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1、ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESS PERFORMANCE 组织过程性能A Process Management Process Area at Maturity Level 4 成熟度4级的过程管理类过程域Purpose 目的The purpose of Organizational Process Performance (OPP) is to establish and maintain a quantitative understanding of the performance of selected processes in the organizations set o

2、f standard processes in support of achieving quality and process performance objectives, and to provide process performance data, baselines, and models to quantitatively manage the organizations projects.组织过程性能(OPP)的目的在于建立并维护对组织标准过程集中已选定的过程的量化了解,以支持达成质量与过程性能目标,并提供过程性能数据、基线及模式,来量化管理组织的项目。Introductory

3、 Notes 简介The Organizational Process Performance process area involves the following activities: 组织过程性能过程域涉及以下活动: Establishing organizational quantitative quality and process performance objectives based on business objectives (See the definition of “quality and process performance objectives” in the

4、 glossary.)基于业务目标,建立组织级定量的质量和过程性能目标(参考在术语表关于“质量与过程性能目标”的定义。) Selecting processes or subprocesses for process performance analyses选择用于过程性能分析的过程或子过程 Establishing definitions of the measures to be used in process performance analyses (See the definition of “process performance” in the glossary.) 建立可用于过

5、程性能分析的度量项定义(参考在术语表关于“过程性能”的定义) Establishing process performance baselines and process performance models (See the definitions of “process performance baselines” and “process performance models” in the glossary.)建立过程性能基线和过程性能模型(参考在术语表关于“过程性能基线”和“过程性能模型”的定义)The collection and analysis of the data and

6、creation of the process performance baselines and models can be performed at different levels of the organization, including individual projects or groups of related projects as appropriate based on the needs of the projects and organization.数据的收集和分析以及建立过程性能基线和模型的活动,可以在组织的不同层次进行,包括单个项目或者根据项目和组织的需要建立

7、的相关联的项目群都认为是合适的。The common measures for the organization consist of process and product measures that can be used to characterize the actual performance of processes in the organizations individual projects. By analyzing the resulting measurements, a distribution or range of results can be establish

8、ed that characterize the expected performance of the process when used on an individual project.组织的公共度量由过程及产品度量项构成,可用于描述织内的单个项目的实际过程性能。通过分析度量的结果,可以建立结果的分布或范围,当用于单个项目时,他们描述期望的过程性能特征。Measuring quality and process performance can involve combining existing measures into additional derived measures to p

9、rovide more insight into overall efficiency and effectiveness at a project or organization level. The analysis at the organization level can be used to study productivity, improve efficiencies, and increase throughput across projects in the organization.质量与过程性能度量可以将现有的的度量项组合成为另外的衍生度量,在项目或组织层面提供全面的效率

10、和效果方面的更深入的理解。组织层面的分析能被用来研究组织中项目的生产力,提升效率,并且增加组织中各项目的生产能力。The expected process performance can be used in establishing the projects quality and process performance objectives and can be used as a baseline against which actual project performance can be compared. This information is used to quantitati

11、vely manage the project. Each quantitatively managed project, in turn, provides actual performance results that become a part of organizational process assets that are made available to all projects.预期过程性能可用来设定项目的质量及过程性能目标,亦可作为与实际项目性能比较的基线。这些信息用来以量化方式管理项目。反过来,每个已量化管理的项目所提供实际的性能结果,将成为组织过程资产的一部分,这些数据对

12、所有项目是可用的。Process performance models are used to represent past and current process performance and to predict future results of the process. For example, the latent defects in the delivered product can be predicted using measurements of work product attributes such as complexity and process attribut

13、es such as preparation time for peer reviews.过程性能模型用于展现过去及目前的过程性能,并用来预测过程的未来的结果。例如,在预测交付产品中潜在的缺陷时,可以通过使用诸如复杂度这样的工作产品属性以及诸如同行评审准备时间这样的过程属性来进行预测。When the organization has sufficient measures, data, and analytical techniques for critical process, product, and service characteristics, it is able to do t

14、he following: 当组织对各项关键过程、产品及服务特性有足够的度量项、数据及分析技术时,就可以开展下列工作: Determine whether processes are behaving consistently or have stable trends (i.e., are predictable)确定过程的表现是否具备一致性或有稳定的趋势(如,是可预测的) Identify processes in which performance is within natural bounds that are consistent across projects and could

15、 potentially be aggregated 识别性能在自然边界内的过程,此自然边界在项目间是一致的,并且有可能进行聚合 Identify processes that show unusual (e.g., sporadic, unpredictable) behavior识别表现出异常行为的过程(例如,偶发的、不可预测的) Identify aspects of processes that can be improved in the organizations set of standard processes 识别组织标准过程集中可进行的改进 Identify the imp

