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1、缩句译法 Condensation,I waited in growing impatience to get on my way, not for one minute but for quite a considerable time. It was nearly half-past two when the boss finished. He then came to me with the ham, put it in the basket beside me, and instructed me to deliver it to a customer who had it on or

2、der.,我想回家,越等越不耐烦,那里是等一会儿,一等就是半天。老板弄完时都快二点半了。然后,他就拿着那只火腿走过来,放在我身边的篮子里,叫我给一个订火腿的顾客送去。,This meant going a long way out of my road home, so I looked up and said to the boss: “Do you know I finish at two on Tuesday?” I have never seen a man look more astonished than he did then. “What do you mean?” he ga

3、sped. I told him I meant that I would deliver the groceries as usual, but not the ham.,这就是说我得多走一大段才能到家,我就抬起头对老板说:“你知道我礼拜二是两点钟下班的吗?”我还没见过有人像他那次那么吃惊的呢。“你什么意思?”他气喘嘘嘘地说。我对他说,我的意思是,像平常那样捎点货倒可以,那只火腿可就不送了。,He looked at me as if I were some unusual kind of insect and burst into a storm of abuse. But I stood

4、 firm. He gave me up as hopeless and tried new tactics. “Go out and got another boy,” he yelled at a shop-assistant.,他盯着我,好像我是一条怪怪的小爬虫,然后暴跳如雷破口大骂起来。可是我丝毫不让步。他拿我没办法,就耍新花招。“出去给我再找一个伙计来,”他对一个店员大声喊道。,“Are you going to deliver them or not?” the boss turned to me and asked in a threatening tone. I repeate

5、d what I had said before. “Then, out of here,” he shouted, So I got out. This was the first time I had serious trouble with an employer.,“你到底送不送?”老板转过身子,以威胁的口吻问我。我把说过的话又重复了一遍。“那就滚蛋,”他喊道。于是,我就走出来了。这是我头一回和老板真正闹翻了脸。,Teaching procedures: 1. Definition 2. Types of Condensation 3. Condensation in E-C,1. D

6、efinition Condensationthe compression of a phrase into a word, a clause into a word-group, a complex or a compound sentence into a simple sentence, two or more simple sentences into one simple sentence, etc. in translation so as to make the translated version concise or contracted in line with the a

7、greed or accepted usage of the target language. 缩句译法就是根据原文的逻辑关系和译文的语言习惯,把原文中的一个句子紧缩成译文中另一个句子的组成部分。一般情况下,可将原文中较次要的句子紧缩为相对主要句子的组成部分,大多紧缩成状语、定语或同位语乃至主语等。,2. Types of Condensation A. Types of Sentences 1). Simple SWord group/phrase 2). Compound SSimple S 3). Complex SSimple S B. Sentence Members 1). Sub

8、jects 2). Adverbials 3). Attributes 4). Appositives,1). When wine is in, wit is out. 酒醉智昏。 2). Let everybody share the food if there is any. 有饭大家吃。 3). Once a certain limit is reached, a change in the opposite direction is inevitable. 物极必反。 4). He was very clean. His mind was open. 他为人单纯而坦率。(2 E. ss

9、1 C. s),5). When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite. 我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬绝不是出于虚假的礼貌。(S-Subject) 6).卢嘉川挨近她,情不自禁地握住了她的手。这女孩的热情、大胆和奔向革命的赤诚深深感动了他。(杨沫:青春之歌) Lu Jiachuan, touched by her enthusiasm, her courage and revolutionary spirit, stepped up to her and could n

10、ot resist taking her hands. (S-Adv.),7). 汉字含义精深,而且具有文化上、语言结构上的复杂特性。英语中常常找不到完全能表达原意的对应词语。 Given the implications and subtlety and the cultural and linguistic complexities of Chinese characters, there is often no English equivalent that can convey the whole meaning of an expression. (S-Adv.),1. Conden

11、se phrases or clauses where necessary (压缩短语或从句) 1). We must bring forward a new design at the earliest possible date. 我们要尽早拿出新的设计方案。 2). If this continues the land will soon look like a desert. 长此以往,土地很快就会沙化的。,3). In the course of the same year, war broke out in that area. 同年,战争在那个地区爆发了。 4).Nature i

12、s bountiful in her variety, yet economical in the way she makes things. 大自然丰富多彩却造物很吝啬。 5). At the earliest opportunity he would go sightseeing along the wonderful seaside road in the western part of the city. 一有机会,他就沿着城市西边的滨海公路去观赏风景。,6. I shall be delighted to meet you on Friday,16th February at the

13、 International Hotel. 很高兴将于2月16日(星期五)在国际大酒店见到你。 7. There was no light in them, no feeling, no interest in his eyes. 他的目光呆滞无光,淡漠无情。,2. Condense a complex sentence into a simple sentence (缩成状语或定语等) 1). Before the night was far advanced, they began to move against the enemy. 入夜不久(没到深夜),他们就向敌人发起攻击了。 2).

