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1、,ENGLISH FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS,Naming,Unit Five,Would a Roshanda by Any Other Name Smell as Sweet,Background Information,Text Analysis,Translating Activities,Grammar Activities,The book Freakonomics is a collection of economic articles written by Levitt, translated into prose meant for a wide audien

2、ce. Levitt, who in the book is ascribed the epithet “rogue economist”, had already gained a reputation in academia for applying economic theory to diverse subjects not usually covered by “traditional” economists; he does, however, accept the standard neoclassical microeconomic model of rational util

3、ity-maximization. In Freakonomics, Levitt and Dubner argue that economics is, at root, the study of incentives.,Background Information,About the Book,The books topics include: Chapter 1: Discovering cheating as applied to teachers and sumo wrestlers Chapter 2: Information control as applied to the K

4、u Klux Klan and real-estate agents Chapter 3: The economics of drug dealing, including the surprisingly low earnings and abject working conditions of crack cocain dealers,Background Information,About the Book,Chapter 4: The controversial role legalized abortion has played in reducing crime. (Levitt

5、explored this topic in an earlier paper entitled “The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime.”) Chapter 5: The negligible effects of good parenting on education Chapter 6: The socioeconomic patterns of naming children,Perfect parenting, Part II; or: would a Roshanda by any other name smell as sweet?

6、This chapter is about the trend of naming children. Data reveal that how a child is named does not very much influence his future success, and it shows more about the parents. For example, some children with stupid names like “temptress” and “shithead” got their names from (stupid) parents with low

7、level of education. Parents,About the Chapter,Background Information,with higher level of education (who are also richer) name their children differently from low-educated parents. The data also show how the naming trend changes in decades, where “richer” names tend to become “poorer” names when les

8、s educated parents name their children after popular “rich” childrens name.,Steven D. Levitt is the Alvin H. Baum Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, where he is also director of The Becker Center on Chicago Price Theory. In 2004, he was awarded the,About the Authors,John Bates Clar

9、k Medal, which recognizes the most influential economist in America under the age of 40. More recently, he was named one of Time magazines “100 People Who Shape Our World.” Levitt received his B.A. from Harvard University in 1989, his Ph.D. from M.I.T. in 1994, and has taught at Chicago since 1997.,

10、Stephen J. Dubner is an award-winning author and journalist who lives in New York City. In addition to Freakonomics, he is the author of Turbulent Souls (Choosing My Religion),About the Authors,Confessions of a Hero-Worshiper, and a childrens book, The Boy With Two Belly Buttons. His journalism has

11、appeared primarily in the New York Times and the New Yorker, and has been anthologized in The Best American Sportswriting, The Best American Crime Writing, and elsewhere. He has taught English at Columbia University (while receiving an M.F.A. there), played in a rock band (which was signed to Arista

12、 Records), and, as a writer, was first published at the age of 11, in Highlights for Children.,Text Analysis,Word Analysis,Sentence Analysis,Phrase Analysis,Text Translation,Keys to Exercises,Text Analysis,Word Analysis,Word Analysis,E.g. 1) Business is booming. 生意日趋繁荣。 2) In a city with booming ind

13、ustry, land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic. 在一个工业飞速发展的城市里,土地资源非常宝贵,不能任意地用于交通。,1. boom To grow or develop rapidly; flourish 快速发展:迅速成长或发展:暴涨,E.g. 1)I committed the sonata to memory. 我记住了奏鸣曲。 2)If you commit a crime you can never escape being punished. 你要是犯罪,就逃脱不了要受惩罚。,2. comm

14、it to do, perform, or perpetrate . 犯:作、实行或犯(罪),Word Analysis,detect v. To discover or ascertain the existence, presence, or fact of. 查明:发现或弄清楚事实真相 Eg. A policeman detects criminals. 警察侦察出罪犯。,3. detective a person, usually a member of a police force, who investigates crimes and obtains evidence or in

15、formation 侦探,Word Analysis,detention n. The state of being detained, especially a period of temporary custody while awaiting trial. 扣押,扣留 Eg. The were released from detention without being charged. 他们被拘留后获释了,没有受到指控。,E.g. 1) A fake antique mirror; a fake laugh. 假冒的古镜;假笑 2) He was charged with possess

16、ing a fake passport. 他被控持有假护照。,4. fake Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent. 假的:有假的或造成误导的外表的;不真实的,Word Analysis,E.g. 1) He hitched the horses rope over the pole. 他把马缰绳拴在柱上。 2) Another railway carriage has been hitched on. 又挂上了一节车厢。,5. hitch To connect or attach, as to a vehicle. 连住:像与

17、交通工具连着或套着,Word Analysis,E.g. 1) Hibernation has long intrigued biologists. 冬眠长期以来一直引起生物学家的兴趣。 2) The news intrigued all of us. 这条新闻引起了我们大家的兴趣。,6. intrigue To arouse the interest or curiosity of. 激起的兴趣或好奇心,Word Analysis,E.g. 1) be manifest at a glance 一目了然 2) He is a manifest liar. 他显然是个说谎的人。,7. mani

