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1、写作:4. Writing an opening paragraphAn opening paragraph usually consists of two parts: opening part and thesis statements.1) Functions of an opening paragraph: Attract readers interest. Present your thesis.2) Five useful ways to write an opening paragraph(1) Begin with a broad, general statement of y

2、our topic and narrow it down to your thesis statement. (from a broad topic to your thesis) (2) Use an incident or a brief story. (from a brief story to your thesis)(3) Start with an idea or a situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop. (from an opposite idea or situation to your thes

3、is) (4) Ask one or more questions (from a question(s) to your thesis) (5) Use a quotation (from a quotation to your thesis) 5. Writing supporting paragraphs1) Three bases for writing a supporting paragraph:(1) Support (adequate and specific)(论据充分性)(2) Coherence(连贯性)(a)Transitional words: Type 1: Add

4、ition signals are used to show accumulation.Type 2: Time Signals are used to show sequence.Type 3: Space signals are used to show location.Type 4: Change of direction signals are used to show contrast.Type 5: Illustration signals are used to show examples.Type 6: Conclusion signals are used to show

5、consequence.(b) Transitional sentences (c) Other collecting words: Repeated wordsPronounsSynonyms(同义词)(3) Unity(一致性)(a) Make all of the topic sentences in the supporting paragraphs related to the thesis. (b) Make all of the major supporting points related to the topic sentences in each supporting pa

6、ragraph.(c) Make all of the minor supporting points related to the major supporting points in each supporting paragraph.2) Patterns of Organization:(1) Time order (chronological order) (按时间顺序排列) (2) Climactic order (order of importance) (按重要性顺序排列)(3) Space order(按空间顺序排列)6. Writing an concluding para

7、graphFour effective ways will be introduced(1) End with a summary and a final thought.Restate your major points raised in your thesis, but do not repeat them.(2) End with a recommendation (3) End with a prediction(4) End with a thought-provoking question or questions.7. Sentence Skills1) Three types

8、 of fragments:2)Run-on sentences (乱加从句的冗长句子)A run-on sentence is a string of words with two subordinate clauses that are run together without proper punctuation. 3)Dangling modifiers (垂悬结构)40a. *Carrying a heavy pile of books, her foot caught on the step.41a. *To get up early, the clock was set at s

9、ix.42a. *At the age of five, my dad taught me about cars.43a. *To improve his result, the experiment was done again.41b. To get up early, I set the clock at six.42b. When I was five, my dad taught me about cars.43b. He improved his result by doing the experiment again.But some set phrases and absolu

10、te constructions are not dangling modifiers. 44. To be frank, I do not think he is the right man for the job.45. Generally speaking, at this age, girls are more mature than boys.46. The majority approving of the project, he had to give in.4) Parallelism (并行关系)50a. *I took a bath, sleeping, and wakin

11、g up refreshed.51a. *The keys to improving grades are to take effective notes in class, to plan study time, and preparing carefully for exams. 52a. *In many ways, starting college at forty is harder than to start at eighteen.Correct sentences:50b. I took a bath, went to sleep, and woke up refreshed.

12、51b. The keys to improving grades are to take effective notes in class, to plan study time, and to prepare carefully for exams. 52b. In many ways, starting college at forty is harder than starting at eighteen.5) Mixed construction53a. *The most valued trait in an employee is a person who is loyal.54

13、a. *Indigestion is when you cannot digest food.55a. *By taking a No.70 bus is one way to get to our university.56a. *The reason I enjoy horseback riding is because it provides outdoor exercise.57a. *There are many people move to USA.Correct sentences:53b. The most valued trait in an employee is loya

14、lty.54b. Indigestion is the inability to digest food.55b. You can get to our university by taking a No.70 bus.56b. I enjoy horseback riding because it provides outdoor exercise.57b. There are many people who move to USA.改错练习:Revenge is one of those things that everyone enjoy. People dont like to tal

15、k about it, though. Just the same, there is nothing more tempting, more satisfying, or with the reward of a bit of revenge. The purpose is not to harm your victims. But to let them know that you are upset about something they are doing. Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersom cow

16、orkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members. Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply. The first thing that you should do is to get up extra early one day. Before the sun comes up, drive to each coworkers h

17、ouse, reach under the hood of his car, and disconnected the center wire that leads to the distrib. cap. The car will be unharmed, but it will not start, and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day. If your lucky, your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will

18、give you a raise. Later if you feel guilty about your actions you can call each person anonymously and tell them how to get the car runningCorrect essay:Revenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys(主谓一致). People dont like to talk about it, though. Just the same, there is nothing more tempting

19、, more satisfying, or more rewarding than(并行关系) a bit of revenge. The purpose is not to harm your victims but (fragment) to let them know that you are upset about something they are doing to you. Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome(拼写错误) coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagg

