2、 NEWS,然后逐年逐文逐段逐句逐字吃透20年真题,长期坚持,水到渠成。祝各位同仁复习顺利,马到成功!鸣谢 HYPERLINK /n/%E5%8D%97%E5%BC%BA%E4%B8%89%E4%B8%AD%E4%BA%BA?from=feed&loc=at 南强三中人更多最新内容,请各位登陆丁老师的微博及时学习:/xzding2014.011. In 2013, I ate, drank, played, and worked overtime. What did you do?2. I strongly believe you can leap over the final hurdle
3、to success.3. #分享万能加分句型# I foresee a time in the near future when China, mindful of the problem, will _. 用于负面话题作文,并可经过改造用于其它作文。如:I foresee a time in the near future when the trend mirrored in the picture will remain unchanged.(英语一二作文均可用)4. #注意# 小作文可以不分段,正文八九十字即可,阅卷老师一般不会数字数,大小作文中的用法、句型可以共用,因为不是一个老师批
4、。大作文写多了不扣分,但没有必要写太多,节约下来的时间可用于其它题型。5. #外刊点睛# Shares in the Times Company jumped more than 4 percent to a five year high on Monday. #英语二图表作文中数据有飙升时可以用加分亮点jump,暴跌可以用take a nose dive。造句: The number of Chinese taking a trip overseas jumped to 12 million in 2013. #6. It was not just British fans who had
5、been waiting anxiously to find out just how Sherlock Holmes dodged death in the final instalment of the massively popular BBC drama Sherlock. massively popular 地道! #外刊点睛# Schumacher, the most successful F1 driver with 90 race wins, remains massively popular with fans despite a string of controversie
6、s in his career. #massively popular 大受欢迎,非常流行; a string of 一连串,一系列。都是作文加分亮点!#7. Steve Jobs was fond of saying that he lived every day like it was his last day. 8. #外刊点睛 邵逸夫离世# It is with deep sadness that TVB announces(句型:某人沉痛宣布) the passing(去世) of its Chairman Emeritus, Sir Run Run Shaw this mornin
7、g, who passed away(去世) peacefully in the company of his family(在家人的陪伴下) at 6:55 am at home, aged 107.9. To my dear students: Your triumph is my source of motivation. Your success drives me to pursue greater excellence. Many thanks for your trust!10. I havent watched the Spring Festival Gala for year
8、s.11. I am striving to lead you to greater heights! 12. #外刊点睛# Core products yield handsome profit for Apple. (核心产品为苹果带来可观利润。)#必背搭配:yield handsome profit ,yield可用produce, generate替换 ;handsome profit 在08年阅读考察。本句也可以写为:Apple reaps handsome profit from core products. 体会词汇和句型替换#13. #外刊点睛# One of Microsof
9、ts core products, Windows, did #see# a 6% decrease in profits this year. #体会see的用法# #造句# China has seen an explosion in urbanization over the past decade. 转,背!14. #必背搭配# substance abuse = drug abuse 滥用药物(毒品); mental abuse 精神虐待。任何英语考试,都要多掌握搭配,这是高分必经之路!15. #外刊点睛# Googles purchase of Nest Labs follows
10、its acquisition of human-gesture recognition start-up Flutter in October. #体会acquisition(收购)替换purchase,替换思维对英语阅读和写作非常重要; human-gesture recognition 人类手势识别,学习词汇一定要注意多背搭配!转,背!#16. 改写:Google purchased Nest Labs in the wake of its acquisition of human-gesture recognition start-up Flutter in October. #句型改
11、写# Following its purchase of human-gesture recognition start-up Flutter in October, Google acquired Nest Labs.17. Persistence prevails. Slow is fast.18. 一张图让你读懂中国. A picture enables you to gain insight into the Heavenly Dynasty. 我写的这句话改造下就可以成为一个很地道的考研漫画或图表作文句型(The picture enables me to gain insight
12、into sth),背吧!19. #造句# Chinas air quality is consistently beyond index,posing grave health hazards to the public. #爆表 beyond index# 转,背!20. I hope there will be a growing awareness among students that English learning is a gradual process. 背!21. #外刊点睛北方污染更严重?# Severe air pollution in northern China h
13、as slashed life expectancies (大幅度减少预期寿命)there by more than five years compared to the south, potentially robbing 500 million Chinese of a total of 2.5 billion years of life, a new report has claimed.22. #造句# PM 2.5 can penetrate deep into our lungs and blood, presenting a severe threat to our health
