月材料-part3how to define yourself她叫身高1米57体重约27公斤右眼发蓝且已失明另一只眼睛是棕_第1页
月材料-part3how to define yourself她叫身高1米57体重约27公斤右眼发蓝且已失明另一只眼睛是棕_第2页
月材料-part3how to define yourself她叫身高1米57体重约27公斤右眼发蓝且已失明另一只眼睛是棕_第3页
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1、 色的。身体无法脂肪,要吃60顿饭,怪病全球只有三例,她被称为“骷髅女Imreally,really, reallyexcitedtobe here.Ikindofwant to lyoualittle bitmore ofthe- Idont want to say basics -because we really dont know anything about my syndrome. I was born with this very rare syndrome, that only two other people in the world including myself, th

2、at we know of, have. Basically what this syndrome causes, is that I cannot gain weight. Yes, it does sound as good as it is. I could eat absoluy whatever I want, whenever I want and I wont really gain any Im going to be 25 in March, and Ive never weighed over about 64 pounds in my entire life. When

3、I was in college, I hid-well, I didnt hide it, everyone knew it was there - but it was a giant tub of Twinkies, s donuts, chips, Skittle, and my roommate would say, I could hear you at 12:30 am, reaching under your bed to get food. But Im like, You know what? Its alright, I can do these things! Beca

4、use there are benefits to this syndrome.There arebenefits tonotbeingable togain weight. There are benefits tobeing visually impaired. There are benefits to being kind of really small. A lot of people think,Lizzie, how in the world are you saying there are benefits when you can only see out of one ey

5、e? Well, let me l you what the benefits are, because they are great. I wear contacts-conTACT. Half-off conTACTS.When I wear my reading glasses: half-off prescription. If somebody is annoying me, being rude: Stand on my right side. Its like youre not even there. I dont even know youre standing there.

6、 Right now, if I stand like this, I have no clue that theresthis whole side of the room. Also, being small, Iamverywillingtovolunteermyselftogoto Weight Watchersor tosomegym,andsay,Hi, Im Lizzie. I will be your poster child.Put my face on whatever you need, and I will say,Hi! I used this program. Lo

7、ok how well it worked.Even though there are amazing things that have come from this syndrome, there are also things that have beenvery,very difficult, as youcanimagine.Growing up, I was raised 150% normally. I wasmyparents child.AndwhenIwasborn,thedoctorstoldmy mom,Yourdaughterhasno amniotic fluid a

8、round her. At all. So when I was born, it was a miracle that Icame out screaming. Thedoctorstoldmyparents,Wejust wanttowarnyou:Expect yourdaughtertoneverbe ableto talk, walk, crawl, think, or do anything by herself.Now, as -time parents, youwouldthinkthat myparents would say; Ohno.Why? Why arewe get

9、ting our child with all these unknown problems? But thats not what they did. The thing they told the doctor was, We want to see her, andwe are going to take her home and love her, and raise her to the best of our abilities. And thats what they did. I credit pretty much everything that Ive donein myl

10、ife to my parents.My dad is here withmetoday, andmy momis at home watching. Hi mom!Shes recovering from surgery. She has been the glue thats held our family together, and shes givenme the strengthtosee that shesgoing through somuch,but she hasthisfighting spirit that shes instilled in me, so that I

11、have proudly been able to stand in front of people and say, You know what? Ive had a really difficult life. But thats okay. Thats okay. Things have been scary, things have been tough. One of the biggest things that I had to deal with growing up was something Im pretty sure every single one of us in

12、this room has dealt with before. Can you guess what that is? It starts with a B. Can you guys guess it? Audience: Boys! Lizzie: Boys?的能猜出来那是什么吗?它是以B字母开头的。观众:“Boys(男孩)!”丽兹: y no idea Bullying! I know what you all are thinking. Why cant I sit here with them? I had to deal with bullying a lot, but as I

13、 said, I was raised very normally, so when I started kindergarten, I had I looked different. No clue. I couldnt see that y no idea other kids. I think of it as a big slap of reality for a five year-old, because I went in to school the day, decked-out in Pocahontas gear. I was ready!I went in with my

14、 backpack that looked like a turtle s because it was bigger than me, and I walkeduptoa littlegirland sdat her,andshelookedupat melikeI wasamonster,likeI was thescariest thing shehadeverseeninherlife.My reactionwas, Sheisreallyrude.Iamafun kid, and shes the one missing out. So Ill just go over here a

15、nd play with blocks. Or boys. I thoughtthe daywouldgetbetter, andunfortunay, itdidnt.Thedaygotworseandworse.Alot of people just wanted to have absoluy nothing to do with me, and I couldnt understand why. Why? What did I do? I didnt do anything to them! In my mind I was still a really cool kid.幸地,并没有

