1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1_ an increase in foreign legal conflicts,China is expected to see the
2、number continue to riseATo witnessBBeing witnessedCWitnessedDHaving witnessed2The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally .Apulled outBpulled throughCpulled upDpulled over3The accident which left 15 people on board dead _ if both the angry female passenger and the bus drive
3、r had kept calm.Ashould have avoidedBshould be avoidedCcould have avoidedDcould have been avoided4Not until I went up further _ that under the tree _, obviously sound asleep.Athat I saw; did a boy lieBI saw; lay a boyCdid I see; did a boy lieDdid I see; lay a boy5Lucia impressed her peer students wi
4、th her musical talent, as well as several foreign languages _.Aon her ownBunder her controlCin her chargeDat her command6Ive got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice?_. Tell me all about it and Ill do what I can.ADont mention itBNo wonderCMy pleasureDNo problem7 Can you do me
5、 a favour, Mr. Smith? My car _ start. No problem. You can count on it.Awont BmustntCneednt Dshouldnt8Although passing the driving test _ be difficult now, its worth the efforts.AneedBshallCcanDshould9Lets go to the cinema this Sunday morning.Id love to,but I _ as a volunteer in my community then.Awi
6、ll workBhave workedCwill be workingDwas working10Nowadays, more and more Chinese homes have the technology and equipment _ to do online shopping.AneededBneedingCneedDto need11The case shocked the public, a hot debate over human nature on the Intemet.AcausesBcausedCcausingDto cause12During _ afternoo
7、n, the rain became smaller, but towards_ evening, there was a sudden landslide that buried the village.A/; theBthe; /Cthe; theDan; the13British scientists have produced _ they believe is the worlds smallest Christmas cardAwhichBwhoCthatDwhat14 Do you like the book you father bought you? Very much. I
8、ts exactly_I wanted.AwhichBthatCwhatDhow15What happened to the young trees we planted last week?The trees_ well,but I didnt water them.Amight growBneednt have grownCwould growDwould have grown16 on one foot with your eyes closeDand you will soon lose your balance.AStanding BStoodCTo stand DStand17_t
9、he effect of culture shock, he is trying to read a lot about it before going to France for further study.ATo reduce BReducedCReducing DHaving reduced18You can use a large plastics bottle, _ cut off, as a plot to grow flowers in.Awith its topBthe top of whichCwhose topDits top is19The disaster-strick
10、en village was inaccessible _ by helicopter, and the storm added to the rescuers difficulty.Ainstead ofBother thanCrather thanDregardless of20It was just at the time the bell rang he finished the last word in his composition.Awhen; whichBthat; whenCwhen; thatDthat; which第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的
11、A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)To fight for the conservation of forest ecosystem, several ecologists including Daniel Janzen convinced Del Oro, an orange juice producer, to donate part of their forestland to a national park. In return, Del Oro was allowed to throw large amounts of waste in the form of or
12、ange peels (皮) on a 3-hectare piece of land within the national park at no cost. Dealing with tons of leftover peels usually involved burning them or paying to have them poured into a landfill, so the proposal was very attractive.But a year later, another juice company challenged the deal in court,
13、arguing that their competitor was “polluting a national park”. They ended up winning, and the deal between Del Oro and the national park fell through.Then in 2013, while discussing possible research avenues with Timothy Treuer, Daniel Janzen mentioned the orange story. Feeling interested, Treuer dec
14、ided to stop by that piece of land that had been covered with fruit waste 15 years earlier. What he found shocked him.“While I would walk over exposed rock and dead grass in the nearby fields, Id have to climb through undergrowth and cut paths through walls of vines (藤) in the orange peel site itsel
15、f.” said Timothy Treuer.Treuer and his team spent months picking up samples (样品), analyzing and comparing them. They found great differences between the areas covered with orange peels and those that were not. The area with orange waste had richer soil.The effect that the orange peels had on the lan
