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1、Marketing:An Introduction,Name:安书芳 Tel:5011621 Email:, Copyright 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc.,What Is Marketing?,Chapter 1,3,Chapter Objectives,When you have completed your study of this chapter, you should be able to: 1、Define marketing and outline the steps in the marketing process. 2、Explai

2、n the importance of understanding customers and the marketplace, and identify the five core marketplace concepts.,4,3、Identify the key elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and discuss the marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy. 4、Discuss customer relationship man

3、agement and strategies for building lasting customer relationships.,Chapter Objectives,5,5、Describe the major trends and forces that are changing the marketing landscape in this new age of relationships.,Chapter Objectives,6,What is Marketing?,Simple Definition: Marketing is managing profitable cust

4、omer relationships. Goals: Attract new customers by promising superior value. Keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction.,7,Marketing Defined,A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and va

5、lue with others.,8,The marketing process,1、understangding the marketplace and consumer needs 2、desiging a customer-driven marketing strategy 3、construct a marketing program that delivers superior value 4、building profitable relationships and create consumer velues 5、capture value from customers to c

6、reate profits and customer quality,9,Understangding the marketplace and consumer needs,The marketing process begins,continues,and ends with consumers. as a first step,marketers need to understand customer needs and wants and the marketplace.,10,Needs, Wants, & Demands,Need: State of felt deprivation

7、 including physical, social, and individual needs. Physical: Food, clothing, shelter, safety Social: Belonging, affection Individual: Learning, knowledge, self-expression,11,Wants: Form that a human need takes, as shaped by culture and individual personality. Wants + Buying Power = Demand (456班),Nee

8、ds, Wants, & Demands,12,Marketing Offer(products),Needs and Wants Fulfilled through a Marketing Offer : Some combination of products, services, information, or experiences offered to a market to satisfy a need or want. 产品:企业提供给市场的能够满足人类需要和欲望的所有的物品。, Copyright 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc.,A pro

9、duct can be: A tangible good A service An idea A person A place,Anything Can Be Marketed,14,Value & Satisfaction(价值和满意),If performance is lower than expectations, satisfaction is low If performance is higher than expectations, satisfaction is high,15,创造价值让顾客满意,以麦当劳例,人们不会仅仅因为喜欢汉堡包而涌向全世界11,000个麦当劳快餐店。

10、其他一些餐馆制作的汉堡包味道也许更好。人们是冲着某个系统而来,并不仅仅是汉堡包。这是一个有效运转的系统,该系统向全世界传送一个高标准,即麦当劳公司所谓的QSCV质量(Quality)、服务(Service)、清洁(Cleanliness)和价值(Value)。麦当劳公司的有效就在于它和它的供应商、特许经营店业主、雇员以及其他有关人员共同向顾客提供了他们所期望的高价值。,16,Exchange vs. Transaction(交换和交易),Exchange: Act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something

11、in return. (以某物作为回报,从别人那里获得所需之物的行为。),Transaction: A trade of values between two parties. One party gives X to another party and gets Y in return. Can include cash, credit, or check.,17,What is a Market?,The set of actual and potential buyers of a product. (某产品的现实与潜在的购买者的集合。) These people share a nee

12、d or want that can be satisfied through exchange relationships. (这些人拥有共同的需要和欲望,并且能够通过交换关系得到满足。),18,Desiging a customer-driven marketing strategy(制定以顾客为导向的营销战略),Marketing Management(市场营销管理) The art and process of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them. (是选择目标市场并与之建立可赢

13、利性关系的艺术和过程。) The marketing managers aim is to get, keep, and grow target customers by creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value. (市场营销的目的在于通过创造、交付并沟通优异的顾客价值,来获得、保持并发展目标顾客。),19,To design a winning marketing strategy,Questions to ask: What customers will we serve? What is our targ

14、et market? How can we best serve these customers? What is our value proposition?,20,Segmentation & Target Marketing,Market Segmentation(市场细分): Divide the market into segments of customers Target Marketing(目标市场): Select the segment to cultivate,21,Marketing Management(营销管理),Demand Management Finding

