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1、main,Unit 1 All About Me Unit 2 Express Yourself! Unit 3 Lets Eat! Unit 4 Todays Trends Unit 5 Unsolved Mysteries Unit 6 The Mind Unit 7 Lets Celebrate! Unit 8 In the Neighborhood,unit1,An English Video Course 2 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2,Unit 3 Lets Eat!,In the neighborhood,Vocabulary Link,Use the adjectives

2、 in the box to talk about the foods in the pictures. Add one more adjective to the list.,Talking about foods,LA_VL_A1,Lesson A Foods we like,1. buttery 9. spicy 2. crunchy 10. juicy 3. sweet 11. sour 4. bland 12. _ 5. healthy 6. salty 7. crispy 8. oily,The potato chips are salty and crispy. The pick

3、les are,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,LA_L_1,Talking about foods,Texture of foods greasy a. 油腻的 oily a. 多油的 creamy a. 多乳脂的 crunchy a. 松脆的 juicy a. 多汁的 crispy a. 脆的,(蔬果)脆生的 Taste of foods savory a. 美味可口的 salty a. 咸的 bitter a. 苦的 sour a. 酸的 hot a. 辣的 spicy a. 辛辣的 sweet a. 甜的 bland a. 淡而无味的

4、 tasty a. 可口的 delicious a. 美味的 Other nutritious a. 有营养的 healthy a. 健康的 unhealthy a. 不健康的,Language Notes,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Vocabulary Link,Vocabulary Link,LA_VL_B1,In the neighborhood,Pair work. Tell your partner about foods you like. Use the adjectives

5、in A and the words in the list below for practice.,Talking about foods,I love fresh vegetables such as cabbage, celery, and tomatoes. They are crunchy and tasty and also healthy. I also like chicken and fish because they are nutritious and they provide me with energy.,II,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesso

6、n B Favorite and international foods,Listening,Listen to Bill and Martas conversation. Which food doesnt Marta like? Check your answer.,LA_L1_A1,Activity 1 Foods of the southern United States,Proper names Marta Bill New words yummy a. (inf.) 好吃的 crushed corn 碎玉米 oatmeal n. 燕麦 bland a. 淡而无味的 grits n.

7、 (pl.) 粗玉米粉 Mississippi mud pie 密西西比派(一种巧克力派) dessert a. 餐后甜点 go with 与相配,Language Notes,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Listening,Listen to Bill and Martas conversation. Which food doesnt Marta like? Check ( ) the box.,LA_L1_A1,II,Activity 1 Foods of the southern Un

8、ited States,fried chicken,grits,fried green tomatoes,Mississippi mud pie,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Listening,Listen again. Write the word or words Marta uses to describe each food.,LA_L1_B,II,1. fried chicken,Activity 1 Foods of the southern United States,delic

9、ious, crispy, juicy,_,2. grits,bland,_,3. fried green tomatoes,oily, good,_,4. Mississippi mud pie,tasty, too sweet,_,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Listening,LA_L2_A,Activity 2 The Slow Food movement,What do members of the Slow Food movement believe? Listen and che

10、ck your answer.,II,We should support and celebrate local food traditions. We should cook and serve food slowly. We should grow food slowly and carefully.,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Listening,LA_L2_B,Listen again. Complete the sentences with words from the box. (

11、You will not use all the words.),Activity 2 The Slow Food movement,People in the Slow Food movement dont like food. They think we should slow down and enjoy . They also believe in supporting local and their products. The Slow Food movement started in . It has more than 65,000 .,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,fast,_

12、,farmers,_,II,life,_,Europe,_,members,_,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Listening,LA_L3_A,Activity 3 Who eats what?,Listen to the people talk about different foods. What kind of food does each person like? Write the answers under the pictures.,II,New words go on a di

13、et 节食 Its hard ! 很难! prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A,Language Notes,1. foods,2. foods,buttery,3. foods,sweet,_,4. foods,healthy,_,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,_,spicy,_,Listening,LA_L3_B,II,Listen again. Then answer the questions.,Activity 3 Who eats what?,Why did Adam go

