Unit 3 完成句子检测练习-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册_第1页
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1、Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 完成句子检测练习一 用省略句式完成句子1. _ to be treated like a normal child. 被当作一个正常孩子对待是多么美妙的一件事呀。2. I would rather _ than go to see a film. 我宁愿待在家也不愿去看电影。3. All_is to go to school and study hard. 我想要的就是上学, 努力学习。4. The only thing you have to do is _. 你唯一要做的事情是按按钮。5. She wants to come but her

2、parents wont _. 她想来, 可是她父母不会允许的。6. _, please. 请打开门。7. He wants to move abroad but his parents _. 他想搬迁到国外但他的父母想知道为什么。8. I dont like the way _ her. 我不喜欢你嘲笑她的方式。9. _, youd better refer to the dictionary. 如果有必要, 你最好查字典。10. Study hard _, or youll regret. 趁年轻要努力学习, 要不然你会后悔的。二完成句子1. He _, but now he _ earl

3、y. 他以前总是熬夜到很晚, 但是现在习惯早睡。2. It _ to check my answers because I thought I had done all of them right. 我没有想起要检查答案, 因为我认为我全做对了。3. Were _ from the traffic now. 现在我们已经适应车辆往来的噪音了。4. Thousands of people leave their villages to _ in cities. 成千上万的人离开村庄, 到城市发财去了。5. The heavy spring rain _. 特大的春雨造成了这场水灾。6. Drug

4、 users _ at school. 吸毒者更有可能在学校惹麻烦。7. He also stated that its _ to have a more balanced diet. 他还说, 我有必要有一个更加均衡的饮食。8. He _as a famous lawyer. 作为一名知名律师, 他发财了。9. The boat shook from side to side _ the big waves. 船在大浪的影响下左右晃动。10. We learn a language through _ prompts and feedback. 我们通过一系列的提示和反馈学习语言。三 完成句

5、子1. What surprised me was _. 使我惊奇的不是他说的内容, 而是他说话的方式。2. She stood at the door _. 她站在门口和一位邻居谈话。3. _ fed into it, but also it can analyze them. 电脑不仅可以记忆输入的数据, 而且可以分析它们。4. He wrote many childrens books,_. 他写过很多儿童书籍, 将近一半都是在20世纪90年代写的。5. Mans brain _for him to record what he learns. 人脑使人有可能记下他所学到的东西。6. _

6、 the expressway will be extended to our town. 高速公路会延伸到我们镇上, 这点已经得到了证实。7. A tall building was put up at the place _ there used to be a desert. (=A tall building was put up _ there used to be a desert. )在以前曾是沙漠的地方盖起了一幢高楼。8. _ silver tape, they taped all the doors and windows shut. 他们用银色的胶带将所有的门窗都封起来了。

7、四 用省略句式完成句子1. They didnt like it, yet _. 他们并不喜欢它, 可是什么也没说。2. We are delighted_. 你能来我们很高兴。3. _ a drink? 有谁想要喝一杯吗? 4. I hope to finish my job and _ 我希望做完工作回家。5. There is nothing to do but _. 除了服从命令之外, 别无他法。6._ it will rain. 看起来像要下雨。7. The river was deep and _. 河很深, 冰很薄。8. I asked him to see the film,

8、but he didnt _. 我请他去看电影, 但他不想去。9. _, you should speak English as much as you can. 在任何可能的时间, 你都应多讲英语。10. James enjoys the theatre more than _. 詹姆斯比苏珊更喜欢戏剧。五完成句子1. Not only _ fluently but also writes English well. (部分倒装句式)他的英语不但说得很流利, 而且写得很好。2. Everybody came in the room, _. (现在分词短语作伴随状语)大家唱着笑着走进房间。3.

9、 Reading is very important, _ when we were very young. (定语从句)阅读非常重要, 这一点我们在小时候就已经知道了。4. Seven people were caught in the big fire that broke out on Friday, _ were badly injured at the scene. (介词+whom)七人被困在星期五发生的大火里, 其中四人当场受了重伤。5. He says the heat made _ in Moscow and he was sick and tired of it. (mak

10、e it +adj. +for sb. to do)他说炎热的天气让他很难再留在莫斯科, 他生病了, 对炎热的天气感到厌倦。6. _ the methods have good applied value in teaching. (its +过去分词+that)实践表明, 这些方法在教学中具有良好的实用价值。7. This is the place _ and brought up. (定语从句)这是那位著名作家出生并长大的地方。8. This company focuses on solving small problems quickly, _. (现在分词短语作方式状语)这家公司专注于

11、用新技术快速解决小问题。9. Father is always my close friend; Im willing to tell him _. (what引导名词性从句)父亲总是我的亲密朋友, 我愿意向他倾诉我的所思所想。10. The book _ can move you to tears. (过去分词短语作后置定语)这本根据真实故事改编的书会让你感动得流泪。六完成句子1. _ they will be fired by the company because of their fault. 他们很可能会因为他们的错误而被公司解雇。2. The speaker answered all the questions _. 演讲者回答了听众提出的所有问题。3. People _ often sheltered in my doorway. 等公共汽车的人常常躲在我的门口。4. They all st


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