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1、破土而出!,托福基础课 第四单元,托福基础课第四单元的主要特点,1,进一步结合托福考试的能力需求训练一下几点。 辨音 瞬时记忆 2,句子的难度逐渐变大,贴近托福ibt写作部分对句子复杂程度的要求。 3,实用英语。在应付托福考试的同时提高日常口语交际能力。,YOUR SITE HERE,使用说明,1,这一些列PPT是本人在国际高中任教时编写的,教材使用的是新概念英语,帮助学生为托福考试迅速打好基础。次课程以练习为主。 2,每一课与新概念英语2相对应,并且备注部分有讲解记录。上课时可以防止遗漏要点。 3,音频部分采用插入控件形式播放,通过编辑控件,可以链接到电脑中对应的新概念音频文件。 4,本人常

2、从百度文库下载内容,这下也想分享,欢迎索取音频材料和技术指导,愿意同大家多多交流共同进步。新浪微博 陈庆华Damien 邮箱:,Lesson 19 Lesson plans,1, Vocabulary 2, Intensive listening 3, Guided presentations 4, Guided Writings 5, Grammar Focus 6, Revision,Lesson 19 Vocabulary,hurry Hurrying into a decision like that is of no signific

3、ance. That number has been engaged forever, but I am really in a hurry. hurry- hurried - hurriedly 翻译练习: 由于是匆忙做的准备,所以这次考试估计没戏。,Lesson 19 Vocabulary,Pity Its a pity that no one has got full score in the exam. No one feels pity for those who dont pity themselves. sad - sadness Keep the sunny side up a

4、nd leave your sadness behind.,Lesson 19 Listening Practice,Additional Vocabulary Hurry 匆忙 ticket office 售票处 pity 令人遗憾的事情 exclaim 大声说 return 退回 sadly 悲哀的,Lesson 19 Guided Presentations,1,When was the play going to begin ? 2,How many tickets did you ask for ? 3,Were there any left or not ? 4,Were Susa

5、n and you disappointed ? 5,Who hurried to the ticket office? 6,How many tickets did he return? 7,Were they for todays performance ? 8,Did you buy them or not ?,Lesson 19 Instensive Listening,Please Listen to the audio, and then write down everything you have heard on a piece of paper. Numbers,days a

6、nd addresses,Lesson 19 Grammar Focus,Modal Verbs Can:能力,许可,可能,推测 Im afraid I cant make it. He cant be sleeping. Anyone can make a mistake. Can I take the glass out? 翻译练习:1,我能提个问题吗? 2,我能完成这项任务但我也可能会犯错。,(能力),(推测),(可能),(许可),Lesson 19 Grammar Focus,Modal Verbs May: 许可 可能 祝愿 May (Can) I take the glass ou

7、t ? He may know what we need. May you have joy and peace ? 翻译练习: 1,愿上帝保佑你。 2,女士们先生们请注意,航班即将起飞。,(许可),(可能),(祝愿),Lesson 19 Oral Workshop,买票: Id like to have two tickets for tonight. 换票 Is it possible to exchange this for another night? 优惠: Do you have student price/rates ? 询问服务: How long does the show

8、run ? Where can I check my coat ?,Lesson 19 Revision,他正急迫的赶往机场,他可能快要赶不上飞机了。 但愿悲伤永远离我们而去。 我能购买一张21日晚上从北京到衡阳的卧铺一张吗?,Lesson 20 Lesson Plans,Vocabulary 7 Extensive Listening and Presentations 7 Intensive Listening 7 Grammar Focus 7 Revision 7,Lesson 20 Vocabulary,Catch Tall trees catch much wind. I dont

9、 quite catch his speech. His amusing performance catches everyones attention. I am catching the first train tomorrow. He has caught a bad cold and is now in hospital,Lesson 20 Vocabulary,waste 重点句型: it is a waste of . And dreams were made and used and wasted. Dont waste your time dreaming days away.

10、 翻译练习: 1,我没法理解,他就是在浪费生命。 2,他吸引了大家的注意力,并且浪费了大家的时间。,Lesson 20 Extensive Listening,Please listen to the composition and then answer the question. Why is fishing the writers favourite sport ? Additional Vocabulary catch 抓到 fisherman 钓鱼人 boot 靴子 waste 浪费 realize 意识到,Lesson 20 Guided Presentations,1,What

11、is the writers favourite sport ? 2,What do some unlucky fishermen catch ? 3,Is the writer lucky as they are ? 4,Does he ever catch anything? 5,Is he really interested in fishing? 6,What is the only thing that interests him? 7,How do you think of the writers interest?,Lesson 20 Note-taking,Listen aga

12、in and write down anything that you think is important.,Lesson 20 Intensive Listening,Please listen and then write down everything you have heard and then check the answers with your partner. _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _,Lesson 20 Grammar Focus,ING-Participle ING 分词的名动二相性 ING participle appears after a prepo

13、sition Instead of sleeping, I like learning vocabulary. After having spent the whole morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag.,Lesson 20 Revision,因为我平时浪费了太多的时间,所以已经赶不上其他同学了。 我本以为数学是最重要的科目,但是直到今天,我才意识到,英语才是最重要的。 我得向你道歉,这事没能早点让你知道。,Lesson 21 Lesson Plan,Vocabulary Extensive Listening N

14、ote-taking and presentation Intensive Listening Grammar Focus Revision,Lesson 21 Vocabulary,Mad He must be mad/ crazy/ wild/ out of your mind/ insane. Drive me mad / get on my nerves. Mad - Madness Anger is a short madness. 翻译练习: 文革时期,许多国人已经疯了。,Lesson 21 Vocabulary,reason I have every reason to beli