14、on a diet? Why does Janet think food at home tastes bland? What does it mean that Abby has a “sweet tooth”? Why does Minh like healthy foods?,1. 2. 3. 4.,Because Minh is training for a swimming competition and he has to eat healthy foods. And now he prefers healthy foods to sweet or buttery foods.,_

15、,He wanted to lose weight because he was 20 pounds overweight.,_,Because she has spent six months in Thailand and comes to like spicy Thai food.,_,It means that Abby likes to eat sweet foods.,_,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Listening,LA_L4,Activity 4 Hot, hotter, h

16、ottest! Surprising facts about chile peppers,Proper names Bolivia 欧利维亚 the Caribbean 加勒比海 Christopher Columbus 克里斯托弗哥伦布(航海家) Thai a. 泰国的 Antarctica 南极洲 Aztec Indians 阿兹特克印第安人 New words chili pepper 辣椒 heat n. 辣味 capsaicin n. 辣椒素 habanero n. 哈瓦那辣椒,Language Notes,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favori

17、te and international foods,Listening,LA_L4_A1,Listen to a passage about chili peppers and circle true (T) or false (F).,II,Activity 4 Hot, hotter, hottest! Surprising facts about chili peppers,1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.,Chili peppers were grown by people as early as 9,000 years ago. The first chili pep

18、pers grew in Europe. Chili peppers are hot because they have capsaicin in them. Chili peppers can be dangerous for your health. Indians eat the most chili peppers of all people in the world. In ancient Mexico chili peppers could be used as a gift to the king. The hottest chili pepper grows in the Ca

19、ribbean. You can find chili sauce factories even in Antarctica.,T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,capsaicin: habanero:,Listening,LA_L4_B,Listen again. Write down as much information about capsaicin and habanero as you can

20、.,II,1. 2.,feel hot. It has no flavor or smell.,the hottest chile pepper in the world. It is bright orange and grows,Activity 4 Hot, hotter, hottest! Surprising facts about chili peppers,a chemical in the chili that produces heat and makes your mouth,in the Caribbean.,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B

21、 Favorite and international foods,Listening,LA_L5,* Activity 5 The healthiest people in the world,Proper names Okinawa 冲绳岛 Okinawan 冲绳人,冲绳的 New words centenarian n. 百岁人瑞 massage n. 按摩,推拿 weightlifting n. 举重 aging n. 衰老,老化,Language Notes,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international food

22、s,Listening,LA_L5_A,Listen to a passage about lifestyle of Okinawans and complete the chart below.,II,* Activity 5 The healthiest people in the world,Lesson A Foods we like,fresh fruits,_,vegetables, fish,_,water,_,green tea,_,gardening,_,walking,_,deep breathing exercises,_ _,massage,_,Lesson B Fav

23、orite and international foods,Listening,LA_L5_B,Listen again. Answer these questions.,II,* Activity 5 The healthiest people in the world,Lesson A Foods we like,Whats the ratio of centenarians in Okinawas population? Why do the Okinawans live so long? Give some reasons.,1. 2.,34 centenarians per 100,

24、000 Okinawans,_,The Okinawanssecret: first, they eat a healthy diet; second, they dont do hard exercise; third, the older Okinawans have a good attitude about aging.,_,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Pronunciation,LA_P_A,Sentence stress and rhythm,Listen and repeat the sentences. Note wher

25、e the stress falls.,II,Lesson A Foods we like,Oranges are sweeter than grapefruit. Potato chips are saltier than crackers.,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Pronunciation,LA_P_B,Underline the stressed syllables in these sentences.,1. 2. 3. 4.,Math is harder than English. Apples are juicier t

26、han carrots. The curry is spicier than the chili. August is hotter than July.,Lesson A Foods we like,Sentence stress and rhythm,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Pronunciation,LA_P_B,Lesson A Foods we like,Sentence stress and rhythm,Pair work. Listen and check your answers. Then practice say

27、ing the sentences with your partner.,II,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Speaking & Communication,LA_SC1,Activity 1 Pizza again?,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Language Notes,Speaking & Communication,LA_SC1_A1,Listen to the conversation. Then listen again a

