我的大学生活 My college life_第1页
我的大学生活 My college life_第2页
我的大学生活 My college life_第3页
我的大学生活 My college life_第4页
我的大学生活 My college life_第5页
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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 我的大学生活 My college life I tried to do a good job, in order to round my college dream, perhaps the greater the hope, the more disappointed. Along with the end of the college entrance examination, the day, the dream is broken, the heart is broken, the world seems to be choking!Howeve

2、r, life has to continue, I can not give up my childhood dream, I still have a lot of desire to achieve. I know everything will start all over again, as long as I have enough courage to face life.In the infinite vision and daydream, the university life begins. Time is always from behind you silently

3、slip away, from your feet down, flew out of sight Unconsciously, the university life is almost a year! Remember when I first entered the University, often walking alone in a huge campus looked at the strange faces, the heart is so lonely, at that moment, feel oneself is so small. However, I am still

4、 so confident that, in fact, sometimes people are really very helpless, that is my only way to cheer up.Most of the time, total love memories during tense and fulfilling life in high school, then we do not seem to grow up, heart the innocence didnt seem to disappear, think of the the because of fail

5、ing the exam stubborn to grin and want to cry but smiled at me girl; think of the smiling look, like cocked his head and asked me questions of a boy; think of Everything is so clear and bright. When we are living in the present moment, we do not feel happy, looking back at their own way, the rest of

6、 the only regret! Then let me think of a very ordinary words lost only know how to cherish must be the true meaning of life.I dont want to let myself live in yesterday, because yesterday has no hope, only memories. When too much of my attention yesterday, today has been quietly away, tomorrow uncons

7、ciously coming. I have is more attributable to yesterday. I dont want to let my tomorrow for today and regret.After entering college, learning is no longer so nervous, seems to have more time and space by yourself to control, as long as you have enough passion to put into. Gradually, I felt that I w

8、as growing up in the invisible, independent, strong, the old man is always so magical, in his lead, I found the sky belongs to their own. Life is no longer empty, no longer monotonous, no longer lonely In learning, never dare to slack up, because he is very clear, life is not sympathetic to the weak

9、, not motivated people ought not to have the good today, even if life gives me too much suffering. I put every failure down for a try, not to feel inferior, not to complain that there are too many twists and turns of life sea if they lose the rolling waves, lose virility; desert if the Kuangwu Feish

10、a lost, will lose the spectacular. Life is also so, live too vulgar, life also lost its original charm. Life, met a lot of friends, had remained convinced that, in the vast sea of humanity, can encounter is a kind of fate, met and become friends let me doubly cherish. Each persons heart color is not

11、 the same, each person has a different world, it is because of this, sometimes with friends. Had misunderstandings from friends and quietly tears, sad was appeared the generation gap with their parents and cry aloud or silent, because. Perhaps this is youth. Youth can laugh, can make, this is the yo

12、uth to give us special treatment, if one day you no longer have a strong physique, exuberant energy, unlimited potential, then you are no longer young.Most of the time, like a man sat, like a lot of things, like something far, if it is not to the point of reverie. Occasionally a fresh giggle, unasha

13、med laughter, occasionally weeping, shaking heaven and earth Perhaps, has already entered the university I have not grown up, thats still in the heart. In fact, I hope I dont want to grow up, because that would not have to take more responsibility, there will not be more trouble and pressure, believ

14、e in yourself can do a happy angel. Use your smile to melt the cold, to light the darkness around you. But I believe that when I experienced wind and rain that day when I fell again and staggered that day, when I from the sky flying over the day, I have grown up, I will very proud to tell the world

15、grow up good!In fact, life is happiness, even if your life is spent in failure. For a living, you can see the mountains are green, the sea is blue, snow is white; for a living, you can see the day like onions, as long as you own a piece of peel, a piece will make you cry more than.When I understand

16、all this, it seems like a lot easier, I dont need to carry too much, I can live more and more, and live well in my own way, for all the people I love and love me! There is a never exhausted spring world, there is a deep sense of love will never die out.Be thankful for their parentsBe thankful to my

17、friendsBe thankful for lifeI am so happy 我试着努力去做好,为了圆我的大学梦,或许希望越大,失望就越大。伴随着高考终止的那一天,在无数期待的日子里,梦最终还是碎了,心也碎了,世界仿佛都窒息了! 可是,生活不得不继续,我不能放弃儿时的梦想,我还有着好多心愿未能实现。我知道一切的一切都可能重头开始,只要我有足够的勇气面对生活。 在无限的向往和遐想中,大学生活开始了。时间总是从你身后悄无声息的溜走,从你的脚底下滑过,从你的视野里飞过不知不觉中,大学生活都快一年啦!还记得刚进大学时,每每单独走在偌大一个校园里望着一张张陌生的面孔,内心是那么的孤寂,就在那一瞬间,

18、感觉到自己竟是如此的渺小。然而,我对自己仍旧那么自信,其实有时候人真的很无奈,那也成为我振作起来的动力。 好多时候,总爱回忆那段紧张而又充实的高中生活,那时的我们貌似还未长大,内心的那份童真貌似还未泯灭,想起了那个由于考试不及格倔强地咧嘴想哭却又冲我笑的女孩;想起了那个微笑着看人,喜欢歪着头问我问题的男孩;想起了一切的一切都是如此的清楚明朗。当我们正活在当下时并未感到自己是幸福的,回头看看自己走过的路,剩下的也只有可惜啦!这时让我想起一句极平凡的话“失去才懂得珍惜想必就是生活的真谛吧。 我不想让自己生活在昨天,由于昨天没有希望,只有回忆。当我过多的注意昨天时,今天已无声无息地溜走,明天不知不觉

19、的到来,我所拥有的是越来越多的归属于昨天。我不想再让自己的明天为今天而可惜。 步入大学后,学习已不再那么的紧张,貌似有着更多的时间和空间由你自己去支配,只要你有足够的激情投入。逐渐的,感觉自己在无形中长大了,独立了,顽强了,时间老人总是那样的奇妙,在他的带领下我找到了那片属于自己的天空。生活不再空虚,不再单调,不再孤寂在学习上,自己从不敢懈迨,由于自己很明了,生活是不会可怜弱者的,不上进的人不该拥有今天的美好,即使生活给予我太多的磨难。我把每一次的失败归结为一次尝试,不去自卑,不去埋怨生命有太多的曲折,大海假如失去了巨浪的翻滚,就失去了雄浑;沙漠假如失去了飞沙的狂舞,就失去了壮观。人生也是如此,活得太庸俗,生命也就失去了原有的魅力。生活上,结识了好多朋友,一直深信着,茫茫人海中,能相遇是一种缘,能相识从


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