18、fest Clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious. 明显的:显而易见的或容易理解的,Word Analysis,E.g. 1) obsessive gambling 着迷于赌博 2) She has an obsessive need to have everything perfect. 她不能自拔地要使一切尽善尽美。 3) My partner is obsessive about punctuality. 我的搭档过分讲究准时。,8. obsessive Of, relating to, characteristic

19、 of, or causing an obsession. 着迷:与着迷有关的或具有着迷特征的,Word Analysis,E.g. 1) I perceived that I could not make her change her mind. 我发觉我不能使她改变她的主意。 2) I perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice. 我在她的声音中感觉到一丝不快。,9. perceive To achieve understanding of; apprehend. 理解:获得对的理解,Word Analysis,E.g. 1) His comp

20、any is prospering. 他的公司兴旺发达。 2) The newly developed satellite town is prospering with each passing day. 这座新发展起来的卫星城蒸蒸日上。,10. prosper To be fortunate or successful, especially in terms of ones finances; thrive. 繁盛,成功,Word Analysis,Text Analysis,Phrase Analysis,E.g. 1)She came across some old letters

21、in the course of her search. 她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件。 2)If you come across my glasses can you let have them, please? 如果你碰巧看见我的眼镜,请把它还给我,好吗?,come across To meet or find by chance 偶然遇到或找到,Phrase Analysis,E.g. 1) Her success enabled her to live out her wildest fantasies.她的成功使她实现了自己最大胆的梦想。 2) Winning the money

22、 allowed her to live out a lot of the things shed only dreamed of doing before. 赢得这笔钱使得她能够实现很多她过去只有做梦时才敢想的事情。,2. live out To experience in reality. 实现,Phrase Analysis,E.g. 1) The lecture was a bit over their heads. 这演讲过于深奥了一点,他们不能理解。,3. over ones head Beyond someones ability to understand 太高深而使某人不能理

23、解,Phrase Analysis,E.g. 1) We know there is corruption in the organization but it is difficult to pin it down. 我们知道这个机构有贪污现象,但是要明确说出是谁就很难了。,4. pin down To know or understand clearly; identify 准确知道;证实,Phrase Analysis,E.g. 1) She just shrugs off the pain and gets on with the job. 她对那疼痛毫不理会,继续工作。 2) Thi

24、s is a serious problem and it cant just be shrugged off as if it didnt exist. 这是一个严重的问题,不能只是不屑理睬,就好像它不存在似的。,5. shrug off to raise shoulders as a showcase of distain 耸肩表示不屑,Phrase Analysis,Text Analysis,Sentence Analysis,1. He just seemed to get a kick out of the names bookend effect.,Sentence Analys

25、is,The word kick here refers to a strong feeling of excitement and pleasure. This sentence means that he just seemed to be influenced by the books about how to give sound names for babies because of the previous pleasure of giving name for Winner. E.g. 1) He decided to steal something from the shop,

26、 just for kicks. 他决定偷商店里的东西,只是为了刺激。 2)I get a kick out of my own car. 我有了自己的汽车,太兴奋了。,译 文,他似乎只是受到取名指南之类书刊的影响,并从中获得极大乐趣。,1. He just seemed to get a kick out of the names bookend effect.,Sentence Analysis,译 文,They pronounce it with some change according to French in order to avoid associating it with u

27、nsuccessfulness.,2. they throw a French twist on it: Losier. ,Sentence Analysis,译 文,他们会用法语的发音方式来称呼我,叫我鲁西埃尔(Losier)。,2. they throw a French twist on it: Losier. ,Sentence Analysis,译 文,But he must have given the wrong names to the boys when they were born. “must + have + 过去分词”结构表示现在对过去的推定或揣测。 E.g. 1)

28、He must have gone away. We dont see him anywhere around about. 他一定走了。我们四处都找不到他。 2) They must have been enjoying themselves . 他们一定玩得很高兴。,3. But he must have gotten the boys mixed up.,Sentence Analysis,译 文,只是他很可能是把两个孩子的名字搞错了。,3. But he must have gotten the boys mixed up.,Sentence Analysis,译 文,She comp

29、letely didnt believe that her daughter had done most such things. The phrase over someones head here means beyond someones ability to understand. E.g. 1) I tried to take in what he was saying about nuclear fission, but most of it went over my head. 我试着去理解他所说的核裂变,但大部分内容对我来说实在是难以理解。,4. Most all of thi

30、s went completely over her head.,Sentence Analysis,译 文,她说她根本没有想到。,4. Most all of this went completely over her head.,Sentence Analysis,译 文,Text Analysis,Text Translation,名字对孩子的未来有影响么? 1几乎所有的父母都希望自己能够对孩子的未来产生一些积极的影响。否则他们干吗要为孩子操心呢? 2这种想法甚至会在孩子出生之前就体现出来,事实上,我们从父母对孩子所做的第一个正式行为取名字上就可以看出这种意愿。正像所有的父母都知道的那样