28、nd underline the words used for suggesting.,II,Activity 1 Pizza again?,Lesson A Foods we like,Pair work. Practice the conversation with a partner.,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Group work. Role play. You are going out to eat after class. With your partner, discuss which restaurant to go

29、to. You may use the information for practice and refer to the model conversation for help.,Speaking & Communication,LA_SC1_C,Lesson A Foods we like,Activity 1 Pizza again?,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Restaurants Pizza Hut KFC an Italian restaurant a Hunan restaurant a Beijing hot pot r

30、estaurant,Reasons to go Weve never tried it before. Its cheap. We love spicy and hot foods. It has good foods and quality service.,Information for practice,Reasons not to go Its always crowded. The food there is too oily. I dont eat spicy foods. I dont like northern cuisine. Its too expensive to eat

31、 there.,LA_SC1_D,Speaking & Communication,Lesson A Foods we like,Activity 1 Pizza again?,Liu Xiang: , Let me introduce you to , one of the and of our time. She is from in Latin America. David: Its very nice to meet you, . Shakira: Very nice to meet you too, . What do you do? David: Im an internation

32、al and a . Shakira: Oh! In which do you play football? David: Ive won football championships for teams in , and . Shakira: Thats wonderful. Did you know is an 4 too? Liu Xiang: Oh , you are too kind.,A: Are me going out to eat ? B: Yes. Lets go to the opposite our school. Its not too expensive. C: O

33、K, thats good for me. We dont have to walk far. I have . A: But I dont like oily food. Im a . B: Then, why dont we go to the next to the KFC? They serve delicious and other dishes. C: Its my favorite restaurant. And its . A: Youre right. OK! Lets go there !,A: Are eat after class? B: Yes. Lets to th

34、e KFC opposite our school. Its . C: OK, thats me. We dont walk far. I have only an hour. A: But oily food. Im a vegetarian. B: Then, why the Italian restaurant next the KFC? They serve delicious salads and other dishes. C: Its my restaurant. And not expensive. A: Youre . OK! Lets after class!,A: Are

35、 we going out to eat after class? B: Yes. Lets go to the KFC opposite our school. Its not too expensive . C: OK, thats good for me. We dont have to walk far. I have only an hour. A: But I dont like oily food. Im a vegetarian. B: Then, why dont we go to the Italian restaurant next to the KFC? They se

36、rve delicious salads and other dishes. C: Its my favorite restaurant. And its not expensive. A: Youre right. OK! Lets go there after class!,II,Model Conversation,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,LA_SC2_A,Speaking & Communication,* Activity 2 Veronicas Restaurant,Pair work. Look at the pictu

37、res of Veronicas Restaurant. Talk about the changes you see. Use the adjectives in the box to help you.,Lesson A Foods we like,The old Veronicas is dirty. The new Veronicas is cleaner.,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,The new Veronicas,The old Veronicas,clean new happy bright big cheerful m

38、essy old dirty good bad nice beautiful,LA_SC2_B,Speaking & Communication,Note the differences between the old and new Veronicas Restaurant. Write a radio advertisement for the new Veronicas Restaurant and then present it to the class. You may base your ad on the model below.,Lesson A Foods we like,*

39、 Activity 2 Veronicas Restaurant,Get ready for the grand of the ! Yes, we are open again on ! Come and see the for yourself. The were large, but now they are larger! The were comfortable. But now they are more comfortable! Our was good, but now its better than ever!.,Get ready the grand reopening of

40、 the new Veronicas Restaurant! Yes, we are open again on New Years Day! Come the improvements yourself. The portions were large, now they are larger! The seats were comfortable. But now they are more comfortable! Our food was good, its better than !.,Get ready for the grand reopening of the new Vero

41、nicas Restaurant! Yes, we are open again on New Years Day! Come and see the improvements for yourself. The portions were large, but now they are larger! The seats were comfortable. But now they are more comfortable! Our food was good, but now its better than ever!.,Model Conversation,Lesson B Favori

