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1、1,1.Did you hear the rain? - _ . A.Until 30 minutes B. Until 30 minutes later C.Not until 30 minutes D.Not until 30 minutes later 2.Mr Green has been in China _ three years ago. A. for B. since C. before D. after 3._ it snows,_ I feel. A. The more heavily; the happier B. Heavier; happier C. The heav

2、y; the happyD. More; better 4.I like reading books _ pictures in them. A. have B. has C. of D. with 5.Who did the teacher make _ an article for the wall newspaper just now ? A. written B. writing C. write D. to write,D,B,A,D,C,2,1.She was so careful that she made only _ mistakes . A. a few B. few C.

3、 a little D. little 2.Emma prefers_ to _. A. reading, writing B. to read, write C. reading, write D. read, write 3.May I borrow a pen from you ? - Sure. _. A. Help yourself B. Thats right C. It doesnt matter 4.“Would you mind lending me your radio?” “_” A. Never mind. B. Certainly not. Here you are.

4、 C. No, my radio is bad D. No, thanks. 5.Green teas are _from China and Japan. A. almostB. nearly C.mostlyD. greatly,A,A,A,B,C,3,1. When your homework _, you may watch TV. A. is done B. was done C. will be done D. has done 2. Im feeling much better. _. A. Im glad to hear that B. Im sorry to hear tha

5、t C. Its a good thing D. Im glad its better 3. Could you _your bike to me? OK. Please give it back soon. A. borrow B. lend C. lent D. borrowing 4. Lucy with her brothers _a kite now. A. are flying B. flying C. is flying D. fly,A,A,B,C,4,1.It seemed _that she had made the same mistakes. A.surprised B

6、.surprise C.surprising D.to surprise 2. -Could you tell me _ the Bamboo Garden? -The day after tomorrow, I think. A.when will you visitB. when you will visit C. when would you visitD. when you would visit 3.The watch is so nice,but it _ too much. A.spends B.takes C.costsD.pays 4.Miss Liu is very bus

7、y._. A. She does so B. So she does C. So does she D. So she is 5._ my aunt comes to stay with us for _ in our home town. A. Sometime, sometimes B. Sometimes, some time C. Some time, sometimes D. Sometime, sometime,C,B,C,D,B,5,_ all the students in his class, Xiao Ming writes_. A. Of, most carefully

8、B. In, the most careful C. Of, very carefully D. In, much more carefully 2.He is _to give us a hand. A. hoped B. supposed C. agreed D. promised 3.To speak English freely, _ . A. a lot of speaking should be done B. more speaking is necessary C. you should do more speaking D. English should be spoken

9、very often 4. _ hard and you will catch up with your classmates. A. To work B. Work C. If you work D. Working How long has he had that nice car? _ 2001. A. In B. Since C. From D. After,A,B,C,B,B,6,1.Will you go shopping tonight? If you go,_ A so do I Bso will I Cso I go Dthat Ill go 2.The tiger was

10、caught _ one day. A. lively B. living C. live D. alive 3. I found him _ in playing basketball Ais interested Bwas interested Cinterested Dinteresting 4.He made me _. A. excite B. be excited C. excited D. exciting 5.Excuse me, _ where is the nearest hospital? and B. but C. that D. so 6._ of the stude

11、nts are coming to visit our country. A.Two hundred B.Two thousands C.Hundreds D.Hundred,B,D,C,C,B,A,7,1. -The artist has got _much work to do that he hardly has time to help his wife with the housework. -Thats true. Even on Sundays he is busy with his work. A.too B.so C.very D.such 2.We have _ more

12、exercises to do . A. many B. much C. quite D. very 3.The two friends were _pleased to see each other that they forgot everything. A. so B. too C. very d. much 4.Everyone except Tom and John _ there when the meeting began. A. is B. was C. are D. were,B,A,A,B,8,1.Which do you enjoy_the weekends, fishi

13、ng or watching TV? A. spent B. spending C. to spend D. spend 2. Must we move to the next room ? No, you . You may still live here if you like. A mustnt B dontC dont have toD wont 3.There are a lot _people in the park today than yesterday. A. of B. most C. / D. more 4. The egg has _ there for over tw

14、o days. A. lay B. lain C. laid D. lie 5.Beijing has _many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours. A. soB. veryC. tooD. much,C,C,D,B,A,9,1.Lin Taos uncle _ for almost five years Ahas left home Bhas come to Jinan Chas been to America Dhas been a doctor 2 Mary went abroad _ the purpose o