14、. #外刊点睛 替换# These tiny particles can slip into your lungs and blood stream. #slip into 简单而地道,可替换penetrate into#23. #造句# The term Lolita Complex(洛丽塔情结), often shortened to Lolicon () in Japan (萝莉控) , is derived from the novel Lolita.24. #外刊点睛# Obama aims to restore public confidence in the intelligen
15、ce community. (奥巴马的目标是恢复公众对情报界的信心。)#造句# The government should move to restore public confidence in food safety.(政府应该采取行动恢复公众对食品安全的信心)#体会move to替换take actions to#25. John, you are addicted to a certain lifestyle. Youre abnormally attracted to dangerous situations and people. So is it truly such a sur
16、prise that the woman you fall in love with conforms to that pattern? 丁晓钟 好多考点词和考点用法. #寓教于乐,看电视剧学英语# be addicted to, be abnormally attracted to, conform to 各种考点!26. Europe stems from around half a million years ago,.#stem from 在考研阅读中考查过四五次#27. #看英剧,学英文# #造句# She is completely out of her depth when it
17、 comes to history. 一谈到历史,她就一窍不通了。#雅思、托福听力、口语必背用法#History doesnt come very natural to me so I often get out of my depth.28. Sadly, in this land with countless traditional virtues, far too many students lack the sense of sharing, mutual help, and gratitude. 背完之后,请体会并随手转发,谢谢!29. #造句#He is out of his de
18、pth in matters of politics. /王鑫单词达人:回复丁晓钟:#be out of your depth# means:to not have the knowledge, experience, or skills.#仿写造句接力# I was totally out of my depth when he started talking about the baroque architecture. out of ones depth 束手无策30. #外刊点睛# Shares of Japans Nintendo plunged as much as 18% on
19、Monday after the gaming giant issued a profits warning.(日本游戏巨头任天堂发布了盈利预警之后,其股票在周一大跌18%。)#重点词汇:shares, plunge;plunge可用于图表作文;重点搭配:gaming giant, issue a profits warning#31. #外刊例句# If the dollar did #tumble#, import prices might rise faster than most economists now expect. /陈仲凯大湿: 股票大跌还可以使用tumbletmbl v.
20、 暴跌 原文替换:plunged as much as 18% tumbled by almost 18%32. #外刊点睛# 1. 雅虎新闻标题: Nintendo shares dive on loss warning #dive 替换 plunge# 2. Slow Wii U sales send Nintendo shares into a downward spiral. #send sth into a downward spiral 使某物持续下降(螺旋式下降),形象表达!#33. #外刊点睛# 英国天空电视台网站新闻标题: Nintendo Shares Slide As W
21、ii U Sales Collapse #说词: 表示下跌、降低还可以用slide,可用于英语二、雅思图表作文, 增加表达多样性。#34. #外刊点睛# Gamers desert the creator of Super Mario and Donkey Kong for Sony and Microsofts next generation consoles.(玩家抛弃超级马里奥和大金刚的创造者转向索尼和微软的下一代游戏机。) #注意体会desert在这里表示抛弃,熟词僻义是考研词汇重要考查方向,通过句子或文章记忆才能记牢。#35. #外刊点睛# Apple, for instance,
22、has recently reported that they might abandon Google Maps for their own mapping application for their smartphones and tablets. #体会for instance做插入语;abandon替换desert;mapping application 地图应用# 转,背!36. multinational bodies,谁来翻译一下?你觉得你好意思说你认识body吗?跨国公司叫做multinational corporation,在全球化经济等话题中你会用吗?regulatory
23、body 监管机构/37. a deserted wife 被离弃的妻子 #造句# Deserted by his girlfriend and strapped for cash, he had a nervous breakdown.38. Its pure speculation or pure science?39. #外刊点睛# Millions of Chinese internet users(网民)found themselves unable to visit websites or use internet services such as social media(社交媒
24、体)and instant messaging(即时通讯)on Tuesday afternoon. /丁晓钟: Its pure speculation or pure science?40. #造句#用speculative和昨天我微博提到的desert组合造句,请体会学习方法: There are speculative reports that Samsung will desert Android for its own mobile OS./GreaterProtential:its very speculative 外刊第二篇有学到41. #分享阅读# 看了挪威的森林日文版和中文
25、版,今日读英文版,感受不同文字之美。欣赏下英文版第一句:I was thirty-seven then, strapped in my seat as the huge 747 plunged through dense cloud cover on approach to the Hamburg airport.42. #分享电影# Last night I saw The Stolen Years, a romance film with a tragic ending. The message conveyed by the movie is: treasure the people a
