



1、英语寓言故事Making His Mark“雕刻刀”a man from the state of Chu was taking a boat across a river when he dropped his sword into the water carelessly .immediately he made a mark on the sid E of the boat where the sword dropped,hoping to find it later。when the boat stopped moving,He went into the water to searc

2、h for his sword at the place where He had marked the boat .as weknow,the boat had moved but the sword had not。isn t this a very foolis way to look for a sword?楚某人坐船过河时,他不小心把自己的一把宝剑掉到了河里。他立刻拿出一把剑,在宝剑落水的船舷上刻上记号。船靠岸后,那根蜡烛立即从刻有船票的地方跳入水中,夺下了下落的宝剑。他怎么找到宝剑?船继续行驶,刀又不动了。像他那样去找刀真是愚蠢可笑。to pull up the seedlings

3、 to help them grow 育苗Once upon a time,there was an old farmer who planted a plot of rice。after he planted the seedlings,Every day he went to the field to watch the seedlings grow .He saw the young shots break through the soil and grow taller each day,but still,He thought they were growing too slowly

4、 .eventually He got impatient with the young plants and suddenly He hit upon an idea that one by one,He puled up the young plants by half an inch .the next early morning,the young man couldn t wait to check his achievement ,but he was heart-broken to see all the puled-up很久以前,有个农民希望种水稻,早点收割。每天他到达稻田的时

5、候,他发现那棵水稻幼苗长得很慢。他等得很不耐烦。想了想,最后他想出了一个“最好的办法”,把稻苗都提高几分。第二天早晨早起,他勉强去稻田看了他的“成果”。岂知,但见所有稻苗都枯萎了。plugingone s ears while stealing a bell“阿耳铃”Once upon a time,there was a man who wanted to steal his neighbor s door bell。however,He knew clearly that the bell would ring and catch the other people s attention

6、as long as He touched the bell .so he thought hard and suddenly hit on A clever“idea”。he pluggeed his ears with something,Thinking that everything would go well when he stole the bell .unfortunately to his dis appointment,the bell still rang loudly and he was caught on the spot as a thief .很久以前,有人想偷

7、邻居的门铃,但他知道当铃撞上时,铃会响,会被发现。他想了想,终于想出了一个“妙”,他用东西塞住自己的耳朵,铃就听不见了。但是当他去偷钟的时候,铃声还在响,他被别人当场抓住了The Fox and the Crow“狐狸和乌鸦”one day a crow stood on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in his mouth .at that time,a fox saw the crow with the meat,So he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan

8、to get the meat。however,whatever the fox said to the crow,The crow just kept silent。until The fox thought highly of The crow s beautful voice,The crow felt flattered and opened his mouth to sing .as soon as the meat fell down to the ground,the fox took the meat and went into his hole .一天,一只乌鸦站在巢旁的树枝

9、上,嘴里叼着一块肉。这时,一只狐狸看到乌鸦,馋得直流口水,很想吃那块肉。但是不管狐狸说什么,乌鸦都不理狐狸。最后,狐狸称赞乌鸦的声音最美,并要求乌鸦唱几句歌来欣赏。乌鸦听到狐狸的赞美,得意洋洋地唱歌。不料肉掉了,狐狸拿起肉,又钻了个洞绘制Draw a Snake and Add Feet to It 蛇Several people had a jar of wine among them and all of them wanted to drink it by himself .so they set a rule that every one would draw a snake on t

10、he Ground and the man who finished first would have the wine。one man finished his snake very soon and he was about to drink the wine when he saw the oth Ers were still busy drawing,so he decided to draw the feet tohowever,before he could finish the feet,Another man finished and grabbed the jar from him,saying, who has ever seen a snake with“the story of draw a snake and add feet to it .“tells us going too far is as bad as not going far en


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