15、f getting_ education. A. for, farther B. for, further C. on, farther D. on, further 3.Its more _ to go hiking. A. fun B. funny C. funs D. much fun 4.-He isnt a teacher, is he? - _ He works in a hospital. 5.-Alice, why didnt you come here yesterday? -I _ ,but my son suddenly fell ill and I had to tak

16、e him to the hospital. A. had B. did C. was going to D. didnt,A.Yes, he is B.No, he isnt C.Yes, he isnt D.No, he is,D,B,A,B,C,10,1.Many boys and girls are made_what theyre not_. A. to do, interested B. to do, interested in C. do, interested in D. doing, interested 2. -Why dont you come to the meetin

17、g? - I_ anything about it. didnt tell B. have not told C. am not told D. wasnt told 3.What a nice dog! But she _only 30 yuan for it. A.cost B.took C.spent D.paid 4.Dont tell them about it, _ you? A.do B. will C.dont D.wont,B,D,D,B,11,1.Wushu is becoming more and more popular_ foreigners. A. for B. b

18、y C. between D. among 2.The number of the books in the library _. A. is large B. are large C. is many D. are many 3.The manager _ us doing a lot of work this week. So we dont have any free time to go out for fun. A. asks B. makes C. prevents D. keeps 4.When we got to the seaside, the ship _. A. was

19、disappeared B. was disappearing C. disappeared D. had been disappeared,D,A,D,B,12,1.I _ able to catch up with you if I work hard. A.can B.will C.can be D.will be 2.I _often go fishing with my brother when I was a child. would B. should C .could D. might 3. She got angry _ what I had said. A. because

20、 B. because of C. though D. even if 4.You said me? I _ till 11:00 yesterday morning. A. left home B. went shopping C. finished my homework D. was watching a TV play 5.Please hurry up, _ we wont be late for school. A. but B. or C. and D. so,D,A,B,D,C,13,1.Do come on time next time, _? A. dont you B.

21、do you C. will you D. wont you 2.It smells _ but tastes _. A.well,badB.good,terribleC.nice,terribly D.delicious,badly 3.TV sets of this kind _ well. A. sell B. are sold C. sells D. is sold 4.It looks like _. Youd better take your raincoat with you. A. rain B. raining C. to rain D. rained 5.He explai

22、ned _ that he _ to hurt me. A. me, hadnt meant B. me, didnt mean C. to me, hadnt meant D. to me, didnt mean,C,B,A,B,C,14,1._ exciting news you told me! A. How B. what an C. How a D. What 2.I cant decide _. A. to choose what present B. choosing what present C. what present to choose D. to what presen

23、t choose 3.How glad they _ you again! A. are seeing B. are to see C. see D. will see 4.He hasnt a chair _. A.to sit B. to sit on C. to sit down D. sitting There was _little time left that we had to take a taxi there. A. too B. so C. such D. very,D,C,B,B,B,15,1.Mr Smith, together with his sons, _ Sha

24、nghai for about three days. A. has left B. have been away from C. has been away from D. have left 2.There are many trees on _ side of the river. A. every B. either C. all D. both 3. You arent very _, are you? -Yes. Our team has lost the match. happy B. sad C. worrying D. afraid 4.The sign _ “NO SMOK

25、ING!” A. tells B. speaks C. writes D. says,C,B,B,D,16,1.How long have you _ the computer? For two years. A. bought B. buy C. had D. keeping 2.Soon the clouds _, and the sun appeared. A. have disappeared B. were disappeared C. disappeared D. will disappear 3.-Whats in your _hand? A key. A. the other

26、B. another C. others D. other 4.- She didnt come to school yesterday, did she? - _, though she was not feeling very well. A. No, she didnt B. Yes, she didnt C. No, she did D. Yes, she did 5. We will do all we can _ English well this term. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learnt,C,C,D,D,B,17,1.-Lo

27、ok, what have you done? -Sorry. I think if I _ another chance, Ill do it better. A. give B. will be given C. will give D. am given 2.Will you please _ your books on the floor? A.not to drop B.not drop C.dont drop D.not dropping 3.He spent all the time he could _Geography. A. learning B. to learn C.