16、d is probably not that surprising to people familiar with composting (施肥), but what is really shocking is that a judge actually thought the waste of orange “mined” a national park and stopped it from going forward. Now that Timothy Treuers study has received worldwide attention, this type of “ruinin
17、g” is being seriously considered as a way of bringing forests back to life.1、What did Del Oro usually do with orange peels?AAdd them to fuel. BThrow them into a national park.CBum or bury them. DMake them into cakes.2、What can we know about the deal between Del Oro and the national park?AIt lasted 1
18、5 years. BIt was signed by Treuer.CIt was made in about 1998. DIt was broken by Del Oro.3、What was Treuers finding?AOrange peels contain much fibre.BOrange peels can make soil richer.COrange peels rot away in a short time.DOrange waste ruined the national park.4、What is the authors attitude toward t
19、he judge mentioned in the last paragraph?ADisapproving. BPositive.CWorried. DAdmirable.22(8分)MiTeleferico, BoliviaCrossingtheBoliviancapitalofLaPaz, theTelefericoisboththehighestandlongestcitycable-carsystem ontheplanet. Builttorelievethecitysextremeroadtraffic, thethreelinesofthis subwayintheskyspi
20、rit thecitys2.3millioncitizens. Atanaltitudeof3,700metres, youllfeelthethrillofflyingasyoure smoothlycarriedoverentireneighborhoodsandbusinessdistrictsallforaticketpricethatslessthana dollar.EverestFlights, NepalItisnoeasyworktoclimbtheEverest, amountainsecondtononeatanaltitudeof8,848metres. Most of
21、 us know that wellnever movealong theHillaryStep and overcome this mountain. Fortunately, a number of localairlinesoperatingoutofKathmandussmalldomesticairportofferaglimpseofthisgloryforaboutahundred dollars. In a few hours, youllgetinto theheartof theHimalayas, getting close enoughto snap a few fan
22、tasticphotosfromyourwindowseatbeforecirclingback. Nooxygentankrequired!RockyMountaineer, CanadaWithselectroutesthatleadthroughBanffandJaspernationalparksaswellasLakeLouise, RockyMountaineerprovidesabestopportunitytospotthewildlifeofwesternCanada, includingelk, bighornsheep, and possiblyevenbearsofth
23、eblack, brown, andgrayishvariety. RockyMountaineersmulti-dayjourneysincludebreakfastsandlunchespreparedbyworld-classchefs, BCwines, andaninvitationtositback, relax, and lettheRockiescometoyou.TableMountainAerialCableway, SouthAfricaFewplacesintheworldhaveappeallikeTableMountain, theflat-toppedmonoli
24、th(独石)thatservesas thebackdropformosttouristsphotosandmemoriesofCapeTown. Completedbackin1929, theTable MountainAerialCablewaycarriesnearlyonemillionsightseerstothesummiteveryyear,risingroughly1,000 metresinfewerthanfiveminutes.1、The Teleferico was built to .Aoffer amazing viewsBdraw tourists worldw
25、ideCreduce traffic pressureDpromote its economy2、What is special about Mt. Everest?AIt requires no skills to climb it.BIt s the highest mountain worldwide.CIt has several local airlines.DIts the best place for taking photos.3、Which of the following would you prefer to see the wildlife?AMi Teleferico
26、.BEverest Flights.CRocky Mountaineer.DTable Mountain.4、What can we infer about the four places mentioned in the passage?AThey cost much money.BThey all offer mountain rides.CThey have fancy hotels.DThey are all within Americas.23(8分)From National to InternationalDo you have what it takes!Its our job
27、 to help you make that leap?The world is waiting. Are you ready?Is your small business ready to make that next step and expand abroad? A recent survey estimates that up to 40% of all small businesses are intending to do just that. Is your business making up this 40%? Making that move and expanding o
28、nto the international market require a different approach from the one youre used to. On a national level, it is often enough to sell the right product at the right price. Failure to adopt a different sales approach on the international market can often lead to failure as international customers exp
29、ect different things. This is why we come in. The right knowledge and the right preparation can make all the difference on the international level.The main aspects of the program we offer are:1. How can weaknesses be identified and reduced?2. How are cultural differences handled in the business worl
30、d?3. In-depth knowledge of district law, how does it help?4. How can we target the right kind of international customers and how can we finance this bigger, more complicated international operation?5. What can be done to create a foolproof (万无一失的) business plan?Cost of the course: $2, 000 per person