20、ing family members. Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply. The first thing that you should do is to get up extra early one day. Before the sun comes up, drive to each coworkers house, reach under the hood of his

21、car, and disconnect(时态一致) the center wire that leads to the distributor(全拼) cap. The car will be unharmed, but it will not start, and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day. If youre lucky, your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise. Late

22、r,(标点)if you feel guilty about your actions you can call each person anonymously and tell them how to get their cars(代词一致) running again8. Patterns of development1) Comparison and contrast (1) One side at a time (subject by subject)These: Going to Chalet is more difficult than going to McDonalds1. C

23、haleta. Dress codeb. Advance reservationsc. Leave an hour earlyd. Find parking space2. McDonaldsa. Casual dressb. No reservationsc. Leave only fifteen minutes ahead of timed. Plenty of free parking (2) Point by point These: Studying is something I do differently in college than in high school.1. Kee

24、ping up with reading assignmenta. High schoolb. College2. Concentrating while reading a. High school b. College2) Cause and effect(因果说明) We may support our thesis statements by explaining a series of causes or a series of effects.(1) Causes: These tell readers why something happened. We try to exami

25、ne the cause of something. Many actions do not occur without causes. For example, Smoking causes lung cancer. (Smoking is one of the causes of lung cancer.)(2) Effects: These tell readers the results of something. We try to examine the effects of something. An action can have a series of effects goo

26、d or bad. For example, Twelve thousand smokers die from lung cancer every year. (Lung cancer is one of the results of smoking.)By examining the causes or effects of an action, we seek to understand or explain things that happen in our lives.3) Illustration (说明文)(Examples)In an illustrative essay, yo

27、u support your point by illustrating it with examples.Illustration paragraph include: 例1:Topic sentence: Knowledge often results only after persistence investigation.Supporting examples: Albert EinsteinA detectiveAnnie Jump Cannon(安妮坎农,美国女天文学家)Investigation into the causes of polio(脊髓灰质炎)Concluding

28、sentence: As students, we too are determined in our investigation to find, retain and contribute to the store of human knowledge.例2: Topic sentence: The first day of school was frustrating. Supporting examples: My sociology course was canceled. Then I couldnt find the biology lab. And the lines at t

29、he bookstore were so long that I went home without buying my textbooks.Characteristics of illustrationl An example is relevantl An example is representative, when it shows a typical real-life situation, not a rare or unusual one.l Examples are taken from your own life or the lives of people you know

30、. They are unique examples shared by no other people.l Choose examples that are striking and dramatic and that will make a strong lasting impression on your readersBe sure that the examples you use to explain your thesis should be carefully chosen. You should select examples that are relevant, repre

31、sentative, specific, striking and dramatic Transitional words that are often used in illustration: For instance, For example, Another instance of, Another example of, Another illustration of, To illustrate, A case in point is, Here are a few examples, Some instances, Yet anotherTermsDefinitionsBrief

32、 illustrationAn unelaborated example, often only a sentence or two longExtended illustrationA detailed exampleHypothetical illustrationAn example that might happen but that has not actually occurred4) Argumentation(考试考点): In an argumentation essay, you defend your position (point of view) with a ser

33、ies of solid reasons. You try to argue with someone, that is, to persuade others to accept or agree with your point of view.(1) Strategies for argumentation (a) Acknowledge differing viewpointsYou can cite the opposing viewpoint in your thesis statement or in your supporting paragraphs. (b) Grant th

34、e merits of differing viewpoints. (c) Use tactful, courteous language. (d) Rebut differing viewpoints (2) How to write argumentative essaysStage 1: decide on a controversial topic (debatable and interesting) and write an argumentative thesis statement. The thesis statement should define the scope of

35、 the argument and make an assertion that is open to debate. Ineffective Examples of Argumentative Thesis StatementsExample 1:Thesis: Something should be done on media bias. This is not an effective argumentative thesis statement because it does not clearly state the writers idea. The answers of ques

36、tions like “what is that something that should be done?” or “who should do it?” are not clear.Example 2:Thesis: CNN is the best TV channel. This is not an effective thesis statement. This sentence is not debatable as it involves personal choice or preferenceExample 3:Thesis: There are 3 ways of medi

37、a censorship.This is not an argumentative thesis statement as the writer aims at listing the types of media censorship. Therefore, the writers purpose of writing this essay is not to persuade the reader but to give information. Also, the ways of media censorship are not open to debate. Thus, they ar

38、e not suitable for argumentation.Effective Examples of Argumentative Thesis StatementsExample 1:Thesis: Newspapers should not identify people by color, race, or religious faith in any way. This is an effective argumentative thesis statement. Firstly, the topic is open to discussion. There may be peo

39、ple who would oppose this argument claiming that this kind of restriction would damage the objectivity of the news. Therefore, the writer holds a clear stance. Above all, it is obvious that the writers aim is not simply to inform the readers but to convince them to take his / her side in the debate.