28、learned D. learn 4.- She is often listened _ in the open air. - She wants to be a pop singer, so more practice is needed. A. to sing B. sing C. sang D. to to sing 5.-WhatmadeXiaoFangsosad? -B:_. A.Becauseshelostherpurse B.Herpursewaslost C.Losingherpurse D.Shehaventfoundherpurse,D,B,A,D,C,18,1.The t

29、eacher asked _ students to do the homework by ourselves. us B. the C. some D. his 2. -How many pandas did you see? -_. A. Nothing B. No one C. None D. Nobody 3.They would rather _ there by train than _ a plane. A. go, taking B. go, take C. going, take D. going, taking 4.There_ no people in the hall.

30、 A. seems to have B. seem to have C. seems to be D. seem to be 5.He _ me to buy a TV set. A. promised B. agreed C. reminded D. hoped,A,C,B,D,C,19,1.The young woman complained _ the manager _ the service there. of; to B. to; about C. of; about D. to; with 2.The police said that the victim obviously a

31、 good fight. A. put on B. put up C. put down D. put out 3.He said that she was attacked with a knife and bled to . A.die B.death C.dead D.dying 4.Everything has _ wrong. A.get B. come C. gone D. become 5.By the time my parents reached home yesterday,I_ already the dinner. A. had; cooked B. /; cooked

32、 C. have; cooked D. did; cook,B,B,B,C,A,20,1.Mrs Zhang is all her time and energy being a mum right now. A.costing; on B. paying; on C. spending; to D. devoting; to 2.We about 1, 200 English words by the end of last term. learned B. have learned C. learn D. had learned 3.He devoted all his effort ch

33、ildren. to teaching B. to teach C. taught D. teaching 4.Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up I could answer the phone. A. as B. since C. until D. before 5. The girl devoted all her time she had others. A. to help B. helping C. helped D. to helping,D,D,A,D,D,21,1.The robb

34、er was guilty _ _computer crimes in the past. A. of B. from C. off D. on 2.The medicine he took had no effect him at all. A. to B. for C. on D. with 3.He said that he had met her two years _. before B. ago C. for 2 years D. since 2 years ago 4._ the end of the match, they had kicked two goals and we

35、 had kicked four. In B. By C. At D. On 5._ the street, dont forget to look left and right. A. While crossing B. While is crossing C. While being crossing D. While be crossed 6. Not only the students but also the teacher _ to see the film. A. want B. is wanting C. are wanting D. wants 7.Todays News i

36、s on Golden TV _ 7 pm _ 7.30 pm A. from; and B. between; to C. between; and D. from; between,A,C,A,B,A,D,C,22,1.It is _ that I would like to go to the beach. A. such nice weather B. so nice a weather C. such a nice weather D. so nice weather 2.-Please _ everything away , or it will be a mess after t

37、he experiment. -Yes, I will. A. take B. throw C. put D. give 3.To our _, the old woman climbed up the hill. Surprised B. surprising C. surprise D. surprises 4.-Would you like some coffee? -Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee_ milk. A. to B. with C. of D. than 5.Youd better stay at

38、 home _ they _. A. during; leave B. while; leave C. during; are away D. while; are away,A,C,C,B,D,23,1.I think well talk about it _ after we both think _. A. farther; it over B. farther; over it C. further; it over D. further; over it 2. I think Millie was born _ August _October,1990. A. from; to B.

39、 on; and C. in; or D. in; and 3.We missed _ the film when it was _ at the local cinema. seeing; in B. to see; on C. seeing; on D. to see; in 4.For the next ten years, Mathild had not sent a _ to her friend Jeanne. A information B news C message D advice 5.I wonder if there is _ in the box. A.somethi

40、ng useful B.useful something C.anything useful D. useful anything,C,C,C,C,C,24,1. (1) Mr. Smith did all he could _ his familys living standard. (2) Mr. Wang made up his mind to devote all he could _ his oral English before going abroad. (3) He couldnt believe that such a little boy could _ his Engli

41、sh with so little time. improve B. to improve C. improving D. to improving 2. (1) He was very careless, so I am afraid he _ your umbrella by mistake yesterday. (2) Everything he _ away from him before he returned to his hometown. (3) Everything _ away from him before he returned to his hometown. too

42、k B. had been taken C. had had been taken D. had taken,B,D,A,A,C,B,25,3. (1) Before he went abroad, he looked forward _ English as much as possible. (2) Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he _ English. (3) As their English teacher had gone back America, so as a result, they stayed only

43、_ French. A.could learning B.to learn C.to learning D.could learn 4. (1) You can not imagine what a silly mistake I _. A. make B. made C. have made D. hade made (2) You can never imagine what great difficulty I have _ your house. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding 5. (1) The person we spoke

44、to _no answer at first. (2) The person was made _ a speech at the meeting. A. making B. makes C. to make D. made,C,A,B,B,B,D,C,26,7(1)The days we have been looking forward to _ soon. (2)They have been looking forward to _ to China soon. (3)These days we have been looking forward to _to visit you. A.

