1、Topic 2: Talking skills Cultural factors 说话技巧中的文化因素,Discourse patterns 语篇模式,Vanessa,Whats a discourse study?,The study of discourse (语篇) is the study of units of language and language use consisting of more than a single sentence, but connected by some systems of related topics. Letters, jokes, stor
2、ies, chapters, sermons, speeches are all categories of discourse.,When westerners or Asians do business together, or when men and women work together in an office, they engage in what is called “inter-discourse communication”,It is found that most miscommunication does not arise through mispronuncia
3、tion or through poor uses of grammar, as important as those aspects of language learning are. The major sources of miscommunication in intercultural contexts lie in differences in patterns of discourse, which greatly depends on thought patterns.,Teachers of English, have often been puzzled by the di
4、fficulties they encounter in trying to get Chinese students to organize their English writing in a way that strikes natives as natural.,A list of Chinglish,Good good study, day day up 好好学习,天天向上 How are you? How old are you? 怎么是你?怎么老是你 You have seed. I will give you some color to see see. Brothers! T
5、ogether up! 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧。兄弟们!一起上!,You ask me, me ask who? 你问我,我问谁? We two who and who? 咱俩谁跟谁? No three no four 不三不四 If you want money, I have no; if you want life, I have one 要钱没有,要命一条! Chickens that did not have sexual experience. 童子鸡,Research findings in the cultural patterns,Language usage follo
6、ws culturally determined patterns, which not only influence the order in which people use words to form phrases, but also influence thinking.,Cultural thought patterns and second language writing,Five cultural thought patterns,The figure is a diagrammatic representation of five cultural thought patt
7、erns related to five language groups respectively.,English language group (英语-直线型),A vertical straight line with a downward-pointed arrow typifying the linear logical development of the English paragraph that begins with a topic statement, then develops that topic with related ideas supporting it, a
8、nd at last makes a conclusion of the whole essay,Semitic language group(平行对仗型),It is imposed of a series of forward-moving, zigzagged lines signifying parallelistic movements. it suggests that “Semitic” paragraph development relies on “ a complex series of parallel constructions” that are of the sam
9、e importance in the whole essay.,Oriental language group(东方语言螺旋型),Oriental group is designed by a circular, spiral line suggesting of “indirection”. Reflected in the paragraph development, the organization of the Oriental writing is “ off the point”, “ out of focus”, “indirect” and even “ awkward” f
10、or English natives.,“Romance” language group (拉丁语系-迂回转折型),It is characterized as a digressive , back-and-forth zigzag. It means that “romance” languages show “ much greater freedom to digress or to introduce extraneous(无关的) material” that is unrelated to English natives eyes.,“Russian” language grou
11、p,It allows for more digression from the topic than does English, but the “Russian” diagram consists of dotted lines (虚线) instead of solid lines(实线), which signifies the higher tolerance for subordination (从属关系)in “Russian” paragraph development.,To sum up, Kaplans argument contains two propositions
12、: First, nonnative writing violates the native readers expectations. And second, each culture-linguistic group has its own unique paragraph order.,Linear language and non-linear language,Linear and non-linear aspects of language involve cultural thought patterns: they indicate how people in a specif
13、ic culture think and communicate.,Linear language has a beginning and an end, is logical, and object oriented. Linear language such as English , look on time as a continuum of past, present, and future. An example of such business practices is short-range planning.,Nonlinear language is circular , t
14、radition oriented and subjective. Nonlinear languages such as Chinese, look on time as cyclical and the seasons as an over-repeating patterns.,The nonlinear concepts are apparent in the long-range planning of the Chinese and Japanese and in the seasonal messages at the beginning of Japanese letters,
15、 while the short term is unimportant in Asia.,The difference between Chinese and western cultural thought patterns,中外思维方式的差异,Chinese: Intuitional thinking 直觉思维 to rely on intuition 直觉 from whole to part 从整体到局部,Westerners: analytical thinking 分析思维 To rely on Analysis Form part to whole 从局部到整体,Eastern
