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1、Journalistic Reading Course Lesson 1,课程目标 1. 提高学生阅读外刊的能力。通过阅读外刊,学生要掌握英语的特点,了解报刊文章的特点,掌握读报要领,以提高阅读外刊的能力。 2.提高学生的观察、理解和分析问题的能力和独立思考的能力。报刊是社会的一面镜子,它折射出社会各个方面所发生的事件和存在的问题。因此,该课程不仅仅给学生提供了语言学习的机会,更重要的是借报刊文章所提供的内容,提高观察、理解和独立思考的能力。 3.掌握阅读技巧和策略,提高阅读速度。报刊所及内容繁多,所载信息量大,学生必须学会在有限的时间内,以最快的速度阅读大量的文章,掌握更多的信息。因此必须掌

2、握阅读技巧和策略,提高阅读速度。 4.提高学生的口、笔头表述能力和质量。,教学要求 1. 加大报刊阅读量。要求学生每周读一份外刊。 2.要求学生坚持听英语广播。 3.要求学生以自学和提问为主。 4.要求学生以提高语言运用能力为学习目的。 6.要求学生以培养分析、解决和思考问题的能力为目的。,阅读书刊以及网上资源 1. Beijing Review 北京周报 2. China Daily 中国日报 3. 2lst Century 二十一世纪报 4. New York Times 纽约时报 5. Readers Digest 读者文摘 6. CCTV English Broadcast 央视英文广

3、播 7. 有线新闻网 (Cable News Network) 华盛顿邮报 9.www.guardian.co.uk 卫报 10. www.mirror.co.uk 镜报 11. 基督教科学箴言报 (the Christian Science Monitor) 12. 纽约时报 13. 国际先驱论坛报 (international Herald Tribune) 14. 今日美国,Return of the Huddled Masses,Pre-reading: American Immigration: Past and Present,Historical Overview Through

4、out its history, America has served as the destination point for a steady flow of immigrants. During the colonial era most migrants came from northern European countries. Their numbers declined with the onset of the Revolutionary War during the 1770s, but immigration later picked up strongly again d

5、uring the 1840s and 1850s. New arrivals came from several European countries during this period, but most came from Ireland and Germany, where devastating crop failures forced many residents to leave their homelands. Many settled in New York City, where the population increased from 200,000 resident

6、s in 1830 to 515,000 in 1850. By 1860, New York was home to over one million residents. More than half of the citys population at that time were immigrants and their American-born children.,After the Civil War, Americas growing industrial economy required the addition of many more workers, and this

7、need was filled once again by immigrants arriving from Europe. Approximately 25 million arrived between 1866 and 1915. While earlier immigrants had come mainly from northern European countries such as England, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries, by the 1880s most new immigrants were arriving fr

8、om southern and eastern European countries such as Italy, Poland and Russia. Like their Irish predecessors, most of these new arrivals were poor and uneducated. Many were peasants from rural regions who were being pushed out by Europes industrial revolution.,With the U.S. entry into World War I in 1

9、919, immigration declined dramatically, and remained low through the Depression era of the 1930s and the World War II years of the early 1940s. The number of new arrivals began to increase again during the late 1940s, and has risen steadily since that time.,Recent Trends: Todays immigrants arrive fr

10、om all parts of the world. The current phase of immigration history began in 1965, when strict quotas based on nationality were eliminated. In 1978, the United States government set a single annual world quota of 290,000, and this ceiling was raised again in 1990 to 700,000. During the 1990s, immigr

11、ants have arrived at a pace that at times has exceeded one million new arrivals per year, and have settled in all parts of the country.,I. Analysis of the title,huddle: v. crowd together eg. The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm. Your clothes are all huddled up inside that bag. n. a

12、crowd of people or things, close together and not in any ordered arrangement eg. go into a huddle: to get into small group, away from people, in order to talk privately or secretly huddled masses: a quotation from words written on the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor, referring to groups of poor

13、 people huddled together Return of the huddled masses: immigrants, especially poor ones, to America increase again,II. Key sentences or words of each paragraph,1st para (subject of immigration; on one side; on the other) central subject of the passage IV. unfamiliar words 2nd para (cost) same concer