15、and increasing demand, also changing or reducing demand, such as in demarketing. Demarketing Temporarily or permanently reducing the number of customers or shifting their demand,22,不同需求情况下企业市场营销管理的任务,负需求,无需求,潜在需求,下降需求,无序需求,充分需求,过量需求,有害需求,扭转性营销,刺激性营销,开发性营销,恢复性营销,同步性营销,维持性营销,限制性营销,抵制性营销,23,1、负需求指绝大多数人

16、对某种产品或服务不仅没有需求,而且有厌恶情绪的一种需求状况。 例如:素食主义者对所有肉类有负需求;有些顾客害怕冒险而不敢乘飞机等。 营销任务扭转型营销。调查研究,寻找产生负需求的原因,对症下药。分析人们为什么不喜欢这些产品,并针对目标顾客的需求重新设计产品、订价,作更积极的促销,或改变顾客对某些产品或服务的信念等,把负需求变为正需求。诸如宣传老年人适当吃甜食可促进脑血液循环,乘坐飞机出事的概率比较小等。,24,案例:,欧美人对动物内脏很反感,不喜欢吃动物内脏。怎样把这个负需求变为正需求呢?专家做了个实验:他们找来了40个家庭主妇,将之分为两个小组。专家告诉第一小组的20个人,运用传统的方式怎样

17、把动物的内脏做成菜,怎样做才好吃。而他们则和第二小组的20个家庭主妇围坐在一块座谈,在聊天中告诉她们动物内脏富含哪些矿物质,对人体有哪些好处,并赠送了相应的菜谱。一个月后,第一小组只有3%的家庭妇女开始食用动物内脏,第二小组有30%的妇女食用动物内脏。,25,2、无需求市场上对某种产品或劳务既无负需求,也无正需求,只是漠不关心,毫无兴趣。 通常情况下,市场对下列产品无需求: a.人们一般认为无价值的废旧物资; b.人们一般认为有价值,但在特定环境下无价值的东西; c.新产品或消费者平时不熟悉的物品等。 营销任务刺激性营销。通过有效的促销手段,把产品利益同人们的自然需求及兴趣结合起来,设法引起消

18、费者的兴趣,刺激需求。,26,3、潜在需求:多数消费者对市场上现实不存在的某种产品或劳务的强烈需求。 营销任务开发性营销。调查潜在需求,提供能满足潜在需求的产品或劳务,变潜在需求为现实需求。 4、下降需求:市场对一个或几个产品的需求呈下降趋势的情况。 营销任务恢复性营销。设法使已经冷淡的兴趣得以恢复。 恢复性营销实施的前提:处于衰退期的产品或劳务有出现新生命周期的可能性。,27,5、不规则需求:在不同时间、不同季节需求量不同,需求与供给不同步。 营销任务同步性营销。调节需求与供给的矛盾,使二者达到同步。 6、充分需求:当前的需求量在时间上同预期需求已达到一致。 营销任务维持性营销。密切注视消费

19、者偏好的变化和竞争状况,不断提高产品质量,尽可能维持现有需求水平。,28,7、过量需求:需求量超过了卖方所能供给或所愿供给的水平。 营销任务限制性营销。提高价格、减少服务项目或供给网点、劝导节约等。 8、有害需求:对社会或购买者的长期利益或短期利益有害的需求。 营销任务抵制性营销。采取抵制措施,宣传其危害性,劝说消费者放弃,29,企业营销管理的类型与任务,30,Value Proposition(价值主张),The set of benefits or values a company promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy their need

20、s.(123班) (公司承诺交付给消费者并满足消费者需要的一组利益和价值),31,Marketing Management Philosophies(营销管理哲学),Production Concept(生产观念) Product Concept(产品观念) Selling Concept(推销观念) Marketing Concept(市场营销观念) Societal Marketing Concept(社会营销观念),32,Production Concept(生产观念),The idea that consumer will favor products that are availab

21、le and highly affordable. 该观念认为消费者喜欢那些随处能够买得到,并且价格便宜的产品。 The compony should Increase productivity, and improve the efficiency of health distribution. 企业应该提高生产效率和分销效率。,33,Product Concept(产品观念),The idea that consumers will favor products that offer the most quality, performance,and features and that t