26、round you and be nicer to your partner! 同意者请转发!43. In this firewalled nation, Facebook is inaccessible. But compared with North Koreans, we are very happy.44. #造句# Basic Instinct, starred by Sharon Stone, is rated R. (莎朗斯通主演的本能被评定为限制级。)#体会rate做动词的用法#45. #外刊是王道,阅读、写作打通是王道!# 附图是我去年上课写的句子,包含raise conce
27、rns这个地道用法,和王鑫单词达人 老师前两天发的BBC新闻首句中的用法一样: However, it is a global problem and concerns about air pollution were raised in Europe again this week. 希望同学们好好体会!The proposed scheme is designed to ease public concerns over potential health hazards from genetically modified foods that were raised in an acade
28、mic conference by some top scientists an sociologists from across the world.46. #strike.as#(给某人留下印象;strike sb. as sth.),该用法在2011Text one中出现过 #真题原句# ., that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers as faint praise.47. Classroom noise presents a major concern for teachers and pupils.#造句
29、# Recent strings of cyber-attacks present a major concern for regulatory bodies.48. Its my duty to offer a helping hand to those who are groping in the darkness!49. What is important for scoring high on English tests at all levels is to read intensively!50. #from The Guardian# Its wrong to write off
30、 older people as too old for treatment, said Macmillans chief executive Ciaran Devane 分享里面的一个不明觉厉的用法 #write off.as 认定失败or 不可救药#51. #造句# The song should be sung by Jay Chou at the Spring Festival Gala to pay tribute to our supreme leader. 这首歌应该由周杰伦在春晚上演唱,来歌颂我们的最高领导人。威武 同意的转起!嘻嘻52. #注意!# 基本功要好好夯实,应该是I
31、 firmly believe.,写在考试作文里至少影响一分。每年一分之差,让太多人折戟沙场! 15年的孩纸们,努力奋战的同时,一定要吸取教训,注意方法,注意提高基本功,否则英语真的朝你不希望的方向改变了人生! /梁cc努力奋战15考研:Im firmly believe this word!53. Lets forge ahead together to attain new heights in our life. Believe it or not.54. #造句 glean# Reading articles gleaned from newspapers and magazines
32、in English is intensely important for English learners.55. Life sometimes sucks, but approaching every day with a positive mindset is the key to a fulfilled life.56. bear all the risks (承担所有风险)57. tap water自来水2014.021. Please keep to formed track. 请走已有的路径(即以前已被踏出的路)。这里其实是不希望人们去践踏出新的路径,保护植被。2. Seals
33、are basking leisurely on the rocks in Milford Sound, a breathtakingly beautiful fjord in the south west of New Zealands South Island.3. I skydived today in queenstown nz. Its a life-changing experience!4#外刊点睛# Five years after Obama signed the Recovery Act(签署复苏法案), the White House credits the stimul
34、us(经济刺激) with saving millions of jobs (credit A with B将B归功于A) and contributing to(有助于) long-term economic growth. #重点词汇:act, credit,考查熟词僻义#5. #外刊点睛#Dozens Dead in Ukraine Protests : Tuesday was the bloodiest day in the countrys post-Soviet history as police clashed with anti-government demonstrators
35、 in Kievs main square #读外刊学前缀: post后,anti反#6. Facebook Rejected WhatsApp Co-Founder Brian Acton For A Job Back In 20097. #外刊点睛# The firm said the move was aimed at offering a more localized service to its users in China. (这家公司表示这个举措旨在为其中国用户提供更加本地化的服务)#重点词汇:move 举措,行动;be aimed at doing sth 旨在做某事;offe
36、r sth to sb 为某人提供某物;localized 本地化的)#2014.031. #外刊点睛# Singapore is one of the worlds wealthiest nations, but the high cost of living and wide wealth gap means many families are struggling to make ends meet. #核心搭配:cost of living 生活成本;wealth gap 贫富差距;make ends meet 收支相抵#2. #造句 读新闻学英语# Russia has moved
37、troops into Ukraine to safeguard its strategic interests. (俄罗斯部队已经进入乌克兰以保护其战略利益)#必背搭配:safeguard ones interests 保护某人的利益;体会safeguard替换protect;阅读和写作要取得高分就必须培养替换思维!# 转!背!3. Down with terrorism!4. The terrorist incident has claimed 29 victims!5. #造句# Terrorism cannot be ruled out in the missing of the Ma