31、. If 4 or more people apply from the same company, then discounts can be arranged. Course times can be changed to accommodate your employees schedule. Most importantly, this course is fully accredited by some top level colleges and universities.1、Who will most likely benefit from this course?AAnybod
32、y not interested in business administration.BA small international business manager.CAn individual running a small company.DAny owner of an international business hoping to go domestic.2、Why is there a danger of an international business failure?AThe price of shipping is too high.BIt takes too long
33、to deliver products.CInternational customers do not speak the same language.DThe business owner cannot understand the local market.3、What is NOT listed in the advertised program?AHow to pay the international workforce.BThe right way to study international law.CCultural diversities that must be known
34、 exactly.DWhat we should learn from our weaknesses.4、What is the main advantage of participating in this study program?AInternational travel.BFixed schedule for the employees.CThe availability of discounts of 40%.DCredits that can be transferred to university courses.24(8分) Writing Contests, Grants
35、& Awards in 2019 The Writing Contests, Grants (补助金) & Awards database includes details about the creative writing contests-including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, and more-that weve published in Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year. We careful
36、ly review the practices and policies of each contest before including it. Use the online submission system.Catherine Doctorow Innovative Fiction PrizeA prize of 15,000 is given annually for a novel, or a story collection. U.S. writers who have published at least three books of fiction are qualified.
37、 Submit a manuscript (手稿) of any length, a brief biography, and a list of three previously published books of fiction with a 25 entry fee by November 1,2019.University of Alabama Press, P.O. Box 870380,Tuscaloosa,AL 35487.( 773)702-7000.Walt Whitman AwardA prize of 5,000 is given annually for a poet
38、ry collection by a poet who has not published a book of poems in a standard edition. The winning book will also be distributed to 5,000 members of the Academy of American Poets. Submit a manuscript of 48 to 100 pages with a 35 entry fee by November 1,2019.Academy of American Poets,75 Maiden Lane, Su
39、ite 901,NewYork,NY10038.( 212)274-0343.Gabriele Rico Challenge in Creative EssayA prize of 1,333 is given annually for an essay. Using the online submission system, submit an essay of up to 5,000 words with a20 entry fee, by November 1,2019.All entries are considered for publication. Visit the websi
40、te for complete guidelines.San Jose State University, English Department, One Washington Square, San Jose,CA95192( 408)924-4425.Brooklyn Nonfiction PrizeA prize of 500 is given annually for a work of nonfiction that is set in Brooklyn, New York, and expresses the regions rich soul and intangible (无形
41、的) qualities through the writers actual experiences of Brooklyn. Submit an essay of up to 2,500 words by November 15,2019.There is no entry feeBrooklyn Nonfiction Prize, P.O. Box 491,New York,NY10156.( 207)778-7071.1、Who has the qualification to attend the contest for the prize of15,000_AWhoever has
42、 written 3 novel booksBWhoever has published at least 3 booksCU.S. authors whove published 3 novel booksDU.S. writers whove written 3 poetry collections2、What will happen to your manuscript if you win Walt Whitman Award_AIt will be published as a book of poemsBIt will be read by all the academy memb
43、ersCIt will be distributed to whoever likes poemsDIt will become a book that will sell well3、Brooklyn Nonfiction Prize is different from the other three writing contests in that _ Athe work must be a writers real experiencesBits entry fee is higherCit has a deadline earlier than themDthe winners hav
44、e no prize money25(10分)I remember my childhood summers fondly, as many of us do. Those golden days in which I would leave the house after a still sleepy, leisurely breakfast and come home only for lunch in the middle of a day spent entirely outdoors. We did not live in town and, thus, playmates were
45、 limited to siblings (兄弟姐妹) and the cousins who lived down the road.Our backyard became the playground in which our imaginations would run wildturning those few acres into magical forests, the creek (小溪) into a violent river and our trusty dog, Rex, into the many roles of horse, monster and any othe