42、te and international foods,II,LA_SC2_C,Speaking & Communication,Pair work. What food is popular in your hometown? Is your hometown famous for some special food? Take turns to tell your partner about some popular or special food in your hometown.,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Lesson A Foo

43、ds we like,* Activity 2 Veronicas Restaurant,Liu Xiang: , Let me introduce you to , one of the and of our time. She is from in Latin America. David: Its very nice to meet you, . Shakira: Very nice to meet you too, . What do you do? David: Im an international and a . Shakira: Oh! In which do you play

44、 football? David: Ive won football championships for teams in , and . Shakira: Thats wonderful. Did you know is an 4 too? Liu Xiang: Oh , you are too kind.,I think the most popular food in my hometown is . We cook rice in all kinds of ways. We mix it with , we mix it with , we mix it with We make wi

45、th rice. We make rice in every way possible. One specialty in my hometown is , Which is glutinous rice wrapped in stuffed with meat, beans, salted egg yolks and many other ingredients. It used to be eaten only during the in honor of , an ancient poet, but now it has become a favorite food for most p

46、eople in my hometown. I love it.,I think food in my is rice. We cook rice in all . We mix it pork, we mix beans, we eggs vegetables We make New Year Cakes rice. We make rice way . specialty in is Zongzi, Which is glutinous rice wrapped bamboo leaves stuffed meat, beans, salted egg yolks and many oth

47、er ingredients. It used eaten only during the Dragon Boat Festival honor Quyuan, an ancient poet, but now it has become a food for most people in my hometown. I .,I think the most popular food in my hometown is rice. We cook rice in all kinds of ways. We mix it with pork, we mix it with beans, we mi

48、x it with eggs vegetables We make New Year Cakes with rice. We make rice in every way possible. One specialty in my hometown is Zongzi, Which is glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves stuffed with meat, beans, salted egg yolks and many other ingredients. It used to be eaten only during the Dragon B

49、oat Festival in honor of Quyuan, an ancient poet, but now it has become a favorite food for most people in my hometown. I love it.,Model Conversation,II,LB_GV,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Global Viewpoints,Before You Watch,Favorite foods,You will hear the underlin

50、ed words in the interviews about “Favorite foods.” Study the sentences. Then match the words with the definitions.,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,I dont like overcooked vegetables. I like them to be crispy. The grass is soggy from the rain. We had some grilled hamburgers for lunch. That sausage is very greasy. He a

51、te bacon with eggs and toast for breakfast.,b,_,d,_,c,_,e,_,a,_,a. salted, smoked meat from a pig b. cooked for too long c. cooked over a fire on a frame of metal bars d. wet and soft e. made with a lot of oil or fat,LB_GV_WYW_A,Global Viewpoints,While You Watch,Favorite foods,Lesson A Foods we like

52、,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,Proper names New Orleans 新奥尔良(美国城市) Brazilian 巴西人 New words Foods jambalaya n. 什锦饭 Cajun n. 利易斯安那州特色的 bacon n. 烟熏肉 Other words crispy a. 脆的 overcooked a. 烧/煮得过久的 soggy a. 湿的 grill a. (用烤架)烤(鱼、肉等) greasy a. 油腻的,Language Notes,1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.,Brad says j

53、ambalaya is a Cajun dish from New Orleans. Dennis likes spicy food and crispy vegetables. Dayanne like rice and beans that are salty and buttery. Thallus likes grilled chicken because its healthy. Dan says theres nothing better than juicy chicken. Julianna likes to eat bacon. Alejandra doesnt enjoy

54、sweet foods like chocolate.,Watch the interviews about favorite foods and circle True or False. Correct the false sentences.,LB_GV_WYW_A,Global Viewpoints,While You Watch,Favorite foods,II,True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False,doesnt like,steak,Le

55、sson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,doesnt like,enjoys,Watch and listen to Brad and Dennis talking about their favorite foods. Interpret what they say into Chinese.,LB_GV_WYW_B,Global Viewpoints,While You Watch,Favorite foods,Lesson A Foods we like,Lesson B Favorite and international foods,II,Global Viewpoints,LB_


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