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1、人教版四年级英语下册期末测试题(一)分数二 选出与其他单词不是一类的单词(12分)1. A. two B. first C. three D. one)2. A. get up B. go home C. lunch D. go to bed)3. A. blue B. red C. shirt D. yellowD. hotD. sheepD. farmD. hotD. sheepD. farm)6. A. hen B. goat、为以下单词选择合适的汉语(8分)4. go to school A.起床B.()5. tomato()6. forty()4. go to sc

2、hool A.起床B.()5. tomato()6. forty()7. cheap()8. dress三,选择题(20分)A.西红柿A.三十A.A.昂贵的 连衣裙B.B.太阳镜图书馆)2. library)3. sweaterA.雨伞A.操场A.毛衣B.夹克衫 去上学B.胡萝卜B.四十B.廉价的B.短袜)1.-Where is the library?A. twoB. three-Its on theC. firstfloor.)2.-Do you have a library? -Yes,A. we are B. we do C. we dont()3. -Where is my dres

3、s?-lts.A. blueB. on the chairC. expensive()4.Its 9:00. Its time English class.A. onB. forC. to()5. -How much is this dress?-.A. Its sixty yuan. B. Theyre sixty yuan. C. OK.()6. -Can I go outside? -No,.A. you can B. they cantC. you cant()7.-is it? -Its six yuan.A. How many B. How much C. How old()8.m

4、y T-shirt.A. At B. Look atC. Watch()9. Welcome to our.A. school B. homework C. students()10. Whats the weather like New York?A. at B. inC. on四、将以下单词分类,只写序号(16分)1. sunny 2. carrot 4. cloudy 5. green beans6. dress 7. windy 8.potato 9. horse 10. sheep 11. sweater 12. snowy 13. jacket 14. shorts

5、15. tomato 16. monkey天气动物衣服五.根据所给的情景做出选择(10分).()你决定买下某件东西,你应该说:A. I want it.B. Ill take it.()你觉得很廉价时,你应该说:A. Very cheap.B. Very pretty.()假如你是售货员,见到顾客你应该说:A. Can I help you? B. Look at my clothes, please.()妈妈喊你吃午餐,她应该说:A. Have some lunch. B. Have some dinner.()天气多云,天气播音员应该说:A. Its cold in Beijing. B.

6、 Its cloudy in Beijing.六,从B栏中选择与A栏相对应的答句(12分)A. Can I go outside? B. Are these sheep? C. Can I help you? D. What size?A. Can I go outside? B. Are these sheep? C. Can I help you? D. What size?A. Can I go outside? B. Are these sheep? C. Can I help you? D. What size?Size 38.A. Can I go outside? B. Are

7、these sheep? C. Can I help you? D. What size?Size 38.Its very pretty.No, you cant.OK.Yes, please.Yes, please.No, they arent.How do you like this skirt?Lets go to the library.六.选词填空(12分)1. take 2. like 3. on 4. for 5. cheap 6. pretty()1. These big shoes are not sale.()2. Ill them.()3.1 like this skir

8、t. Its very.()4. Its only 2 yuan. Its so.()5. The art room is the second floor.()6. Whats the weather in Shanghai?七.阅读短文,判断正误(F) (10分)Its sunny today. My uncle has a farm. Its very small. There are twelve horses, sixteen cows and fifteen hens. I fly a kite with my uncle in the farm. I am very happy.

9、 Now its 1 oclock. Its time for lunch. We have some tomatoes and potatoes for lunch.( Jl.There are sixteen horses in the farm.()2.The farm is very big.()3.1 fly a kite with my uncle.()4. Its one oclock. Its time for lunch.()5. We have some carrots for lunch.人教版四年级英语下册期末测试题(一)分数选出与其他单词不是一类的单词12分)1. A

10、. lunch)2. A. windy)3. A. horse)4. A. dress)5. A. hen)1. A. lunch)2. A. windy)3. A. horse)1. A. lunch)2. A. windy)3. A. horse)4. A. dress)5. A. henB. dinnerB. weatherB. tomatoB. skirtB. animalC. bed D. breakfast)6. A. English B. artC. cloudyC. potatoC. clothesC. cowC. musicD. sunnyD. carrotD. shirtD

11、. sheepD. library:.判断划线局部读音是否一致,是不是(F)10分()1.A.bird()2.A.sister()3.A.fork()二选择题24分)1.-Where is the library?on B. in()1.()1.A.bird()2.A.sister()3.A.fork()二选择题24分)1.-Where is the library?on B. innurseB.girlworldtableB.wall-Its the second to the and r

12、ead a book.A. music room B. art room C. library)3. This is new classroom.A. our B. us C. we)4.-time is it?A. Where B. Whats C. What()5. Its time breakfast.A. onB. for C. to()6. Its time get up.A. to B. for C. on()7.Its rainy. Lets.A. play football B. watch TV C. go outside()8. Whats the weather like

13、 Beijing?A. on B. inC. at()9. How many can you see?A. sheep B. sheepsC. sheepes()10.-is this dress?-lts 26 yuan.A. How many B. How old C. How much()11. -What are these? -tomatoes.A. These are B. Theyre C. Its()12. How much the sunglasses?A. are B. is C. am四.根据所给的情景做出选择。12分.()你想知道天气怎么样,你应该说:A. Whats

14、that? B. Whats the weather like?C. Whos that girl?.()想询问多少钱,你应该说:A. How much? B. How many ? C. How old?.()你想知道那些事什么,你应该说:What are those? B. What are these? C. What is this?.()当你想表达该睡觉时,你应该说:A. Its time to go to bed. B. Its time for breakfast.C. Its time to get up.()你想表达裙子很漂亮时,应该说:A. This shirt is pr

15、etty. B. This dress is pretty. C. OK.()美术教室在一楼,你应该说:A. The music room is on the second floor.The art room is on the second floor.The art room is on the first floor.五,从B栏中选择与A栏相对应的答句。12分AAWheres the library?What time is it?Whats the weather like?What are these?AWheres the library?What time is it?AWhe

16、res the library?What time is it?Whats the weather like?What are these?How much is the pants?Its 12 oclock.六,阅读短文,回答以下问题BIts rainy.Its on the first floor.Theyre $20.Its time for lunch.Theyre potatoes.Its 8 oclock.15分Wow, there are so many clothes. I like this dress. Its only 10 dollars. The scarf is

17、so beautiful, but its expensive. Look at this blue skirt, its only 5 dollars. Look at this pretty coat, its 30 dollars. This sweater is yellow, its only for 8 dollars. These clothes are so cheap.()1. How much is the dress?A.$1O B. $30 C. $5()2. What color is the skirt?A. blue B. yellow C. orange()3.

18、 Is the scarf cheap?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. No, it is.()4. How much is the sweater?A. $10. B. $5C. $8()5. How much is the coat?A.$10 B. $30 C. $8七.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) 15分Hi, I am John. This is my uncles farm. There are so many animals. These are horses, they are black. Those are hens. He has eight hen


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