初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office .pptx_第1页
初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office .pptx_第2页
初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office .pptx_第3页
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初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office .pptx_第5页
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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,Section A,post office,Do you know these places?,pay phone,bank,supermarket,hotel,restaurant,park,street,road,street,avenue,highway,library,bridge,表示方位的介词,on the box,under the box,in the box,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-It

2、s _ the box.,near,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,next to,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,in front of,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,behind,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the box.,across from,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _.,between the big box and the small box,1. p

3、ost office _ 2. police station _ 3. hotel _ 4. restaurant _ 5. bank _ 6. hospital _ 7. street _ 8. pay phone _ 9. park _,f,a,e,i,c,b,h,g,d,1a. Match,1b. Listen and circle the places in 1a you hear.,Is there a hospital near here?,Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.,1c. Pairwork,4,6,2,3,5,2a. Match t

4、he sentences with the pictures.,1,1.The pay phone is next to the library.,2.The pay phone is across from the library.,3.The pay phone is between the post office and the library.,4.The pay phone is on Green Street.,6.The pay phone is behind the library.,5.The pay phone is in front of the library.,The

5、 police station is _ the restaurant and the hospital. 2. The park is _ the bank. 3. The hospital is _ Bridge Street. 4. The pay phone is _ the post office. 5. The restaurant is _ the post office. 6. The hotel is _ the police station.,2b. Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,next

6、to in front of between behind across from on,between,across from,on,in front of,next to,behind,-Its next to the police station.,-Where is the hospital?,2c. Pairwork,Tony: Hi, excuse me. Linda: Yes. How can I help you? Tony: Well,Im new in town. Is there a bank around here? Linda: Yes, there is. Its

7、on Center Street. Its across from the park. Tony: Oh wheres Center Street? Linda: Its not too far from here. I can walk with you. Tony: Oh, thats great! Thanks so much. Linda: No problem.,2d. Role-play the conversation.,go straight,turn right,turn left,on the left,on the right,“交通标志知多少”,Dont turn ri

8、ght.,Walking forbidden.,left,/e/,right,/ai/,on the left,on the right,Read after me.,left,right,turn,turn,/:/,go straight,/ei /,Go straight and turn right and left.,go straight,turn left,turn right,down Bridge Street on the right,down Bridge Street on the left,Bridge Street,Center Street,Go straight

9、down Bridge Street and turn right at Center Street.,Grammar Focus,Wheres the bank? _ 2. Is there a restaurant on North Street? _ 3. Wheres the pay phone? _ 4. Wheres the post office? _ 5. Is there a hospital near the pay phone? _,3a. Look at the map and answer the questions.,Wheres the bank? _ 2. Is

10、 there a restaurant on North Street? _ 3. Wheres the pay phone? _ 4. Wheres the post office? _ 5. Is there a hospital near the pay phone? _,Answer the questions.,Its between the hospital and the post office.,Yes, theres one across from the police station.,Its on North Street next to the police stati

11、on.,Its on New Street next to the bank.,No, there isnt. Theres one on New Street.,The bank is next to the hospital and across from the park. _ _ _,3b. Look at the map and write the sentences.,The bank is between the hospital and the post office on New Street.,2. The park is between Center Street and

12、 New Street.,3. There is a restaurant on North Street.,3c. Take turns to choose a place in the picture in 1a on page 43. Your classmates ask questions and then guess the place.,-Is it on Bridge Street?,- Yes, it is.,- Yes, it is.,- Yes, it is.,-Is it next to the police station?,-Is it the restaurant

13、?,Guessing Game,1. next to 接近, 邻近(近义词near) 例如: It is next to/near the hotel. 它邻近宾馆。 He is standing near/next to his father. 他站在他父亲旁边。,Language points,链接: next to 的同义词是beside, 意为“在(某人或某物) 旁边”。例如: She sits beside me. = She sits next to me. near 也有表示在某物的附近, 意为“靠近, 接近”。如: The football is near the door.

