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1、,Unit 11 How was your school trip?,Section B 第4课时(2a-3c),exciting adj. 使人兴奋的 令人激动的,lovely adj. 可爱的,expensive adj. 昂贵的,cheap adj. 廉价的;便宜的,slow adj. 缓慢的;迟缓的,fast adj. 快的,robot n. 机器人,guide n. 导游;向导,2a Do the following words describe good things or bad things? Put a for good and an for bad. Leave a bla

2、nk if they can mean both.,_ interesting _ difficult _ lovely _ slow _ exciting _ boring _ cool _ hot _ lucky _ large _ expensive _ terrible _ delicious _ great _ cheap _ fast,2b Read Helens and Jims diary entries and answer the questions.,1. Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip? 2. How do they feel

3、 about the trip?,Yes, they did. They went on the same trip.,Helen thought the trip was really interesting. But Jim thought the trip was terrible.,2c Complete the chart. How do Helen and Jim describe these things?,exciting,fast,really interesting,lovely, not expensive,terrible,slow,big, boring, dark,

4、 too many people,so expensive,3a Look at the pictures of Bobs school trip. Complete his diary entry.,June 23rd Yesterday my school visited the zoo. It was really _. We went there by bus. At the zoo, I saw a lot of _ and I took some photos. My classmates and I also went to the _ and bought some _. It

5、 was a great day.,interesting,animals,gift shop,gifts,3a,3b. Linda is Bobs classmate. Complete her diary entry.,June 23rd My school went to the zoo yesterday. The trip was _. At the zoo, I _ but I didnt like them. I also went to _ with my classmates, but I didnt buy anything because _. It was a bori

6、ng day.,terrible,saw some animals,gift shop,they are expensive,3c Now write a diary entry for your own school trip. Explain if you liked it or didnt like it and why.,You may include the following questions in your diary 1) What was the date? 2) Where did you go? 3) How was the trip? 4) How did you g

7、o there? 5) What did you see?/ What did you do? 6) Did you like it?,Last week, my school went to a farm. The school trip was interesting. I saw a lot of animals. I rode a horse on the farm. I climbed the mountain. I also milked a cow. My classmates and I picked some strawberries. They were delicious

8、. The trip was really funny.,One possible version,Language points,1. All in all,it was an exciting day. (1)all in all 意为“总之,总的来说”,常放在句子开头。 如:Sometimes she is grouchy, but all in all she is an excellent teacher. 有时候她的脾气很坏, 但总的来说她还是一位好老师.,Language points,(2)exciting用来指物,意思为“令人兴奋的,令人激动的”。 如:That is an

9、exciting book. 那是本有趣的书。 excited用来指人,意为“兴奋的,激动的”。 如:She was excited to learn the news. 她听到这消息很兴奋。,Language points,2. Everything was about robots and Im not in interested in that. (1)interested是形容词,意为“有趣的”,主语是人。常用于句型:be interested in sth.意为“对.感兴趣”。 如:We are very interested in what he said. 我们对他所说的很感兴趣。 (2)interesting是形容词,意为“有趣的”,是形容物和事件的,主语是物体或事情。 如:Studying English is very interesting. 学习英语是很有趣的。,小结训练,1. We _ _ _ (对.感兴趣) the robots. 2. There are _ _ (太多) rules at my home. 3. Can you teach me how _ _ (use) a computer? 4. I know how _ _ (spell)


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