22、he organization should therefore devote its energy to making continuous product improvements. 该观念认为消费者喜欢那些高质量、多功能、有特色的产品。企业应该集中精力改进产品,提供优质的产品。 Marketing Myopia(营销近视症),34,Marketing Myopia(营销近视症),Sellers pay more attention to the specific products they offer than to the benefits and experiences produc

23、ed by the products. They focus on the “products” and lose sight of the “needs”and“wants” 只关注产品,而忽视顾客的需要和欲望。,35,Selling Concept(推销观念),The idea that consumers will not buy enough of the firms products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. 该观念认为,消费者不会足量的购买一个企业的产品,除非扩大销售规模、加大促

24、销努力。 The concept is typically practiced with unsought goods-those that buyers do not normally think of buying. 该观念比较典型地使用在“费渴求类商品”上,即购买者通常不会想到要去购买的商品。,36,Marketing Concept(市场营销观念),The marketing management Philosophies that holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wa

25、nts of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do. 该观念认为实现组织目标的关键在于正确地确定目标市场的需要和欲望,并且比竞争对手更好地传递目标市场所期望获得满足的东西。,37,Societal Marketing Concept(社会营销观念),A principle of enlightened marketing that holds that a compony should make good marketing decisions by consider

26、ing consumers wants, the company requirements, consumers long-run interests, and society long-run interests. 该观念认为企业要想制定一个成功的营销决策,必须要考虑到消费者的需要、企业的需要、消费者的长期利益和社会的长期利益。,38,Preparing marketing plan and program,The Marketing Mix(The 4 Ps)(营销组合) A combination of: The product itself. The price of the prod

27、uct. The place it is made available. The activities that introduce it to consumers (promotion). A desiredresponse created among predefined consumers.,The Marketing Mix (cont.),40,Customer Relationship Management(顾客关系管理),Customer Relationship Management The overall process of building and maintaining

28、 profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction. 通过传递优异的顾客价值并使顾客满意,来建立并维护可赢利性顾客关系的全过程。,41,Relationship Building Blocks,The key to building lasting customer relationships is to create superior customer value and satisfaction. 建立持久顾客关系的关键在于创造优异的顾客价值并使顾客满意。,42,

29、Customer Perceived Value(顾客感知价值),Customers evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers. 与竞争对手相比,顾客购买该公司产品所获得的整体顾客价值与所支付的整体顾客成本之间的差额。,43,Customer Satisfaction(顾客满意),The extent to which a products perceived performa

30、nce matches a buyers expectations. 顾客通过对一个产品的可感知的效能与他的期望值相比较后,所形成的愉悦或失望的感觉状态。(456班),44,Customer Relationship Levels and Tools(顾客关系水平与手段),Componies can build customer relationshipa at many levels, depending on the nature of the target marke(企业可以根据目标市场的类型建立不同水平的顾客关系) tools: Financial Benefits(金融利益) So

31、cial Benefits(社会利益) Structural Ties(结构性关系) Focus on profitable customers(致力于可赢利性的顾客),45,The Changing Nature of Customer Relationships(顾客关系特征的变化),Relating with More Carefully Selected Customer (与精心挑选的顾客建立关系) Relating for Long Term (建立长期关系) Relating Directly (建立直接联系),46,Partner Relationship Marketing(

32、合作伙伴关系营销),Partners inside the firm(公司内部的合作伙伴) All employees customer focused (所有以客户为中心的员工) Teams coordinate efforts toward customers (致力于客户的协作团队) Partners outside the firm(公司外部的合作伙伴) Supply chain management(供应链管理) Strategic alliances(战略联盟),47,Capturing Value From Customer(从顾客身上获得价值),Creating custome

33、r loyalty and retention (建立并保持顾客忠诚) customer lifetime value(顾客终身价值) The value of entire stream of purchases that the customer would make over a lifetime of patronage. (每个顾客在未来可能为企业带来的收益总和。)(123班),48,Growing Share of Customer(提高顾客份额) Share of Customer(顾客份额) The portion of the customers purchasing in its product categories that a company gets. (指一家企业的产品或服务在一个顾客该类产品消费中所占的比重。),49,Building cus


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