14、n of different parties 幻灯片 16 3rd para (illegal immigrants, cost) financial burden 4th para (illegal and legal immigrants, too many) huge amount 幻灯片 17 5th para (benefits to America; in the past; still doing so) benefits 6th para (a financial burden or not? controversial) not financial burden,7th pa

15、ra (most Americans are not keen to see immigration rise) current attitude toward immigration 8th para (negative opinion to immigrants in the present) negative opinion about immigrants 9th para( Americas door eventually closed to the immigrants; anti-immigration; pro-immigration) result caused by the

16、 negative attitude 10th para (numbers; the antis; the pros) controversial opinions about the increased number of immigrants,11th para (origin of the immigrants; controversial; the antis; the pros) change of the origin of immigrants 12th para (other objection; familiar ring) other objection 13th para

17、 (3 worries; lower skill; higher rate of welfare; harder to be assimilated) 3 major worries 14th para (possible solution; adjusting immigration policy; adjusting opinion towards immigrants) possible solution,III. Organization of the whole passage,1. Structure 1st para: central subject of the passage

18、 2nd para: same concern of different parties 3rd para: financial burden 4th para: huge amount 5th para: benefits 6th para: financial burden or not 7th para: current attitude toward immigration 8th para: negative opinion about immigrants 9th para: result caused by the negative attitude 11th para: cha

19、nge of the origin of immigrants 12th para: other objection 13th para: 3 worries about immigrants 14th para: possible solution,2. Organization 1st para: put forward the central subject, immigration of America 2nd - 4th para: same concern of different parties (worries) 5th - 6th para: current situatio

20、n of immigrants and arguments about whether of not they become financial burden of America 7th, 8th - 9th para; 10th-13th para: present opinion of Americans to immigrants and their worries 14th para: discussion about possible solutions,IV. Unfamiliar words,1. huddle: v. to gather closely together in

21、 a group 2. polarize: v. to divide into clearly separate groups with opposite beliefs, ideas or opinions; to divide into groups based on two completely opposite principles, political opinions, etc. eg. a highly controversial issue which has polarized the country 使该国两极分化的颇有争议的问题 polar: a. of, near, l

22、ike, or coming from lands near the North or South poles eg. polar bear polarity: n. the state of having or developing two opposite qualities eg. a growing polarity between the opinions of the government and those of the trade unions 政府与工会之间日益增大的意见分歧 II. Key sentences or words of each paragraph,3. re

23、ckon: v. to guess, believe as a result of calculating roughly but not exactly To think, suppose eg. How much do you reckon that she earns? I reckon that he will come soon. She was reckoned a great actress/to have the greatest talent of her generation. reckon on: expect or depend on eg. We are reckon

24、ing on a large profit / your support. reckon with: have to deal with; take account of in ones plan eg. Shes a woman to be reckoned with. The new company is already a force to be reckoned with. We hadnt reckoned with the possibility that it might rain. reckon without: to fail to take account of; not

25、consider eg. When he decided to change his job, he reckoned without the difficulty of selling his house.,4. Balkanize/ Balkanise: v. to divide a region into small, often hostile states; to divide into small units the Balkans / the Balkan States: a large area in SE Europe which include Greece, Romani

26、a, Bulgaria, Albania and Yugoslavia. It is an area in which there have been many wars and many changes in the borders if the countries. II. Key sentences or words of each paragraph 5. riposte: n. a quick, clever and often unfriendly reply; a quick return stroke with a sword (击剑中)敏捷的回刺,挡后回刺 v. to rep

27、ly quickly,6. there is the rub: there is the difficulty or cause of trouble eg. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, theres the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, . 去死,去睡, 去睡,也许会做梦! 唉,这就麻烦了, 即使摆脱了这尘世 可在这死的睡眠里又会做些什么梦呢? V. Di

28、fficult sentences: P4-5,VI. Exercises (P6-7),Sample answers to questions following the text: 1. More immigrants add more financial burden to the state government; increasing immigrants cause high unemployment; a mixture of various origins of the immigrants endangered the pure Americanization. 2. new comers filled the country with en


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