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1、精益生产系统 Lean Production System,6西格玛流程能力 (西格玛改善) Six Sigma Process Capability (Sigma Kaizen),重点缩短制造周期 Focus on lead-Time reduction to : 增加客户忠诚度和市场份额 Increase customer Loyalty and Market Share 取得销售和收益双增长 Achieve Growth in Sales & Earnings 保持竞争优势 Sustain the Competitive Advantages 提升利益相关者价值Improve Stake

2、holder Value,精益西格玛变革 LeanSigma transformation,精益生产系统 Lean Production System,改善突破法 Kaizen Breakthrough Methodology,精益生产系统 Lean Production system,准时化 Just in Time 准时化,有效使用 Efficient Use of 员工 People 设备 Equipment 物料 materials 占地 Space,均衡生产 Production Smoothing,提升工艺流程能力 Improve Process Capability 尽量减少变化

3、 Minimize variation 控制异常 Manage abnormality,驱动成本下降 Drives cost reduction,Jidoka,自働化,自働化,精益生产系统 Lean Production system,及时生产 Just-In-Time Is.,这样的生产系统 A manufacturing system which produces: 按客户所需进行生产 What the customer wants 按客户要求数量生产 In the quantity the customer wants 按客户要求时间生产 When the customer wants

4、it,利用最少的 While using the minimum: 原料 Raw materials 设备 Equipment 工人 Labor 厂房 Space,核心概念和工具 Key Concepts and Tools 符合节拍时间 Pace to Takt time 单件流 One-piece flow 拉动系统 Pull system,精益生产系统 Lean Production system,节拍时间的重要性 Importance of Takt Time,客户需求 Customer requirements,净操作时间 Net operating time,将运作和客户需求同步

5、Synchronizes operations to customer demand 防止过量生产 Prevents overproduction 建立流动生产的工具 Tool for creating flow 确定最佳生产人数 Determines optimal staffing 推动产能分析和设备利用率 Drives capacity analysis & equipment utilization 必须定期更新以适应需求的变化Must be updated periodically as demand changes,单件流 One-piece flow,超市运作 Supermark

6、et Operation,过道 Aisle,E,D,C,B,A,I,H,G,F,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,按需生产 Produce to Actual Customer Demand,拉动系统 Pull System,实施拉动系统 Implement Pull system,及时生产的要素 JIT Elements,小巧便宜的机器 Small, inexpensive machines in process order 单件流生产, 反时针方向 One-piece flow production, counterclockwise 人机正确结合 Ergonomically-corre

7、ct operations 站立操作, 边走边做 Standing operations, moving while working 拉动系统训练 Pull system discipline 定义和实施“标准化作业” “Standard operations” defined and implemented,及时生产的好处 JIT Benefits,消除生产过程浪费 Eliminates waste in production processes 缩短运作周期时间 Reduces lead times,品质 成本 交货! Quality Cost Delivery!,不能容忍生产异常 Cre

8、ates a system which is intolerant of production abnormalities,精益生产系统 Lean Production system,准时化 Just in Time 准时化,有效使用 Efficient Use of 员工 People 设备 Equipment 物料 materials 占地 Space,均衡生产 Production Smoothing,提升工艺流程能力 Improve Process Capability 尽量减少变化 Minimize variation 控制异常 Manage abnormality,Jidoka,自

9、働化,自働化,自働化是 Jidoka is,A. 减少不良品 A method for reducing defects B. 设备自动化,提高生产率Equipment autonomation to improve productivity,自働化 Jidoka,A. 减少不良品的工具或方法 Tools or Methods to Reduce Defects 发现不良品的产生 Detect defects when they occur 防止不良品进入下一道工序 Prevent defects from passing to next operation 识别不良品产生根源 Identif

10、y root causes of defects 消除根源 Eliminate root causes 减少或消除不良品 Reduce or eliminate defects,自働化的要素 Jidoka Elements,目视控制 Visual Control 5S 信号灯 Andon 异常反应 Abnormality Response/Reaction 作用 / 责任 Roles and responsibilities 停工指引 Line stop guidelines 西格玛改善 Sigma Kaizen (DMAIC) 基本品质工具 Basic QC Tools 先进统计工具 Adv

11、anced Statistical Tools 措施 Countermeasures,防错措施 Mistake-proofing (Poke-Yoke) 手动操作 Manual Work 自动操作 Automatic machine work 新标培训 New Standard Operations and training 技巧矩阵, 表现量度 Skill matrix and performance 自働化 Autonomation 人机分离 Separate person from machine,自働化的要素 Jidoka Elements,目控 Visual Control,5S 信

12、号灯 Andon,零件展示 Parts presentation,工具展示 Tool presentation,包装线 Pack line,信号灯 Andon,标准化工作 Standard work,异常反应过程 Abnormality Response Process,发现问题 React to problem,自働化 Jidoka,B. 设备自働化 Equipment autonomation 人机分离 Separate operator work from machine work 改善前 Before: 操作员监控机器工作 Operator watches machine run 改善

13、后 After: 操作员装卸零件 Operator loads and moves 自动关闭 Auto shut-off “自动退件” 自动卸货 “Hanedashi” auto unload 操作员进入下一道工序 Operator moves to next operation,问题:你看过洗碗机是如何工作的吗? Question: Do you watch your dishwasher run?,自働化的好处 Jidoka Benefits,改善产品质量 Increases production quality 提升生产力 Increases productivity 保证准时交货 En

14、sures on-time delivery,品质 成本 交货! Quality . Cost . Delivery!,精益生产系统 Lean Production system,准时化 Just in Time 准时化,有效使用 Efficient Use of 员工 People 设备 Equipment 物料 materials 占地 Space,均衡生产 Production Smoothing,提升工艺流程能力 Improve Process Capability 尽量减少变化 Minimize variation 控制异常 Manage abnormality,Jidoka,自働化

15、,自働化,均衡生产是 Production Smoothing Is.,调整生产速度, 满足客户变化 Adapting production rates to variations in customer demand,产品数量变化Variation in volume 产品种类变化Variation in product mix,每日平均需求 = 生产目标Average Daily Demand = Target Production,数量 Quantity,时间 Time,均衡生产 Production Smoothing,产量的变化 Variation in Volume,均衡生产 Pr

16、oduction Smoothing,每月计划: (3,200个) Monthly Schedule (3200 units),5,15,20,10,每日计划 (160个) Daily Schedule (160 units) 生产模式: Production pattern AABCAABC,80,1,40,40,80,2,40,40,80,3,40,40,80,20,40,40,种类变化 Variation in Mix,均衡生产的好处 Production Smoothing Benefits,保持一致优良品质 Maintains a consistent, high product quality 减少资金投入需求 Reduces the requirements for capital investment 降低员工成本 Reduces staffing costs 保证准时交货 Ensures on-time delivery,品质 成本 交货! Quality . Cost . Delivery!,精益生产系统 Lean Production system,及时 Ju


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