16、ers (Chinese),Easterners lay stress on harmony and entirety. They view things from whole to part . As for Chinese, they have been accustomed to dividing one issue into two opposite parts that are considered as interactive and interdependent.,如中国古代哲学主要是用元气论来解释宇宙,元气是连续的、无边界且无形的整体,它充斥并运动于宇宙之间,然后生化万物.所以
17、宇宙自然是不可分割的。 中医把人的生命看作是宇宙中元气的一种特殊状态,用气的运动来说明人体功能,把生命归之于“一口气”,用气功追求健身、养生的目的。从而认为生命是不可分解的,解剖是违背生命原理的,通过解剖是不可能得知生命的真正奥秘的。,中国人理解事物的思维模式是:“阴阳五行”方法。即对事物的整体运动形态进行一些有关的测验,然后在信息反聩基础上作出意会性的直觉判断,中医有关的 “经络”、“针灸”、“气功”、“按摩”诸理论,及传统社会的“易经”、“看相”、“算命”、“风水”之类的神秘文化,都是其特有思维模式下的杰作。,Intuition 直觉思维,Chinese hold the view tha
18、t human and nature are an indivisible unity. With regard to the relationship among people, they appeal to collectivism and trust their own intuition. For thousands of years , this kind of thought pattern has occupied a dominant position in China.,Intuition,直觉思维是指对一个问题未经逐步分析,仅依据内因的感知迅速地对问题答案作出判断,猜想、设
19、想,或者在对疑难百思不得其解之中,突然对问题有“灵感”和“顿悟”,甚至对未来事物的结果有“预感”“预言”等都是直觉思维。,Case,青年数学家阿普顿,刚到爱迪生的研究所工作时,爱迪生想考考他的能力,于是给了他一只实验用的灯泡,叫他计算灯泡的容积。一个小时过去了,爱迪生回来检查,发现阿普顿仍然忙着测量和计算。爱迪生说:“要是我,就往灯泡里灌水,将水倒入量杯,就知道灯泡的容积了。”毫无疑问,身为数学家的阿普顿,他的计算才能及逻辑思维能力是令人钦佩的,然而,这个问题表明,他所缺少的恰恰是象爱迪生那样的直觉思维能力。,Westerners,Western thought pattern is note
20、d for logic, analysis, and linearity. Westerners consider subject and object, material and spirit diametrically opposed, i.e. things just have two possibilities, either this or that.,中西方人们思考问题的顺序:如西方人姓名的排序,先是自己的名字,其后或是父名,最后才是族姓。其地址的排序也同样,先是个人所居屋的门牌号,然后才是街道、区、市,最后为省份和国度。记时也是由小到大,以秒、分、时、日、月、年为序。而中国人的相
21、关思维排序则正好相反。,如西方哲学最初是用元素论、原子论来解释宇宙;医学也把人体看作由无数最小元素按照一定规律组合出来的集合体,在发展到用细胞学来解释生物,其治疗方案建立在解剖学(即结构组织学)的基础之上。其世界观认为这些能分割的基本粒子的地位很重要,个体有独立的价值,形成个人主义和机械整体观。其“分析、综合”诸方法,为科学发展打下基础。,Concrete thinking 具象思维,Abstract thinking 抽象思维,Concrete thinking 具象思维,On the whole, traditional Chinese culture is famous for conc
22、rete thinking, which depends on analogy(类比) , metaphor and symbol.,hieroglyphic writing 象形文字,Abstract thinking 抽象思维,Western culture is famous for abstract thinking, ancient westerners chose abstract thinking that works by means of concept, judgment, and reasoning.,Deductive patterns 演绎法 from general
23、 to the specific 从整体到局部,Inductive pattern 归纳法 From the specific to the general 从局部到整体,Chinese:deductive VS. English: inductive,一个真正有幽默感的人不仅受人喜爱,而且在任何聚会上也往往是人们注意的焦点,这是有一定道理的。 How to express in English? Its reasonable to say that the truly humorous individual is not only well liked, but is often the f
24、ocus of attention in any gathering.,Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: longing for love, the search for knowledge and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. 汉语怎么说? 渴望爱,寻求知识和对人类苦难的深切同情,这是支配我的生活的三种简单而无比强烈的情感。,Chinese: 意合 VS. English: 形合,他有个女儿,在郊区工作,已经打电话去了,
25、 下午就能赶到。 暗换主语,表达清楚,在语言意义上达成语篇,You can fight a hundred battles without defeat if you know the enemy as well as yourself. You will win one battle and lose one battle if you know yourself but leave yourself in the dark about the enemy . You will lose every battle if you leave both the enemy and yoursel
26、f in the dark. 通过大量反映形式关系的动词不定式,分词,介词,连词,关系代词等把句子的其他成分层层搭架,从语言形式上结合成语篇。,晴雯先接出来,笑道:” 好啊,叫我研了墨,早起高兴,只写了三个字,扔下笔就走了,哄我等了这一整天,快来给我写完了这些墨才算呢!“,Qing-wen greeted him with a smile, exclaiming, “ A fine one you are!” On the spur of the moment you bade me grind ink for you this morning. But you threw down your
27、 brush and went away after having written merely three characters. Youve kept me waiting for you the whole day. You are to use up this ink now. Be quick!”,1. the teacher speaks slowly, his voice is loud, everyone in the classroom can hear clearly. The teacher speaks slowly and his voice is so loud t
28、hat everyone can hear it clearly in the classroom.,English: 前重心 VS. Chinese: 后重心,A.先结果,后原因 X (comment, main point, or action suggested) because of Y ( topic , background, or reasons) I criticized him, not because I hate him but because I love him.,B. 先原因,后结果 because of Y X 因为我爱他而不是恨他,所以我才会批评他,verbal
29、 styles,Context is the information that surrounds a communication and helps convey the message. In HC societies, such as Japan and many Asian countries, messages are often highly coded and implicit. While in LC societies, the message is explicit and the speaker says precisely what he or she means.,D
30、ifferences of Communication Style,Female Written Language: Vocabulary: 温和,细腻 Sentence: 冗长, 委婉,信息量小 Structure: 精巧,零散,Male Written Language: Vocabulary: 专横,粗犷 Sentence: 简洁,直率,信息量大 Structure: 磅礴,逻辑,,Different styles ask more questions, support more and agree more when listening to others, more patient and
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