16、lementation of a process that performs best识别最佳的过程This process area interfaces with and supports the implementation of other high maturity process areas. The assets established and maintained as part of implementing this process area (e.g., the measures to be used to characterize subprocess behavior

17、, process performance baselines, process performance models) are inputs to the quantitative project management, causal analysis and resolution, and organizational performance management processes in support of the analyses described there. Quantitative project management processes provide the qualit

18、y and process performance data needed to maintain the assets described in this process area.本过程域与其他高成熟度过程域相互作用,并支持它们的实施。作为实施此过程域的已建立和维护资产的一部分(如:被用来描述子过程的行为的度量项,过程性能基线及过程性能模型)都是定量项目管理、原因分析与解决和组织性能管理过程的输入,支持在那些过程域中描述的分析。定量项目管理过程提供了维护本过程域中描述的资产所需的质量与过程性能数据。Related Process Areas 相关过程域Refer to the Measur

19、ement and Analysis process area for more information about specifying measures, obtaining measurement data, and analyzing measurement data. 关于如何指定度量项,获得度量数据以及分析度量数据的更多信息,请参考度量与分析过程域。Refer to the Organizational Performance Management process area for more information about proactively managing the or

20、ganizations performance to meet its business objectives.关于主动管理组织性能以满足业务目标的更多信息,请参考组织性能管理过程域。Refer to the Quantitative Project Management process area for more information about quantitatively managing the project to achieve the projects established quality and process performance objectives.关于量化管理项目

21、以达成项目建立的质量与过程性能目标的更多信息,请参考定量项目管理过程域。Specific Goal and Practice Summary 特定目标及实践摘要SG1 Establish Performance Baselines and Models 建立性能基线及模型SP1.1 Establish Quality and Process Performance Objectives 建立质量及过程性能目标SP1.2 Select Processes 选择过程SP1.3 Establish Process Performance Measures 建立过程性能度项SP1.4 Analyze

22、Process Performance and Establish Process Performance Baselines 分析过程性能并建立过程性能基线SP1.5 Establish Process Performance Models 建立过程性能模型Specific Practices by Goal 特定目标的特定实践SG 1 Establish Performance Baselines and Models 建立性能基线及模型Baselines and models, which characterize the expected process performance of

23、the organizations set of standard processes, are established and maintained.建立并维护描述组织标准过程集期望的过程性能特征的基线和模型。Prior to establishing process performance baselines and models, it is necessary to determine the quality and process performance objectives for those processes (the Establish Quality and Process

24、 Performance Objectives specific practice), which processes are suitable to be measured (the Select Processes specific practice), and which measures are useful for determining process performance (the Establish Process Performance Measures specific practice).在建立过程性能基线和模型之前,应先确定那些适合被度量的过程的(“选择过程”特定实践

25、)质量与过程性能目标(“建立质量与过程性能目标”特定实践),这些度量对决定过程性能是有用的(“建立过程性能度量项”特定实践)。The first three practices of this goal are interrelated and often need to be performed concurrently and iteratively to select quality and process performance objectives, processes, and measures. Often, the selection of one quality and pr

26、ocess performance objective, process, or measure will constrain the selection of the others. For example, selecting a quality and process performance objective relating to defects delivered to the customer will almost certainly require selecting the verification processes and defect related measures

27、.本目标的前三个实践是相互关联的,常常需要同时并且迭代地执行,以选择质量与过程性能目标、过程和度量项。通常,一个质量与过程性能目标、过程或度量的选择,往往会约束其他的选择。例如,选择一个与交付给客户的缺陷有关的质量与过程性能目标,几乎肯定需要选择验证过程以及与缺陷相关的度量项。The intent of this goal is to provide projects with the process performance baselines and models they need to perform quantitative project management. Many times

28、 these baselines and models are collected or created by the organization, but there are circumstances in which a project may need to create the baselines and models for themselves. These circumstances include projects that are not covered by the organizations baselines and models. For these cases th

29、e project follows the practices in this goal to create its baselines and models.本目标的目的就是为项目提供需要执行定量项目管理的过程性能基线和模型。很多时候,这些基线和模型都是由组织来收集和创建。但有些情况下,项目可能需要建立自己的基线和模型。这些情况包括项目没有被组织基线和模型所覆盖。对于这样的情况,项目需要遵照本目标的实践去创建它自己的基线与模型。SP 1.1 Establish Quality and Process Performance Objectives 建立质量及过程性能目标Establish an

30、d maintain the organizations quantitative objectives for quality and process performance, which are traceable to business objectives.建立并维护组织质量及过程性能的定量目标,这些目标可追溯到业务目标。The organizations quality and process performance objectives can be established for different levels in the organizational structure (

