 14. My fath

33、er has gone to New York. Hell be back _ four months. A. after B. in C. laterD. for ( ) 15. Mum, I will come back home _ 5:30p.m. this afternoon. A. after B. in C. laterD. for 循环二 ( ) 1. Our teachers are not only strict _ their work, but also strict _ their students. A. in, withB. with, inC. in, inD.

34、 with, with ( ) 2.Does he always go to work _ bike or _ foot. A. by, byB. on, onC. by, onD. on, by ( ) 3. There is nothing in our bedroom _ a new bed. A. butB. withoutC. withD. except ( ) 4. Mr. Brown sat back _ a smile _ his face. A. with, onB. with, inC. for, onD. with, at,A,B,A,A,C,A,A,介 词,( ) 5.

35、 Mary found a small bag _ the ground _ the way to school. A. on, onB. on, in C. in, byD. in, at ( ) 6. The boat is passing _ the bridge. A. acrossB. throughC. intoD. over ( ) 7. The plane is flying _ the mountain. A. on B. under C. overD. through ( ) 8. He arrived here _ an old taxi. A. by B. in C.

36、intoD. with ( ) 9. The field was full _ sheep and they were lying _ the ground. A. with, on B. of, onC. with, inD. of, onto ( ) 10. I have a few other friends _ you. A. besidesB. exceptC. except forD. but ( ) 11. There used to be a hospital _ our school. A. in the front of B. in front of C. afterD.

37、with ( ) 12. The man in black killed three people _ a gun. A. in B. without C. withD. to,A,B,A,B,C,B,B,C,介 词,( )13. There are two blackboards _ the wall. A. onB. inC. forD. to ( ) 14. Mary was angry _ Kate _ laughing _ her. A. at, for, toB. for, with, on C. with, for, withD. with, for, at ( ) 15. Sw

38、imming is good _ our health, but _ the same time we mustnt forget the danger. A. to, in B. at, at C. for, atD. for, in 四中考链接。 ( ) 1. I hear that he will be back _ two weeks time. (2008广东) A. at B. in C. afterD. for ( ) 2.“Its really very kind _ you to help me with the housework on Sundays.” Said gra

39、ndma Huang. (2009广东) A. of B. withC. forD. from ( ) 3.Connie arrive _ the village _ a snowy night. (2010广东) A. at, on B. at, in C. in, atD. in, on,A,D,C,B,A,A,介 词,( ) 4.Its time _ the weather report. Turn on the radio, please. (2011广东) A. toB. inC. atD. for ( ) 5. Why are you standing, Alice? I cant

40、 see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boy are sitting _ me. (2012广东) A. behindB. next toC. betweenD. in front of ( ) 6. Kally, whos the girl _ glasses in the photo ? (2013广东) -Its me. I used to wear glassese and have long hair. A. by B. of C. on D. with ( ) 7. Many people are _ a paper factory near

41、here. They are worried the river will get polluted. A. for B. withC. againstD. beyond(2014广东) 五过关测试 ( ) 1. Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai _ April 29 to work for the World Expo. A. onB. atC. ofD. to ( ) 2. Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo won the gold medal for China, so we are proud _ them

42、. A. inB. onC. forD. of,D,D,C,D,A,D,介 词,( ) 3. Were all here _ Lily. Wheres she? Shes gone to the library. A. besideB. besidesC. exceptD. but ( ) 4. How soon will the manager come back? _ about three days. A. For B. AfterC. InD. During ( ) 5. I joined the League _ May, 2008. What about you? I have b

43、een a League member _ three years. A. in, for B. on, inC. on, forD. in, since ( ) 6. Yesterday morning Tony hurried to class _ his English book, so he had to share Davids. A. with B. forC. withoutD. past ( ) 7. Shanghai lies _ the east of China and _ the northeast of Guangdong. A. in, to B. in, in C

44、. to, toD. in, on ( ) 8. If you get on well _ your classmates, youll enjoy your school life more. A. toB. at C. withD. in,C,A,C,C,A,C,介 词,( ) 9. This jacket will cost you _ 15 and 20 dollars. A. from B. betweenC. amongD. with ( ) 10. I sit _ Linda. She is just on my left. A. next toB. in front ofC.

45、behindD. on the right ( ) 11. Lin Lin often practices English _ chatting with her American friends. A. inB. byC. forD. with ( ) 12. The young man walked _ the forest and came to a big river at last. A. onB. over C. throughD. across ( ) 13. There are two doors _ the wall. A. inB. onC. forD. of ( ) 14

46、.You dont need to look _ every word in the dictionary while reading. A. forB. atC. outD. up ( ) 15. What did you eat _ breakfast this morning? A. onB. inC. forD. of ( ) 16. Here are some presents _ you _ our best wishes. A. to, withB. for, withC. of, aboutD. for, for,B,A,B,C,A,C,D,B,介 词,( ) 17.The p

47、lane took off 15 minutes ago. We have to go there _ a train. A. in B. onC. byD. for ( ) 18. Its very foolish _ you to make the same mistake again. A. forB. ofC. inD. to ( ) 19. Dont worry _ it. You have nothing to do _it. A. about, withB. about, againstC. for, withD. for, on ( ) 20. Mr. Smith is a b

48、usy businessman. He works _ the morning _ the night. A. in, at B. in, for C. between, andD. from, to ( )21. Its time _ lunch. Lucy and Lily are sitting _ the table. A. to, at B. at, for C. for, onD. for, at ( )22. It is dangerous _ children to play _ fire. A. for, with B. for, / C. to, withD. to, / ( ) 23. John hit Bob _. A. in the faceB. on his faceC. in faceD. by the face ( ) 24. If you spend more time _ your study, I am sure you


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