16、。日子越来越难过。 很多人只想和我没有任何关系,而我无法理解当中的原I hadtogo homeand askmyparents, Whatswrong withme? WhatdidIdo? Whydont theylike me? They sat me down and said, Lizzie, the only thing different about you is that youre smaller than the other kids. You have this syndrome, but its not going to define who you are. They

17、 said, Go to school, pick your head up, s,continue to be yourself, and people will see that youre just like them. And so thats what I did. I want you to think, and ask yourself this in your head, right now: Whatdefines you? Whoareyou? Is it whereyou comefrom? Is it your background? Is it your friend

18、s? What is it? What defines who you are as rson? Its taken me a very long time to figure out what defines me.Forsolong Ithought whatdefinedmewasmyouterappearance.Ithought that mylittletinylegs, and my little arms, and my little face were ugly. I thought I was disgusting. I hated when Id wakeupup in

19、the morning when I was going to middle school, and would be looking in the ready, and thinking, Can I just scrub this syndrome off? It would make my life so much easier if I could just scrub it off. I could look like other kids; I wouldnt have to buy clothes that had Dora the Explorer on them. I wou

20、ldnt have to buy stuff that was Bedazzled, when I was trying to be like the cool kids.Iwouldwish,andpray,andhope,anddowhateverIcouldsoIwouldwakeupinthemorningand be different, andIwouldnthavetodealwith thesestruggles. Itswhat Iwantedeverysingleday, and every single day I was disappointed. I have an

21、amazing support system around me, who never pityme, who are thereto pick me up if Im sad,who are thereto laughwith me during the good times, and they taught me that, even though I have this syndrome, even though things are hard, I cant let that define me. My life was put into my hands, just like you

22、r lives are put into yours.You are theinthefrontseatofyourcar. You aretheonewhodecideswhetheryour car goes down a bath, or a good path. You are the one who decides what defines you.Now let me l you: it could be really hard to figure out what defines you, because there were times when Id get so annoy

23、ed andfrustrated, and say: Idont care what definesme! WhenIwas in high school I found a , unfortunay, that somebody posted of me, labeling me the worlds ugliest woman. There were over four million views to this ; eight seconds long, no sound, thousands of comments; people saying, Lizzie,please - ple

24、ase - just do the world a favor, putaguntoyourhead,andkillyourself.Thinkabout that,ifpeopletoldyouthat,ifstrangerstold you this. I cried my eyes out of course, and I was ready to fight back and something kind of clicked in my head, and I thought, Im just going to leave it alone.要找到什么能够定义你自己,真的很难.因为,

25、有时候当的很时,我会说:我不在乎到底什么能够定义!高中的时候,我发现了一个,很不幸的,那是关于视一个念头, :“我不会执着在这件事上。”I started realizing that my life is in my hands. I could either choose to make this really good, or I could choose tomake thisreally bad. I could be grateful,and open my eyesand realize the things that Idohave, and make thosethe thi

26、ngsthat define me. I cant see out of one eye, but Icansee outoftheother.Imightgetsickalot,butIhavereallynicehair.Youdo,youdo!Thanks.Youguys are like the best little section right here.You made me lose my train of thought! Okay.where was I? Audience: Your hair! Hair! Hair. Ok, ok, thank you. Thank yo

27、u, thank you, thank you. So I could either choose to be happy or I could choose to be upset with what I have and still kind of complain about it, but then I started realizing: Am I going to let the people who called me a monster define me? Am I going to let the people who said, Kill it with fire! de

28、fine me? No; Imgoing to let my goals, and mysuccess, and plishments be the things that define me - Not my outer appearance, not the fact that Im visually impaired,not the fact that I have this syndrome that nobody knows what it is.甚至让我忘了下一句要说什么!好的. 我刚刚说到哪了?观众:你的头发!头发!对,So I told myself Im going to w

29、ork my butt off and do whatever I could to make myself better, because in my mind, the best way that I could get back at all those people who made fun of me, who teasedme, whocalledmeugly,who called meamonster was tomakemyself better, andto show them: You know what? l me those negative things, Im go

30、ing to turn them around, and Im going to use them as a ladder to climb up to my goals. Thats what I did.他们,把它们当阶梯一样使用,好让我能够更接近目标。我是这么做的。I told myself that I wanted to be a motivational speaker,I wanted to write a book, graduate college,have myownfamily, andhavemyowncareer.Eightyearslater,Imstanding

31、infront of you, still ng motivational speaking. thing, Iplished it. I wanted towrite a book; in a couple of weeks I will be submitting the manuscript for my third book. I wanted to graduate college, and I just finished college.Im getting a degree in Communication Studies from Texas State University in San Marcos, and I


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