40、The expository (p58) thesis statement vs. the argumentative thesis statement: Similarity:Both expository(说明的,解释的) and argumentative thesis statements express a certain opinion about a topic. Difference:An expository thesis statement does not include a sharp opinion; rather, it discusses advantages,

41、disadvantages, types, reasons, results, problems, solutions, processes, or categories of an issue often in the form of listing, enumeration, classification, or sequencing. An argumentative thesis statement has a clear stance on a debatable topic, fiercely argues that the writers opinion is correct a

42、nd reflects this subjectivity both in its style and tone.Choosing an argumentative topic is not an easy task. The topic should be such that it should be narrowed down Marijuana ( mrwn 大麻) should be considered illegal. (Not a good topic because it is too general. In some medical cases, marijuana is p

43、rescribed by the doctors and the patients are encouraged to use it in case of suffering from too much pain) Selling and using marijuana in public places should be considered illegal. it should contain an argument We should decide whether we want a bicycle or a car. (our stand is not clear: do we sup

44、port having bicycles or cars?) If we are under the age of 30 and want a healthy life, we should definitely get a bicycle instead of a car.Are you one of those who thinks cheating is not good for students? (a question cannot be an argument) Cheating helps students learn. Considering its geological po

45、sition, Turkey has an important geopolitical role in the EU. (facts cannot be arguments) Considering its geopolitical role, we can clearly say that the EU cannot be without Turkey. it should be a topic that can be adequately supported (with statistics, outside source citations, etc.) I feel that wri

46、ting an argumentative essay is definitely a challenging task. (feelings cannot be supported; we cannot persuade other people)Which of the following are argumentative thesis statements?Thesis 1: There are three main reasons why the media manipulate the news.Thesis 2: The media should not manipulate t

47、he news in any way.Thesis 3:It is essential to be media literate for three reasons.Thesis 4:It is essential that media literacy be taught in schools. Thesis 1 is not argumentative. Although the writer has the assumption that the media manipulate the news, the aim of this essay is not to convince the

48、 reader on this issue, but to simply list the three reasons for media manipulation. The reader, too, expects to learn the three reasons.Thesis 2 is acceptable as an argumentative thesis statement because the writer clearly takes a stand in the debate about whether the media should manipulate the new

49、s or not. Here, the writer intends to influence the mind of readers rather than to merely inform them.Thesis 3 is an expository thesis statement although the sentence includes a strong word, “essential”. The use of this word does not make the thesis statement an argumentative one because the aim her

50、e is to inform the reader about the three reasons. The reader, here, expects to read a list of the reasons without being forced to take a side. The writer does not hold a stance in an ongoing discussion.Thesis 4 is clearly an argumentative thesis statement. Firstly, the topic is debatable. Secondly,

51、 the writer is clear about where in the discussion he stands. Finally, the purpose of the writer is to affect the readers ideas on this issue.On the whole, while writing argumentative thesis statements, be sure to have a debatable topic, state your claim and stance as strongly as possible and make t

52、he reader understand that your aim is to persuade rather than only to inform.Stage 2: Generating ideas: After formulating your argumentative thesis statement, you need to brainstorm a variety of supporting ideas, counter arguments and ways to refute these opposing views. In supporting your argument,

53、 the evidence that you include can be facts, examples, support from authority (testimony), and statistics. (3) Organization: All argumentative essays have PROs and CONs (赞成反对). Before starting writing, it is imperative to make a list of these ideas and choose the most suitable ones among themfor sup

54、porting and refuting.There are three possible organization patterns:Pattern 3:Thesis statement:CON idea 1 -RefutationCON idea 2-RefutationCON idea 3-RefutationConclusionPattern 2:Thesis statement:CON(s) + Refutation(s) (Rebuttals)PRO idea 1PRO idea 2ConclusionPattern 1: Thesis statementPRO idea 1PRO

55、 idea 2CON(s) + Refutation(s)ConclusionExample 1:5) Description(描写文)More than many other types of essays, descriptive essays strive to create a vivid experience for the reader. Great descriptive essays achieve this effect not through facts and statistics but by using detailed observations and descri

56、ptions.As you get started on your descriptive essay, its important for you to identify exactly what you want to describe. Often, a descriptive essay will focus on portraying one of the following: a person a place a memory an experience an objectHow should you write your description? As you write you

57、r descriptive essay, remember: showing, not telling. Showing and not telling means that you paint a picture for your reader. The difference between showing and telling:Example 1:(1) I grew tired after dinner.(2) As I leaned back and rested my head against the top of the chair, my eyelids began to feel heavy, and the edges of the empty plate in front of me blurred with the white tablecloth. The first sentence tells readers that you grew tired after dinner. The second sentence shows readers that you grew tired. The most effective descriptive essays are loaded with such showing be


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