31、e.g., business area, product line, function, project) as well as at different levels in the process hierarchy. When establishing quality and process performance objectives, consider the following:组织的质量与过程性能目标可以在组织架构的不同层级以及过程的不同层次而建立(例如,业务领域,产品线,职责,项目)。在建立质量和过程性能目标时,应考虑如下几点: Traceability to the organ

32、izations business objectives 可追溯到组织的业务目标 Past performance of the selected processes or subprocesses in context (e.g., on projects) 在一定环境中所选过程或子过程的以往性能(如,在项目级别) Multiple attributes of process performance (e.g., product quality, productivity, cycle time, response time)过程性能的多个属性(如,产品质量,生产力,周期时间,响应时间) I

33、nherent variability or natural bounds of the selected processes or subprocesses 选定的过程或子过程的固有变化或自然边界The organizations quality and process performance objectives provide focus and direction to the process performance analysis and quantitative project management activities. However, it should be noted

34、that achieving quality and process performance objectives that are significantly different from current process capability requires use of techniques found in Causal Analysis and Resolution and Organizational Performance Management.组织质量与过程性能目标提供了过程性能分析和定量项目管理活动的关注点和方面。然而,应当注意,在建立与现有过程能力存在显著差异的质量与过程性

35、能目标时,需要使用在“原因分析与解决”和“组织级绩效管理”过程域中的技术。Example Work Products 工作产品样例1. Organizations quality and process performance objectives 组织的质量与过程性能目标Subpractices 子实践1. Review the organizations business objectives related to quality and process performance. 评审质量与过程性能相关的组织业务目标。Examples of business objectives incl

36、ude the following: 业务目标举例如下: Deliver products within budget and on time 在预算内且按时交付产品 Improve product quality by a specified percent in a specified timeframe在规定时间内将产品的质量提高到规定的百分比 Improve productivity by a specified percent in a specified timeframe在规定的时间内将生产率提高到规定的百分比 Maintain customer satisfaction rat

37、ings 保持客户满意度 Improve time-to-market for new product or service releases by a specified percent in a specified timeframe在规定的时间内将新产品上市或服务交付的时间提高到规定百分比 Reduce deferred product functionality by a specified percent in a specified timeframe在规定的时间内将延期交付产品功能率降低到规定的百分比 Reduce the rate of product recalls by a

38、 specified percent in a specified timeframe在规定的时间内将产品召回率降低到规定的百分比 Reduce customer total cost of ownership by a specified percent in a specified timeframe在规定的时间内将客户拥有总成本降低到规定的百分比 Decrease the cost of maintaining legacy products by a specified percent in a specified timeframe在规定的时间内降低维护产品遗留问题的成本到规定的百分

39、比2. Define the organizations quantitative objectives for quality and process performance. 定义组织的质量与过程性能定量目标。Quality and process performance objectives can be established for process or subprocess measurements (e.g., effort, cycle time, defect removal effectiveness) as well as for product measurements

40、 (e.g., reliability, defect density) and service measurements (e.g., capacity, response times) as appropriate.可以针对过程或子过程度量(例如,工作量、周期时间及缺陷移除的有效性)、产品度量(例如,可靠性,缺陷密度),以及服务度量(例如,容量及响应时间)建立质量与过程性能目标。Examples of quality and process performance objectives include the following:质量与过程性能目标举例如下: Achieve a speci

41、fied defect escape rate, productivity, duration, capacity, or cost target达到规定的缺陷逃逸率,生产率,周期,能力或成本目标 Improve the defect escape rate, productivity, duration, capacity, or cost performance by a specified percent of the process performance baseline in a specified timeframe 在规定的时间内,改进缺陷逃逸率、生产率、周期、能力或成本性能,

42、达到过程性能基线规定的百分比 Improve service level agreement performance by a specified percent of the process performance baseline in a specified timeframe在规定的时间内,提高服务满意度达到过程性能基线规定的百分比3. Define the priorities of the organizations objectives for quality and process performance. 定义组织质量与过程性能目标的优先级。4. Review, negoti

43、ate, and obtain commitment to the organizations quality and process performance objectives and their priorities from relevant stakeholders. 与利益相关方一起评审和协商组织质量和过程绩效目标及其优先次序,并获得承诺。5. Revise the organizations quantitative objectives for quality and process performance as necessary. 必要时修订组织质量与过程性能的定量目标。E

44、xamples of when the organizations quantitative objectives for quality and process performance may need to be revised include the following:组织质量与过程性能定量目标的修订时机举例如下: When the organizations business objectives change 当组织业务目标改变时 When the organizations set of standard processes change 当组织标准过程改变时 When actu