45、 coming B. will come C. came D. have come 8.(1)Are you talking about _the new school next week? (2) The person we talked about _ our school last week. A. visiting B. will visit C. visited D. has visited 9. (1) The man is fond of _ the most popular songs in our city. (2) The man whose songs we are fo

46、nd of _ in our city next week. A. singing B. to sing C. will sing D. sang,B,A,A,A,C,A,C,27,10.(1) _ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. (2) _ his lovely dog, he looked for it everywhere. (3) _ his dog, he took it in the scary bushes. LosingB. Having lostC. LostD. To lose 11. (1)

47、- What do you think made the woman so upset?- _ weight. (2) - What can I do to join in the league? - _ weight. As she put on B. Put on C. Putting on D. Because of putting on (3) - Why are the students so diligent these days? - _ the entrance exams. A. PassB. To pass C. Passing D. Having passed,C,B,D

48、,C,B,B,28,12. (1) Is this factory _ you visited the other day? (2) Is this the factory _ you visited the other day? the one B. that C. where D. when 13. (1) _ what the six blind men said sounded! (2) You cant imagine _ he is acting. A. H(h)ow foolishly B. H(h)ow foolish C. W(w)hat foolish D. W(w)hat

49、 foolishly 14. (1) Please tell me the way you thought of _ the garden. (2) Have you thought of _ the garden? take care of B. to take care of C. taking care of 15. (1) - Where do you think _ he _ the computer? - Sorry, I have no idea. (2) - Where on earth _ he _ the computer? - Sorry, I have no idea.

50、 A.had, bought B.has, bought C.did, buy D./, bought,A,B,B,A,B,C,D,C,29,16 (1)Who would you rather _the report instead of you? (2) Would you rather _to him or have him call you? A.have write B.have to write C.write D.have written 17. (1) We must stop pollution _ longer. (2) We must keep the fishes in

51、 the river _ longer. living B. from living C. to live D. live 18.(1)I like swimming, while what my brother enjoys _. (2) I like swimming, while my brother enjoys _. cooking B. to cook C. is cooking D. cook 19. (1)- How long have you been here? - _ the end of last month. (2) - When did you come here?

52、 - _the end of last month, I think. (3) - When shall we finish the project? - _the end of this month, I think. A. In B. By C. At D. Since,A,C,C,A,C,A,D,C,B,30,20. (1) You havent been to Beijing, have you? _. And how I wish to go there again. (2) - You havent been to Beijing, have you? - _. But how I

53、 wish to go there. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I havent C. No, I have D. No, I havent 21.About _ of students are from Changchun . two thirds B. two third C. second three D. second third 22._ ? About an hours walk . A.How long is your home B.How often does he go C.How far is your school D.How soon will he c

54、ome back 23. _ either you or I afraid of dogs ? A. Are B. Is C. Do D. Have,A,D,A,C,A,31,22.(1)Youd better _the small child across the street. (2) Its better _ the small child across the street. A. to guide B. guide C. to guiding D. to be guided 23.(1)I didnt want to see the film because I _ it twice

55、. (2) I dont go to see the film because I _ it twice. A. have seenB. had seen C. sawD. will see 24. (1) Its good _ you to send me a nice present. (2) Its good _ you to do eye exercises every day. A. forB. of C. withD. to 25.(1) She is one of the girls _ be an air tress. (2) She is the one of the gir

56、ls _ be an air tress. A.who want B. who wants C.which want D.which wants 6.(1)-It so kind of you to give us so much help. - _. (2) Could you be so kind as to give us a little bit of help? - _. A. Pleasures B. My pleasure C. With pleasureD. Why not,B,A,B,A,B,A,A,B,B,C,32,27. (1) - _ you didnt speak to him all that day? - Of course. He was so impolite. (2)


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