14、足球在门旁边。 near 除了作介词表示方位外, 还可以作形容词, 意思是“近的, 不远的”, 其反义词是far, 意为“远的, 遥远的”。例如: My home is very near from my school.我家离学校很近。,2. in front of 在的前面,反义词,opposite word,behind,邮局前/后,超市前/后,图书馆前/后,in front of the post office behind the post office in front of the supermarket behind the supermarket in front of the

15、 library behind the library,区别in front of 和 in/at the front of,B,A,A is in front of B.,B,A,A is in/at the front of B.,3. across from 介词词组, 意为“在的对面”。如: We live across from the street. 我们住在街道的对面。 在英语中, “在的对面”还可以用其他的短语 表示, 例如: 1) The bus stop is on the other side of the river. 汽车站在河对面。 2) The fruit sho

16、p is opposite the post office. 水果店在邮局对面。,4. between 介词, 表示“在中间”, 常与and 连接, 构成短语。例如: I sit between Lucy and Lily. 我坐在露西和莉莉中间。 among 也表示“在中间”, 但是between 是指在两者之间, 而 among 是指在三者或 三者以上的中间。例如: My brother is among those boys. 我哥哥在那群男孩中间。,School Park Zoo Bridge Street Supermarket Bank,The supermarket is _ _

17、 the bank. The zoo is _ _ the bank. The park is _ the school _ the zoo.,across from,across from,between,and,5. left 这个词有三种词性, 既可做形容词、副词, 还可做名词。 1) 作形容词时, 用来修饰名词,意思是“左边的, 在左边的”。例如: The pay phone is on the left side of the supermarket. 公用电话在超级市场的左边。 2) 作副词时, 用来修饰动词, 意思是“向左”。例如: Go down to the end of t

18、he road and then turn left. 沿着这条路走到底再向左转。 3) 作名词时, 意思是“左侧, 左方”。例如: Come and sit on my left. 来, 坐在我的左边。,链接: right 是left的反义词, 其用法和left 一样。 on the left / right (side ) , on ones left / right 这些词组常用在问路和指路的句型中。例如: Excuse me. Is there a bank in the neighborhood ? Yes, there is. Its down Bridge Street on t

19、he right. The restaurant is _ the left. A. in B. at C. on,解析: on the left / right 是固定词组。,C,6. Excuse me. 对不起,打扰了。 常用来表示打扰他人、不同意、迫不得已而失礼 时的道歉。例如: Excuse me, may I borrow a pen, please ? 对不起, 我可以借支钢笔吗? Excuse me, which is the way to the bus stop ? 对不起, 请问汽车站怎么走? 链接: “Im sorry.” 也是“对不起”的意思, 但它常用于 做错了事之

20、后或不能满足对方的要求时, 表示歉意。 如:May I come in, please ? Im sorry Im late. 请问我可以进来吗?对不起,我迟到了。,7.在英语中,“问路”的说法有很多种,例如: Excuse me. Where is the pay phone ? Excuse me. How can I get to the library ? Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the library ? Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the library ? Is there

21、a library near here/around here/in the neighborhood?,1. Go straight ( until the end ). 2. Go down/along Bridge Street. 3. Turn left/right. 4. Go across the street. 5. Its down/along New Street on the left/right. 6. Turn left/right at the first crossing(十字路口). 7. Take the first turning(转弯处)on the lef

22、t/right.,Answering the way:,8. Youre welcome. 不客气, 不用谢。 这是当对方道谢时的回答语。 Youre 是You are 的缩略形式。例如: -Thank you very much. -You are welcome. 链接: 回答thank you的用语还有: Thats all right. 不用谢。 Thats OK. 不用谢。 Not at all. 没关系, 不用谢。,1. 麻烦您/请问 2. 社区里面 3. 直着走然后左转 4. 在左边 5. 隔壁 6. 不用谢。 7. 沿着这条街下去在街的右边。,Excuse me.,in the

23、 neighborhood,go straight and turn left,on the left,next to,You are welcome.,It is down this street on the right.,. 翻译短语。,1. Theres a cinema next _ the shop. 2. _ the left side of the room, theres a desk. 3. -Im sorry I cant help you. -_. 4. Please come to the front and stand _ the class.,to,On,Thank you all the same,in front of,. Fill in the blanks.,A: _ _, where is the nearest police station, please? B: Im _, I dont know. Please _ that man. A:Thank you _ _ _. Excuse me, where is the police station, please? C: _ over there, next _ the post office.


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