1、运 动 系 统Locomotor system,Vol 1.0 13th Feb 2012,广西医科大学邓琼英 Copyright 2012 Qiongying Deng All Rights Reserved,Composition of locomotor system,bone骨 articulation关节 muscle骨骼肌,Numbers: 206 ( include 6 auditory ossicles 听小骨) Classification: According to region Skull 颅骨 Bones of trunk 躯干骨 Appendicular bones
2、附肢骨,auditory ossicles,Chapter 1 osteology,The general discription,Section 1,According to shape 4 kinds,Long bone Short bone Flat bone Irregular bone,shaft,Upper extremity,lower extremity,epiphysis,epiphysis,metaphysis,Long bone,Epipysial line,Epiphysial cartilage,Epiphysis,Short bone,Lateral view of
3、 hip bone,Anterior the inorganic salts give them hardness and rigidity The physical properties of the bones depend upon the chemical component which change with age Normal adult: organic components / inorganic components is 3/7,骨的化学成份和物理性质,有机质(骨胶原纤维束和粘多糖蛋白) 弹性、韧性 无机质(碱性磷酸钙) 硬性、脆性 正常成人比例:有机质/无机质约为3:7
4、,膜化骨 软骨化骨,The Development of Bones (self-study),What is the anatomical position? How many types of bone according to their shapes?and what is the characteristics in each part? What is the structure of bones?,Questions,1. Vertebrae (24),2. Sternum (1),3. Ribs (12),4. Sacrum (1),5. Coccyx (1),The bone
5、s of trunk,Section 2,Vertebral body Pedicle of vertebral arch 椎弓根 Lamina of vertebral arch 椎弓板 Vertebral foramen Superior articular process (2) Inferior articular process (2) Spinous process Transverse process (2) 2+3=Vertebral arch Notch in neighbour vertebral pedicle consist of the intervertebral
6、foramen,General features of the vertebrae,椎骨的一般形态,椎体,椎弓根,椎弓板,棘突 1 横突 2 上关节突 2 下关节突 2,椎间孔,椎上切迹,椎孔,椎弓,椎下切迹,Anterior arch Anterior tubercle Transverse foramen Transverse process Vertebral foramen Dental fovea Posterior arch,The first cervical vertebra (Atlas),A. Superior view Superior articular surface
7、 Groove for vertebral artery,B. Inferior view Inferior articular surface,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,A,B,The second cervical vertebra (axis),1. Dens 齿突 2. Superior articular surface 3. Transverse process 4. Transverse foramen 5. Vertebral foramen 6. Spinous process 7. Inferior articular su
8、rface,1,1,2,2,7,7,4,4,3,3,6,2,2,5,3th-6th cervical vertebrae,7th cervical vertebra,Vertebral body Transverse foramen Transverse process Vertebral foramen Superior articular surface,Inferior articular surface Spinous process Vertebral arch Anterior tubercle Posterior tubercle,The special characterist
9、ics of cervical vertebrae,small Vertebral body Partly bifid spinous process Vertebral foramen is nearly triangular, large Transverse foramen,Atlas 寰椎,Axis 枢椎,Vertebra Prominens 隆椎,Vertebral body Pedicle of vertebral arch Lamina of vertebral arch Vertebral foramen Superior articular process (2) Infer
10、ior articular process (2) Spinous process Transverse process (2) Superior costal fovea Inferior costal fovea Transver costal fovea,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,8,8,9,10,11,9,9,11,11,Thoracic vertebrae,larger vertebral body Vertebral foramen is nearly circular Articular facets of articular process are r
11、elatively coronary Superior inferior costal fovea of the bodies Transver costal fovea,The special characteristics of thoracic vertebrae,Lumber vertebrae,Vertebral body Pedicle of vertebral arch Laminae of vertebral arch Vertebral foramen Superior articular process (2) Inferior articular process (2)
12、Spinous process Transverse process (2),Superior view,Lateral view,Large, thick vertebral body is kidney-shaped Vertebral foramen is triangular The spinous process is heavy, rectangular and strong, posterior directions 4. The articular processes are almost straight 5. relatively sagittal articular fa
13、cets,The special characteristics of lumbar vertebrae,Sacrum & Coccyx,Anterior view,Posnterior view,Base of sacrum Promontory of sacrum Ala of sacrum Sacral canal Lateral part Anterior sacral foramina Posterior sacral foramina Transverse line,Apes of sacrum Articular surface Median sacral Sacral hiat
14、us Sacral cornu Intermediate sacral Coccygeal cornu,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,sternum,Jugular notch Clavicular notch Costal notch for 1st rib Manubrium sterni Sternal angle Costal notch Body of sternum Xiphoid process,1,2,3,4,5,7,5,8,6,8,6,6,Anterior view,Lateral view,Manubrium sterni,Body o
15、f sternum,Xiphoid process,True ribs False ribs Floating ribs,Ribs: Costal bone + Costal cartilage,Numbers: 12 paire,Types:,真肋,假肋,浮肋,肋弓,Costal arch,真肋,假肋,浮肋,后面观,Costal bone,Two ends: anteriorposterior Two border: SuperiorInferior Two faces: Internal External Costal groove,肋结节,肋颈,肋角,肋头,肋结节关节面,肋沟,上关节面,下关节面,上关节面,下关节面,肋结节,肋颈,肋体,肋的一般形态,肋头 肋颈 肋体,The 1st & 2nd ribs,Costal head Costal neck Costal tubercle Sulcus for subclavian artery Tubercle for
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