45、al quality and process performance differ significantly from objectives当实际的质量与过程性能与目标有显著差异时SP 1.2 Select Processes 选择过程Select processes or subprocesses in the organizations set of standard processes to be included in the organizations process performance analyses and maintain traceability to busines

46、s objectives.在组织标准过程集中,选择欲纳入组织过程性能分析的过程或子过程并维护与业务目标的追溯性。Refer to the Organizational Process Definition process area for more information about establishing organizational process assets.关于建立组织过程资产集的更多信息,请参考组织过程定义过程域。The organizations set of standard processes consists of a set of standard processes

47、that, in turn, are composed of subprocesses.组织的标准过程集由一系列的标准过程组成,而标准过程又由一些子过程组成。Typically, it is not possible, useful, or economically justifiable to apply statistical management techniques to all processes or subprocesses of the organizations set of standard processes. Selection of processes or subp

48、rocesses is based on the quality and process performance objectives of the organization, which are derived from business objectives as described in the previous specific practice.通常情况下,将统计管理技术应用到组织标准过程集的所有过程或子过程是不可能、无用的或是不经济的。以组织的质量与过程性能目标为依据,选择过程或子过程。这些质量与过程性能目标源于前述特定实践中描述的业务目标。Example Work Product

49、s 工作产品样例1. List of processes or subprocesses identified for process performance analyses with rationale for their selection including traceability to business objectives已识别的要进行过程绩效分析的过程或子过程的清单,选择这些过程或子过程的理由以及他们与业务目标的追溯关系Subpractices 子实践1. Establish the criteria to use when selecting subprocesses.建立选

50、择子过程时使用的准则。Examples of criteria that can be used for the selection of a process or subprocess for the organizations process performance analysis include the following:可用于组织过程性能分析的过程或子过程选择准则的例子包括: The process or subprocess is strongly related to key business objectives.过程或子过程和关键业务目标是强相关的 The process

51、or subprocess has demonstrated stability in the past.已经证明过程或子过程以往是稳定的 Valid historical data are currently available that is relevant to the process or subprocess.与过程或子过程相关的历史数据当前是可用的 The process or subprocess will generate data with sufficient frequency to allow for statistical management.过程或子过程可以足够

52、的频率产生数据,以用来统计管理 The process or subprocess is an important contributor to quality and process performance.过程或子过程是质量与过程性能的重要贡献者 The process or subprocess is an important predictor of quality and process performance.过程或子过程是质量与过程性能的重要指示器 The process or subprocess is a factor important to understanding t

53、he risk associated with achieving the quality and process performance objectives.过程或子过程是了解与达成质量与过程性能目标相关风险的一个重要因素 The quality of the measures and measurements associated with the process or subprocess (e.g., measurement system error) is adequate.与过程或子过程相关的度量和度量项的质量是足够好的(例如,度量系统的缺陷) Multiple measurab

54、le attributes that characterize process or subprocess behavior are available描述过程或子过程行为特征的多个可度量属性是可用的2. Select the subprocesses and document the rationale for their selection选择子过程并文档化选择的理由。Example approaches to identifying and evaluating subprocess alternatives as part of a selection include the foll

55、owing: 作为选择的一部分,识别和评估子过程备选方案的方法包括: Causal analysis 因果分析 Sensitivity analysis 敏感性分析Refer to the Decision Analysis and Resolution process area for more information about analyzing possible decisions using a formal evaluation process that evaluates identified alternatives against established criteria.关

56、于使用依据建立的准则评估识别的备选方案的正式的评估过程,来分析可能的决策的更多信息,请参考决策分析与解决过程域。3. Establish and maintain traceability between the selected subprocesses, quality and process performance objectives, and business objectives.建立并维护在已选子过程、质量与过程性能目标和业务目标之间的可追溯性。Examples of ways in which traceability can be expressed include the

57、following:能用来表示可追溯性的方式举例如下: Mapping of subprocesses to quality and process performance objectives子过程与质量与过程性能目标的映射关系 Mapping of subprocesses to business objectives子过程和业务目标的映射关系 Objective flow-down (e.g., Big Y to Vital X, Hoshin planning)目标分解(举例: Big Y到Vital X,方针计划) Balanced scorecard 平衡计分卡 Quality F

58、unction Deployment (QFD) 质量功能展开 Goal Question Metric 目标问题度量 Documentation for a process performance model 过程性能模型文档4. Revise the selection as necessary. 必要时修订选择。It may be necessary to revise the selection in the following situations:在下列情况中,修订选择可能是必要的: The predictions made by process performance models result in too much variation to make them useful. 过程性能模型产生的预测偏差过大以致无法使用 T


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