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1、常用的数学符号和公式的读法,1 逻辑(Logic) for all p q if p, then q pqp if and only if q,数学公式的读法(Pronunciation of mathematical expressions),2 集合(Sets) xA x belongs to A xA x does not belong to A AB A is a subset of B ABB is a subset of A ABA cap B ABA cup B,3 实数(Real numbers) xyx is greater than y xyx is greater tha

2、n or equal to y x yx is less than y xyx is less than or equal to y 0x1zero is less than x is less than 1 0 x1 zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1 |x|mod x / modulus x x2x squared / x (raised) to the power 2 x3x cubed; the third power of x x4 x to the fourth / x to the power fo

3、ur xn x to the nth / x to the power n x-n x to the (power) minus n,3 实数(Real numbers) n! n factorial (x+y)2 x plus y all squared the sum from i equals one to n ai x over y all squared,4 函数(Functions) f(x)fx / f of x / the function f of x f : STa function f from S to T x maps to y f(x) f prime x f(x)

4、f doubleprime x f(x)f tripleprime x f (x) the fourth derivative of f with respect to x,常量:constant 变量:variable 极限:limit 无穷大:infinity 无穷小:infinitesimal 极大:maximum 极小:minimum 微分:differential 积分:integral 导数:derivative 特解:particular/special solution 通解:general solution 全解:complete solution,矩阵:matrix 行矩阵: row matrix 列矩阵:column matrix 单位阵:unit matrix 对角阵:diagonal matrix 逆矩阵:inverse matrix 转置矩阵:transposed matrix 向量: vector


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