38、laysia Airlines flight. (aircraft, plane) #rule out 排除#6. The trauma brought by the missing of the Malaysia Airlines flight threatens to overwhelm those passengers relatives.7. Beyond turbulence,thunder storms pose other threats to aviation 除了湍流,风暴给飞行造成了其它威胁。(体会beyond的地道用法!)8. #造句# How could such a
39、large jetliner vanish into thin air (disappear without a trace)? 这么大一架喷气客机怎么会消失得无影无踪呢?9. 看新闻学英语啦,我来写个句子,教大家奇葩英语怎么说。 They are such an oddball couple! (这真是一对奇葩夫妻!)10. #外刊点睛# BBC报道: Missing airliner changed course 失踪客机曾经改变航向11. #外刊点睛# Angry parents have filed a legal action against Google over the way
40、children can make purchases from apps without their consent. #file a legal action against sb over sth 就某事对某人提起法律诉讼; make purchases 购物,购买# 转,背!12. #造句# Families of passengers on the mysteriously missing jetliner may file a legal action against Malaysia Airlines. 神秘失踪的喷气客机上乘客的家人可能对马航提起法律诉讼。(虚构,请大家体会学习
41、思路)13. 今天浏览时无意中看到一句话:Vietnam says it is scaling back its searches for the aircraft (越南表示,其正在缩小搜寻客机的规模。)其中scale back 这个短语正好在史上最难2010年考研英语阅读Text 2 26题直接考查过,而很多考生不认识,大部分词汇书上也没有,造成失分。下面请大家看当时考题的原文:Now the nations top patent court appears completely ready to scale back on business-method patents, which h
42、ave been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10 years ago.14. #忠告# 我利用scale back和前两天#外刊点睛# BBC报道: Missing airliner changed course (失踪客机曾经改变航向 )中的change course写个句子:In light of the economic slump, we should change course and scale back (on) spending. 整天只知道死背单词,盲目做题的同学,是时候change course啦
43、!15. #最新: 石油钻井工人声称目睹飞机坠毁# An oil rig worker working off the south-eastern coast of Vietnam claims to have witnessed the crash of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane.16. #外刊点睛: 路透社独家# Exclusive: Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane flown deliberately toward Andamans - sources (独家:雷达数据显示,失踪的马来西亚
44、飞机被蓄意操纵飞向安达曼群岛 - 消息来源)#重点单词:exclusive 独家的;suggest 显示;deliberately 蓄意地#17. #外刊点睛:CNN最新新闻# Analysis of data by the U.S. and Malaysian governments calculates(推测) MH370 likely crashed into(坠入) the Indian Ocean, CNN has learned.18. #造句# Rumors are swirling over the missing Malaysian airliner. 关于马来西亚失踪客机的
45、谣言甚嚣尘上。转,背!19. #外刊点睛: 美联社最新# Investigators have concluded that one or more people with significant flying experience hijacked the missing jet. (调查人员已经做出结论,有一位或更多拥有丰富飞行经验的人员劫持了失踪的飞机。) #必备搭配: significant experience 丰富的经验#20. Oddball Malaysian officials have denied the report again. 奇葩的马来西亚官员又否认了!21. #
46、外刊点睛 新浪微博拟赴美上市# Chinas largest Twitter-like service Sina Weibo unveils(公布) plans to sell shares (股票,股份) to raise(筹集) $500m (300m) on the US stock market.22. #外刊点睛 阿里巴巴拟赴美上市# Chinese e-commerce giant(电子商务巨头) Alibaba announces plans for a flotation(筹资上市) in the US, saying the move will make it a more
47、global company.23. #外刊点睛 澳发现疑似飞机残骸# Australia is investigating two objects seen on satellite images (卫星图像) that could potentially be debris (残骸)from the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, officials say.24. #外刊点睛# (CNN) - Malaysian airliners flight ended over Indian Ocean, PM says (马来西亚航空的航班终结于印度洋,总理说)
48、25. #外刊点睛#The Indian Ocean search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is suspended for the day due to bad weather, Australian officials say.#必背搭配: suspend the search 暂停搜索;若是恢复搜索,则用resume。#2014.041. #造句# Mr. Wen Zhangs affair with actress Yao Di has triggered widespread interest among Chinese