15、eve in his words. Logcial reasoning is something to be tested in the TOEFL writing task. reason - reasonable - unreasonable 翻译练习: 军人服从命令是合情合理的。,Lesson 21 Vocabulary,sum - 不可数名词的救星,amount的亲兄弟 Large sums of money are spent on weapons. I am worried about the small sum of knowledge on this subject. Plea

16、se take note and sum them up into a persentation. sum- summary Please write a summary of your paper.,Lesson 21 Vocabulary,determine Your color is determined by the genes. determined 坚韧不拔,意志坚定(adj) Mr. Lu Xun is a determined chinese man. determined to do. 谁也阻止不了我! 翻译练习: 1,我下定决心,带上我所有的储蓄,去环游世界。 2,他的坚韧

17、不拔,成就了他。,Lesson 21 Extensive Listening,Please listen to the story and then answer the question. Why do people think the writer is mad ? Additional Vocabulary Mad 发疯 reason 原因 sum 量 determined 坚定的,下定决心的,Lesson 21 Note-taking and Presentation,Listen again and write down anything that you think is impo

18、rtant.,Lesson 21 Intensive listening,Please listen and then write down everything you have heard. _ _ _ _ _,Lesson 21 Revision,你必须为你在课堂上近乎疯狂的举动找一个合适的理由,不然的话,有你受的。 我已经下定决心提高自己的听说能力,来应付日益困难的托福考试。 他从银行取出了一大笔钱,捐给了需要帮助的人。,Lesson 22 Lesson Plan,Vocabulary Extensive Listening Note-taking and Presentations

19、Intensive Listening Grammar Foucs Revision,Lesson 22 Vocabulary,Dream Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. dream of . I never dreamed of such a thing. 翻译: 当一名教师,是我从小到大的梦想。,Lesson 22 Vocabulary,Age He we

20、nt to college at the age of 13. Despite her great age, she is graceful indeed. flexible flexible - flexibility There must be some sort of flexibility in the implementation of the rules. 弹性退休制度,Lesson 22 Vocabulary,identify Palm readers say they can identify many things about a person by looking at t

21、he lines of the hand. identify- identification If you would like to open an account with us, some sort of indentification must be provided. The identification of early stage cancer is quite difficult.,Lesson 22 Note-taking & Presentation,Listen to the composition and then do the note-taking. dream 梦

22、想,做梦 throw 扔,抛 age 年龄 channel 海峡,Lesson 22 Intensive Listening,Abbreviations and Spellings Please write down the abbreviations and the spellings of the word. Listen To The Recordings.,Lesson 22 Grammar Foucs,ABCs about prepositions,Lesson 22 Revision,她上学时曾梦想成为一名女演员 A description of one of your dream

23、 in English.,Lesson 23 Lesson Plan,Vocabulary Extensive Listening Note-taking and Presentations Intensive Listening Grammar Foucs Revision,Lesson 23 Vocabulary,Complete She will complete her study in France. The construction of subway line 6 is expected to be completed before Dec. finish/close/concl

24、ude/ end/terminate/finalize 翻译练习: 那之后的四年,我终于完成了学业。,Lesson 23 Vocabulary,Modern 写作十大恶心句型之一: In todays modern society.We. In todays modern society,Internet is becoming more and more important in our life. People can use Internet to do a lot of things. So people can not live without the Internet. In my

25、 opinion Internet is very useful for our life.,Lesson 23 Vocabulary,An increasing importance of Internet is seen in our modern society, making Internet an indespensible tool in solving problems like searching for information as well as for entertaining purposes.A conclusion that Internet makes our l

26、ife easier can be safely drawn from numerous examples around us.,Lesson 23 Vocabulary,Modern- modernize - modernization 为了实现祖国的现代化,我们必须好好学习。 In oder to realize the modernization of our country, we should study hard. District 朝阳/海淀/东城/西城/ Distr. CBD,Lesson 23 Note-taking and Presentation,Please liste

27、n to the recording and practice the note-taking. Additional Vocabulary complete 完成 strange 奇怪的 modern 新式的 district 区域,Lesson 23 Note-taking and Presentation,1,What will your sister do next year? 2,Will she get a surprise if she comes ? 3,Have you a new house in the country ? 4,Have you invited your

28、siter to stay with you ? 5,Is it a very modern house , or is it an old house ? 6,Has it got many large rooms and a lovely garden?,Lesson 23 Intensive Listening,Please Listen carefully and then write down every thing you have heard. Listen To the Recording.,Lesson 23 Revision,经过三年的努力学习,我们圆满完成了高中的学业。

29、最近,在我们附近经常有一些陌生人出没。,Lesson 24 Lesson Plans,Pre-class Revision 5 Vocabulary 7 Extensive Listening and Presentations 10 Intensive Listening 8 Grammar Focus 6 Revision 5,Lesson 24 Vocabulary,Sympathetic Jack is very sympathetic, he always protects little animals. sympathetic - sympathy - sympathize If

30、you have no idea of the answer, at least write something to get some sympathy points. 翻译练习: 我算是支持这个政党的纲领。,Lesson 24 Vocabulary,Complain The last thing to do to solve the problem is complaining. Complain of/ about. He usually complains about other peoples mistakes. 翻译练习: 他就汤里面有苍蝇跟经理投诉。 我不认为投诉会有效果,他们不在乎。,Lesso


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