西南石油大学大学英语B4同步练习册Unit 7(答案)_第1页
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西南石油大学大学英语B4同步练习册Unit 7(答案)_第4页




1、Key to Unit 7Unit 7The 9/11 Terrorist AttacksText A Snapshots of New Yorks Mood after 9/11课前预习Directions: Read the text and find out the English versions for the following expressions.1. 遮蔽blot out(P.198, Para. 2)2. 使陷入plunge into(P.198, Para. 2)3. 自杀性袭击Kamikaze attack(P.198, Para. 4)4. 回顾think back

2、 on/to (P.199, Para. 8)5. 详细(清晰)地in crystal detail (P.199, Para. 8)6. 在刚结束之后,紧跟着in the aftermath of(P.199, Para. 10)7. 几个人a handful of people (P.199, Para. 12)8. 消耗力量sap ones strength and hope(P.199, Para. 13)9. 一场特别猛烈的政变a particular explosive coup(P.199, Para. 14)10. 结队(而行)in convoy(P.199, Para. 15

3、)11. 指责point fingers at(P.200, Para. 19)12. 围捕round up(P.200, Para. 19)13. 使倒下,击落;降低bring down(P.200, Para. 22)14. 磨灭记忆fade the memory of(P.200, Para. 23)15. 哀悼数千名死者mourn the thousands who perished(P.200, Para. 24)16. 历史薄薄的一页a thin silver of history(P.200, Para. 26)17. 在期间内in / within the space of(P

4、.201, Para. 27)18. 接替某人的职位fill / step into sb.s shoes(P.201, Para. 28)19. 无法摆脱remain haunted by(P.201, Para. 29)20. 要求/命令某人做某事command sb. to do sth. (P.201, Para.32)21. 触及到.pick at sth. (P.201, Para.32)22. 围绕旋转revolve around(P.201, Para.33)23. 粘住,抱紧,坚持cling to(P.202, Para. 36)巩固应用I. Directions: Now

5、youve learned Text A in detail. Lets check how much youve learned from it! Please translate the Chinese expressions in the following sentences into English. Be sure to use expressions from the text.1. Suddenly we found that our grandest illusion was shattered(最宏伟的幻想被粉粹). Within minutes, one of New Y

6、orks mightiest symbols was a smoldering mess(一个余烟未尽的废墟) and the nations image of invincibility(不可战胜的形象) was made a lie. (P.198, Para. 1)2. As the World Trade Center crumpled and the streets filled with screams and scenes of unimaginable horror, choking smoke blotted out the sun (令人窒息的烟雾遮住了太阳) and pl

7、unged lower Manhattan into darkness(使Manhattan下城区陷入了一片黑暗). (P.198, Para. 2)3. But for those digging through the debris, every passing hour sapped their strength and their hopes of finding more victims alive(消耗着他们的力量,销蚀他们发现更多生还者的希望)。(P.199, Para. 13)4. A year was time enough to bury the bodies that c

8、ould be found, but not enough to truly mourn the thousands who perished(真正哀悼数千名死者). (P.200, Para. 24)It was time enough to plan memorials, but not enough to fill the gaping wound in lower Manhattan(填补Manhattan下城区豁裂的伤口). (P.200, Para. 25)5. Now the calendar commands us to remember the dead(纪念死者). Now

9、 the calendar commands us to pick at a scab that has just begun to heal(触及刚开始愈合的伤疤). (P.201, Para. 32)II. Language FocusEx. I. Translate the following English expressions into Chinese and Chinese into English.1. in a thoughtful kind of way以一种体贴周到的方式 (P.210, I-1-1)2. coat sth. in/with sth.用覆盖的表面(P.21

10、1, I-1-5)3. volume of publication发表作品的总量(P.211, I-1-6)4. stand there motionless一动不动地站在那儿(P.211, I-1-8)5. be transferred to somewhere被调往某地(P.211, I-1-9)6. gain on逼近,接近(P.211, I-2-4)7. sit up doing sth.熬夜做某事(P.211, I-2-3)8. other than 除以外(P.212, I-2-6)9. make a fool of sb.闹笑话,丢丑(P.212, I-2-8)10. step

11、into sbs shoes 接替某人的职位(P.212, I-3-2)11. mourn the loss of为失去而感到悲伤(P.212, I-3-5)12. held sb. at gunpoint用枪威胁某人(P.213, I-4-2)13. be under no illusion about 对不报幻想(P.213, I-4-3)14. 表达对某人的支持register ones support for sb. (P.210, I-1-3)15. 发誓对.忠诚 pledge loyalty to .(P.210, I-1-3)16. 告别宴会farewell party(P.21

12、1, I-1-9)17. 顺便搭载某人到drop sb. off at someplace (P.211, I-2-1)18. 没有做某事的心情be in no mood to do sth. (P.212, I-3-3)19. 精神错乱psychiatric disorders (P.212, I-4-1)20. 抹去关于的记忆blot out the memory of . (P.213, I-4-1)21. 满足某人对的渴求satisfy ones thirst for(P.216, III-1)Ex. II. Please translate the Chinese expressio