49、net citizens. (文章先生与女演员姚笛的私情激起了中国网民的广泛关注。)#体会affair的熟词僻义,地道搭配:trigger widespread interest; net citizen 可以用于很多作文中!# 转,背!2. #造句# With a celebrity sex scandal sweeping across Chinese social media, the missing Malaysian aircraft is a fading memory. 不提供翻译,看不懂就查字典学习。我对文章事件并不感兴趣,写这两个句子的目的是希望同学们体会到英语学习的真谛。不
50、多说,好好体会。3. #外刊点睛 - 智利海域地震引发海啸预警# An earthquake of 8.2 magnitude off Chile #triggers# a tsunami alert for Latin Americas Pacific coast, the US Geological Survey says. #再次体会trigger的用法; 扩展financial tsunami 金融海啸#4考点多了,处处皆考点,我to name just a few。 体会翻译中to name just a few(仅举几例)做插入语的用法,可以用于作文中。地道搭配: school o
51、f thought 思想流派(学派),体会school的熟词僻义。5. #外刊点睛 BBC# Being in love is easy, being married is not. It is to be cherished.(恋爱虽易,婚姻不易,且行且珍惜。)#造句# Downloading the video is easy, internalizing it is not. It is to be cherished. (下载视频易,内化不易,且看且珍惜。) 请大家体会英语学习的真谛! 你懂了吗?!6. Only a minority of people can thrive in t
52、his fiercely competitive world. Enjoy and cherish your loneliness. It will spur your success! 请同学们品味这几句话,希望对你们的人生有所推动。7. 问:老师,外刊第三篇最后一段的many a表示许多,为什么后面接单数reader?(不知道这问题是不是很低级,到这确实是我的水平,还望老师见谅)答:many a单数名词,意义上是复数。写个句子送给大家,希望领会内涵:Many a student is keen on seeking quick wins.(许多学生热衷于寻求立竿见影。)8. #造句# Th
53、e number of retweets is over 2,000 and expected to climb higher.9. Are you working at full capacity to dig into the Purple Books? 你在开足马力钻研紫宝书吗?10. #造句 兰州!# After officials warned citizens against drinking tap water for the next 24 hours, there is a panic buying of bottled water or anything drinkable
54、 in Lanzhou, a heavily industrialized city in northwest China. #地道搭配:warn sb against doing sth警告某人不要做某事#11. #活学活用 造句# We should warn college students against getting addicted to online games. 我们应该告诫大学生不要沉溺于网络游戏。(这个用法可以用于各种话题的作文中。)12. #外刊点睛# A long-awaited report on how to curb climate change says th
55、e world must rapidly move away from carbon-intensive fuels. #重点单词和搭配: long-awaited 期待已久的; curb 遏制; move away from 抛弃; carbon-intensive fuel 碳密集型(高碳)燃料# 赶往鄂尔多斯机场返宁,再见内蒙!13. #造句 活学活用# To build a low-carbon world, we must #move away from# our current lifestyle. (为了建设一个低碳的世界,我们必须抛弃我们现有的生活方式。) move away
56、from 抛弃(远离)可以用于很多话题的作文中,简单而地道,必背!14. #造句# Security experts warned against fundamental flaws in Windows XP.转,背!15. #造句# Far too many students #need to change the way# they learn English.16. #造句# Rumor has it that Jean Reno, a French actor best known for his role in Lon: The Professional, was hospital
57、ized for a respiratory illness in Peking. (据传,以在这个杀手不太冷中的角色最为著名的法国演员让雷诺因呼吸道疾病在北京住院。)/8sWDTva 转,背!17. #造句# Studies suggest belly fat may be linked to memory loss. (研究显示,腹部脂肪可能与记忆丧失有关联。) 孩纸们,为了增强记忆力,顺利考上研,减肥吧!18. #外刊点睛 咖啡因增强记忆力# Researchers at John Hopkins University just published a study in which th
58、ey concluded that caffeine and ones ability to remember are positively correlated. #必背搭配:publish a study 发表一项研究;be positively correlated 正相关#19. #外刊点睛# Chinas internet giant (互联网巨头) Tencent will launch (发布) the popular Candy Crush (糖果粉碎) game on the mainland in partnership with (与某人合作) the games cre
59、ator King Digital Entertainment.20. Weipeng has tons of good stuff for learning English.21. #造句# All relevant government agencies should work #in partnership with# each other to meet the tough challenge of maintaining a sound environment. 各种地道搭配,转,背!22. MishaCollins_CN: Tomorrow is Earth Day! To cut
60、 my use of fossil fuels I modified my car to run on a blend of whale & seal oil. What are u doing 4 the planet? /丁晓钟:fossil fuels 化石燃料;alternative fuels 替代性燃料;sustainable fuels 可持续性燃料。#造句# The car can run on a blend (mix / mixture ) of fuels.23. #外刊点睛# Almost 150 Japanese lawmakers visit the controv
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