1、Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy,Psych422 Chapter4: Psychoanalytic Therapy,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Questions,What kinds of connections do you have regarding psychoanalytic therapy? What is your thoughts and attitude regarding psychoanalytic
2、therapy? Which parts of psychoanalytic therapy do you like or dislike? Why? Strengths and limitations of psychoanalytic therapy?,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,The Development of Personality,1. ORAL STAGE First year Related to later mistrust and rejection issues 2. A
3、NAL STAGE Ages 1-3 Related to later personal power/control issues 3. PHALLIC STAGE Ages 3-6 Related to later sexual attitudes 4. LATENCY STAGE Ages 6-12 A time of socialization 5. GENITAL STAGE Ages 12-60 Sexual energies are invested in life,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chap
4、ter 4,The Structure of Personality,THE ID The Demanding Child (biological component, unconsciousness) Ruled by the pleasure principle THE EGO The Traffic Cop (psychological component) Ruled by the reality principle THE SUPEREGO The Judge (social component) Ruled by the moral principle,Theory and Pra
5、ctice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,The Unconscious,Clinical evidence for postulating the unconscious: Dreams Slips of the tongue Posthypnotic suggestions Material derived from free-association Material derived from projective techniques Symbolic content of psychotic symptoms NOTE: con
6、sciousness is only a thin slice of the total mind,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Ego-Defense Mechanisms,Ego-defense mechanisms: Are normal behaviors which operate on an unconscious level and tend to deny or distort reality Help the individual cope with anxiety and pr
7、event the ego from being overwhelmed Have adaptive value if they do not become a style of life to avoid facing reality,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,View of human nature,Deterministic: Behavior is determined by irrational forces, unconscious motivation, and biologic
8、al and instinctual drives. The first 6 years of life Libido: a source of motivation and energy,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Therapeutic Goals,Make the unconscious conscious Strengthen the ego Explore past to increase self-understanding and gain insight Successful a
9、nalysismodification of the individuals personality.,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Therapists function and role,Little self-disclosure to foster a transference relationship Help clients to achieve self-awareness, deal with anxiety, gain control, make unconscious cons
10、cious, and understand “why” for their symptoms Building relationship, listening, interpretation, and paying attention on resistances The role of clients readiness to change,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Therapeutic Relationship,Working though the transference relati
11、onship Understanding the old pattern, connecting to current issues, and making new choices Reactions is not equal to transferences Contertransference reaction as a therapeutic tool to understand the world of the clients,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Activity,Free as
12、sociation activity Write 5 minutes whatever come to your mind for the following topic 1. Free association about your dream OR 2. Pick up an animal (e.g., Bird) and then write any thoughts in you mind Any themes?,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Psychoanalytic Technique
13、s,Free Association Client reports whatever comes to mind Open doors to unconscious wishes, fantasies, conflicts, and motivation. Dream Analysis Therapist uses the “royal road to the unconscious” to bring unconscious material to light,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Ps
14、ychoanalytic Techniques,Interpretation Therapist points out, explains, and teaches the meanings of whatever is revealed Guidelines Close to conscious awareness Go only as deep as the client is able to go Point out resistance or defense before interpreting the emotion or conflict that lies beneath it
15、 Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Transference and Countertransference,Transference The client reacts to the therapist as he did to an earlier significant other This allows the client to experience feelings that would otherwise be inaccessible ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERENCE
16、allows the client to achieve insight into the influence of the past Countertransference The reaction of the therapist toward the client that may interfere with objectivity,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Resistance,Resistance Anything that works against the progress o
17、f therapy and prevents the production of unconscious material Analysis of Resistance Helps client become aware of the reasons for the resistance (e.g., avoiding pain or anxiety) Helps the client to see that canceling appointments, fleeing from therapy prematurely, etc., are ways of defending against
18、 anxiety These acts interfere with the ability to accept changes which could lead to a more satisfying life,Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Psych-dynamic Approach,Object Relations theory Self Psychology Interpersonal psychdynamic approach Core Conflictual Relationship
19、 Theme (CCRF),Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Core Conflictual Relationship Theme,Wish What a person wants and wishes in relationships The Response of the Other (RO) how a person anticipates others will respond or how the others actually respond The Response of Self (RS) clients affective. Cognitive, and behavioral response in relationship situations Whats your feelings? (affective) Whats your thoughts? (cognitive) What do you do? (behavioral) Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4,Psychoanalytic Therapy From a multicultural pe
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