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1、Writing of TEM-4,复习,形式要求,历年题目,评分标准,写前准备,确定题目,关于题目是否跑题?,如果题目是观点论证类(1997,2002,2004,2006,2007) 电话是否会代替写信? 有人认为攒钱是好习惯,有人认为今天要花明天的钱,你的观点? 网上交友明智吗? 看清要求!根据要求合理布局。,跑题?,今天的学习内容,段落写作 TEM-4的段落要求 一致性 发展性 层次性 连贯性 TEM-4的段落写作技巧 开场白段落的写作技巧 中间段落的写作技巧 如何自然结尾,命题作文的写作模式 比较选择类作文 意义、重要性、危害性说明类作文 观点论证类作文 现象解释类作文 提出建议、解决问

2、题类作文,TEM-4的段落要求,一致性 避免1:论述中介入不相干的材料 避免2:转移话题 发展性 避免1:主题中的关键词在段落中没有充分发展 避免2:观点后只有例子,缺少中间发展环节 层次性 连贯性 妙招1:反复提及主题,但切记简单重复 妙招2:使用正确的衔接手段,The second reason for keeping a good mood is that it can make us live a happy life. Why are people busy with working or studying? Because they want to earn more money

3、and get better life. However, why not forget the pressure of that and just live a happy life?,一致性,From my point of view, the new library is quite excellent as regards the scale and the structure. However, there are still some serious problems in it. What comes first is the sheer volume of books and

4、the variety of magazines. Many of us complain that there are not enough books for us to choose from. Although the shelves of the library are spacious, it seems there are not enough books to fill them up. Then comes the problem of the quality of books. They are not new and some of them are even worn

5、out. worse, more, some books with yellowish pages even dont have covers. I suggest that these books be removed and updated.,the sheer volume of books and the variety of magazines.,Many of us complain that there are not enough books for us to choose,?,发展性,The Best Way to Stay Healthy,In todays world,

6、 health is becoming more and more important. I think the best and simplest way is to be optimistic. First, nowadays every person have large pressure, and therefore being optimistic is much important for us. There is a piece of news in China Daily about an old woman who is 100 years old in Zhejiang p

7、rovince. Some people asked her why she could live so long and so healthy. Her answer is very simple: to be optimistic. When she met some unpleasant things, she quickly turned to some happy things. Second, emotion is very important for our health.,发展性,段落的层次性,Topic sentence,Supporting sentences,Suppor

8、ting sentences,Details,Details,Details,Details,层次性,The Best Way to Stay Healthy,The most important reason for keeping a balanced diet lies in that it can guarantee you to get all the nutrition your body needs to keep healthy. A balanced diet should contain a certain amount of rice, meat, vegetables,

9、 fruit, milk and so on. So by eating these foods, you wont stay in a good condition. The second reason for keeping a balanced diet is that it wont take you much time to do it. Because of the quick pace of modern society, doing exercise everyday must take up a lot of time. With a balanced diet, you c

10、an have more freedom to do the things you like, such as reading , watching TV, or having a rest. Finally, it is wise for you to choose a balanced diet because you can enjoy the tasty food while staying healthy. As is known to us, exercising everyday is boring and tiresome, and is likely to make you

11、get injured. But keeping a balance diet can keep you out of these troubles and bring you joy at the same time.,连贯性,说明先后顺序: 因果 比较和对比 附加 递进 举例 让步 解释同位关系 选择 总结,to begin with, moreover, eventually, meanwhile, in the meantime,due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result, therefore, for this reason, consequen

12、tly, accordingly, hence,unlike, In contrast, on the contrary, otherwise, while, on the other hand, whereas, likewise, in like manner,again, in addition, also, furthermore, moreover, whats more, apart from, besides, not onlybut also,additionally, in other words, equally important,a case in point, to

13、illustrate, as an illustration,even though, despite, regardless of, otherwise, on the other hand, at the same time,that is to say, in other words, namely, with regard to, concerning, as for, in terms of, as a matter of fact,Or, rather than, instead of, alternatively, eitheror,As has been mentioned a

14、bove, for these reasons, I, personally, suggest that (虚拟语气) According to the above analysis, we can arrive at the conclusion that,连贯性之衔接手段,TEM-4的段落写作技巧,开场白段落的写作技巧 开门见山,点明主题:适合自由发挥型和给定观点型的作文。The Best Way to Stay Healthy 正反表态法: 在第一段把正反观点都表达出来,最后一句写自己的观点。A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertisement

15、让步法:先把反方观点引出来,做一个肯定的评价,然后笔锋一转,回到自己的观点上来。Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? 背景法: 对一个现象进行分析时,先把这个现象的原因结果发展等背景信息介绍一下,然后再给出自己的看法。One Way to Solve the Problem 引言法(数据、格言、谚语) : 中间段落的写作技巧 举例或例证法:例子要典型,连贯,繁简得当( Travel Broadens the Mind ) 因果法 ( Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? ) 比较与对比法: alternating/block 引用法 综合

16、法 如何自然结尾 观点总结 The Best Way to Stay Healthy 提出建议 The Importance of Extracurricular Activities 展望未来 One Way to Solve the Problem,It is quiet clear that travel can broaden our mind. Last summer holiday, I visited the Great Wall, which was regarded as the symbol of China. When I stood at the highest poi

17、nt of the wall, I was greatly attracted by the beautiful scenery around it. I was so proud to live in such a beautiful country. When I have a birds view of this great wonder, I can sense the history of Chinese people. That is a history of China struggling to be strong, and a history written by the o

18、rdinary people. From this, I have a deep understanding of the nation and its people.,命题作文的写作模式,比较选择类作文 意义、重要性、危害性说明类作文 观点论证类作文 现象解释类作文 提出建议、解决问题类作文,比较选择类作文,典型题眼: Borrowing Books Outweighs Buying Books Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? 结构模板: 第一段用现象或事实引出A和B的上义词C,说明A和B是两个主要或流行的选择, 用一句话明确表明自己的观点或倾向。 第二段第

19、一句话承接首段观点引出下文的发展模式 (列举) A优点之一(1句), 拓展句加以说明(2-3句);转折关联词说明B相应的缺点(1句), 并用拓展句说明(2-3句)。 A优点之二 第三段结论,比较选择类的另两种形式,比较两种做法的利弊,表明倾向 典型题眼: Where to live: In a City or In the Country? Where to eat: In a Restaurant or at Home? 第一段用现象和事实引出要比较的A和B (1句), 并说明A和B各有利弊(1句)。 第二段赞成A的人的理由总概(1句), 并用拓展句加以说明(2-3句)。赞成B的人的理由总概

20、(1句), 并用拓展句加以说明(2-3句)。 第三段A和B都有弊端(1句),各用1-2句说明或举例。 第四段结论,由于喜欢A的某些优点,所以选择A,或者不喜欢A的某些弊病,所以选择B。 比较同一事物的利或者弊 典型题眼: The Advantages and Disadvantages of 第一段引题,说明引起的争议。 第二段详写利弊的一端,并证明自己的观点,再写另一端,并证明。 第三段做出结论。表明自己的观点,利大于弊或弊大于利或折中。,意义重要性和危害类说明类作文,典型题眼: The Importance of Travel Broadens Our Minds 结构模板: 第一段引出要说明的事物, 明确自己的态度。 第二段第一句承接首段观点,然后用列举法说明表现在几方面。 重要性(危害性或利处)之一(1句), 拓展观点(2-3句)。 重要性(危害性或利处)之二(1句), 拓展观点(2-3句)。 第三段结论:重要性/利处+建议/展


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