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1、,Mar 2006,Sous-titre (Arial 22 24),- Insrer le texte mettre en valeur -,Training for How to manage your work -Jane Wu,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,2,掌握“时间管理”的4大法宝4 techniques in time management,掌握“时间管理”的4大法宝 成功地界定问题就已经解决了问题的一半,但如果没有切实可行的解决方案,困境还是不会改变。 To master the 4 t

2、echnique in “Time management”, Successful in acquaint the problem means to solve 50% of the problem”,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,3,掌握“时间管理”的4大法宝4 techniques in time management,法宝一:里程碑原则Technique 1, Milestone principle 不但要确定最终目标的完成时间,还要设立多个小时间段上的“时间里程牌”,以便进行工作进度的监控 Not

3、 only to set the dead line but also multi of the milestone of time to audit certain improvement nip in the bud, create relationship net, long term layout of the work, and effective relax,“不重要但紧迫”的事件,例如:不速之客、某些电话、会议、信件Things less import but rush, for ex: people uninvited, some phone call, meeting, ma

4、ils etc.,“不重要且不紧迫”的事件,更直接的来说是“浪费时间”的事件,例如:阅读令人上瘾的无聊小说、收看毫无价值的电视节目等。Neither import nor rush, or can say things to kill time, for EX: reading shit novels and watching shit TV programs.,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,6,掌握“时间管理”的4大法宝4 techniques in time management,法宝三:赶跑时间第一

5、大盗的韵律原则 Technique 3, Fighting with the robbers of time,保持自己的韵律 keep selfs rhythm,1) 对于无意义的打扰电话要学会礼貌地挂断 Hang up the phone call which seems nonsense,2) 要多用打扰性不强的沟通方式(如e-mail) Go to E-mail instead,3) 要适当的与上司沟通减少来自上司地打扰等 To communicate with leader to avoid the certain disturb from them,Date de dernire m

6、ise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,7,掌握“时间管理”的4大法宝4 techniques in time management,法宝三:赶跑时间第一大盗的韵律原则 Technique 3, Fighting with the robbers of time,与别人的韵律相协调 make the rhythm correspond with others,1) 不要唐突地拜访对方 Avoid the abruptly visit,2) 了解对方的行为习惯 Good understand of others habit,Date de derni

7、re mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,8,掌握“时间管理”的4大法宝4 techniques in time management,法宝四:崔西定律: 执着于流程优化的精简原则Technique 4: Process optimize “崔西定律” :任何工作的困难度与其执行步骤的数目平方成正比: “Tracy law” : The difficulty modulus of every kind of work goes direct ratio with the square number of its steps.,Date de

8、dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,9,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,把该做的事情, 依重要性排列 Make a “to do list “ by the rank of import.,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,10,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,开始做一件工作前, 应先准备好, 把所有需要

9、的资料,报告放在桌上, 避免遗忘 Get all necessary doc or information ready before the work started, to avoid mislay,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,11,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,养成将构想,概念,赁据及资料, 存放在档案里的习惯 Become custom to pigeonhole of the idea, concept, document

10、and information.,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,12,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,训练速读 Try to Read quickly,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,13,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,不要让闲聊浪费时间 Stop idle,Date de de

11、rnire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,14,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,利用空闲时间 Make good use of leisure time,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,15,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,充分发挥手提箱功用,把文件有条不紊排好.避免在与人洽谈时翻箱倒柜 Make good us

12、e of suitcase, put everything orderly in, avoid ransack boxes and chests while chatting with others,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,16,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,充分发挥手提箱功用,把文件有条不紊排好.避免在与人洽谈时翻箱倒柜 Make good use of suitcase, put everything orderly in,

13、 avoid ransack boxes and chests while chatting with others,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,17,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,琐事缠身时,要果断摆脱 Being determination when minutia tangle,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,18,赢取时间的办法How t

14、o win the fighting against time robber,管制电话, 不要被琐事占用.打电话前, 准备好纸,笔,姓名,号码,资料等 Control telephone, get paper, pen, contacts, number and all information ready before a phone call,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,19,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,该做的事放在桌上,以免遗

15、漏 Put the “to do list” on table to avoid forget,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,20,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,开会时间最好选择在午餐及下班前,每个人都会很快做出决定 Set up meeting before lunch or ring out, so that people will make quicker decision.,Date de dernire mise jour,

16、Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,21,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,当遇到一个健谈的人来访,最好站着接待 Better to always stand during the talking with a raconteur visitor,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,22,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,将相关工作列在一起干 P

17、ut all relevant works together,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,23,赢取时间的办法How to win the fighting against time robber,沉思, 每天花片刻时间思索一下工作, 可寻求各种增进工作方法及灵感 Deep thinking, spend some time to think about the work every day, trying to find every possible way to improve the work.,Date de dernire mise jour,Rfrence/Nom de la prsentation/Ndl,24,高效能人士的七个习惯 The 7 habits of hig


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