14、 I should like the proposal to be read out as it was made. 我希望该提议如实宣读。 3). It is a project that answers many purposes. 这项工程有多种用途。,4). Air moves from places where the pressure is high to places where the pressure is low. 空气从气压高的地方向气压低的地方移动。 5). One was Jims gold watch, which had been his fathers and

15、his grandfathers. 一个是吉姆祖传三代的金表。 6). The speed of sound depends in general on the temperature of the substance through which it is passing. 声速一般取决于传声物质的温度。,7). If we do a thing, we should do it well. 要做就做好。 8). There is hardly any spot on the earth where men havent lived and died. 人类的足迹遍布世界各地. 9) The

16、 liquid water is heated so that it becomes steam. 液态水受热而变成蒸汽。,10) It is necessary that those machines should be lubricated regularly. 那些机器必须经常上润滑油。 11) The structure of the steel and the resulting properties will depend on how hot the steel gets and how quickly or slowly it is cooled. 钢的结构和性质,视其加热程度

17、和冷却快慢而定。,翻译练习: 1). His death is a loss which strikes all countries and us individuals. 所有的国家和我们每个人无不对他的逝世(所造成的损失)表示震惊。 2). It was a hope which reflected the conviction expressed some years earlier by the then president of the country, Mr. Johnson. 这个希望反映了该国前总统约翰逊先生若干年前所表达过的信念。,3). Life, as opposed t

18、o that make-believe of it which poetry furnishes, is a thing of scraps and accidents, wanting unity and intelligibility. 人生与诗歌里的虚构人生恰恰相反,人生只是零星片断,没有连贯(性),不可理喻。 4). It is possible that they never imagined that any considerable amount of public opinion would be rallied in their favor. 他们可能没想到绝大多数公众舆论会

19、支持他们。,5). To save embarrassment to people still living I have given to the persons who play a part in this story names of my own contriving, and I have in other ways taken pains to make sure that no one should recognize them. 书中/故事中角色的姓名全都是由我虚构的,而且务必要虚构得使人认不出是谁,以免使得那些活着(在世上)的人显得不安。 6). They are part

20、icipating in a movement which is shaking the world. 他们正在参加一项震惊世界的运动。,3.Condense a compound sentence into a simple sentence (把并列句缩成简单句) 1). From Florence the river Arno ran down to Pisa, and then it reached the sea. 阿诺河从佛罗伦萨流经比萨入海。 2). The time was 10 pm, and traffic on the street was light. 十点半时,街上往

21、来的车辆少了。 3). It was mid-night, and there was not a single soul on the street. 午夜时,街上寂静无人。 4). It was an LST (landing ship, tank), and it was already nearly loaded with trucks and armored cars. 这是一艘几乎装满了卡车和装甲车的坦克登陆艇。,5).In 1844, Engels met Marx, and they became friends. 1844年恩克思与马克思相遇并成为朋友。 6).The sti

22、mulation provided by a late mystery show on TV or a hard fought game of chess or an animated chat with friends may be delightful, but it will tend to keep us wide awake. 很晚的引人入胜的电视节目,激烈的棋赛或跟朋友热烈的聊天,往往会使人过于兴奋,久久不能入睡。,7). It was in mid-August, and the repair section operated under the blazing sun. 八月中

23、旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。 8). In 1985 Jane met Alice, and they became friends. 1985年珍妮与爱丽丝相遇并成了朋友。 9). It was 1988, and I had just come from the north to seek my fortune. 1988年我刚从北方来此寻找出路。,4. Condense two or more simple sentences into one simple sentence (把两个或两个以上的简单句缩成一个简单句) 1). His father had a small busines

24、s in the city of Pisa. This city is in the north of Italy near the sea. 他的父亲在意大利北部近海的比萨开小铺。 2). Brown had a long discussion with him. He got nowhere. 布朗与他谈过了,但毫无结果。 3). It was on the early morning of April 2, 1980. The pilots were briefed in the ready room. 一九八零年四月二日清晨,飞行员都在待命室接受飞行任务。,4). There are

25、men here from all over the country. Many of them are from the North. 从全国各地来的人中有许多是北方人。 5). Home after ten years. Home. The word had meant so much to him. 家,阔别了十年的家,这个字对他多亲切啊! 6). The four men huddled there and said nothing. They dared not smoke. They would not move. 这四个人聚在那儿不说话,不敢抽烟,也不愿走开。,7). And a

26、s she thought, it became more involved. Harder to understand. 她在这样想的时候,思绪更加紊乱,更加难以理解。 8). Constructive criticism should not break friendship. It should breed mutual respect. 建设性的批评不会破坏友谊,反而会促进相互尊重。,翻译练习: 1). Who knows most says least. (Italian proverb) 博学者寡言。 2). He who would gather roses must not f

27、ear thorns. (Dutch proverb) 有心摘花不怕刺。 3). Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. (Bible) 恶有恶报。,4). He who gathers too much holds nothing fast. 贪多必失。 5). As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. 自作自受。 6). Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. 积少成多。 7). Tell me whom you

28、 associate with and Ill tell you who you are. 从其交友,知其为人。,8). The best fish smell when they are three days old. 久住遭人嫌。 9). He who does not advance fall backwards. 不进则退。 10).Learn from numerous masters, and youll become a master. 问遍千家成行家。,Conclusion The conciseness of the Chinese language finds itself not only in the necessary omission of some English words in translation, but in the skillful condensa


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