13、ns in the following sentences into English. Be sure to use expressions from the exercises.1. As president, he knew the urgent condition too well and was under no illusion about the difficulty of restoring confidence. (对重拾信心的困难作了充分估计)。(P.213, I-4-3)2. Born to a family of professional musicians (出生在音乐

14、世家), she sings as beautifully as a nightingale.(P.216, III-2)3. Areas once regarded as rural are quickly disappearing into a growing city (成为一个新兴城市). (P.216, III-6)4. These snapshots clearly reveal the state of chaos (清晰地揭示出当时混乱的状态) into which New Yorkers felt they had been plunged by the toppling o

15、f the twin towers. (P.216, Cloze 1)5. To accomplish the great goal of our generation, we need to protect our citizens from these horrors, to root out and shut down terrorist cells wherever they are found and to remove poverty and instability that give terrorism a toehold (去除恐怖主义得以立足的根源,即贫穷与不稳定). (P.

16、217, Cloze 2)III. Language EnhancementEx. I. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.1. 她没有报复曾经伤害过她的人们,反而在他们需要帮助的时候伸出了援助之手。(P.199, Para. 7)Instead of taking revenge on those who once hurt her, she reached out a helping hand when they were in need.2. 许多幸存者发现他们很难抹去关于这段灾难的记忆,因此不少人都被发现患有震

17、后精神错乱。(P.200, Para. 23)Many survivors find it hard to blot out the memory of the tragic event, thus many of them were found to have suffered psychiatric disorders in the aftermath of the earthquake.3. 他目前的身体状况如此之差以至于他不得不赶紧找人接替他的职位。(P.201, Para. 28)He was in such a bad condition at present that he ha

18、s to find somebody to fill his shoes immediately.4. 回首过去,她因为忽略健康而付出了代价,因此现在她极重视保持健康。(P.199, Para. 8;P.200, Para. 19)Thinking back on the past she paid a lot for neglecting health, thus now she is fanatic about keeping fit. Ex. II. Complete the following passage by putting the Chinese expressions int

19、o English.Thinking back on (回想起) the noon of May. 12, 2008,Jimmy can still remember in crystal detail (清楚、详尽的记得) what he was doing when the house began to shake and horror-stricken people ran in all directions. With the rescuers help, he escaped successfully from the earthquake. To his grief(令他感到悲痛的

20、是), his parents died. In the aftermath of the earthquake (在地震刚结束之后), he was found to have suffered psychiatric disorders. He tried hard to blot out the memory of (忘掉关于的记忆)what happened, however his efforts proved to be futile(无用的). For a long time, he was in no mood to work(无心工作).Due to the doctor a

21、nd his friends assistance, the wounds in his heart gradually healed (他心中的创伤逐渐愈合了). Jimmy was fanatic about painting (对绘画很狂热) since his childhood but his father had his own company when he was alive. Now that his father died, he had to step into his fathers shoes(接替他父亲的事业). The fact shattered his ill

22、usion about being a great painter(粉粹了他成为一个伟大画家的幻想). However for his father, he eventually took over the business. With his hard work and talents, he succeeded in managing his fathers company. Text B Reflections on 9/11课前预习Directions: Read the text and find out the English versions for the following

23、expressions.1. 轻声细语lowered voices (P.219, Para. 1)2. 清醒的反思sober reflection on sth. (P.219, Para. 1)3. 站在某人一边to ones side (P.219, Para. 3)4. 对进行清楚的估计take clear stock of sth. (P.219, Para. 2)5. 识别和追踪某人to identify and track down sb. (P.219, Para. 3)6. 进行恐怖袭击的人those (who) committed to terror (P.219, Par

24、a. 3)7. 挥霍掉某人的支持squander the support of (P.220, Para. 5)8. 玷污某人的声誉stain ones reputation(P.220, Para. 5)9. 损耗自己的军力 strain ones own military(P.220, Para. 5)10. 增强某方在该区的势力 strengthen ones hand in the region(P.220, Para. 5)11. 助长敌人的气焰to inflate enemies(P.220, Para. 6)12. 扭曲任务distort ones task(P.220, Par

25、a. 6)13. 经济衰退economic downturn(P.221, Para. 7)14. 减少目前的暴力事件create the current decline in violence(P.221, Para. 7)15. 修改错误战略revise ones wrong-headed strategy(P.221, Para. 8)16. 是的责任,由决定be up to sb(P.221, Para. 9)17. 向某人要求.demand of sb. (P.221, Para. 9)巩固应用Directions: Translate the Chinese in the following sentences from Text B (or Exercise) into English, and learn them by heart.1. We ignored Dr. Kings realization that a society focused on war abroad (一个致力于海外大涨的社会) would be less able to deal with its own problems at home. (P.220, Para. 7)2. If we had invested su


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