46、r creature that we children did not want to play. By the end of the three months of summer break we were sunburned from our hours in the sun, full of the memories of a thousand magical moments and bonded to our siblings in a way that winters forced hibernation (冬眠) never seemed to connect us.Today,
47、I live on the same acreage that I did as a child. My children have the blessing of having the same grassy patches to scratch their bare feet as they run through it, the same creek to stomp(跺脚)through, and not the same dogbut their very own energetic pup to imagine away the days with.However, this is
48、 not the same world as it was twenty, thirty years ago. There are screens everywhere in the house to demand attentiontelevisions with hundreds of channels, computers with access to a thousand entertaining sites, tablets stocked with apps. There is also no longer the expectation of a stretch of an un
49、scheduled three months. Their school friends tell competitive stories of carefully planned vacations, spending time traveling to all of the local attractionsvarious parks, the zoo, the science center, all of the festivals which come breezing through town. On the very first day of school they will be
50、 asked to list their favorite activities of the summer and no longer are these lists filled with things like finding wood to make a bridge over a creek or a day spent in imaginative play with their siblings. The lists are now full of trips, overscheduled days and “camps” that no longer offer a stay
51、in nature.Our children have become used to being entertained every minute. In our house, we have limits on electronics and kick the kids outside on a nice day. Even as we try as parents to set limits and get our children out in nature, the new cry of childhood seems to be “Im bored,” which is not re
52、ally just meaning “Im bored,” “but “Please find something to entertain me, as I no longer can entertain myself even for a short period of time.” Our children no longer know how to sit in silence, entertain themselves while even waiting for a few minutes and have lost the awe of nature as they have b
53、ecome addicted to screen time.We have made a choice in this household to do what is no longer expected of children in many householdswe will ensure that there are days of “boredom.” We refuse to spend our days scheduling our childrens every hour. There will be many days with no plans at all, when th
54、ey will be sent outside with only the grass and the trees and their own imaginations to entertain them.The screens will be turned off and our children will find that times of quiet can be just as or even more entertaining. They will bond with their brother and sister, making memories that they will
55、replay in their minds well into adulthood. Even though sunscreen will be religiously applied, they will leave summer with sunburned and scratches coming from climbing trees, stomping through creeks and chasing the dog in the field.This summer I will be giving my children the greatest gift of allbore
56、dom. For inside boredom is the gift of getting to know your own mind, of finding comfort and joy in nature and in the realization that the greatest gifts are experience, not things.1、From the first two paragraphs we can know that the author .Aparticipated in many organized activitiesBenjoyed an unsc
57、heduled vacationCexplored magical forests and a violent riverDrealized the strength of patience2、The author thinks todays childrens activities are .Aless meaningfulBless accessibleCmore related to natureDmore in line with the nature of play3、What is the real reason for childrens feeling of boredom?A
58、Children are addicted to screen time.BChildren are limited to using electronics.CChildren have no patience with everything.DChildren lack the experience of exploring entertainment.4、What is the authors attitude towards his childrens childhood?ASympathetic.BEnvious.CUnsatisfactory.DIndifferent.5、What
59、 is he authors purpose to ensure children the days of “boredom”?ATo keep children away from electronics.BTo encourage children to climb trees and stomp through creeks.CTo set aside more time to improve their academic performance.DTo provide children with the opportunity to seek happiness in nature.6
60、、What might be the best title of the passage?AThe gift of boredomBThe memory of childhoodCThe attraction of natureDThe experience of two generations第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)When Athaya Slaetalid first moved from Thailand to the Faroe Islands
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