31、,给孩子取名如今已经成为一个蓬勃发展的职业,围绕着这一话题,人们出版了大量的图书,建设了一批网站,还出现了很多职业取名顾问。,Text Translation,对于许多父母来说,他们似乎相信,只有给孩子取个好名字,他们的孩子才可能在未来取得成功;在他们看来,姓名不仅具有极强的审美意义,它甚至具有预言性的力量。 3正因为如此,1958年的时候,纽约一位名叫罗伯特莱恩(Robent Lane)的人决定给自己的儿子取名文纳(英文是Winner,意思是“赢家”。译者注),莱恩一家住在哈莱姆(英文名是Harlem,纽约著名的贫民区。译者注)的一所政府救济房里,家里已经有了好几个孩子,每个孩子的名字都比较


33、后进入纽约警察局工作(实现了他母亲很长时间以来的愿望),并最终成为一名警官。虽然他从不介意自己的名字,可许多人还是不习惯称他为洛塞。“于是他们给我取了很多其他名字,”洛塞后来说道,“有吉米(Jimmy)、詹姆士(James)、和任何他们能够想到的名字,他们很少叫我洛塞。”他还说道:“有时候他们会用法语的发音方式来称呼我,叫我鲁西埃尔(Losier)。”对于他的同事们来说,他的名字是卢(Lou)。,6那个叫文纳兰恩的孩子后来又怎么样了呢?文纳?兰恩如今已经40多岁了,迄今为止,他所取得的最为显著的成绩就是他的犯罪记录:他曾先后因为抢劫、家庭暴力、拒捕等罪名入狱30余次。 7如今,洛塞和文纳之间很

34、少讲话。而当初给他们取名字的父亲也早已不在人世。显然,他当初的设想是对的,名字有时会决定一个人的命运,只是他很可能是把两个孩子的名字搞错了。,8还有一个15岁的小女孩被送上了纽约州奥本尼郡家庭法庭,这孩子的名字叫“女妖”(Temptress),邓尼斯杜甘(W. Dennis Duggan)法官很久以前就注意到许多嫌疑犯的名字都非常奇怪。还有一个十几岁的男孩,他的名字是父母用他出生后在医院里看到的第一个标志AMCHER(奥本尼郡医务中心医院急救室的首字母缩写),给他取的名字。可杜甘认为“Temptress”是他所见到过的最为大胆的名字。,9“我让她先离开法庭,这样我可以跟她妈妈讨论一下为什么会给

35、孩子取个这样的名字。”法官后来回忆道。“她说她曾经看过一个叫考斯比秀(The Cosby Show)的节目,非常喜欢里面那位年轻的女演员。我告诉她那位女演员的名字实际上叫Tempestt。她说她后来才知道这个,可既然已经拼错了名字,也只好将错就错了。我问她是否知道Temptress什么意思,她说她是后来才知道的。她的女儿很难驯化,她甚至会在母亲工作的时候把男人带回家。我问这位母亲是否想到自己的女儿会做出这样的事情。她说她根本没有想到。”,10需要说明的是,洛塞、文纳和女妖都是黑人。这是纯粹出于巧合呢,还是它反映出了更大的文化背景? 11几乎每一代都会产生一些能够推动黑人文化研究的学者。黑人经济

36、学家小罗兰德弗立叶就是这些学者当中的一位。正像我们前面谈到的那样,他曾经分析过“模仿白人行为”和“黑人与白人之间的成绩差异”问题。 12除了黑人和白人之间的经济以及社会地位上的差距之外,弗立叶还对二者之间文化上的隔阂进行了研究。黑人和白人喜欢看不同的电视节目。他们抽不同的香烟。而且黑人父母也往往会给孩子取一些截然不同于白人的名字。,13那么通常是什么样的父母会给孩子取一个典型的黑人名字呢?一些数据为我们提供了明确的答案:那些没有结婚、受教育水平比较低的未成年母亲,她们通常生活在黑人社区里,而且大多数人自己也都有一个典型的黑人名字。在弗立叶看来,那些给孩子取一个典型的黑人名字的父母本身就是在通过

37、孩子的名字表明自己对所在社区的认同。“如果我开始给我的孩子取名Madison的话,”他说道,“你可能会想,哦,你想让你的孩子向白人学习,是吗?”如果说那些学习微积分和芭蕾舞的孩子会被认为是“模仿白人”的话,弗立叶说道,那么那些给自己的孩子取名Shanices就是在“坚守黑人阵地” 。,14如果你恰好有一个“很白”或“很黑”的名字会怎样呢?多年的一系列“审计研究”试图测试人们对不同名字的接受。在一项典型的研究中,研究者寄出了两份相同(伪造)的简历,其中之一署名传统的白人名字,另一份则用了移民的或听起来像少数民族的名字。结果,“白人”名字总是能吸引更多的工作面试机会。,Text Analysis,Key


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